Chicagoians have had enough they want Trump.

Half of the country no longer want a democracy. It's not like it will be a surprise to those people, it will be a desired outcome.

This country was never meant to be a democracy. The great men whom God raised up to found this country, and to write its Constitution, wisely recognized the evil inherent in pure mob rule, and set this country up, instead as unique form of a republic, where the will of the people is to be tempered by adherence to basic ground rules, and protection of certain essential human rights.
A vote for trump is a vote for dictatorship No more Democracy with the blathering baboon
Half of the country no longer want a democracy. It's not like it will be a surprise to those people, it will be a desired outcome.
Perhaps, like so many other words that you filth on the left wrong throw around as random slurs against anyone who opposes your fucked-up agenda, “dictatorship” may be yet another word that you simp0ly haven't a clue at all what it actually means.

Perhaps even “democracy” is a word that you ignorant fools throw around, not having any clue what it actually means. Democracy is direct rule by the will of the people, as expressed in a direct vote therefrom.

How is “democracy” upheld by a President that rules unilaterally, by executive order, in defiance of the power of Congress to enact laws? That behavior, as clearly exhibited by Biden, as well as by Obama when he was President, as has been exhibited openly by Democrapic state governors across the nation, is the very definition of dictatorship, not democracy, and not a republic.
You are talking about an Athenian Democracy if you want one person, one vote, which obviously would be kind of cumbersome considering over 300 million people live here, so we have a Representative Democracy, our elected state officers go to Washington to do our bidding, but instead, they do the bidding of their wealthy donors, and care very little about the people who voted for them, besides a few splash plays every year.
You are talking about an Athenian Democracy if you want one person, one vote, which obviously would be kind of cumbersome considering over 300 million people live here, so we have a Representative Democracy, our elected state officers go to Washington to do our bidding, but instead, they do the bidding of their wealthy donors, and care very little about the people who voted for them, besides a few splash plays every year.

Look for any form of the word “democracy” in our Constitution. You will not find it.

In a democracy, if the majority vote that you should be murdered, you're dead. The great men whom God raised up to found our country recognized this, that democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

That is why they very specifically did not set this country up to be a democracy. Article IV, Section 4 specifically requires government at the federal and state levels to be of a republican form.

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