Children accidently shoot someone every 36 hours

which is a sharp increase from 2011

when almost two children an hour

had serious accidental injuries from shopping carts
Interesting that their study ( NotAnAccident Index - has so many instances where the gun was stolen, illegally owned, or randomly found in a park.

Not quite as much support for the "parents shouldn't have guns" argument as I would have expected there to be.

(Also, I remember that one in northern Alaska cause gun incidents are not all that common up here. It was in the native village of Shungnak, consists of like 51 families in 56 houses or somewhere around there. The child and playmates apparently found the gun in one of the homes and thought it was one of their toys. Unfortunately the boy died while waiting 2+hrs for a medevac as their village did not have any advanced life support capabilities. Shungnak Boy Dies of Gunshot Wound Alaska Native News In any event, Alaska Natives out there follow their own tribal laws, rules, and traditions.)

Not quite as much support for the "parents shouldn't have guns" argument as I would have expected there to be.

The Violence Policy Center is a rabid anti gun group...of course they are going to cobble together whatever gun incidents they can find to inflate their numbers.....that is the only way they can make their case.....that is why they include 17 and 18 year olds as children....and many of the gun shootings of teenagers are beccause of gang involvement...not accidents...

and keep in mind.....accidental gun deaths in 2013....505 people out of over 320 million people....with over 320 million guns in private hands, and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for protection....

505.........out of all those people with guns.....we should be applauding that low number...not trying to use it to disarm 90 million gun owners.......

and the number of children killed each year with guns...under 100.........out of over 320 million people.....check the deaths of children due to cars, pools, and furniture in their homes.....

Violence Policy Center

Agreed 2aguy, I was actually investigating just that "accidental" deaths from random gang shootings and such. Not quite what I found in their map there as they had at least sorted through those, but I did find a lot of illegally owned guns, a lot of kids with stolen guns, and quite a few "found it in the park" guns, and a few repeated instances as well. I thought about recalculating their figure without those outlying incidents, but then I decided I was hungry.
Agreed 2aguy, I was actually investigating just that "accidental" deaths from random gang shootings and such. Not quite what I found in their map there as they had at least sorted through those, but I did find a lot of illegally owned guns, a lot of kids with stolen guns, and quite a few "found it in the park" guns, and a few repeated instances as well. I thought about recalculating their figure without those outlying incidents, but then I decided I was hungry. can only deal with anti-gun nuttery so much......they will always be there, they never take time to take care of will need your strength for the next wave of lefty nuttery that comes along.......
Then what are you opposed to that I have posted so far? Children shooting people is a reality. Ignoring it won't make it go down.

So are children drowning...and more children die of drowning than die in gun accidents.......ignoring drowning won't make it go down.....

You keep wanting to talk about everything except children shooting children which is the OP. Why are you so scared of being killed by a criminal? Over 300 million people and only about 10k homicides each year. Most are thug on thug. You are very safe from being murdered. Why aren't you more worried about the more likely causes of your death?

More likely cause of my death...would be cancer, heart disease, car accidents, fire.........I am more concerned about those causes....but people are raped, beaten, stabbed, murdered every single day in every country in every guns are also part of taking care of myself and my family.....

How many people you know that have been murdered?

Why is murder the only crime people should be concerned about? There are rapes, beatings, stabbings, slashings, robberies, kidnappings, and a host of other violent crimes that a gun would prevent....

Like say a 61 year old man who was attacked by 50 teenagers who broke both his eye sockets, his nose, his ribs and caused bleeding on his brain...he is currently alive but they attempted to kill him...

Or the woman who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station in Colorado.....

Or the two women here in chicago sexually assaulted on the train system........

There are a lot more crimes that are stopped by guns than just murder brain....should people simply submit to rape, robbery, beatings, and stabbings....and just hope the criminals stop before they end up in murder?

And I know several people who have been robbed, and there have been murders in my crime is actually real isn't something they make up just for television detective actually happens to real people every day........and guns go a long way to stopping those crimes....

So you don't personally know anyone. Thank you.
Agreed 2aguy, I was actually investigating just that "accidental" deaths from random gang shootings and such. Not quite what I found in their map there as they had at least sorted through those, but I did find a lot of illegally owned guns, a lot of kids with stolen guns, and quite a few "found it in the park" guns, and a few repeated instances as well. I thought about recalculating their figure without those outlying incidents, but then I decided I was hungry. can only deal with anti-gun nuttery so much......they will always be there, they never take time to take care of will need your strength for the next wave of lefty nuttery that comes along.......

Heh maybe for you lower 48'ers... I have a strong feeling that pigs will fly long before any nutty gun shit does up here. Too many military, too many natives, and, mostly, too many bears to go without a gun up here. I feel kinda bad for our new neighbors, they'd come up here from Vegas (our police force has been advertising nationally cause we need officers so bad and they'd come up for the job) anyway so they get up here and are thrilled with their yard (almost an acre,) the whole "back to nature" thing (we back up to a huge state park,) and how quiet it is out here, then absolutely LOST it when our local male grizzly wandered into their yard, up onto their two story deck, and "knocked" on their back sliding glass door. I heard that woman screaming and was like Shit! Someone's dying somewhere! So of course I immediately called the police and all that, but she tore off in her car with her kid - apparently she went straight to Home Depot to have a 6' fence installed ASAP. I felt kinda bad, but at the same time I was laughing my ass off cause I'm used to this bears curiosity, he's a good boy, just checks out the area at least once a summer to see if we're slacking on our bear proof trash cans and what not, he's never messed with our pups or anything either; not like them wolves... We had to have the last pack leader emergency trapped because he was teaching his pack to go into the yuppie neighborhood down the road and eating all the poor puntable dogs tied up outside, they ate some poor woman's dog off the leash in her hand while she was walking along the sled dog trail behind my house, she was beating those wolves with a stick while they completely disemboweled and tore that golden in three. She's lucky they didn't go after her frankly. If she'd had a gun she could have saved a lot more dog's lives by putting that leader down, or at least putting some fear of man into that pack.

I rambled OT there, sorry...
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

Your first mistake brain was citing Everytown....they have already been shown to use fake numbers.......that is bloombergs group...the hypocrite gun grabber......

Notice....17 or what point is a child actually a child...they are lying right there....and most deaths of children with guns are gang related.....

Accidental gun deaths of children...less than 100 a year......out of a country of over 320 million.....

Maybe this thread I linked, will clear up what age the right considers children, which by the way I agree with them. The conclusion of this thread? Anyone under 18.

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Well....for anti gun groups who fight gun safety education in public schools...they at least aren't opposed to more deaths of children because they lack the knowledge to get away from unatttended guns before an accident happens......
So are children drowning...and more children die of drowning than die in gun accidents.......ignoring drowning won't make it go down.....

You keep wanting to talk about everything except children shooting children which is the OP. Why are you so scared of being killed by a criminal? Over 300 million people and only about 10k homicides each year. Most are thug on thug. You are very safe from being murdered. Why aren't you more worried about the more likely causes of your death?

More likely cause of my death...would be cancer, heart disease, car accidents, fire.........I am more concerned about those causes....but people are raped, beaten, stabbed, murdered every single day in every country in every guns are also part of taking care of myself and my family.....

How many people you know that have been murdered?

Why is murder the only crime people should be concerned about? There are rapes, beatings, stabbings, slashings, robberies, kidnappings, and a host of other violent crimes that a gun would prevent....

Like say a 61 year old man who was attacked by 50 teenagers who broke both his eye sockets, his nose, his ribs and caused bleeding on his brain...he is currently alive but they attempted to kill him...

Or the woman who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station in Colorado.....

Or the two women here in chicago sexually assaulted on the train system........

There are a lot more crimes that are stopped by guns than just murder brain....should people simply submit to rape, robbery, beatings, and stabbings....and just hope the criminals stop before they end up in murder?

And I know several people who have been robbed, and there have been murders in my crime is actually real isn't something they make up just for television detective actually happens to real people every day........and guns go a long way to stopping those crimes....

So you don't personally know anyone. Thank you.

there have been many murders in my town, and in local unless you are completely delusional it isn't irrational to think it could happen to you........of course you think you and your family are protected in some way from crime.....

We had a woman in Addison...murdered for her unborn relative, a cop....first officer on the scene of a woman murdered by her husband...he told me she was covered in blood and when he first saw her he couldn't tell she was a woman....then we have the woman found dead behind the health club, the woman found dead over by where the Wal Mart was built....we had a teenager raping women in the area at one time...they found him because the rapes were occurring during school hours near the high school......then the 7-11 clerk who was robbed and raped.....not to forget the Brown's Chicken killings where the people were marched into the cooler and executed....then right after that one we had a Pizza hut robbed, then the guy in the Cub parking lot Robbed...then the guy I worked with at a hotel...he was a harpist....he and his life partner were robbed at gunpoint in the city...had his harp stolen...had to borrow one to play his gigs, then the freind of a friend robbed at gun point, he worked at the Chicago park district.....

There is crime all around, even in the most peaceful places....

The cop relative just went through a 16 hour training course on gypsy/travellers......they are beginning to get more violent...they used to just sneak into houses and steal, now they are attacking the homeowners.......the violence increase also coincides with drugs infecting their communities.......

So brain.....crime is all around..and you never know when your number will be the 61 year old man beaten by the 50 you think he woke up that morning thinking he would end up in the hospital after a vicious attack, or the family in Connectictu...where the husband was brutally beaten with a bat, the wife and 2 daughters raped, then burned to death.....did they wake up that morning expecting those monsters to make an appearance...

You truly are delusional brain......
You keep wanting to talk about everything except children shooting children which is the OP. Why are you so scared of being killed by a criminal? Over 300 million people and only about 10k homicides each year. Most are thug on thug. You are very safe from being murdered. Why aren't you more worried about the more likely causes of your death?

More likely cause of my death...would be cancer, heart disease, car accidents, fire.........I am more concerned about those causes....but people are raped, beaten, stabbed, murdered every single day in every country in every guns are also part of taking care of myself and my family.....

How many people you know that have been murdered?

Why is murder the only crime people should be concerned about? There are rapes, beatings, stabbings, slashings, robberies, kidnappings, and a host of other violent crimes that a gun would prevent....

Like say a 61 year old man who was attacked by 50 teenagers who broke both his eye sockets, his nose, his ribs and caused bleeding on his brain...he is currently alive but they attempted to kill him...

Or the woman who was raped 50 ft. from the campus police station in Colorado.....

Or the two women here in chicago sexually assaulted on the train system........

There are a lot more crimes that are stopped by guns than just murder brain....should people simply submit to rape, robbery, beatings, and stabbings....and just hope the criminals stop before they end up in murder?

And I know several people who have been robbed, and there have been murders in my crime is actually real isn't something they make up just for television detective actually happens to real people every day........and guns go a long way to stopping those crimes....

So you don't personally know anyone. Thank you.

there have been many murders in my town, and in local unless you are completely delusional it isn't irrational to think it could happen to you........of course you think you and your family are protected in some way from crime.....

We had a woman in Addison...murdered for her unborn relative, a cop....first officer on the scene of a woman murdered by her husband...he told me she was covered in blood and when he first saw her he couldn't tell she was a woman....then we have the woman found dead behind the health club, the woman found dead over by where the Wal Mart was built....we had a teenager raping women in the area at one time...they found him because the rapes were occurring during school hours near the high school......then the 7-11 clerk who was robbed and raped.....not to forget the Brown's Chicken killings where the people were marched into the cooler and executed....then right after that one we had a Pizza hut robbed, then the guy in the Cub parking lot Robbed...then the guy I worked with at a hotel...he was a harpist....he and his life partner were robbed at gunpoint in the city...had his harp stolen...had to borrow one to play his gigs, then the freind of a friend robbed at gun point, he worked at the Chicago park district.....

There is crime all around, even in the most peaceful places....

The cop relative just went through a 16 hour training course on gypsy/travellers......they are beginning to get more violent...they used to just sneak into houses and steal, now they are attacking the homeowners.......the violence increase also coincides with drugs infecting their communities.......

So brain.....crime is all around..and you never know when your number will be the 61 year old man beaten by the 50 you think he woke up that morning thinking he would end up in the hospital after a vicious attack, or the family in Connectictu...where the husband was brutally beaten with a bat, the wife and 2 daughters raped, then burned to death.....did they wake up that morning expecting those monsters to make an appearance...

You truly are delusional brain......

I'm just not paranoid and scared. Neither of us even know anyone who has been murdered. It's rare unless you are involved in illegal activity.
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Well....for anti gun groups who fight gun safety education in public schools...they at least aren't opposed to more deaths of children because they lack the knowledge to get away from unatttended guns before an accident happens......

I've not seen you back up that claim yet.
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Have you noticed all the comments against trying to fix the problem?

How do you fix stupidity and an "I-don't-give-a-damn" attitude? If people really cared, they wouldn't leave their guns laying around unattended, but would lock them up where kids can't get a hold of them.

Don't punish responsible gun owners who do exactly that. Instead, double down on those responsible for these tragedies by making it possible for kids to get a hold of guns in the first place.
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Have you noticed all the comments against trying to fix the problem?

How do you fix stupidity and an "I-don't-give-a-damn" attitude? If people really cared, they wouldn't leave their guns laying around unattended, but would lock them up where kids can't get a hold of them.

Don't punish responsible gun owners who do exactly that. Instead, double down on those responsible for these tragedies by making it possible for kids to get a hold of guns in the first place.

I haven't heard any suggestions to punish responsible gun owners in this threat. Which have you heard?
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Have you noticed all the comments against trying to fix the problem?

How do you fix stupidity and an "I-don't-give-a-damn" attitude? If people really cared, they wouldn't leave their guns laying around unattended, but would lock them up where kids can't get a hold of them.

Don't punish responsible gun owners who do exactly that. Instead, double down on those responsible for these tragedies by making it possible for kids to get a hold of guns in the first place.

I haven't heard any suggestions to punish responsible gun owners in this threat. Which have you heard?

My bad. I just assumed that was what your top post was pointing toward. If it wasn't, what WAS your point?
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Have you noticed all the comments against trying to fix the problem?

How do you fix stupidity and an "I-don't-give-a-damn" attitude? If people really cared, they wouldn't leave their guns laying around unattended, but would lock them up where kids can't get a hold of them.

Don't punish responsible gun owners who do exactly that. Instead, double down on those responsible for these tragedies by making it possible for kids to get a hold of guns in the first place.

I haven't heard any suggestions to punish responsible gun owners in this threat. Which have you heard?

My bad. I just assumed that was what your top post was pointing toward. If it wasn't, what WAS your point?

Have you read the thread? The point is obviously to bring attention to the issue and discuss possible solutions. I gave several, none that do what you were claiming.

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