Children accidently shoot someone every 36 hours

According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: What a load of crap. You would have to count anyone who is 36 or younger as a child for their numbers to make sense. In other words it is yet another lie, among a whole host of lies and propaganda spewed out by this elitist POS and his further attempts to turn the 99% into slaves.
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

Clearly, we need to outlaw Dangerous Children.
According to a study published earlier this week by Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, 79 children have unintentionally shot someone with a handgun during the first four months of 2015. These shootings have resulted in 24 deaths and 56 injuries. If such first-quarter figures were calculated to cover an entire year, there would be an accidental shooting every 36 hours.

Children accidentally shoot someone every 36 hours new study finds - Living - HeraldTimesOnline

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: What a load of crap. You would have to count anyone who is 36 or younger as a child for their numbers to make sense. In other words it is yet another lie, among a whole host of lies and propaganda spewed out by this elitist POS and his further attempts to turn the 99% into slaves.

Go to google news and search accidental shooting. The numbers are very believable. I just posted one from today. Are you really so oblivious to what is going on?

Just a couple days ago:
3-year-old boy critical after apparent accidental shooting
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.

That was one of my proposals for what should be done. I have not proposed anything that as you say would punish people who aren't doing stupid things. I think we need to bring attention to the issue. People with children in their homes should store guns properly. Children should know to get an adult and not touch a gun. If someone lets their gun get into the hands of a child they should be prosecuted.

I am shocked so many people doubt the numbers when it is clear this happens very often.
It's amazing how many are pro child shootings on this board.

No one is "pro child shootings". How can you even say such a thing?

Have you noticed all the comments against trying to fix the problem?

How do you fix stupidity and an "I-don't-give-a-damn" attitude? If people really cared, they wouldn't leave their guns laying around unattended, but would lock them up where kids can't get a hold of them.

Don't punish responsible gun owners who do exactly that. Instead, double down on those responsible for these tragedies by making it possible for kids to get a hold of guns in the first place.

I haven't heard any suggestions to punish responsible gun owners in this threat. Which have you heard?

My bad. I just assumed that was what your top post was pointing toward. If it wasn't, what WAS your point?

Barbella.....brain is will get used to him.......
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.

That was one of my proposals for what should be done. I have not proposed anything that as you say would punish people who aren't doing stupid things. I think we need to bring attention to the issue. People with children in their homes should store guns properly. Children should know to get an adult and not touch a gun. If someone lets their gun get into the hands of a child they should be prosecuted.

I am shocked so many people doubt the numbers when it is clear this happens very often.

Accidental gun deaths of children each year....under 100....out of a country of over 320 million people.....with close to 90 million homes with guns.....and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense....non military, non police.....

Under 100 each year.......
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.

They don't seem against the message, just the politics. Lets face it the NRA is an arm of the republican party.
"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.

That was one of my proposals for what should be done. I have not proposed anything that as you say would punish people who aren't doing stupid things. I think we need to bring attention to the issue. People with children in their homes should store guns properly. Children should know to get an adult and not touch a gun. If someone lets their gun get into the hands of a child they should be prosecuted.

I am shocked so many people doubt the numbers when it is clear this happens very often.

Accidental gun deaths of children each year....under 100....out of a country of over 320 million people.....with close to 90 million homes with guns.....and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense....non military, non police.....

Under 100 each year.......

Deaths. How many are shot and crippled for life? Guns do a lot of damage especially to children. So you wouldn't want to see the numbers come down?
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.

They don't seem against the message, just the politics. Lets face it the NRA is an arm of the republican party.
"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

Yeah.....the best gun safety program out there....and they don't like the NRA so they won't use it....who wants dead kids here..........
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.

That was one of my proposals for what should be done. I have not proposed anything that as you say would punish people who aren't doing stupid things. I think we need to bring attention to the issue. People with children in their homes should store guns properly. Children should know to get an adult and not touch a gun. If someone lets their gun get into the hands of a child they should be prosecuted.

I am shocked so many people doubt the numbers when it is clear this happens very often.

Accidental gun deaths of children each year....under 100....out of a country of over 320 million people.....with close to 90 million homes with guns.....and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense....non military, non police.....

Under 100 each year.......

Deaths. How many are shot and crippled for life? Guns do a lot of damage especially to children. So you wouldn't want to see the numbers come down? know that most kids are shot as part of criminal address alcohol abuse, drug abuse, single parent homes, and you will take care of most gun accidents since those are more determinant of accidental gun discharges than anything else......
I suppose I take a less dogmatic approach to the gun thing, more of a law of evolution approach maybe. I mean it is terrible when bad things happen, especially to the [actually] young kids who couldn't know any better, but I just don't see it as a "normal" thing that must be addressed though methods that will actually inhibit ownership for those who don't make stupid mistakes. For example, I feel that having a gun in the house is necessary for multiple reasons, that said I've always had a rule that those guns would be in a safe due to our kiddos. As such, I should not be /punished/ by additional hoops to jump through nor additional restrictions because /other/ people are not doing this common sense shit.

The /only/ way to deter the level of stupid seen in these examples (in most examples) would be a complete ban and removal of guns from everyone in the country - because in many of these cases the kids have a stolen gun, have found a gun in the park, or they are visiting a friend's who's parent/brother/aunt/grandmother/roommate happen to have a gun. AKA banning guns only from parents would not enough to prevent it from happening, one would have to eliminate guns /everywhere/ to truly "control" the issue (and that applies not only to children, but to murders, gangs, and everything else as well.)

That being the case, and frankly flat out not an option, our best option then is education - not only for the parents, but for the children as well. Yet, anti-gunners seem to think that gun safety education for children is bad for some reason - it makes zero sense to me. I personally reject the "fear" of "possibilities" in favor of hard knowledge. My children have been raised to give guns the respect they /must/ be given, and that with the working knowledge of gun operation and safety, will serve them /far/ better in life than any gun restriction law you might put down on the books.

If you /truly/ want to argue for protecting kids, then we need to engrain this shit in kids heads, and as it's clear some parents are stupid, it /should/ be taught in school. Not sure I'd give shooting lessons per say, as the side risk of that is you'll have gang banger morons who know how to aim, but at /least/ a demonstration of danger, basic safety knowledge, and how to unload it/ensure it's not loaded, how the safety works, how to store it, etc. Hell, throw a little fear in their lives and show them all the super scary gun facts, show them what it looks like (from both sides) to get shot, etc. Then at least we have a chance that the older brother will realize that dad's gun isn't stored right and the baby might get to it - maybe the kids can talk their idiot parents into doing the smart thing.

That was one of my proposals for what should be done. I have not proposed anything that as you say would punish people who aren't doing stupid things. I think we need to bring attention to the issue. People with children in their homes should store guns properly. Children should know to get an adult and not touch a gun. If someone lets their gun get into the hands of a child they should be prosecuted.

I am shocked so many people doubt the numbers when it is clear this happens very often.

Accidental gun deaths of children each year....under 100....out of a country of over 320 million people.....with close to 90 million homes with guns.....and over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense....non military, non police.....

Under 100 each year.......

Deaths. How many are shot and crippled for life? Guns do a lot of damage especially to children. So you wouldn't want to see the numbers come down? know that most kids are shot as part of criminal address alcohol abuse, drug abuse, single parent homes, and you will take care of most gun accidents since those are more determinant of accidental gun discharges than anything else......

There are lots of examples that aren't. would be nice if the anti gunners would look at truth and not rely on their fear of guns....

ABC News reports on guns mislead Americans Fox News

ndeed, ABC News went into great detail about how to convince your neighbors to lock up their guns. But Sawyer and Muir are simply wrong to claim that the vast majority of firearm injuries involve accidents with young children.

Indeed, even the article from the medical journal Pediatrics that ABC News relied on for information, doesn’t show that.

The vast majority of the injuries do not involve little children, but older teenagers, including 18- and 19-year-olds (who normally would be labeled “adults”).

Consider the following statistics from the Pediatrics article:

- The injury rate for black males 15 to 19 years old was 13 times higher than for white males.

- 84 percent of the injuries were for 15 to 19 year olds and 62 percent as a result of criminal assaults. These injuries don’t occur from young children accidentally mishandling a gun in their own home, but rather as victims of brutal crimes, often gang related.

If the study had broken down the numbers further, one would see that most of these injuries were for 17, 18, and 19-year-olds.

For example, in 2012, the Centers for Disease Control reports that 76% of firearm injuries were for those under age 20 were for 17, 18, and 19 year olds.

This is hardly the impression ABC News created by showing pictures and stories of young children while mentioning the 7,391 injuries.

So what does all this mean? If we want to reduce these injuries, we need to focus our resources on gang violence. And normal law-abiding citizens locking up their guns will not reduce gang violence.
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.

They don't seem against the message, just the politics. Lets face it the NRA is an arm of the republican party.
"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

Yeah.....the best gun safety program out there....and they don't like the NRA so they won't use it....who wants dead kids here..........

And it's no doubt infused with lots of political crap.
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.

They don't seem against the message, just the politics. Lets face it the NRA is an arm of the republican party.
"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

Yeah.....the best gun safety program out there....and they don't like the NRA so they won't use it....who wants dead kids here..........

And it's no doubt infused with lots of political crap.

Nope....just the basics of gun safety......the anti gunners think kids will get pro gun through osmosis......
Won't allow gun safety through the NRA...

Bethlehem Won t Teach Nra Safety - tribunedigital-mcall

The Bethlehem Area School District, which expels students caught with guns at school, won't teach the National Rifle Association's gun safety program because it thinks the NRA is too political.

Concerned about guns in schools, the school district recently adopted the expulsion policy. Aware of the school's concerns and policy, the Allentown-Bethlehem Area Safe Kids Coalition and Bethlehem police asked the district to consider teaching the NRA's Eddie Eagle gun safety program, said Bethlehem police Sgt. Frank Barron.


"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

The school district does not teach a gun safety program, said Dr. William Nelson, director of Bethlehem schools elementary education. Instead, he said, it offers an anti-drug program called "Here's Looking at You 2000," which teaches decision-making skills that could apply to any situation.

They don't seem against the message, just the politics. Lets face it the NRA is an arm of the republican party.
"It does have a good message," said Bethlehem Area School District Assistant Superintendent Michele Kostem. "We declined it on the basis of who produced it. The NRA seemed to be very political, and as a public school we try to avoid that. We felt in the tone of the times it was not appropriate."

Yeah.....the best gun safety program out there....and they don't like the NRA so they won't use it....who wants dead kids here..........

And it's no doubt infused with lots of political crap.

Nope....just the basics of gun safety......the anti gunners think kids will get pro gun through osmosis......

And on kids and accidents....

So what about gun accidents for little children? They are extremely rare. For all children under age 10, the Centers for Disease Control reports that for 2010 (the latest year available) there were 36 accidental gun deaths, and that is out of 41 million children living in the United States.

In addition, two thirds of these accidental gun deaths involving young children are not shots fired by other little kids but rather by adult males with criminal backgrounds. Unless you send your child to play over at a criminal's home, your child is exceedingly unlikely to get shot.

Indeed, if you worry about your child's safety, you better check into other dangers lurking around the playmate's house: a swimming pool, chemicals and medications, bathtubs, water buckets, cars and bicycles.

Consider the numbers: Accidental suffocations alone claimed 1,070 deaths, drownings 609 deaths; fires 262 lives; poisonings 54 lives.

If your child is offered a ride in a car, it would make more sense to check the parents’ driving record than whether they own guns. After all, 923 children under 10 died in car accidents.

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