Children notice what adults miss

What, for Israelis, was most embarrassing about the pictures of Ahed Tamimi slapping an Israeli soldier? A woman hitting a man? A Muslim hitting a Jew? A civilian hitting a representative of law and order? A student hitting a trained fighter? That with her bare hands she hit someone fully armed and armored? That she hit the force that denies her rights? From the responses on social media, it seems all of the above. Ahed Tamimi flipped the traditional roles in the myth of David and Goliath, which was and remains a foundational myth of Zionist education.
Ahed Tamimi flips Zionist mythology on its head | +972 Magazine

Well actually, Louie, what we saw was restraint by Israeli soldiers. This was just another Pallywood Production Studios staged event.
And no matter what Israel does, it will have egg on its face.
How can you people hate so deeply? This girl has done nothing wrong. She was born in occupation.

Oh I don't hate her. In fact, I envy her. Because she lives in a great neighborhood.. In a home that would be a $1Mill+ California home. With snappy clothes and expensive stuff all around her. Does she know the condition of Palestinians in neighboring Lebanon and Jordan?? Living in quite near walled concentration camp conditions?

Her "quest" to FORCE (accent on violence) the occupation from her village is misplaced futile anger. She has no SENSE of how to obtain PALESTINIAN run security and infrastructure for her village or never said a WORD about aiding in the OBTAINMENT of a self-governing Palestine. Not TAUGHT to think about BUILDING a nation. TAUGHT to RESIST, FIGHT, and expose themselves in futility to danger. She's was not EXPOSED to dialogue about organizing and hard work to START a nation. She only expects that the FIRST step involves futile violence and resistance. All that show of force is more appropriately a SECONDARY step to electing leadership and having the structure to RUN a nation.

That village likely HAD Palestinian police during the 3 or 4 years of effective Pali Authority rule. And yet the sacrifices of THOSE leaders went unrewarded by division amongst the Palis themselves.

Thus her future was already written when she WAS 13 or 14. Another generation of wasted protest and anger and hate. And NOW -- it doesn't surprise me that her path leads to nothing. Not Israel's fault really. Been waiting on a partner that has a VISION of safety, peace and HELPING their children live FULL lives.

How many generations are gonna repeat the same mistakes Abi ??? What about the Pali children living in tent squalor in neighboring Arab states? THEIR plight is even worse.
What a load of hooey.

BTW, the Palestinian police are not allowed to protect Palestinians.

For 3 or 5 years in the early 21st century --- they WERE.. The PA focused on internal security. With the blessing and cooperation of Israel. It was the HIGHPOINT in the 4000 year history of Palestinians being largely un-unified and un-self governing. Didn't last long. Did it? THAT was the reason why the Gaza deal was made. BECAUSE the Palis stepped up to leadership and self-governance in a responsible way.

This kid doesn't even KNOW that's how you DESIGN a "nation" and self-governance.
Palestinian so called security is armed, paid, and trained by the US. All police are vetted by the US and Israel. Their function is to eliminate any resistance to the occupation while offering no security to the Palestinians. About 30% of Palestine's budget goes to this "security." This security violates several tenets of the Palestinian constitution.

Yet when Palestinian homes, crops, businesses, schools, and water sources are destroyed, there is not a cop in sight.

When Israel kidnapped about 30 cabinet ministers and members of parliament, there was not a cop in sight.

When Palestinians and their property are attacked by settlers, there was not a cop in sight.

All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Just told you the PA was the HIGH POINT of Palestinian governance in 4000 yrs. It is what's required to end the wasteful practice of sending your KIDS out to riot and attack. And there you said it. You were brutally honest.
All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Aint UP TO YOU -- dearest. You don't VOTE in Pali elections. The fact that YOU never recognized the PA matters not a tiny whit. As long as Pali are taught that violence and hatred is more important than diplomacy and hard work in building a government -- you are sentencing them to history obscurity.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?
Oh I don't hate her. In fact, I envy her. Because she lives in a great neighborhood.. In a home that would be a $1Mill+ California home. With snappy clothes and expensive stuff all around her. Does she know the condition of Palestinians in neighboring Lebanon and Jordan?? Living in quite near walled concentration camp conditions?

Her "quest" to FORCE (accent on violence) the occupation from her village is misplaced futile anger. She has no SENSE of how to obtain PALESTINIAN run security and infrastructure for her village or never said a WORD about aiding in the OBTAINMENT of a self-governing Palestine. Not TAUGHT to think about BUILDING a nation. TAUGHT to RESIST, FIGHT, and expose themselves in futility to danger. She's was not EXPOSED to dialogue about organizing and hard work to START a nation. She only expects that the FIRST step involves futile violence and resistance. All that show of force is more appropriately a SECONDARY step to electing leadership and having the structure to RUN a nation.

That village likely HAD Palestinian police during the 3 or 4 years of effective Pali Authority rule. And yet the sacrifices of THOSE leaders went unrewarded by division amongst the Palis themselves.

Thus her future was already written when she WAS 13 or 14. Another generation of wasted protest and anger and hate. And NOW -- it doesn't surprise me that her path leads to nothing. Not Israel's fault really. Been waiting on a partner that has a VISION of safety, peace and HELPING their children live FULL lives.

How many generations are gonna repeat the same mistakes Abi ??? What about the Pali children living in tent squalor in neighboring Arab states? THEIR plight is even worse.
What a load of hooey.

BTW, the Palestinian police are not allowed to protect Palestinians.

For 3 or 5 years in the early 21st century --- they WERE.. The PA focused on internal security. With the blessing and cooperation of Israel. It was the HIGHPOINT in the 4000 year history of Palestinians being largely un-unified and un-self governing. Didn't last long. Did it? THAT was the reason why the Gaza deal was made. BECAUSE the Palis stepped up to leadership and self-governance in a responsible way.

This kid doesn't even KNOW that's how you DESIGN a "nation" and self-governance.
Palestinian so called security is armed, paid, and trained by the US. All police are vetted by the US and Israel. Their function is to eliminate any resistance to the occupation while offering no security to the Palestinians. About 30% of Palestine's budget goes to this "security." This security violates several tenets of the Palestinian constitution.

Yet when Palestinian homes, crops, businesses, schools, and water sources are destroyed, there is not a cop in sight.

When Israel kidnapped about 30 cabinet ministers and members of parliament, there was not a cop in sight.

When Palestinians and their property are attacked by settlers, there was not a cop in sight.

All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Just told you the PA was the HIGH POINT of Palestinian governance in 4000 yrs. It is what's required to end the wasteful practice of sending your KIDS out to riot and attack. And there you said it. You were brutally honest.
All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Aint UP TO YOU -- dearest. You don't VOTE in Pali elections. The fact that YOU never recognized the PA matters not a tiny whit. As long as Pali are taught that violence and hatred is more important than diplomacy and hard work in building a government -- you are sentencing them to history obscurity.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?

A Tinmore Conspiracy Theory Alert!

Indeed, Fatah is one more example of how Arabs-Moslems are better served by totalitarian dictators.

Indeed, Arabs-Moslems, given the rare opportunity to vote, will actually put those totalitarian dictators into political office.
Children love to talk about the big picture when they fail to understand the principles of international law.
There is no international law against attacking foreign invading troops.

There is no international law against defending oneself from Islamic terrorist attacks.
Another terrorist card.

Another point for you.

Thanks. I can present a reality based worldview to you. You can choose to live in your world of hate and retrogression
What a load of hooey.

BTW, the Palestinian police are not allowed to protect Palestinians.

For 3 or 5 years in the early 21st century --- they WERE.. The PA focused on internal security. With the blessing and cooperation of Israel. It was the HIGHPOINT in the 4000 year history of Palestinians being largely un-unified and un-self governing. Didn't last long. Did it? THAT was the reason why the Gaza deal was made. BECAUSE the Palis stepped up to leadership and self-governance in a responsible way.

This kid doesn't even KNOW that's how you DESIGN a "nation" and self-governance.
Palestinian so called security is armed, paid, and trained by the US. All police are vetted by the US and Israel. Their function is to eliminate any resistance to the occupation while offering no security to the Palestinians. About 30% of Palestine's budget goes to this "security." This security violates several tenets of the Palestinian constitution.

Yet when Palestinian homes, crops, businesses, schools, and water sources are destroyed, there is not a cop in sight.

When Israel kidnapped about 30 cabinet ministers and members of parliament, there was not a cop in sight.

When Palestinians and their property are attacked by settlers, there was not a cop in sight.

All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Just told you the PA was the HIGH POINT of Palestinian governance in 4000 yrs. It is what's required to end the wasteful practice of sending your KIDS out to riot and attack. And there you said it. You were brutally honest.
All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Aint UP TO YOU -- dearest. You don't VOTE in Pali elections. The fact that YOU never recognized the PA matters not a tiny whit. As long as Pali are taught that violence and hatred is more important than diplomacy and hard work in building a government -- you are sentencing them to history obscurity.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?

A Tinmore Conspiracy Theory Alert!

Indeed, Fatah is one more example of how Arabs-Moslems are better served by totalitarian dictators.

Indeed, Arabs-Moslems, given the rare opportunity to vote, will actually put those totalitarian dictators into political office.
The usual duck.
For 3 or 5 years in the early 21st century --- they WERE.. The PA focused on internal security. With the blessing and cooperation of Israel. It was the HIGHPOINT in the 4000 year history of Palestinians being largely un-unified and un-self governing. Didn't last long. Did it? THAT was the reason why the Gaza deal was made. BECAUSE the Palis stepped up to leadership and self-governance in a responsible way.

This kid doesn't even KNOW that's how you DESIGN a "nation" and self-governance.
Palestinian so called security is armed, paid, and trained by the US. All police are vetted by the US and Israel. Their function is to eliminate any resistance to the occupation while offering no security to the Palestinians. About 30% of Palestine's budget goes to this "security." This security violates several tenets of the Palestinian constitution.

Yet when Palestinian homes, crops, businesses, schools, and water sources are destroyed, there is not a cop in sight.

When Israel kidnapped about 30 cabinet ministers and members of parliament, there was not a cop in sight.

When Palestinians and their property are attacked by settlers, there was not a cop in sight.

All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Just told you the PA was the HIGH POINT of Palestinian governance in 4000 yrs. It is what's required to end the wasteful practice of sending your KIDS out to riot and attack. And there you said it. You were brutally honest.
All brought to you by the illegal "PA."

Aint UP TO YOU -- dearest. You don't VOTE in Pali elections. The fact that YOU never recognized the PA matters not a tiny whit. As long as Pali are taught that violence and hatred is more important than diplomacy and hard work in building a government -- you are sentencing them to history obscurity.
The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?

A Tinmore Conspiracy Theory Alert!

Indeed, Fatah is one more example of how Arabs-Moslems are better served by totalitarian dictators.

Indeed, Arabs-Moslems, given the rare opportunity to vote, will actually put those totalitarian dictators into political office.
The usual duck.

I'm afraid your stereotypical slogans are just their usual waste of time. There's a reason why totalitarian / theocratic dictators are the norm in islamic society. In Islamism, democracy is exemplary of the most heinous of all sins: shirk, which is elevating anyone or anything as a challenge to muhammud's (swish) authority, as delineated in the koran and sunnah. There is nothing in Islamic sharia law to allow for even the consideration of the tolerance and pluralism found in Western liberal democracies.
Ahed has been resisting her entire life, fighting for her family and her home against a state and an army that want to crush their will and their power. I am sure much of her daily life also includes the simple joys and trivialities that I enjoyed when I was 16. I do not want to reduce her to a one-dimensional victim of her conditions, or a one-dimensional hero. But she also is both of those things. She is certainly a hero.


If I had a foreign occupier standing on my doorstep, I too would want to push them off. Had my friends and family been hurt by soldiers, they would see no compassion from me. If resisting a foreign military was my regular Friday activity at 16, getting some badass warrior princess action photos in the process would be essential. I also wanted to look hot and badass in my photos when I was 16. And I got to take those photos sitting on my driveway with no soldiers around to bother me.

I think back to my life when I was 16, and the power and freedom I felt from this place. Then I look at Ahed, the freedom and power this place wants to destroy, and I want to weep.

Looking at the images of Ahed in Ofer Military Court, I know we can never truly be free as long as we deny another people their freedom. I wonder what freedom actually means if it takes locking up people like Ahed to secure it.

At 16, Israel promised me freedom. Why does it deny it to Ahed Tamimi? | +972 Magazine
Ahed has been resisting her entire life, fighting for her family and her home against a state and an army that want to crush their will and their power. I am sure much of her daily life also includes the simple joys and trivialities that I enjoyed when I was 16. I do not want to reduce her to a one-dimensional victim of her conditions, or a one-dimensional hero. But she also is both of those things. She is certainly a hero.


If I had a foreign occupier standing on my doorstep, I too would want to push them off. Had my friends and family been hurt by soldiers, they would see no compassion from me. If resisting a foreign military was my regular Friday activity at 16, getting some badass warrior princess action photos in the process would be essential. I also wanted to look hot and badass in my photos when I was 16. And I got to take those photos sitting on my driveway with no soldiers around to bother me.

I think back to my life when I was 16, and the power and freedom I felt from this place. Then I look at Ahed, the freedom and power this place wants to destroy, and I want to weep.

Looking at the images of Ahed in Ofer Military Court, I know we can never truly be free as long as we deny another people their freedom. I wonder what freedom actually means if it takes locking up people like Ahed to secure it.

At 16, Israel promised me freedom. Why does it deny it to Ahed Tamimi? | +972 Magazine

That long, weepy eyed cut and paste was a hoot, Louie.

If you want to whine about denying other people's freedom (OPF's), you should read the Hamas Charter.

Yeah, that's awkward.
Ahed has all the freedom in the world. She even has the freedom to assault LEOs. With freedom comes responsibility. And consequences.
Ahed has all the freedom in the world. She even has the freedom to assault LEOs. With freedom comes responsibility. And consequences.
They don't enforce the law. They just steal stuff and kill people.
RE: Children notice what adults miss
※→ P F Tinmore, flacaltenn, et al,

This question has been answered so many time, it is pathetic.

The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?

Well, it is generally accepted that members of the EU, the G8, and US. The US added HAMAS to the Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997; where as, the EU placed HAMAS on their list in 2001.

HAMAS is a political organization involved in financing of terrorists and terrorist organizations, whether such financing is direct or indirect through organizations which also have or claim to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which are also engaged in unlawful activities such as illicit arms trafficking, drug dealing and racketeering, including the exploitation of persons for purposes of funding terrorist activities, and in particular to consider, where appropriate, adopting regulatory measures to prevent and counteract movements of funds suspected to be intended for terrorist purposes without impeding in any way the freedom of legitimate capital movements and to intensify the exchange of information concerning international movements of such funds;
The Two-Way Program: Breaking News From NPR said:
Iran was cited for its support of the Shiite group Hezbollah, as well as Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen and other militant groups across the region.
NPR News April 15, 2015
The International Community has established 19 international legal instruments (Conventions and Protocols) to prevent terrorist acts. I believe that, at one-time or another, HAMAS has violated them all, and even more.

ANSWER: While the International Community has a soft spot for the underdog, in this case, the Arab Palestinians want to play both sides against the middle. No EU Contributor or other Donor Nation wants to be named as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
Well, it is generally accepted that members of the EU, the G8, and US. The US added HAMAS to the Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997; where as, the EU placed HAMAS on their list in 2001.
Why have the zionists not been placed on any terrorist list. They stole Palestine with terror and have not let up to this day.

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