Children notice what adults miss

Scores of New Yorkers gathered together in a demonstration to show support for Ahed Tamimi and all other Palestinian political prisoners held illegally by the occupation.

Ahed Tamimi is neither a political prisoner nor being held illegally. She is being charged with aggravated assault and insulting an officer. Crimes.
Ahed Tamimi is neither a political prisoner nor being held illegally. She is being charged with aggravated assault and insulting an officer. Crimes.

What, for Israelis, was most embarrassing about the pictures of Ahed Tamimi slapping an Israeli soldier? A woman hitting a man? A Muslim hitting a Jew? A civilian hitting a representative of law and order? A student hitting a trained fighter? That with her bare hands she hit someone fully armed and armored? That she hit the force that denies her rights? From the responses on social media, it seems all of the above. Ahed Tamimi flipped the traditional roles in the myth of David and Goliath, which was and remains a foundational myth of Zionist education.
Ahed Tamimi flips Zionist mythology on its head | +972 Magazine
Ahed Tamimi is neither a political prisoner nor being held illegally. She is being charged with aggravated assault and insulting an officer. Crimes.

What, for Israelis, was most embarrassing about the pictures of Ahed Tamimi slapping an Israeli soldier? A woman hitting a man? A Muslim hitting a Jew? A civilian hitting a representative of law and order? A student hitting a trained fighter? That with her bare hands she hit someone fully armed and armored? That she hit the force that denies her rights? From the responses on social media, it seems all of the above. Ahed Tamimi flipped the traditional roles in the myth of David and Goliath, which was and remains a foundational myth of Zionist education.
Ahed Tamimi flips Zionist mythology on its head | +972 Magazine

abi, let's see you assault a police officer in America and get off scot-free right away. If assaulting a bus-driver in America is considered a felony, shouldn't assaulting a police officer be a crime?
abi, let's see you assault a police officer in America and get off scot-free right away. If assaulting a bus-driver in America is considered a felony, shouldn't assaulting a police officer be a crime?
The occupation is a war crime.

Israel’s gov & media want you to believe #AhedTamimi slapped a soldier in a baseless provocation. They won’t tell you Israeli forces have killed 2 of her relatives, shot her mom in the leg with live ammo, & a few days ago shot a teenage cousin in the face with a rubber bullet.
ahed tamimi - Twitter Search

Israel’s gov & media want you to believe #AhedTamimi slapped a soldier in a baseless provocation. They won’t tell you Israeli forces have killed 2 of her relatives, shot her mom in the leg with live ammo, & a few days ago shot a teenage cousin in the face with a rubber bullet.
ahed tamimi - Twitter Search

Now, Louie. There is evidence to support the charge the teen delinquent assaulted an Israeli soldier. What do you think that evidence is?
Ahed Tamimi is neither a political prisoner nor being held illegally. She is being charged with aggravated assault and insulting an officer. Crimes.

What, for Israelis, was most embarrassing about the pictures of Ahed Tamimi slapping an Israeli soldier? A woman hitting a man? A Muslim hitting a Jew? A civilian hitting a representative of law and order? A student hitting a trained fighter? That with her bare hands she hit someone fully armed and armored? That she hit the force that denies her rights? From the responses on social media, it seems all of the above. Ahed Tamimi flipped the traditional roles in the myth of David and Goliath, which was and remains a foundational myth of Zionist education.
Ahed Tamimi flips Zionist mythology on its head | +972 Magazine

abi, let's see you assault a police officer in America and get off scot-free right away. If assaulting a bus-driver in America is considered a felony, shouldn't assaulting a police officer be a crime?
Let me slap a Canadian Police officer with a gun in Ohio. What'l that get me?

Israel’s gov & media want you to believe #AhedTamimi slapped a soldier in a baseless provocation. They won’t tell you Israeli forces have killed 2 of her relatives, shot her mom in the leg with live ammo, & a few days ago shot a teenage cousin in the face with a rubber bullet.
ahed tamimi - Twitter Search

Now, Louie. There is evidence to support the charge the teen delinquent assaulted an Israeli soldier. What do you think that evidence is?
Foreign invading troops.
RE: Children notice what adults miss
※→ P F Tinmore, flacaltenn, et al,

This question has been answered so many time, it is pathetic.

The never answered question.

Fatah lost the election in 2006. How did they get to be the government in 2007?

Well, it is generally accepted that members of the EU, the G8, and US. The US added HAMAS to the Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997; where as, the EU placed HAMAS on their list in 2001.

HAMAS is a political organization involved in financing of terrorists and terrorist organizations, whether such financing is direct or indirect through organizations which also have or claim to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which are also engaged in unlawful activities such as illicit arms trafficking, drug dealing and racketeering, including the exploitation of persons for purposes of funding terrorist activities, and in particular to consider, where appropriate, adopting regulatory measures to prevent and counteract movements of funds suspected to be intended for terrorist purposes without impeding in any way the freedom of legitimate capital movements and to intensify the exchange of information concerning international movements of such funds;
The Two-Way Program: Breaking News From NPR said:
Iran was cited for its support of the Shiite group Hezbollah, as well as Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen and other militant groups across the region.
NPR News April 15, 2015
The International Community has established 19 international legal instruments (Conventions and Protocols) to prevent terrorist acts. I believe that, at one-time or another, HAMAS has violated them all, and even more.

ANSWER: While the International Community has a soft spot for the underdog, in this case, the Arab Palestinians want to play both sides against the middle. No EU Contributor or other Donor Nation wants to be named as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
Well, it is generally accepted that members of the EU, the G8, and US. The US added HAMAS to the Foreign Terrorist Organization in 1997; where as, the EU placed HAMAS on their list in 2001.
Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. Foreign name calling did not sway the elections.

I can't say much about those fake democracy lackeys who only like democracy when their people get elected.

BTW, the Palestinians don't like the assholes that the Israelis elect either.

RE: Children notice what adults miss
※→ abi, ForeverYoung436, et al,

Assault is usually handled at the local jurisdication and is interpreted by most laymen to mean the "intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact."
SOURCE: Free Legal Dictionary

1. Intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Intent to cause physical injury is not required, and physical injury does not need to result. So defined in tort law and the criminal statutes of some states.

2. With the intent to cause physical injury, making another person reasonably apprehend an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Essentially, an attempted battery. So defined in the criminal statutes of some states.

3. With the intent to cause physical injury, actually causing such injury to another person. Essentially, the same as a battery. So defined in the criminal statutes of some states, and so understood in popular usage.
SOURCE: Cornell University Legal Dictionary

Under an occupation, when a protected person (Arab Palestinian in this case) assaults a member of the Occupation Force (Israel in this case), they are punishable under Article 68, Fourth Geneva Convention.

In this case, ASSAULT is an offence which is solely intended to harm (not life threatening) the Occupying Power, "shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment, provided the duration of such internment or imprisonment is proportionate to the offense committed."

abi, let's see you assault a police officer in America and get off scot-free right away. If assaulting a bus-driver in America is considered a felony, shouldn't assaulting a police officer be a crime?
The occupation is a war crime.

The Occupation of the Territories IS NOT a "War Crime."

The conditions in the territory of the West Bank is a de jure occupation (S/RES/446 22 March 1979) of the character the Security Council described as having "no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East." The Security Council also emphasized that the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) was applicable to applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967.

Article 42 The Hague Regulation (1907):

→ Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
→ The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.
An Occupation is defined as "existing" on the effective control by an hostile army --- or --- "not existing" when not actually placed under the authority of the hostile army (not as: "legal/illegal" - or -" war crime or not war crime").

War Crimes are defined in Article 8, Rome Statues, International Criminal Court. Occupation is not a crime. War Crimes are considered a "grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention." There are some 26 offenses listed under the heading of "War Crimes;" "Article 42 type Occupation is not one of them. In most cases (not all cases) the greatest recurring violations fall withing these first three offenses:

(i) Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such
or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;

(ii) Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects
which are not military objectives;

(iii) Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations,
material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or
peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United
Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians
or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict;​

While S/RES/446 is mentioned in the context of criticizing Israel for its actions as a "serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace." That remains to be seen. But in the 21st Century, no side has worked harder to ensure the issues not come to a close than the Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
That beautiful little girl was locked up by the ADF (Apartheid Demolition Forces) a few days ago.

She will be in prison like so many other Palestinian children this Christmas.


Merry Christmas indeed, Israeli style.
OMG! How dare they lock up a cartoon! And to keep a Christian Saint from a Mooselum no less! OH THE HUMANITY!!!!
RE: Children notice what adults miss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

At a luncheon at the O'Club the other day, it was brought to my attention that possible reason (in some cases) is an Indo-european linguistic phenomena. That is to mean that Greek and Arabic have difficulty in making a distinction in separate contrasts between "Being" and "Existence." They have a tendency to not recognize certain characteristics. It is like being color blind (an inherited fault) and then being shown a Ishihara Color Test Plate.

Norm = 74 : 21 Color Blind is No Number.png

They refuse to believe there is a number because they don't see it and don't understand how this deficiency works; yet the reality is much different.

Just because you don't understand it and cannot see it, does not mean it is not there. Mentally, the Arab Palestinians have been surrounded by Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters, they no longer see it.

Hamas are not terrorists in Palestine where they were elected. Foreign name calling did not sway the elections.

I can't say much about those fake democracy lackeys who only like democracy when their people get elected.

BTW, the Palestinians don't like the assholes that the Israelis elect either.

Palestinian Terrorists do not change it strips, just because they are in the territories (and not in Israel machine-gunning children on a bus) any more than an Eagle becomes a Pigeon by moving it to New York. A bird of prey is a bird of prey no matter where it is. And the Islamic Terrorist is still a terrorist whether they are in the Territories running for office, or in Tel Aviv deliberately targeting civilians. Dalal Mughrabi looks quite charming in her photo, but she is not the kind of Palestinian you want to cross your path, in the dark, unarmed. She is a Fatah Terrorist no less than there is a 74 in the Test Plate above (even if I can't see the number).

Most Respectfully,
Yesterday's Reuters story shows how bias the media is when reporting on these issues.
Palestinian teenager who slapped Israeli soldier to face charges - arm

Reuters left out:
A day earlier she had confronted Israeli soldiers who had entered her family's backyard. The incident happened shortly after a soldier shot her 14-year-old cousin in the head with a rubber bullet, and fired tear-gas canisters directly at their home, breaking windows.

Her mother and cousin were arrested later as well. All three remain in detention.

When 15-year-old Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by a member of Tehrik-e-Taliban, the reaction was starkly different. Gordon Brown, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, issued a petition entitled "I am Malala." The UNESCO launched "Stand Up For Malala."

Ahed, like Malala, has a substantial history of standing up against injustices. She has been protesting the theft of land and water by Israeli settlers. She has endured personal sacrifice, having lost an uncle and a cousin to the occupation. Her parents and brother have been arrested time and again. Her mother has been shot in the leg. Two years ago, another video featuring her went viral - this time she was trying to protect her little brother from being taken by a soldier.

Why isn't Ahed a beneficiary of the same international outcry as Malala? Why has the reaction to Ahed been so different?
Why is the West praising Malala, but ignoring Ahed?

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