Chris Christie

An above average example of the N.E. Republican.

Too liberal for my tastes on many social issues, but willing to call anyone out he disagrees with. You can't pigeon hole him into any one box, as he will surprise you.
Dono him that well but he seems kinda like he does whatever he thinks people want to hear the most. Seems like a conservative until he wants Big Government help, on anything that makes him look good.
I don't know of him well either, which is why I asked opinions. But what I HAVE heard and seen of him, which is not much, was enough to catch my interest. (I am an independent).
I don't know of him well either, which is why I asked opinions. But what I HAVE heard and seen of him, which is not much, was enough to catch my interest. (I am an independent).

He's one of the very few people on the scene who, while I might disagree with him on a specific issue, I'd at least know where he stood and why. He's definitely the anti-Obama in terms of clarity, no stammering as he searches for the right word, no ambiguity. I'm a helluva lot more willing to give someone like that the benefit of the doubt, to still trust him even when I disagree with him.

If Hillary runs though, he's the GOP's only chance. They'd need a home run hitter, even if home run hitters are more likely to wildly strike out.

I wish the parties would merge. Dem or Repub prez/dem or repub vp.

I'm pretty sure Hillary has no desire to run. I think she has had enough.
What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.
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What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.
What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

What specifically do you disagree with in Locke's post, where you stoop to name calling, or is it something you enjoy doing for the hell of it?
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What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

Nonsense. Established, corrupt pols like the status quo and don't want anyone in office who will clean house.

The republicans get their asses kicked every time they run a democrat lite.

Conservatives won't vote for them. Why should they?

Statist proles constantly try to sell that "moderate" bullshit. No one's buying.
What are your thoughts on him?

If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.
He's a smart ass, an opportunist, a big mouth, rude, belligerent, back stabbing RINO. Other than that, I guess he's ok.
If he or Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination, it'll guarantee a Hillary Clinton presidency. Actually, it wouldn't matter who wins the Democrat nomination, Christie or Bush would guarantee the Democrats a third straight presidential term.

You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

I believe the most amazing aspect of aaronleland's post is he attacked Locke for stating the Hilary Clinton or any democrat for that matter, would beat both Bush and Christy if either won the republican nomination.

I am still trying to figure out where the hate came from.
I don't know of him well either, which is why I asked opinions. But what I HAVE heard and seen of him, which is not much, was enough to catch my interest. (I am an independent).

He's one of the very few people on the scene who, while I might disagree with him on a specific issue, I'd at least know where he stood and why. He's definitely the anti-Obama in terms of clarity, no stammering as he searches for the right word, no ambiguity. I'm a helluva lot more willing to give someone like that the benefit of the doubt, to still trust him even when I disagree with him.

If Hillary runs though, he's the GOP's only chance. They'd need a home run hitter, even if home run hitters are more likely to wildly strike out.


I agree. Christie is a take or leave it kinda guy. You either like him or you don't.

I like him. I'm not a Rep but I like the fact that he says what he means and he doesn't give a shit if you like it or not.

He doesn't pull punches and he's one tough guy.

Yep. I like him a lot.

Is he perfect?? Hell no. But there is more to like about him than to dislike in my book.

As for Hillary? That bag has no interest for me as POTUS. Her own party threw her under the bus for the half black jackass.

I think the Secret Service agents who protected those two could fill a book with what they saw and heard. I'll bet they were the two most exciting Presidential couple to grace the WH since JFK. Hell. She stayed with the dirtbag even though he had affairs up the ass even as Gov of Arkansas. Two peas in a pod. The blue plate special.

She's a loser in my book and I sure as hell hope she never lands in the WH. Good Gawd.
I like Christie. He seems to be unafraid to speak his mind and challenge the practices he sees as wrong or damaging; I think he truly cares about the people of New Jersey.

I think much ado about nothing has been made of his "affair with Obama" after the disaster that struck the NE states. The government gives disaster relief to every other state, why should New Jersey be any different? I think what we saw was a governor faced with a massive disaster, a tremendous responsibility for the lives and safety of his citizens, and an emotional care for his state tempered with being clear-headed to make major decisions in a number of arenas.

Maybe what we witnessed could be equated with a family whose house had burned down, in shock and distress ... and along comes a neighbor with some blankets and food. Reaction: instant emotional relief. And that's when the family knows it WILL survive this disaster - that one act has given them strength.

Christie is probably one of our more sincere politicians.
I think he'll jump the fence in time to run in the democratic primaries.

No, he won't jump the fence. He's spending time in front of the cameras with Obama, this shows he's ready and willing to "reach across the aisle" to get things done. This will broaden his appeal to moderate Democrats while his seemingly "no nonsense" approach to the job and his willingness to say what he thinks will appeal to his own party.

He's laying the groundwork for a run. I probably wouldn't vote for him.
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