Christ-Mass is of no concern for Protestants, why do you even

do you have a citation for that allegation?

Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out

Constantine was a pagan false god worshipper. He couldn't straighten any of it out. The opposite occurred. They screwed it all up.

And you know that how?
I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.
Jesus allows it everyday. It's called free will.

Please tell me that you are not one of those who believes unless everything is perfect there can be no God.

God is 100% real--YHWH(Jehovah) there is no other. Few even know him. Jesus warned that would occur-John 15:21-22. But Few listen to Jesus as well.

Yahweh was a tribal war God left over from the Canaanites. the god of the OT says his name is Jealous.
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?
Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.
Jesus allows it everyday. It's called free will.

Please tell me that you are not one of those who believes unless everything is perfect there can be no God.

God is 100% real--YHWH(Jehovah) there is no other. Few even know him. Jesus warned that would occur-John 15:21-22. But Few listen to Jesus as well.

Yahweh was a tribal war God left over from the Canaanites. the god of the OT says his name is Jealous.

nope---the 4 letters that constitute "god's name" has nothing to do with any word associated with
"jealous" ---your catechism whore lied nor is the word associated with one of the "gods" of your
amalek ancestors
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

off to another early hater thread

no offence but you are a joke
Most of the Jews on the boards are pretty disrespectful of Christians.

At least that has been my observation.

can you cite a few examples? As to being threatened by Christianity----I never noticed---
there have been many times and place during which and in which jews have been threatened
by Christians----in fact, subjected to massive genocides. I grew up in a very Christian town---
and as a very quiet kid got invited to all kinds of churches -----whilst I came across somewhat
unfriendly allusions to JOOOOOS in churches I never stumbled into any allusions to Christians
or Christianity in synagogues at all-----JUST NONE---neither positive nor negative.

well... you for example. Not now or even lately, but before that.

HaShev for another.

Even Indeependet will let it slip every now and then.

You provide no EXAMPLE----you just pointed your finger at people It seems to
me that both Hashev and Independent state their beliefs-----you call that "disrespect"?
Perhaps you have never experienced REAL "DISRESPECT" Long ago---when I was
a kid-----there were "INTERFAITH" sevices in various churches and synagogues. The
father of a friend of mine ---very quietly walked out of a Christian church because of a prayer
in fact in lesson form for the children of that congregation it breeds contempt
That sort of crap was VERY LIKELY your childhood education-------nothing corollary to that
ever showed up in mine. In my childhood----public school Christmas plays -----sometimes
put on by the local catholic school ----INCLUDED LOTS OF "DISRESPECT" all they way
down to the WICKED INN KEEPER who kinda threw pregnant blond blue-eyed mary into the
STABLE-----dressed up like a CHARACERTURE of a Fagin-like JEW
If that's how you want to see it go for it. I see it differently. You asked for examples, I gave you the names of the people I had made observations about. I'm not going to go dig up the conversations. I'm not going to quibble with you whether they did or not.

That wasn't my childhood education. It was the exact opposite. My faith teaches that the Jews did not kill Christ, we all killed Christ.

Well according to the bible the jews picked Jesus the Christ to be killed, and the Jews let Jesus bar Abbas free.
And according to the CCC of YOUR Church, the Jews are not to blame as we all killed Christ through our sins.

Some people like to sugar coat this by saying He died for our sins. No shit. Because WE sinned He had to die. Make the connection. He didn't want to do it. He asked if it could be taken away. WE killed Him. Everyone. It's in the CCC.
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
Obviously you did write something that wasn't my opinion.

And I am getting tired of having to defend YOUR version of me. It's kind of a wasted effort.
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.

I am not a gnostic. I share facts of life.
I don't know what that means.
Most of the Jews on the boards are pretty disrespectful of Christians.

At least that has been my observation.

can you cite a few examples? As to being threatened by Christianity----I never noticed---
there have been many times and place during which and in which jews have been threatened
by Christians----in fact, subjected to massive genocides. I grew up in a very Christian town---
and as a very quiet kid got invited to all kinds of churches -----whilst I came across somewhat
unfriendly allusions to JOOOOOS in churches I never stumbled into any allusions to Christians
or Christianity in synagogues at all-----JUST NONE---neither positive nor negative.

well... you for example. Not now or even lately, but before that.

HaShev for another.

Even Indeependet will let it slip every now and then.

You provide no EXAMPLE----you just pointed your finger at people It seems to
me that both Hashev and Independent state their beliefs-----you call that "disrespect"?
Perhaps you have never experienced REAL "DISRESPECT" Long ago---when I was
a kid-----there were "INTERFAITH" sevices in various churches and synagogues. The
father of a friend of mine ---very quietly walked out of a Christian church because of a prayer
in fact in lesson form for the children of that congregation it breeds contempt
That sort of crap was VERY LIKELY your childhood education-------nothing corollary to that
ever showed up in mine. In my childhood----public school Christmas plays -----sometimes
put on by the local catholic school ----INCLUDED LOTS OF "DISRESPECT" all they way
down to the WICKED INN KEEPER who kinda threw pregnant blond blue-eyed mary into the
STABLE-----dressed up like a CHARACERTURE of a Fagin-like JEW
If that's how you want to see it go for it. I see it differently. You asked for examples, I gave you the names of the people I had made observations about. I'm not going to go dig up the conversations. I'm not going to quibble with you whether they did or not.

That wasn't my childhood education. It was the exact opposite. My faith teaches that the Jews did not kill Christ, we all killed Christ.

Well according to the bible the jews picked Jesus the Christ to be killed, and the Jews let Jesus bar Abbas free.
Maybe you should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Tell you what. If you were assured of living again, would you go through what He did? The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and lived life as a mortal. His physical body died. It was the most excruciating death imaginable. Even if He rose from the dead, it was a brutal and painful process to go through. And He didn't have to do it. He did it because He loved us. The worst part was taking on the sin of the entire world. On the Cross, Jesus experienced every sin ever committed, as well as every sin that would ever be committed. Do you have any idea what that was like? God turned away from Him because He could not stand the presence of all that sin. Jesus bore it alone. Think about that.
I can think of countless worse ways to die. Not to mention it wasn't in any way unique. Countless numbers of people have been executed in that exact manner since time immemorial. In fact the account the Bible gives suggests he got off easy by comparison.

wrong ---crucifixion is an HORRIFIC way to die and inflicted on tens of thousands if not hundreds
of thousands by the romans who enjoyed it almost as must as watching lions eat people. It is
absolutely forbidden in jewish jurisprudence

Stoning the favorite of the Hebrews was horrific but I can imagine it happened a lot, even for wayward sons who sassed their parents according to the bible.

why "IMAGINE" There are records and intelligent health care workers have actually
studied the situation. You could probably GOOGLE or check the library of the hospital in
which you are employed as a "health care worker" for the specific manner in which
crucified persons die and stoned people die. I have attended actual real lectures on the
issue. ------TRY TO LEARN SOMETHING. Your imagination does not serve you well

Oh my goodness, stoning was the execution method by most Hebrews, according to the bible. What other capital punishments did the Hebrews dole out? I would say stoning happened a lot.[/QUOTE

Oh---"your goodness" you are stupid. In fact there were other recognized forms of
execution------NEVER CRUCIFIXION------beheading was recognized. As to your
imaginary "A LOT OF STONING" ------you got names? Nope----stoning was extremely
rare during all the days for which there are records -----which is all the days of the Sanhedrin.
You must be thinking of ROME------which murdered in the hundreds of thousands. As to
execution-----it could be inflicted ONLY BY THE SANHEDRIN IN JERUSALEM----- and an
interesting tid bit------the judges who voted it in had to WATCH. Even a charge of murder
rarely "stuck"-------there were a multitude of ways to lower the charge to MANSLAUGHTER
which was not a capital crime. In fact the US law regarding homicide vs murder is lifted
almost whole from Jewish jurisprudence------English common law is far too barbaric
I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.
Jesus allows it everyday. It's called free will.

Please tell me that you are not one of those who believes unless everything is perfect there can be no God.

God is 100% real--YHWH(Jehovah) there is no other. Few even know him. Jesus warned that would occur-John 15:21-22. But Few listen to Jesus as well.
Well according to you Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other.

Newsflash: It happens everyday.
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.
My sense is that for YOU-----public insistence that the only way to
"salvation" is thru "JESUS CHRIST" is really polite. To me it is an insult---to me and HINDUS

First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
First of all you will have to show me where I've said that. What's between you and God is between you and God. He doesn't like it when I stick my nose in other people's business. He's got everything under control.

I suspect that other people may find the Christian proselytizing to be almost as offensive as Jewish chosenness.

Personally it never bothered me either way. I always invite the JW and Mormons into my home. I like talking about faith. All faiths. They aren't that different.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
Perfect. I didn't want to speak for you like you do for me. That's just rude.

Try again---I did not accuse YOU of saying anything about the exclusive "salvation" thru
"JESUS CHRIST"-------I am sure you would not DENY THE FACT that such crap not only
EXISTS but is prevalent. I have no doubt that your concept of "JEWISH CHOSENESS"
is not something you got from jews-----you just IMAGINE YOU DID based on the propaganda
to which you were subjected. There is lots that you do know about PROSELYTIZING
which jews have experienced over the past centuries. Did you know that under the filth of
CHRISTIAN LAW since the time of CONSTANTINE----jews were barred from discussing their
religion or accepting converts from christianity BY CRIMINAL LAW? From where do you imagine
muslims got the idea? ------AND if a Christian managed to BAPTIZE a jewish infant that kid was
BY YOUR LAW ------legally a Christian and liable to CONFISCATION? Jews are very nervous
about Proselytizers----an INHERITED condition. No jew is going to SHOVE jewish proselytizing
material into the hands of your children or shove idiot pamphlets into books in a Christian religion
book store. Christians pull that shit even in Israel ----INCESSANTLY.
I am not impressed by your self righteous
acceptance of JWs------they ended up in my mom's living room for YEARS because she
was dumb enough to offer the door to door women -----refreshment. Until recently I read
every "WATCHTOWER" and "AWAKE" pamphlet published. Very few Mormons where I live
but as a teen I dated a Quaker-----nice guy. Your self-aggrandizing comments are a DEFLECTION
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
Perfect. I didn't want to speak for you like you do for me. That's just rude.

I have never spoken FOR YOU------I alluded to commonly held beliefs amongst Christians---
most of which YOU YOURSELF mentioned
can you cite a few examples? As to being threatened by Christianity----I never noticed---
there have been many times and place during which and in which jews have been threatened
by Christians----in fact, subjected to massive genocides. I grew up in a very Christian town---
and as a very quiet kid got invited to all kinds of churches -----whilst I came across somewhat
unfriendly allusions to JOOOOOS in churches I never stumbled into any allusions to Christians
or Christianity in synagogues at all-----JUST NONE---neither positive nor negative.

well... you for example. Not now or even lately, but before that.

HaShev for another.

Even Indeependet will let it slip every now and then.

You provide no EXAMPLE----you just pointed your finger at people It seems to
me that both Hashev and Independent state their beliefs-----you call that "disrespect"?
Perhaps you have never experienced REAL "DISRESPECT" Long ago---when I was
a kid-----there were "INTERFAITH" sevices in various churches and synagogues. The
father of a friend of mine ---very quietly walked out of a Christian church because of a prayer
in fact in lesson form for the children of that congregation it breeds contempt
That sort of crap was VERY LIKELY your childhood education-------nothing corollary to that
ever showed up in mine. In my childhood----public school Christmas plays -----sometimes
put on by the local catholic school ----INCLUDED LOTS OF "DISRESPECT" all they way
down to the WICKED INN KEEPER who kinda threw pregnant blond blue-eyed mary into the
STABLE-----dressed up like a CHARACERTURE of a Fagin-like JEW
If that's how you want to see it go for it. I see it differently. You asked for examples, I gave you the names of the people I had made observations about. I'm not going to go dig up the conversations. I'm not going to quibble with you whether they did or not.

That wasn't my childhood education. It was the exact opposite. My faith teaches that the Jews did not kill Christ, we all killed Christ.

Well according to the bible the jews picked Jesus the Christ to be killed, and the Jews let Jesus bar Abbas free.
Maybe you should read the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I have, I was raised on the Baltimore Catechism and have read the new one as well. I was a pre Vatican II baby. I was really struck by this part of the latest Catechism. You should read the new RC bible NABRE 2011, ISA 7:14 and the footnotes.

460 The Word became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature":78 "For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God."79 "For the Son of God became man so that we might become God."80 "The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods."81
That wasn't my childhood education. It was the exact opposite. My faith teaches that the Jews did not kill Christ, we all killed Christ.

Exactly! When the Gospel of Christ's passion and death is read, it is the congregation that takes the part of the crowd shouting, "Crucify him!" We understand it was mankind's shortcomings--and right now, that means our shortcomings--that led to Christ's death. WE are taking responsibilities for Christ's death, not blaming it on people back in the day, or on people of other faiths today.

So there you have it. Christians take Christ's words as being about us. Jews take Christ's words as being about them. Each of us thinks, "It's about me!" Very human thinking.
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

Christmas is all about shopping, chocolate and having time off work.

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