Christ-Mass is of no concern for Protestants, why do you even

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.

do you have a citation for that allegation?

Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I'm not sure this is strictly true. There were a few different strains of Christianity that developed alongside Catholicism; Gnostics and Coptics to name a few. While Protestantism developed out from Catholicism (by rejecting it's more absurd bureaucratic traits) I wouldn't toss the pope in there as something Protestants need recognize because other popeless christian sects are well reflected in Protestant denominations.
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.

GERM-Many which started 2 World Wars was majority Protestant, and the Revolutionary War, and Civil War in America was overwhelmingly Protestant.

Swiss are Catholic, and some of the most peaceful people to exist, as are Poles, Slovaks, Irish, you get the drift.

you've been drifting for quite some time
Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.

do you have a citation for that allegation?

Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out

There were a few different strains of Christianity that developed alongside Catholicism; Gnostics and Coptics to name a few. Protestantism developed out from Catholicism in part by rejecting it's more absurd bureaucratic traits.
No offense, but do you really think anyone cares what a fake Catholic believes?

Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.
Many were celebrating that date for centuries before Christians came along and renamed it.
It doesn't matter what date it is celebrated. Does it? It doesn't change what, or who, is being celebrated.

the absence of a birth certificate is significant
Some Jews are threatened by Christianity.

I never could figure out why.
I do not think they are threatened, they just do not recognize Jesus as their messiah. Their prophets told them their messiah would enter Jerusalem through a specific door and Jesus did not use that door.
Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.

do you have a citation for that allegation?

Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out
You are Jewish, right?

Why do you care?
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.
Many were celebrating that date for centuries before Christians came along and renamed it.
It doesn't matter what date it is celebrated. Does it? It doesn't change what, or who, is being celebrated.

the absence of a birth certificate is significant
Some Jews are threatened by Christianity.

I never could figure out why.
I do not think they are threatened, they just do not recognize Jesus as their messiah. Their prophets told them their messiah would enter Jerusalem through a specific door and Jesus did not use that door.
Most of the Jews on the boards are pretty disrespectful of Christians.

At least that has been my observation.
No offense, but do you really think anyone cares what a fake Catholic believes?

Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
Circular logic. A true god cannot die. Additionally if Jesus died then lived again; he didn't truly die. And if God has no begginnig he cannot created himself to begin with.
Small sacrifice when you actually think about it. This character played dead for three days, and that's supposed to be analogous to actual death, followed by eternal torment if you aren't impressed by the gesture? I for one; even if somehow it were proven true... Am not impressed.
Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
Circular logic. A true god cannot die. Additionally if Jesus died then lived again; he didn't truly die. And if God has no begginnig he cannot created himself to begin with.
Small sacrifice when you actually think about it. This character played dead for three days, and that's supposed to be analogous to actual death, followed by eternal torment if you aren't impressed by the gesture? I for one; even if somehow it were proven true... Am not impressed.
Tell you what. If you were assured of living again, would you go through what He did? The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and lived life as a mortal. His physical body died. It was the most excruciating death imaginable. Even if He rose from the dead, it was a brutal and painful process to go through. And He didn't have to do it. He did it because He loved us. The worst part was taking on the sin of the entire world. On the Cross, Jesus experienced every sin ever committed, as well as every sin that would ever be committed. Do you have any idea what that was like? God turned away from Him because He could not stand the presence of all that sin. Jesus bore it alone. Think about that.
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.

I have read many versions of the bible. Catholicism is far removed from God and his son. So are all of its 33,000 branches.

Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.

Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
It's too long for me to summarize, but the Cathars were pretty sick fucks.

The Socialist Phenomenon by Igor Shafarevich
Jesus started one single religion. It was not the one that came out of Rome. Thus, Jesus started the real Christianity. It did not come back until here in these last days. It was underground at best after they started murdering the true followers. Councils were held because they did not know truth. Fact has proved their translating errors carried over into every trinity based translation.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
Circular logic. A true god cannot die. Additionally if Jesus died then lived again; he didn't truly die. And if God has no begginnig he cannot created himself to begin with.
Small sacrifice when you actually think about it. This character played dead for three days, and that's supposed to be analogous to actual death, followed by eternal torment if you aren't impressed by the gesture? I for one; even if somehow it were proven true... Am not impressed.
Tell you what. If you were assured of living again, would you go through what He did? The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and lived life as a mortal. His physical body died. It was the most excruciating death imaginable. Even if He rose from the dead, it was a brutal and painful process to go through. And He didn't have to do it. He did it because He loved us. The worst part was taking on the sin of the entire world. On the Cross, Jesus experienced every sin ever committed, as well as every sin that would ever be committed. Do you have any idea what that was like? God turned away from Him because He could not stand the presence of all that sin. Jesus bore it alone. Think about that.
I can think of countless worse ways to die. Not to mention it wasn't in any way unique. Countless numbers of people have been executed in that exact manner since time immemorial. In fact the account the Bible gives suggests he got off easy by comparison.
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
Circular logic. A true god cannot die. Additionally if Jesus died then lived again; he didn't truly die. And if God has no begginnig he cannot created himself to begin with.
Small sacrifice when you actually think about it. This character played dead for three days, and that's supposed to be analogous to actual death, followed by eternal torment if you aren't impressed by the gesture? I for one; even if somehow it were proven true... Am not impressed.
Tell you what. If you were assured of living again, would you go through what He did? The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and lived life as a mortal. His physical body died. It was the most excruciating death imaginable. Even if He rose from the dead, it was a brutal and painful process to go through. And He didn't have to do it. He did it because He loved us. The worst part was taking on the sin of the entire world. On the Cross, Jesus experienced every sin ever committed, as well as every sin that would ever be committed. Do you have any idea what that was like? God turned away from Him because He could not stand the presence of all that sin. Jesus bore it alone. Think about that.
I can think of countless worse ways to die. Not to mention it wasn't in any way unique. Countless numbers of people have been executed in that exact manner since time immemorial. In fact the account the Bible gives suggests he got off easy by comparison.
You are completely missing the point. Jesus suffered and died for us. Someone who never knew pain or hardship, lived as a lowly human. He experienced everything that we do throughout our lives. And I ask you again. Would you allow yourself to be crucified if you knew you would live again? Answer the question.
Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.
Many were celebrating that date for centuries before Christians came along and renamed it.
It doesn't matter what date it is celebrated. Does it? It doesn't change what, or who, is being celebrated.

the absence of a birth certificate is significant
Some Jews are threatened by Christianity.

I never could figure out why.
I do not think they are threatened, they just do not recognize Jesus as their messiah. Their prophets told them their messiah would enter Jerusalem through a specific door and Jesus did not use that door.

oh GEE ----that "JERUSALEM" thing again--------somehow the present day "VICAR OF CHRIST"---ie current
representative of the putative "Christ" aka jewish messiah----to wit, Jesus son of Mary and Joseph has DECIDED that Jerusalem has NOTHING TO DO WITH JOOOOS --------it is a desert monkey toilet for a flying
horse from arabia
Please tell me that you are not a Gnostic.

Those guys were pretty reprehensible.
How so?
If you do not believe in the Trinity, then who died for your sin? Our sin was against God, and only God could pay the price for that sin. So, if Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Wouldn't you agree? The Bible says that all things were created by Him (JESUS) and for Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. Seems pretty clear to me.

Also, Jesus lived a sinless life. Something that no created being could ever do. Therefore, He is God, since only God is sinless. You can use any verse you want to try to refute this, but it is futile. Jesus is God. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end.
Circular logic. A true god cannot die. Additionally if Jesus died then lived again; he didn't truly die. And if God has no begginnig he cannot created himself to begin with.
Small sacrifice when you actually think about it. This character played dead for three days, and that's supposed to be analogous to actual death, followed by eternal torment if you aren't impressed by the gesture? I for one; even if somehow it were proven true... Am not impressed.
Tell you what. If you were assured of living again, would you go through what He did? The Creator of the universe humbled Himself and lived life as a mortal. His physical body died. It was the most excruciating death imaginable. Even if He rose from the dead, it was a brutal and painful process to go through. And He didn't have to do it. He did it because He loved us. The worst part was taking on the sin of the entire world. On the Cross, Jesus experienced every sin ever committed, as well as every sin that would ever be committed. Do you have any idea what that was like? God turned away from Him because He could not stand the presence of all that sin. Jesus bore it alone. Think about that.
I can think of countless worse ways to die. Not to mention it wasn't in any way unique. Countless numbers of people have been executed in that exact manner since time immemorial. In fact the account the Bible gives suggests he got off easy by comparison.

wrong ---crucifixion is an HORRIFIC way to die and inflicted on tens of thousands if not hundreds
of thousands by the romans who enjoyed it almost as must as watching lions eat people. It is
absolutely forbidden in jewish jurisprudence
Many were celebrating that date for centuries before Christians came along and renamed it.
It doesn't matter what date it is celebrated. Does it? It doesn't change what, or who, is being celebrated.

the absence of a birth certificate is significant
Some Jews are threatened by Christianity.

I never could figure out why.
I do not think they are threatened, they just do not recognize Jesus as their messiah. Their prophets told them their messiah would enter Jerusalem through a specific door and Jesus did not use that door.
Most of the Jews on the boards are pretty disrespectful of Christians.

At least that has been my observation.

can you cite a few examples? As to being threatened by Christianity----I never noticed---
there have been many times and place during which and in which jews have been threatened
by Christians----in fact, subjected to massive genocides. I grew up in a very Christian town---
and as a very quiet kid got invited to all kinds of churches -----whilst I came across somewhat
unfriendly allusions to JOOOOOS in churches I never stumbled into any allusions to Christians
or Christianity in synagogues at all-----JUST NONE---neither positive nor negative.
do you have a citation for that allegation?

Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out
You are Jewish, right?

Why do you care?

habit-----jews tend to INTELLECTUALIZE. Are you desperate to avoid the subject ----
"the nature of the one religion that jesus founded"??? or any evidence of that theory?
It doesn't matter what date it is celebrated. Does it? It doesn't change what, or who, is being celebrated.

the absence of a birth certificate is significant
Some Jews are threatened by Christianity.

I never could figure out why.
I do not think they are threatened, they just do not recognize Jesus as their messiah. Their prophets told them their messiah would enter Jerusalem through a specific door and Jesus did not use that door.
Most of the Jews on the boards are pretty disrespectful of Christians.

At least that has been my observation.

can you cite a few examples? As to being threatened by Christianity----I never noticed---
there have been many times and place during which and in which jews have been threatened
by Christians----in fact, subjected to massive genocides. I grew up in a very Christian town---
and as a very quiet kid got invited to all kinds of churches -----whilst I came across somewhat
unfriendly allusions to JOOOOOS in churches I never stumbled into any allusions to Christians
or Christianity in synagogues at all-----JUST NONE---neither positive nor negative.
well... you for example. Not now or even lately, but before that.

HaShev for another.

Even Indeependet will let it slip every now and then.

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