Christ-Mass is of no concern for Protestants, why do you even

Nazi Germany may have had a few Catholic raised high ranking leaders, but many of those were Pagans, or Islam supporters.

The truth is Germany was 2/3rd's Protestant at the time of the Nazis.

The Nazis did kill 1,000's of Catholic priests, and they did kill 1,000,000;s of Catholic civilians. (Mostly in Poland)
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

How do you mean?

The Catholic Church does not get the credit it deserves.
Jesus was very specific about religions that repeat prayer like Catholics do. He said only the Lord's Prayer should be repeated. And worshipping the Virgin Mary is no different than worshipping Buddha. God never said a pastor cannot have a sex life. He also never said smoking and drinking is a fair trade for abstention.
I don't even know where to begin so I'll just start with two.

As far back as Confucius the value of tradition was recognized. It is the glue that binds the community.

No one worships Mary. We ask her to pray for us. You do the same thing in prayer chains or with friends.

Let's see where this goes now.
If you're asking her to pray for you while praying, what's the difference? Jesus is the way and the light, not the Virgin Mary.

And I didn't say Jesus had a problem with traditions, because he was a Jew who celebrated Passover like the rest of them.
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Of course the Talmud doesn't say anything of the sort.

Nazis have made great sport of lying about the Talmud for centuries.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Of course the Talmud doesn't say anything of the sort.

Nazis have made great sport of lying about the Talmud for centuries.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.

I think many Jews have made a great sport of lying about the Talmud.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]
If you're asking her to pray for you while praying, what's the difference? Jesus is the way and the light, not the Virgin Mary.

And I didn't say Jesus had a problem with traditions, because he was a Jew who celebrated Passover like the rest of them.

The difference may lie in the way Catholics understand their relationship with God. The Church is described in two ways. One, the Church is the bride of Christ. It is also the body of Christ. We see ourselves as a community of Christ and that community consists of both living believers--and believers who have passed on. Death cannot separate us from Christ or his body. We pray not only as individuals, but as the body of Christ, the community of Christ.

Jesus taught, "Where two or three are gathered in my name..." Therefore, I have no more hesitation in asking deceases members of my family to pray for/with me than I have in asking those living to pray for/with me. Mary, is a member of the body of Christ, and many ask for her prayers, just as many ask St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, Peter and Paul and many, many other Saints to join in prayer. We see the community as family.

Perhaps without meaning to, non-Catholic Christians often give the impression it is just them as an individual and Jesus. No one else is acknowledged, wanted, or welcome. Instead of community they come across as thinking in terms of couple. Them, Jesus, no one else.
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.

According to Rabbi Michael J. Cook, Professor of Intertestamental and Early Christian Literature at the Hebrew Union College, there are ten themes in the New Testament that are the greatest sources of anxiety for Jews concerning Christian antisemitism:

  1. The Jews are culpable for crucifying Jesus - as such they are guilty of deicide
  2. The tribulations of the Jewish people throughout history constitute God's punishment of them for killing Jesus
  3. Jesus originally came to preach only to the Jews, but when they rejected him, he abandoned them for gentiles instead
  4. The Children of Israel were God's original chosen people by virtue of an ancient covenant, but by rejecting Jesus they forfeited their chosenness - and now, by virtue of a New Covenant (or "testament"), Christians have replaced the Jews as God's chosen people, the Church having become the "People of God."
  5. The Jewish Bible (the so-called "Old Testament") repeatedly portrays the opaqueness and stubbornness of the Jewish people and their disloyalty to God.
  6. The Jewish Bible contains many predictions of the coming of Jesus as the Messiah (or "Christ"), yet the Jews are blind to the meaning of their own Bible.
  7. By the time of Jesus' ministry, Judaism had ceased to be a living faith.
  8. Judaism's essence is a restrictive and burdensome legalism.
  9. Christianity emphasizes excessive love, while Judaism maintains a balance of justice, God of wrath and love of peace.
  10. Judaism's oppressiveness reflects the disposition of Jesus' opponents called "Pharisees" (predecessors of the "rabbis"), who in their teachings and behavior were hypocrites (see Woes of the Pharisees).[17]

Antisemitism and the New Testament - Wikipedia

When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. 'I am innocent of this man's blood,' he said. 'It is your responsibility!' All the people answered, 'His blood is on us and on our children!'

The verse that reads: "All the people answered, 'His blood is on us and on our children!'" is also referred to as the blood curse. In an essay regarding antisemitism, biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine argues that this passage has caused more Jewish suffering throughout history than any other in the New Testament.[4]

According to Jeremy Cohen:

[e]ven before the Gospels appeared, the apostle Paul (or, more probably, one of his disciples) portrayed the Jews as Christ's killers ... But though the New Testament clearly looks to the Jews as responsible for the death of Jesus, Paul and the evangelists did not yet condemn all Jews, by the very fact of their Jewishness, as murderers of the son of God and his messiah. That condemnation, however, was soon to come.[5]

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

(But the Koran you read each day, right?)

My name celebrates Jan III Sobieski's victory against Islam, such as in the Battle of Vienna on 9/11/1683.

You Southern Brit Protestants are so one track minded..... My goodness.

Just because someone doesn't like Jews, doesn't make one a Muslim.
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Of course the Talmud doesn't say anything of the sort.

Nazis have made great sport of lying about the Talmud for centuries.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.

I think many Jews have made a great sport of lying about the Talmud.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

From your source:

Historian Michael Levi Rodkinson, in his book The History of the Talmud, wrote that detractors of the Talmud, both during and subsequent to its formation, "have varied in their character, objects and actions" and the book documents a number of critics and persecutors, including Nicholas Donin, Johannes Pfefferkorn, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, the Frankists, and August Rohling.[69] Many attacks come from antisemitic sources, particularly Christians such as Justinas Pranaitis, Elizabeth Dilling or David Duke. Criticisms also arise from Muslim sources,[70][71][72] Jewish sources,[73] and atheists and skeptics.[74] Accusations against the Talmud include alleged:[69][75][76][77][78][79][80]

  1. Anti-Christian or anti-Gentile content[81][82][83][84]
  2. Absurd or sexually immoral content[85]
  3. Falsification of scripture[86][87][88]
Defenders of the Talmud argue that many of these criticisms, particularly those in antisemitic sources, are based on quotations that are taken out of context, and thus misrepresent the meaning of the Talmud's text. Sometimes the misrepresentation is deliberate, and other times simply due to an inability to grasp the subtle and sometimes confusing narratives in the Talmud. Some quotations provided by critics deliberately omit passages in order to generate quotes that appear to be offensive or insulting.[89][90]}
If you're asking her to pray for you while praying, what's the difference? Jesus is the way and the light, not the Virgin Mary.

And I didn't say Jesus had a problem with traditions, because he was a Jew who celebrated Passover like the rest of them.

The difference may lie in the way Catholics understand their relationship with God. The Church is described in two ways. One, the Church is the bride of Christ. It is also the body of Christ. We see ourselves as a community of Christ and that community consists of both living believers--and believers who have passed on. Death cannot separate us from Christ or his body. We pray not only as individuals, but as the body of Christ, the community of Christ.

Jesus taught, "Where two or three are gathered in my name..." Therefore, I have no more hesitation in asking deceases members of my family to pray for/with me than I have in asking those living to pray for/with me. Mary, is a member of the body of Christ, and many ask for her prayers, just as many ask St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, Peter and Paul and many, many other Saints to join in prayer. We see the community as family.

Perhaps without meaning to, non-Catholic Christians often give the impression it is just them as an individual and Jesus. No one else is acknowledged, wanted, or welcome. Instead of community they come across as thinking in terms of couple. Them, Jesus, no one else.
I like to follow the New Testament and use that as a guide. I never saw any Hail Marys in the scriptures. .
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You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Of course the Talmud doesn't say anything of the sort.

Nazis have made great sport of lying about the Talmud for centuries.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.

I think many Jews have made a great sport of lying about the Talmud.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

From your source:

Historian Michael Levi Rodkinson, in his book The History of the Talmud, wrote that detractors of the Talmud, both during and subsequent to its formation, "have varied in their character, objects and actions" and the book documents a number of critics and persecutors, including Nicholas Donin, Johannes Pfefferkorn, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, the Frankists, and August Rohling.[69] Many attacks come from antisemitic sources, particularly Christians such as Justinas Pranaitis, Elizabeth Dilling or David Duke. Criticisms also arise from Muslim sources,[70][71][72] Jewish sources,[73] and atheists and skeptics.[74] Accusations against the Talmud include alleged:[69][75][76][77][78][79][80]

  1. Anti-Christian or anti-Gentile content[81][82][83][84]
  2. Absurd or sexually immoral content[85]
  3. Falsification of scripture[86][87][88]
Defenders of the Talmud argue that many of these criticisms, particularly those in antisemitic sources, are based on quotations that are taken out of context, and thus misrepresent the meaning of the Talmud's text. Sometimes the misrepresentation is deliberate, and other times simply due to an inability to grasp the subtle and sometimes confusing narratives in the Talmud. Some quotations provided by critics deliberately omit passages in order to generate quotes that appear to be offensive or insulting.[89][90]}

No real refutation there.

Jews are hiding something for sure, otherwise more would be outspoken about criticism of it

It's because the Talmud is obviously a nasty book.

The Jews stay away from touching the subject, to try, and avoid being exposed.

How else can you explain the lack of refutes?
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

(But the Koran you read each day, right?)

My name celebrates Jan III Sobieski's victory against Islam, such as in the Battle of Vienna on 9/11/1683.

You Southern Brit Protestants are so one track minded..... My goodness.

Just because someone doesn't like Jews, doesn't make one a Muslim.

German Protestant.

Most vile anti-Semites are Muslims.
I like to follow the New Testament and use that as a guild. I never saw any Hail Marys in there.

The prayer, Hail Mary, is a prayer of the Rosary, which is a reflection for the New Testament, and actually modeled on Psalms. The number of prayers in the Rosary match the number of Psalms. The Psalms were a devotion for those who could read and had access to the Bible or Psalms. Knowing that many were uneducated and poor (could not read, had no Bible or Psalm book) the Rosary was devised as a meditation for the New Testament, especially the Gospels. The cadence of the prayers kept one's focus on God, Jesus, the Gospels--whatever meditation the person praying set before them that day. In particular, the Hail Mary is drawn from the Gospel of Luke, and reflects the angel's greeting and message from God to Mary--and by extension to the world.

There are many types of prayer. While I am not consistent in praying the rosary as some, it is one of the most powerful prayers to have at hand during times of stress, distress, and depression. It is a mighty boost upward into other types of prayer. (But shhhh! This is a carefully guarded Catholic secret! The Rosary is ours! Ours, I say! You're not allowed to say it. :D )
You mean that Jews say in the Talmud that Jesus is Boiling in Hell in Excrement
That the New Testament says Jesus was killed by Jews?

Wow, what great logic.

Of course the Talmud doesn't say anything of the sort.

Nazis have made great sport of lying about the Talmud for centuries.

Obviously you have never read the New Testament. (But the Koran you read each day, right?)

The myth holds that the ROMANS nailed Jesus to a cross.

So they took Jesus, 17 and he went out, carrying his own cross, to the place called ‘The Place of the Skull’ (called in Aramaic Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him along with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate also had a notice written and placed on the cross. This is what was written on it: “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.” 20 So many of the Jewish residents of Jerusalem read this notice, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the notice was written in Aramaic, Latin, and Greek. 21 Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, “Do not write, ‘The king of the Jews,’ but rather, ‘This man said, I am king of the Jews’.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
23 Now when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothing and made four shares, one for each soldier, and the tunic remained. (Now the tunic was seamless,174 woven from top to bottom as a single piece.) 24 So the soldiers said to one another, “Let us not tear it, but throw dice to see who will get it.” This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, “They divided up my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.” So the soldiers did these things. 25 Now standing beside Jesus’ cross were his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” 27 He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home.

I think many Jews have made a great sport of lying about the Talmud.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

From your source:

Historian Michael Levi Rodkinson, in his book The History of the Talmud, wrote that detractors of the Talmud, both during and subsequent to its formation, "have varied in their character, objects and actions" and the book documents a number of critics and persecutors, including Nicholas Donin, Johannes Pfefferkorn, Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, the Frankists, and August Rohling.[69] Many attacks come from antisemitic sources, particularly Christians such as Justinas Pranaitis, Elizabeth Dilling or David Duke. Criticisms also arise from Muslim sources,[70][71][72] Jewish sources,[73] and atheists and skeptics.[74] Accusations against the Talmud include alleged:[69][75][76][77][78][79][80]

  1. Anti-Christian or anti-Gentile content[81][82][83][84]
  2. Absurd or sexually immoral content[85]
  3. Falsification of scripture[86][87][88]
Defenders of the Talmud argue that many of these criticisms, particularly those in antisemitic sources, are based on quotations that are taken out of context, and thus misrepresent the meaning of the Talmud's text. Sometimes the misrepresentation is deliberate, and other times simply due to an inability to grasp the subtle and sometimes confusing narratives in the Talmud. Some quotations provided by critics deliberately omit passages in order to generate quotes that appear to be offensive or insulting.[89][90]}

A Jewish Israeli named Israel Shahak wrote a book in 1994 called ] Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years , which corroborates much we already knew about the Talmud.

Note that your link says quotes taken out of context.

How can terms like Jesus burning in excrement in the Jewish Hell, somehow be taken out of context?
I like to follow the New Testament and use that as a guild. I never saw any Hail Marys in there.

The prayer, Hail Mary, is a prayer of the Rosary, which is a reflection for the New Testament, and actually modeled on Psalms. The number of prayers in the Rosary match the number of Psalms. The Psalms were a devotion for those who could read and had access to the Bible or Psalms. Knowing that many were uneducated and poor (could not read, had no Bible or Psalm book) the Rosary was devised as a meditation for the New Testament, especially the Gospels. The cadence of the prayers kept one's focus on God, Jesus, the Gospels--whatever meditation the person praying set before them that day. In particular, the Hail Mary is drawn from the Gospel of Luke, and reflects the angel's greeting and message from God to Mary--and by extension to the world.

There are many types of prayer. While I am not consistent in praying the rosary as some, it is one of the most powerful prayers to have at hand during times of stress, distress, and depression. It is a mighty boost upward into other types of prayer. (But shhhh! This is a carefully guarded Catholic secret! The Rosary is ours! Ours, I say! You're not allowed to say it. :D )
Actually, as a Christian, I see Luke 1:28: The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." as a greeting and not a prayer. Mary was blessed and highly favored --- there is no doubting that. What I do not accept is the Immaculate Conception. Mary was born to both a human mother and father and that makes her a sinner. Only Christ was born through a human mother in order not to be tainted and remain sinless. Mary doesn't save and she cannot hear what is happening now. Mary is in heaven with all the other saints (believers who have passed on).

And I see Christmas as a wonderful opportunity to tell the Gospel message. And Christmas is so much easier to say than "The celebrated birthday of Our Lord Jesus the Messiah/Christ." Do we know the actual date-----does it really matter? I think not!
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I like to follow the New Testament and use that as a guild. I never saw any Hail Marys in there.

The prayer, Hail Mary, is a prayer of the Rosary, which is a reflection for the New Testament, and actually modeled on Psalms. The number of prayers in the Rosary match the number of Psalms. The Psalms were a devotion for those who could read and had access to the Bible or Psalms. Knowing that many were uneducated and poor (could not read, had no Bible or Psalm book) the Rosary was devised as a meditation for the New Testament, especially the Gospels. The cadence of the prayers kept one's focus on God, Jesus, the Gospels--whatever meditation the person praying set before them that day. In particular, the Hail Mary is drawn from the Gospel of Luke, and reflects the angel's greeting and message from God to Mary--and by extension to the world.

There are many types of prayer. While I am not consistent in praying the rosary as some, it is one of the most powerful prayers to have at hand during times of stress, distress, and depression. It is a mighty boost upward into other types of prayer. (But shhhh! This is a carefully guarded Catholic secret! The Rosary is ours! Ours, I say! You're not allowed to say it. :D )
Actually, as a Christian, I see Luke 1:28: The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." as a greeting and not a prayer. Mary was blessed and highly favored --- there is no doubting that. What I do not accept is the Immaculate Conception. Mary was born to both a human mother and father and that makes her a sinner. Only Christ was born through a human mother in order not to be tainted and remain sinless. Mary doesn't save and she cannot hear what is happening now. Mary is in heaven with all the other saints (believers who have passed on).

And I see Christmas as a wonderful opportunity to tell the Gospel message. And Christmas is so much easier to say than "The celebrated birthday of Our Lord Jesus the Messiah/Christ." Do we know the actual date-----does it really matter? I think not!
IMHO the date was set by the star of Bethlehem, most likely the North Star, and it’s position in the sky the night of the birth of Jesus.

Holy Roman Catholic Church, big deal. Now go on and tell me how I'm not a RC.
You don't believe in any of the tenants of our faith. None. Zip. Zero. Nada.

Your are right, there is no need to believe in the virgin birth or that Jesus was not a man, and the RCC does not believe in the rapture.
umm... those aren't the ones I am talking about.

You don't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. That's not a small thing.
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The only way to destroy the Evangelical takeover of the US is to show the bible for what it truly is. Not a theology book but a book about men's ideas about God and Gods and wars and cultures of the eras wrote in , and no one has a clue about tomorrow, there is no crystal ball, the rapture is not happening, Jesus is not coming in the clouds, there is "no left behind junk ", there is no virgin birth.
Yep.....and just cuz you say it's so.

However, your opinions really don't amount to a hill of beans.

Most White Catholics I know, don't want Mexican jumping Beans in the U.S.A.

You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

How do you mean?

The Catholic Church does not get the credit it deserves.

Oh well you can see it here, Protestants do not realize who gave them the bible and Christianity. If not for Rome or the RCC they would most likely be Jews or Muslims.
That's quite a leap in logic there.
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.
No offense, but do you really think anyone cares what a fake Catholic believes?

Penelope is a Shiite Muslim. Hezbollah.

The reason why Christians should love Jews is?

Other than the FACT that Jesus was a Jew?
Jesus IS a Jew. :smile:
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.
No offense, but do you really think anyone cares what a fake Catholic believes?

Penelope is a Shiite Muslim. Hezbollah.

The reason why Christians should love Jews is?
Why shouldn't we?
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.
No offense, but do you really think anyone cares what a fake Catholic believes?

Well you should , because we gave you Christianity and also Christmas. Easter as well as the bible. So you really should care about the RCC and the Pope. You owe all your Christianity to them.
I am a cradle Catholic.

You are a plant; a phony; a fake.

Read the CCC.
I always thought Penelope was a Muslim.

I thought that the Pope had to be the VICAR OF CHRIST ----a person like "Christ"

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