Christ-Mass is of no concern for Protestants, why do you even

That wasn't my childhood education. It was the exact opposite. My faith teaches that the Jews did not kill Christ, we all killed Christ.

Exactly! When the Gospel of Christ's passion and death is read, it is the congregation that takes the part of the crowd shouting, "Crucify him!" We understand it was mankind's shortcomings--and right now, that means our shortcomings--that led to Christ's death. WE are taking responsibilities for Christ's death, not blaming it on people back in the day, or on people of other faiths today.

So there you have it. Christians take Christ's words as being about us. Jews take Christ's words as being about them. Each of us thinks, "It's about me!" Very human thinking.

From where do you get the "jews take 'christs' words as being about them" ?? I is a jew------I have known
lots of Jews. Some of them were actually educated in a very traditional jewish manner (a few) Most
are not particularly educated in theology at all. I have never met a jew who contemplated the
words of Jesus in the "personal" manner that you describe. Of jews from traditional background----
(like hubby)--------most have no idea what words are attributed to Jesus----NO IDEA. Never
discussed at all in jewish schools or synagogues. As to the history that includes a blood
thirsty crowd screaming "crucify him"----------I have good reason to absolutely DOUBT the
veracity of that "event". The account is LOGICALLY a Roman projection. It is a LIBEL
Addiction, temptation, hangovers and silly songs. That's the joy of life.

On the third level, it is a celebration/realization of human redemption/salvation.

Level 1: Physical (Addiction, temptation, hangovers)
Level 2: Mind/Mental (Silly songs)
Level 3: Spiritual (Celebration of redemption)

Christmas and Easter celebrations can touch each level within us.
Addiction, temptation, hangovers and silly songs. That's the joy of life.

On the third level, it is a celebration/realization of human redemption/salvation.

Level 1: Physical (Addiction, temptation, hangovers)
Level 2: Mind/Mental (Silly songs)
Level 3: Spiritual (Celebration of redemption)

Christmas and Easter celebrations can touch each level within us.

Depends who you are really. The reality is it's a winter festival, a festival that from now on it's getting lighter. Not too hard to understand, because the pagans with their lack of education managed to think up of an excuse to get wasted....

It's a shame I don't drink.
From where do you get the "jews take 'christs' words as being about them" ?? I is a jew------I have known
lots of Jews. Some of them were actually educated in a very traditional jewish manner (a few) Most
are not particularly educated in theology at all. I have never met a jew who contemplated the
words of Jesus in the "personal" manner that you describe. Of jews from traditional background----
(like hubby)--------most have no idea what words are attributed to Jesus----NO IDEA. Never
discussed at all in jewish schools or synagogues. As to the history that includes a blood
thirsty crowd screaming "crucify him"----------I have good reason to absolutely DOUBT the
veracity of that "event". The account is LOGICALLY a Roman projection. It is a LIBEL

So you don't have--and never had--the belief that Jews are blamed for Christ's crucifixion. You don't have--and never had--the belief that Christ and Christians say all Pharisees are hypocrites.

Finally, yes, my Catholic education included lessons on Jewish teachings that Jesus emulated and taught. But then, I've mentioned this before. Several times.
Depends who you are really. The reality is it's a winter festival, a festival that from now on it's getting lighter. Not too hard to understand, because the pagans with their lack of education managed to think up of an excuse to get wasted....

It's a shame I don't drink.

Grin. Neither do I, which is probably what leads to those heavy (but celebratory) thoughts on redemption and salvation--and how now is the time to further incorporate them into life today and this year.

Happy New Year.
the chocolate thing is EASTER------the objective is large hunks of chocolate
for ME

Funny, because I seldom eat chocolate at Easter (because I prefer Sees Jelly Beans) but on the average make three batches of fudge at Christmas--of which I eat more than I should. But then, that holds me for another twelve months.
Sounds like you don't even need me for this conversation since you speak so freely for me. Wrong, but you do it with such flair.

Do you want to try again without telling me what I think or are we done here?

do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
Perfect. I didn't want to speak for you like you do for me. That's just rude.

I have never spoken FOR YOU------I alluded to commonly held beliefs amongst Christians---
most of which YOU YOURSELF mentioned
Actually I didn't. I would have thought that message would have gotten through after the third time.

Look if it really is as you say, go find my statement and show me how it ties to your interpretation of my statement.
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

off to another early hater thread

no offence but you are a joke

No the evangelicals are the joke.
From where do you get the "jews take 'christs' words as being about them" ?? I is a jew------I have known
lots of Jews. Some of them were actually educated in a very traditional jewish manner (a few) Most
are not particularly educated in theology at all. I have never met a jew who contemplated the
words of Jesus in the "personal" manner that you describe. Of jews from traditional background----
(like hubby)--------most have no idea what words are attributed to Jesus----NO IDEA. Never
discussed at all in jewish schools or synagogues. As to the history that includes a blood
thirsty crowd screaming "crucify him"----------I have good reason to absolutely DOUBT the
veracity of that "event". The account is LOGICALLY a Roman projection. It is a LIBEL

So you don't have--and never had--the belief that Jews are blamed for Christ's crucifixion. You don't have--and never had--the belief that Christ and Christians say all Pharisees are hypocrites.

to whom are you addressing this weird allegation? Who is "YOU" in this statement?
do as you will------At no point did I write anything about YOUR OPINION ----other than
something based on what YOU EXPRESSED IN WRITING
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
Perfect. I didn't want to speak for you like you do for me. That's just rude.

I have never spoken FOR YOU------I alluded to commonly held beliefs amongst Christians---
most of which YOU YOURSELF mentioned
Actually I didn't. I would have thought that message would have gotten through after the third time.

Look if it really is as you say, go find my statement and show me how it ties to your interpretation of my statement.

ok you alluded to an OBJECTIONABLE characteristic of jews as being
the claim of CHOSENESS and juxtaposed it with the prevalent Christian
claim of "salvation exclusively thru "jesus Christ" I do not care to go back
and search for your statement. It is one of the statements relating to your
Christian allusions which I DID QUESTION as to FROM WHERE DID YOU
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

off to another early hater thread

no offence but you are a joke

No the evangelicals are the joke.

no you are a hater and a joke ta boot
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

off to another early hater thread

no offence but you are a joke

No the evangelicals are the joke.

no you are a hater and a joke ta boot

Now can you refute the OP or not? Also why you are at it, just remember Rome gave you Christmas.
celebrate Christ-mass. Actually the Mass is the death of Christ, its all about the Eucharist, and we take the body of Christ (the holy Eucharist)and drink wine AKA his blood .

So Christmas and Christ mass are not the same thing, but in the 300's Dec 25th , the winter solstice, was to be celebrated as Jesus's birthday.

So as Jesus did say to the Samaritan woman, you worship what you do not know.

off to another early hater thread

no offence but you are a joke

No the evangelicals are the joke.

no you are a hater and a joke ta boot

Now can you refute the OP or not? Also why you are at it, just remember Rome gave you Christmas.

yes YOU are a hater
Which allegation? That the translations are erred?

the allegation that "Jesus started one single religion"
It's the whole Peter and the rock thingee.

very confusing---------Jesus said----ON THIS ROCK (meaning "peter the rock" ) is "my church"
but PETER does not mean ROCK in Aramaic or Hebrew------I think that's GREEK (?)
Jesus did not do greek----besides Peter's real name was SIMON which is derived from the
semitic root-----SH M (vav) which denotes Hear as in HEARKEN TO. Constantine
should have straigtened that mess out

Constantine was a pagan false god worshipper. He couldn't straighten any of it out. The opposite occurred. They screwed it all up.

And you know that how?

By learning Every utterance from God.
Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.
Jesus allows it everyday. It's called free will.

Please tell me that you are not one of those who believes unless everything is perfect there can be no God.

God is 100% real--YHWH(Jehovah) there is no other. Few even know him. Jesus warned that would occur-John 15:21-22. But Few listen to Jesus as well.

Yahweh was a tribal war God left over from the Canaanites. the god of the OT says his name is Jealous.

You believed lies. God told Moses his name is YHWH(Jehovah)
Well if not for Rome and the RCC you would have no Christianity.
Actually if not for the Catholic Church you wouldn't have any ammo to attack Christians with.
You actually feel that Catholics are real Christians?

Catholicism allowed their young men to kill catholic young men on both sides-Rev war, civil war, ww1,ww2--Millions upons millions slaughtered--They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for Adolf Hitler. Fear of men--that is Why--same reason the Pope has swiss killers hired to protect him. No they are not--Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other. They are ruled by love--war is hatred.
Jesus allows it everyday. It's called free will.

Please tell me that you are not one of those who believes unless everything is perfect there can be no God.

God is 100% real--YHWH(Jehovah) there is no other. Few even know him. Jesus warned that would occur-John 15:21-22. But Few listen to Jesus as well.
Well according to you Jesus would never allow the brothers in Christ to kill each other.

Newsflash: It happens everyday.

Really when? Pretend Christians aren't Christians. Some may tell them they are but its not true--Even Jesus will tell them-Matthew 7:22-23
You are going to have a hard time finding and reconciling my statements with yours.

your statement is overly NON-SPECIFIC
Perfect. I didn't want to speak for you like you do for me. That's just rude.

I have never spoken FOR YOU------I alluded to commonly held beliefs amongst Christians---
most of which YOU YOURSELF mentioned
Actually I didn't. I would have thought that message would have gotten through after the third time.

Look if it really is as you say, go find my statement and show me how it ties to your interpretation of my statement.

ok you alluded to an OBJECTIONABLE characteristic of jews as being
the claim of CHOSENESS and juxtaposed it with the prevalent Christian
claim of "salvation exclusively thru "jesus Christ" I do not care to go back
and search for your statement. It is one of the statements relating to your
Christian allusions which I DID QUESTION as to FROM WHERE DID YOU
I don't even think I did that.

I used that statement as a comparison to the annoyance some people display over the Jewish belief of being the chosen ones.

I don't find it objectionable when Jews see themselves as the chosen ones though. I'm not annoyed by that.

I don't find it objectionable when Christians proselytize their faith to others. There is a basis for this in the NT. I don't do it per se (i.e. the way you see it being done) because I wasn't called in that way. Surely there is a parallel in the Jewish faith for callings, right? My point is that you may be criticizing others for doing what they believed they were called to do. Is that so wrong? Couldn't you just politely decline? What's the big deal?

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