Christian Morality

the events of the 1st century definitely did not include sacrificing animals for personal benefit or any reason otherwise - and certainly not to be promoted as is the depiction an endorsement going forward of the practice.

You haven't a clue as to what you are talking about and you do not have the ability to understand it if it were explained to you.
Indeed. Very immoral and gross. And a strong indication that the Bible god was merely a product of the imagination of ignorant, superstitious, morally primitive humans.

Add to that the wholly immoral idea of someone else bearing the consequences of your own wrongdoings...

So childish and immoral...
Christian Morality is defined by YahShua at Sinai and at John 14:15, "
If Ye love Me keep My commandments."
In verse 21, " He that has My Commandments, and keepeth them, loves Me.....and Manifest Myself to him.
In 23, he who Keeps My words, we love him and live with him.
Christian Morality is defined by YahShua at Sinai and at John 14:15, "
If Ye love Me keep My commandments."
In verse 21, " He that has My Commandments, and keepeth them, loves Me.....and Manifest Myself to him.
In 23, he who Keeps My words, we love him and live with him.
Keep the Commandments? The Commandments are primitive stunted backwards morality. A toddler could write a better moral code
Indeed I do and there is nothing you can do about it.
No really, you don't have any choice but to accept what I believe. You really don't. Just as I have to live in a country where 70% of adults are gullible enough to believe in a zombie king. So It Goes.
No really, you don't have any choice but to accept what I believe. You really don't. Just as I have to live in a country where 70% of adults are gullible enough to believe in a zombie king. So It Goes.

Son I already said I was comfortable in your unbelief. You've chosen hell, I give you my blessing.
Son I already said I was comfortable in your unbelief. You've chosen hell, I give you my blessing.
Haha, how childish. Hell? Good grief, grow up. Seriously, you are a grown ass man. There is no excuse for you believing that ridiculous horseshit.
Can't read English? Asked and answered. ;) It was a "lamb" that God commanded as the original blood sacrifice of the first PASS OVER.....just as death passed over the Hebrews when the sacrificial lamb's blood was used to to place a mark on those who were to be protected, the Christian is protected by the Blood of Christ.....the perfect sacrificial lamb of God, "Behold the Lamb of God......(Jesus)" -- John 1:36

One must be covered in the same fashion with blood from the Lamb of God.....aka, Christ Jesus, the Messiah of prophecy.

As pointed out one is born again after symbolically placing the old man to death in water baptism (one must be born again of water and the spirit -- John 3:5) This is where one comes into contact with the Blood of the defeat death and rise as a new born void of sin. (1 John 3:5-6, Mark 1:4, Romans 6:4)

What was Jesus declaring when holding up the Chalice which represented His blood, and the bread which represented His body? Just as the Hebrews offered annual animal sacrifices to hide their sins from God (who cannot look upon sin)......Jesus is instructing His disciples and all those who would follow His teachings to Commune in remembrance of His teachings after His death until His return. Christians are to commune weekly in communion to remind them they are still covered in the Blood of the Lamb as promised by Christ when He was celebrating the Hebrew Passover (He lived and died as a practicing Jew of the Mosaic Covenant).

As instructed by the Apostles of Christ. The Lord's Supper or as more commonly titled "communion" is explained in detail by the Apostle of Christ. The one verse that does use such a translation as the Lord's Supper in place of communion is found in 1 Cor. 11:20. Paul is scolding and chastising members of the Church at Corinth for treating the Lord's Supper, i.e., Communion as an ordinary meal like they would have in their homes (they were making a party of the church gatherings on the 1st day of the week (sunday). -- 1 Cor. 11:20-34.

In this passage the Apostle explains the meaning of the Lord's Supper. The Bread that was broken represents the Body of Christ that was broken for us in our stead (vs. 23-24). The Cup aka your Chalice symbolizes the New Covenant for which Jesus shed His blood for the many (vs. 25, and Mark 14:24). What was in the cup (Chalice)? Fruit of the Vine (Mark 14:23-25). The Lord's Supper is taken weekly on the 1st day of each week (Acts 20:7)

Christianity is all "spiritualism" not "literalism"..........your spirit, aka your mind that eternal energy that controls this sac of flesh called a body (that will perish as does all things physical) is communing with the Holy Spirit of God every time he/she reads from the pages of the revealed word of God, as ALL SCIPTURE IS INSPIRED OF GOD (2 Tim. 3:16)

though many might deny the thought there never was a majority of people that would sacrifice any life, animal or otherwise to promote their own well being or for any reason at all -

what you claim is not true - the heavens have nothing to gain from a "sacrificial" killing of one of their creations ... and at most was used by religious zealots.

not everyone is enamored with judiasm or the forgeries of moses. the 1st century had nothing to do with sacrificial killings for the promotion of anything. that period was a reiteration of the religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination the means for spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
LOL, SOLO SCRIPTURA kid. I am comfy with your choice.
And I am fine with yours. It has no bearing on anything. You still get your morality from modern society and generally live a secular, modern life.

Now, if you actually started following scripture and beating women, owning slaves, and killing infidels... THEN we would have a problem.

But you are a cafeteria Christian that does not follow scripture. Thank goodness.
And I am fine with yours. It has no bearing on anything. You still get your morality from modern society and generally live a secular, modern life.

Now, if you actually started following scripture and beating women, owning slaves, and killing infidels... THEN we would have a problem.

But you are a cafeteria Christian that does not follow scripture. Thank goodness.

(smile) Sure thing kid. Your ignorance is on display for all to see.
(smile) Sure thing kid. Your ignorance is on display for all to see.

Excuse you... the vast majority of humans who have ever existed don't and didn't buy your iron aged mythology. You're in a tiny little minority, my man.

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