Christian Morality

not what was said though in reality the c bible or any "religious" document has no place in any public institution that is why they built their churches supposedly to separate themselves which by all means is the best idea and an ordnance against ringing bells would be a welcome addition.

That is directly what you said. It is right here. The Bible is "banned" from public school, according to you. Just admit you were wrong, you didn't understand the Constitution and "make no law establishing a religion"

That is directly what you said. It is right here. The Bible is "banned" from public school, according to you. Just admit you were wrong, you didn't understand the Constitution and "make no law establishing a religion"

I am not a catholic, but a protestant of the old style. That was a fantastic video, the open deviancy now practiced and even taught in our schools is the worst thing that ever happened to our country. The bible is banned from our schools by the left, but the left screams bloody murder if books promoting homosexuality and sex change that are pushed on pre pubescent children are criticized by decent people.

no, the bible is banned from public schools by the u s constitution ... just keep, especially all forged desert religion books in your church and everything will be just fine.

no, mine was in reference to the above post, the bible is not banned by the left but by the constitution and not according to me but the exclusion clause when properly applied ...

as asked previously, do you promote animal cruelty that is what christianity is promoting in the relief for the thread and is throughout their religion -

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

not the first forgery of the c bible though only the 2nd page but the one that shut down that religion - for the discerning - apparently you are not one of them.
No, says the guy who recognizes the guy spreading hate. You have too much hate for a guy who hasn't failed himself.

I have only spoken the truth. If I have said something amiss then prove me in the wrong. The truth is you cannot prove me in the wrong and you're deliberate rejection of the truth is what makes you feel hated. Thats coming from you not me. It is your own conscience that condemns you, your own brazen defiance of the law of God, not me.

I have merely pointed out the teaching from the Bible and what Jesus meant by things he said, what you profess to believe is the very Word of God, and the absurdity of your openly demonstrated defiance and desecration of that teaching and the death consequent made clear by your own irrational words and degrading practices that you so generously boast of daily.

I have only spoken the truth. If I have said something amiss then prove me in the wrong. The truth is you cannot prove me in the wrong and you're deliberate rejection of the truth is what makes you feel hated. Thats coming from you not me. It is your own conscience that condemns you, your own brazen defiance of the law of God, not me.

I have merely pointed out the teaching from the Bible and what Jesus meant by things he said, what you profess to believe is the very Word of God, and the absurdity of your openly demonstrated defiance and desecration of that teaching and the death consequent made clear by your own irrational words and degrading practices that you so generously boast of daily.

Your truculent behaviors carry more weight than your words.
Your behaviors carry more weight than your words.
Yeah well I am not the one who prays to a lifeless matzo made by human hands which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, that you worship and eat for spiritual life. Derp. Aside from that you know nothing about where I am coming from nor where I am going, much less what I am doing.

Note to the watchers:

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous, arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
Yeah well I am not the one who prays to a lifeless matzo made by human hands which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, that you worship and eat for spiritual life. Derp. Aside from that you know nothing about where I am coming from nor where I am going, much less what I am doing.

Note to the watchers:

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous, arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
There it is. You never fail to disappoint. Get it all out of your system.
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things,
There it is. You never fail to disappoint. Get it all out of your system.

their broken record.

christians deliberately have the vision of an earthworm - for anything other than the servitude for a false religion that conforms to their personal world view of autocracy - how they can order women not to control their own reproductive lives while for themselves chose a vasectomy to resolve theirs.

paterfamilias is the underlying evil most at their hearts and as the underpinnings of the desert religions - forced servitude.
^^^ Socialism has always sought to subordinate Christianity despite modeling itself after Christianity.
their broken record.

christians deliberately have the vision of an earthworm - for anything other than the servitude for a false religion that conforms to their personal world view of autocracy - how they can order women not to control their own reproductive lives while for themselves chose a vasectomy to resolve theirs.

paterfamilias is the underlying evil most at their hearts and as the underpinnings of the desert religions - forced servitude.

God created man to rule the world, and appointed for him two spirits after whose direction he was to walk until the final Inquisition. They are the spirits of truth and perversity.......

Between the two categories He has set an eternal enmity. Deeds of perversity are an abomination to Truth, while all the ways of Truth are an abomination to perversity; and there is a constant jealous rivalry between their two regimes, for they do not march in accord. Howbeit, God in His inscrutable wisdom has appointed a term for existence of perversity, and when the time of Inquisition comes, He will destroy it forever. Then truth will emerge triumphant for the world, albeit now until the time of the final judgment it go sullying itself in the ways of wickedness owing to the domination of perversity. Then, too, God will purge all the acts of man in the crucible of His Truth, and refine for Himself all the fabric of man, destroying every spirit of perversity from within his flesh and cleansing him by the holy spirit from all the effects of wickedness. Like waters of purification He will sprinkle upon the spirit of truth, to cleanse him of all the abominations of falsehood and of all pollution through the spirit of filth; to the end that, being made upright, men may have understanding of transcendental knowledge and of the lore of the sons of heaven, and that, being made blameless in their ways, they may be endowed with inner vision. For them has God chosen to be the partners of His eternal covenant, and theirs shall be all mortal glory. Perversity shall be no more, and all works of deceit shall be put to shame.

Thus far, the spirits of truth and perversity have been struggling in the heart of man. Men have walked both in wisdom and folly. If a man casts his portion with the truth, he does righteously and hates perversity; if he casts it with perversity, he does wickedly and abominates truth. For God has appointed them in equal measure until the final age, until 'He makes all things new'. He foreknows the effect of their works in every epoch of the world, and He has made men heirs to them that they might know good and evil. But [when the time] of Inquisition [comes], He will determine the fate of every living being in accordance with which of the [two spirits he has chosen to follow].
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God created man to rule the world, and appointed for him two spirits after whose direction he was to walk until the final Inquisition. They are the spirits of truth and perversity.......

Between the two categories He has set an eternal enmity. Deeds of perversity are an abomination to Truth, while all the ways of Truth are an abomination to perversity; and there is a constant jealous rivalry between their two regimes, for they do not march in accord. Howbeit, God in His inscrutable wisdom has appointed a term for existence of perversity, and when the time of Inquisition comes, He will destroy it forever. Then truth will emerge triumphant for the world, albeit now until the time of the final judgment it go sullying itself in the ways of wickedness owing to the domination of perversity. Then, too, God will purge all the acts of man in the crucible of His Truth, and refine for Himself all the fabric of man, destroying every spirit of perversity from within his flesh and cleansing him by the holy spirit from all the effects of wickedness. Like waters of purification He will sprinkle upon the spirit of truth, to cleanse him of all the abominations of falsehood and of all pollution through the spirit of filth; to the end that, being made upright, men may have understanding of transcendental knowledge and of the lore of the sons of heaven, and that, being made blameless in their ways, they may be endowed with inner vision. For them has God chosen to be the partners of His eternal covenant, and theirs shall be all mortal glory. Perversity shall be no more, and all works of deceit shall be put to shame.

Thus far, the spirits of truth and perversity have been struggling in the heart of man. Men have walked both in wisdom and folly. If a man casts his portion with the truth, he does righteously and hates perversity; if he casts it with perversity, he does wickedly and abominates truth. For God has appointed them in equal measure until the final age, until 'He makes all things new'. He foreknows the effect of their works in every epoch of the world, and He has made men heirs to them that they might know good and evil. But [when the time] of Inquisition [comes], He will determine the fate of every living being in accordance with which of the [two spirits he has chosen to follow].
Ideas of Jewish History - Page 68
Ideas of Jewish History - Page 68
God created man to rule the world, and appointed for him two spirits after whose direction he was to walk until the final Inquisition. They are the spirits of truth and perversity......

so much for the jews, the crime of self adulation.

corruption from the very beginning - self determination for all living beings is the same for admission to the Heavens.
No one is perfect ;)

no such condition exists, perfect ...

for admission to the heavens, liberation theology, self determination the goal of the 1st century requires purity for which is the same for all those who's free spirits have successfully accomplished the mission set out by a&e.
no such condition exists, perfect ...

for admission to the heavens, liberation theology, self determination the goal of the 1st century requires purity for which is the same for all those who's free spirits have successfully accomplished the mission set out by a&e.
Where's your proof. I can point to 24,000 written manuscripts. What can you point to?
Where's your proof. I can point to 24,000 written manuscripts. What can you point to?
no, not one original document exists - and there are non in clay or stone relief made during those times to insure their authenticity for the verbal stories past down through the ages - or destroyed to allow for the forgeries and fallacies of the madeup religions that were manufactured and referred to collectively as the desert religions.

- prove otherwise by providing the etched tablets from the heavens containing the 10 commandments included in all three desert religious documents. or remove the forgeries from all their publications.

you have yet to provide the tablets you claim were etched in the heavens and used in your obviously false religion.
you have yet to provide the tablets you claim were etched in the heavens and used in your obviously false religion.
There are 24,000 written manuscripts that are in existence. That's 24,000 more pieces of evidence than you have.
There are 24,000 written manuscripts that are in existence. That's 24,000 more pieces of evidence than you have.
did they have photo copiers during antiquity, bing - doubtful there are 24k of anything from that time period in written form.

- in fact without the forged - 10 commandments - the desert religions have no basis to claim their religions are monotheistic.

the religion of antiquity is spoken and inalterable - from the beginning of life on Earth to the present day ...
who spoke it to you?
you have yet to provide the tablets you claim were etched in the heavens and used in your obviously false religion.
- in fact without the forged - 10 commandments - the desert religions have no basis to claim their religions are monotheistic.

where are the etched tablets from heaven - your inability to provide proof of their existence is all that is required to prove not just christianity but all three desert religions are forgeries and exist under false pretense. as is the case throughout all their text.
where are the etched tablets from heaven - your inability to provide proof of their existence is all that is required to prove not just christianity but all three desert religions are forgeries and exist under false pretense. as is the case throughout all their text.
24,000 written manuscripts aren't enough for you?

The Word is back in heaven.

Who spoke your spoken religion to you?

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