Christians Have an Obligation to Support the President

Christians sold their souls to elect the most non Christian person in history.

Pact with the Devil
Christians sold their souls to elect the most non Christian person in history.

Pact with the Devil
Remember they elected trump because they said all the republicans he ran against were worse alternatives and we all agreed that was true.

I liked trump better than all them too
Alexis de Tocqueville pointed out this phenomenon in Europe, and highlighted what a blessing it was America didn't suffer from it because we kept church and state separate.

Too bad we didn't listen to him:

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

That was written in 1834.

The pseudocon propagandists have the evangelicals believing Christianity is under attack in America. But the fact is they are sabotaging themselves from within. They are destroying themselves by getting political and backing pagan heathens like Trump. A serial adulterer and gambling magnate who is proud of his wickedness.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
They follow that guy from the 700 club why not trump?

Religion makes people dumb and controllable of course trumps tapping into that.

Ahhhhhh, shut up, you atheist squint, you leftist, statist bootlick of a socialist nitwit of a baby-murdering monster of a pathological liar. You know very well why Christians support Trump and that it has nothing to do with his personal foibles or hypocrisy. They are quite rightly, quite intelligently, voting their best interests.
They won't get magical juju from the skyman unless they vote for the idiot
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty
Speak for yourself. lol
I'm not religious. No group can tell me something unbelievable and expect me to buy it.

For example, the idea that the entire scientific community is lying about global warming. It couldn't possibly be the Republicans and the Oil Company lobbyists who are lying to us. No no. It's the global warming scientists who are lying. And the media is in on it. It's a vast left wing conspiracy.

Anyone with common sense knows man made global warming is real. But if you ask Christians they don't believe it. Why? Because their bible doesn't predict that global warming is how we are going to go extinct. Their bible tells them exactly how the end days are coming. And we are in the end times so nothing we can do about it so don't even worry about all the pollution and plastic in the water. God will sort it all out.

Religion makes people stupid. We see it here and in the middle east.
How convenient. Develop a philosophy where everybody else but you makes all the mistakes.
Here's your error: all the heat from human beings and their toys since their genesis on this planet is not a nano particle compared to the heat inside the Earth's core. Yet there you are up on top of your soapbox agreeing with AOC that people give up their life's savings and give her 70% of all income to stalk this invisible giant of bad human heat.

Fortunately, most of us can figure verbal lying bullshit out just from our ears picking up the falsetto vibes.

You can't. And you ain't picking my pockets to get AOC high, either.
That's right, you peasants. God Himself commands you to bend the knee to the orange fucking idiot.

From the information in the OP, he explains in the book, his argument.

For you to present his argument like that, when you have no idea what it is,

is you being an anti-Christian bigot.

You are the fucking idiot here. Not Reed, not Trump. You.
From where I'm standing, you join those 2 retards as another fucking idiot
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty
Speak for yourself. lol
I'm not religious. No group can tell me something unbelievable and expect me to buy it.

For example, the idea that the entire scientific community is lying about global warming. It couldn't possibly be the Republicans and the Oil Company lobbyists who are lying to us. No no. It's the global warming scientists who are lying. And the media is in on it. It's a vast left wing conspiracy.

Anyone with common sense knows man made global warming is real. But if you ask Christians they don't believe it. Why? Because their bible doesn't predict that global warming is how we are going to go extinct. Their bible tells them exactly how the end days are coming. And we are in the end times so nothing we can do about it so don't even worry about all the pollution and plastic in the water. God will sort it all out.

Religion makes people stupid. We see it here and in the middle east.
How convenient. Develop a philosophy where everybody else but you makes all the mistakes.
Here's your error: all the heat from human beings and their toys since their genesis on this planet is not a nano particle compared to the heat inside the Earth's core. Yet there you are up on top of your soapbox agreeing with AOC that people give up their life's savings and give her 70% of all income to stalk this invisible giant of bad human heat.

Fortunately, most of us can figure verbal lying bullshit out just from our ears picking up the falsetto vibes.

You can't. And you ain't picking my pockets to get AOC high, either.

At least you are starting to admit this is all about not wanting to pay for going green.

That bullshit about the earth's core is just that.

Just look at how fucking wackadoo lying pieces of shit Republicans have become since Reagan. Didn't Reagan fight to close the ozone? Did you think that was a hoax too back in the 80's?

Bottom line is Exxon doesn't want to pay to go green. Coal companies want to keep polluting. And you swallow conspiracy theories about paying 70% of your income.

Yes, you will pay more to go green. And you'll like it. The same way today you Republicans don't mind paying a little more to buy American. in the 2000's you wanted cheap shit from China. Today you know it's worth paying a little to buy American. Well, it's worth paying a little more to go green too.
Just goes to show you what phonies religious folk are . Following a godless , man whore , womanizing , greedy , lying , boorish , con man like Trump is God’s will?!
when did you meet Trump? did you hang with him? you sure seem to know him. tell us. inquiring minds would like to know.
It's God's will.<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >> ‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
Not all evangelicals are falling for Trump's lies. Pat Robertson has said that Trump "may lose the mandate of heaven". The coalition is cracking, folks. Tick, tick, tick...
You do consider then lesser than you, do you not? You oppose them on nearly everything?
Irrelevant. Once again the seriousness of what Trump has done escapes his acolytes. This is the kind of thing that can lead to a replay of history when REPUBLICAN leaders can't take it anymore and are forced to go to the WH and tell a president that he's lost support from his own party.
It is completely relevant. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, (other than those that support you) and not only oppose them on nearly all issues, but regularly attempt to marginalize them in society and drive them from the political process. AND then you are shocked and surprised, and pretend that it is somehow illegitimate for them to organize and oppose you.
Don't try to make this about me. I was pointing out that an evangelical icon has signalled his willingness to leave the Trump train. Secondly, you don't know me. Saying I have contempt for Christians is just a sad attempt to defend the indefensible.

My point stands. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, and oppose them on nearly all issues of substance,

and then act as though it is beyond the pale that Christians would organize AGAINST you.

There should be a term, for maximum narrow mindedness, so we could call you that.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty

"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.
Are you saying republicans want to ban abortion?

Then you are pro choice too.

I said nothing about abortion.

Like most liberals, you have nothing but contempt for white religious Christians. And you oppose them all nearly ever political issue.

Yet, you have to imagine self serving reasons why the people you denigrate and oppose, would organize against you and yours.

How can you be so narrow minded, that you have attack people who disagree with you, for opposing you politically?

What a dumb comment. There are many people whom you define as "liberals," whatever this actually means, who are themselves white religious Christians who have different political views. BTW: why the mention of race? Christians come in many colors. What's your racial angle?

1. THe hypocrisy of liberals, saying the most contempt filled hate filled things about Christians one day, and then next embracing other Christians is a very point. But one that does not challenge my statement about the shit you libs say and do about Christians.

2. It is not "my racial angle". lt is merely me observing that liberals treat black Christians differently than they treat white Christians. Again, if you read the hate filled contempt that liberals express about Christians, and then see them embrace black Christians, it is quite obvious that liberals are complete hypocrites, if not soulless monsters.
It's God's will.

<< American evangelicals “have a moral obligation to enthusiastically back” the president. >>

‘Render to God and Trump’: Ralph Reed calls for 2020 obedience to Trump
This is what’s wrong with religion. If you’ll believe the unbelievable then you clearly can be lied to.

Blind loyalty

"In his book, Reed will “persuasively” argue evangelicals have a duty to defend the incumbent Republican leader against “the stridently anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and pro-abortion agenda of the progressive left,” according to the description."

Sounds like he is attempting to make the case for his opinion.

Nothing unreasonable about that. I don't see where you get off calling it a lie.

It is funny, that you attack the very idea of religion, putting down religious people in the process, and then assume that the only reason that religious people could oppose you, is because they are lied to.
Are you saying republicans want to ban abortion?

Then you are pro choice too.

I said nothing about abortion.

Like most liberals, you have nothing but contempt for white religious Christians. And you oppose them all nearly ever political issue.

Yet, you have to imagine self serving reasons why the people you denigrate and oppose, would organize against you and yours.

How can you be so narrow minded, that you have attack people who disagree with you, for opposing you politically?

Because I am right and they are wrong. They just don't know it because they are brainwashed.

And I do it because they do it to me.

I didn't oppose them until they turned political. Now if we could just convince the people who agree with us that voting matters. Because your side tells people voting doesn't matter and there is no difference between the parties. Meanwhile, your side shows up every 2 years. Very sneaky and clever. Lying for Jesus.

You missed my point. YOur post above, where you attacked them for opposing you, was not attacking them on the different view of policy,

but for organizing and opposing you on that difference of policy.
Not all evangelicals are falling for Trump's lies. Pat Robertson has said that Trump "may lose the mandate of heaven". The coalition is cracking, folks. Tick, tick, tick...
You do consider then lesser than you, do you not? You oppose them on nearly everything?
Irrelevant. Once again the seriousness of what Trump has done escapes his acolytes. This is the kind of thing that can lead to a replay of history when REPUBLICAN leaders can't take it anymore and are forced to go to the WH and tell a president that he's lost support from his own party.
It is completely relevant. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, (other than those that support you) and not only oppose them on nearly all issues, but regularly attempt to marginalize them in society and drive them from the political process. AND then you are shocked and surprised, and pretend that it is somehow illegitimate for them to organize and oppose you.
Don't try to make this about me. I was pointing out that an evangelical icon has signalled his willingness to leave the Trump train. Secondly, you don't know me. Saying I have contempt for Christians is just a sad attempt to defend the indefensible.
My point stands. You liberals have nothing but contempt for Christians, and oppose them on nearly all issues of substance,and then act as though it is beyond the pale that Christians would organize AGAINST you. There should be a term, for maximum narrow mindedness, so we could call you that.
You have no point. You don't know me and are just a prejudiced person who thinks all liberals are the same. How Christian of you! I think you really don't have a clue what the word means.
That's right, you peasants. God Himself commands you to bend the knee to the orange fucking idiot.

From the information in the OP, he explains in the book, his argument.

For you to present his argument like that, when you have no idea what it is,

is you being an anti-Christian bigot.

You are the fucking idiot here. Not Reed, not Trump. You.

We have good reasons to be anti Christianity. Same way you don't want Muslims voting to implement Sharia law, we don't want you imposing your Baptist or Catholics laws.

1. Thank you for not denying that you are anti-Christianity.

2. I fully support the rights of American Muslims to vote. I expect that they will organize and vote for politicians and policies that reflect their culture. I don't know how you misunderstood me on that.

3. Given that you are anti-Christian, and oppose Christians on policy issues, why are you acting like it is odd that Christians are organizing against you?
That's right, you peasants. God Himself commands you to bend the knee to the orange fucking idiot.

From the information in the OP, he explains in the book, his argument.

For you to present his argument like that, when you have no idea what it is,

is you being an anti-Christian bigot.

You are the fucking idiot here. Not Reed, not Trump. You.
Name calling.

I explained to you at the time, and many times since then, how you misunderstood my point, you fucking moron.
That's right, you peasants. God Himself commands you to bend the knee to the orange fucking idiot.

From the information in the OP, he explains in the book, his argument.

For you to present his argument like that, when you have no idea what it is,

is you being an anti-Christian bigot.

You are the fucking idiot here. Not Reed, not Trump. You.
From where I'm standing, you join those 2 retards as another fucking idiot

The difference here, is that I explained and supported my statement,

while you just said shit, without any attempt to back it up.

You are a fucking moron.

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