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Churning In The Mud: How The Dems Can Gain Traction....Or Not...


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
OK, I find it a bit amusing how the dems are running around like fractured chicken flocks in the yard squawking every which direction...Here are a few....

1. Jobs...whoops...Trump beat you to that..

2. The Wall along Mexico...too many working class dems agree there too...Trump's got them...dang..

3. Healthcare!! Trump's going to expand medicaid and put his name on that, again to the glee of working class voters...shoot!

4. The ban on immigration!! Got news for you, swaths of middle voters are secretly celebrating a sigh of relief that the unending stream of trojan horses mean less terrorists will sneak through.

******* (they do make great futile distractions for the flock though, don't they?) :eusa_think:

What to do? Is there no issue upon which a clear line is drawn that can be the new dem lapel? The new face of the democratic party that the GOP itself will not corner and pee on first, to the delight of working class value voters? Not one topic that even the most ardent of middle Trump-style dems would gravitate back to the blue of blue ideals?

I've got one the GOP will fuck up on hard and will not waiver in their stance upon: the environment. Specifically car manufacturing and the push for new cargo-style SUVs instead of efficient commuters, it's twin-project: fracking (you know to provide more gas for those 12mpg lunkers) and the Pipeline from Canada for same.

Talking points might be:

1. How producing bigger heavier cars means less of a market to Europe who doesn't want them; but instead wants hybrids and small affordable diesels.

2. How #1 means where we could have revived our economy selling the world what it wants in autos, we instead will make a few rich oil bastards richer while the support industry for cars that won't sell abroad (or locally because you know we're all still really broke and won't be "upgrading" to a higher fuel bill each month just to get to work and back)..at least in theory they'll get richer. Hard to see how when their stubborn monopoly on the types of cars consumers can buy will be like cutting their own throats in the end. Trump's Dieselgate?: How The GOP/BigOil Powers Intend To Smash Efficient Cars Again

3. How fracking cannot be cleaned up. How once polluted, our last resources of fresh underground agriculture and drinking water will be gone forever and ever and ever. "Safe Water Act" anyone?

4. How fracking earthquakes might actually trigger other tectonic plates to start shifting nearby. The shale layers might actually be acting as a buffer for stress zones otherwise free to slip and slide around.. (Get ready Cali, BigOil might just be lubing up "The Big One".) Kind of like playing Jenga with critical subsurface structures, banking that they're not critical in mitigating pressures and activity in neighboring plates.. For that matter, the New Madrid Fault running along the Mississippi River is a doozey when it wakes up now and then.

5. How the pipeline from Canada for sure will burst and foul more streams and rivers, many on sensitive native lands. (you know, especially with man-made earthquakes on the exponential increase in the region.)

6. How solar thermal linear fresnel is a much better way to boil water than with nuclear boilers or other more polluting types. How combining solar thermal with oil and such in the Southwest using new superconductor technology will make it so we can SELL energy to Canada instead of buy it from them (GDP anyone?), with a massive reduction in carbon footprint since the number of sunny days in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada & California run around 300 days each year..


So dems, you can sit there spinning your wheels in the mud, getting zero traction, or you can find some firm pavement the GOP won't waffle away from under any circumstances (their anti-environmental stance).

We could be selling massive amounts of affordable diesel & electric commuters to Europe and expanding our economy massively this way. And we could be selling sun-boiled steam turbine electricity to Canada instead of buying their oil. Both are economic tidal waves for the US...virtual tsunamis. But because of a few recalcitrant BigOil moguls, we will play the game of pretend that 20th century gasoline lunker cars are "the way to go". If we make this vital mistake, it will likely be the last economic mistake America makes.

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I think the national socialist right wing will have plenty of litigation to worry about.
Yeah, that'll get them. Just like it did (n't) during election 2016 and the dems still lost their asses.

Ignore the OP's advice at your own peril, dimocrats.
I think maybe running the award-winning movie "Erin Brockovich" nonstop might be a good idea. It's a story about a saucy paralegal woman who saved working class people from the clear perils and insidious profiteering of a big corporation polluting their home town's water "Hinkley"'s water sources.

Erin Brockovich - Wikipedia
I think the national socialist right wing will have plenty of litigation to worry about.
What litigation is going to bring them to their knees as a party-label exactly? vs the OP?

For instance, do the dems want to be known as (think: working class values votes)

1. The party who didn't do as well as Trump in bringing home jobs (the party defending TPP & NAFTA)?

2. The party wanting more jobs to disappear to unregulated border flow from Mexico?

3. The party who wanted to fine young working people for not signing up for a botched halfling medical "revoutionary plan"?

4. The party who wanted to mainline immigrants whose ranks often include Islamic terrorists, straight into their communities here in the Homeland?

Or do they want to be known as:

"The Erin Brockovich party"? I can tell you which label will do better in 2018 & 2020...but I doubt the chickens scattering in the yard will hear above the din of their own confusion..
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3. Healthcare!! Trump's going to expand medicaid and put his name on that, again to the glee of working class voters...shoot!

And the Trumptards support that now? An expansion of one of America's biggest socialist programs?
3. Healthcare!! Trump's going to expand medicaid and put his name on that, again to the glee of working class voters...shoot!

And the Trumptards support that now? An expansion of one of America's biggest socialist programs?
No, but given their concerns outed by the ? person who taped their secret retreat conversations; they know they have to come around to cover the masses. This is why they so stringently fought Obamacare but time was against them. Obama and the dems knew that if they rammed it home, people would NOT tolerate rolling it back and heads will roll in future elections for anyone who tries to leave infants, women, children, hard working poor men out in the cold without healthcare.

They'll expand medicare. It has to happen. And worst of all for dems, they'll put their label on it when it's made better than Obamacare.
As for the fracking/earthquake cause...I can't be the only person on earth who has noticed that when a big one hits, within a day or two or even just hours afterwards, another one of similar magnitude hits on the opposite side of the earth. Fracking earthquake swarms could set the economy back quite a bit if it causes the New Madrid Fault to suddenly rupture or the one in Calif. More likely the New Madrid because of the subsurface structures and the way energy travels in that region underground. Runs in my mind that the Midwest projects that lateral energy farther in all directions. I think fracking anywhere in that vast region is playing with fire re: The New Madrid Fault.


At 2:15 a.m. on December 16, 1811, residents of the frontier town of New Madrid, in what is now Missouri, were jolted from their beds by a violent earthquake. The ground heaved and pitched, hurling furniture, snapping trees and destroying barns and homesteads. The shaking rang church bells in Charleston, South Carolina, and toppled chimneys as far as Cincinnati, Ohio....As people were starting to rebuild that winter, two more major quakes struck, on January 23 and February 7. Each New Madrid earthquake had a magnitude of 7.5 or greater, making them three of the most powerful in the continental United States and shaking an area ten times larger than that affected by the magnitude 7.8 San Francisco earthquake of 1906. The Great Midwest Earthquake of 1811 | Science | Smithsonian

There it is. The proof that the lateral shaking reaches very far away from the epicenter in the Midwest. More rocky and diverse substructures in California localize quake damage. Not so in the Midwest and Eastern regions apparently.

If the Smithsonian sees it as a problem, why can't democrats? The firm shale structures underlying the Midwest may be like a lattice structure holding everything in place. Indeed, the swarms of earthquakes following man made ruptures of the shale would indicate that it was essential in stabilizing the surface. Fracking is similar to going along the foundation of your house and randomly jackhammering parts of it here and there. Eventually, the structure above is going to be critically compromised and collapse.
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It seems to me that the flurry of controversial acts from the GOP may be designed to distract. And that it would be in the dems best interest to notice that and form different subcommittees to address the several areas they knew well in advance that the Trump administration would be pushing forward in this early blitz.

IMHO. I'd say that it would be prudent for dems to organize around a new middle-appealing central theme to their logo (see OP, and no, it's not chopping boys dicks off and forcing girls to shower with them in public schools) and then have the other issues they're not as likely to gain middle ground traction on in the MSM be dealt with by smaller satellite committees. Otherwise, chickens squawking all over the yard just sounds like white noise after a certain point.
There were a couple of talking heads who noticed my "flurry" theory. Good. Now focus.
OK so they are now unilaterally recognizing the blitz they're being subjected to. Dems should thank the GOP for the blitz actually. It will force them immediately and succinctly to cleave off causes that have not been getting them any traction with their hemorrhaging middle bloc and focus on the causes that will get them traction.

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