city worked gets suspended for moving blm sign

what a crock. those signs should be down.

They should have fired the guy. This constitutes a violation of free speech by the city government. This guy's actions open the city up to mega liability. A private employer would normally terminate anyone brazenly and maliciously opening the company up to this degree of liability.
BLUF: The guy should have left the sign alone.

That said a 30 day suspension seems steep for what he did. He didn’t damage the property or steal it. There has to be some past disciplinary deal with this guy.
They should have fired the guy. This constitutes a violation of free speech by the city government. This guy's actions open the city up to mega liability. A private employer would normally terminate anyone brazenly and maliciously opening the company up to this degree of liability.
for what its just a sign. but it is big deal to black racists,.
for what its just a sign. but it is big deal to black racists,.

A sign that is owned by someone else.

If it were a Trump for President sign, would it still be ok to knock it down?

I will say that in my neighborhood the sighs are all in the actual yards, behind the sidewalks. Come take those. You get prosecuted.
So this "Beauty Strip" is city property? And you decide the signs need to be removed? Without permission from either the city or the homeowner who is usually tasked with maintaining it?

You take it upon yourself to remove the signs you dislike? Do you take down Trump signs as well?
Trump running is an ad. BLM is something we already know so no agitating reminders necessary
Yes I do what pleases me here. I doubt you own property paying $6,500 annually in property taxes or you would be familiar with the right of way strips. I do not go into people yards; that’s their space to be obtusely dumb. The areas that belong to everyone who pays for it and has restrictions by municipalities about placing things there are not for Burn Loot Murder Buy Lotsa Mansions advertising boards. 6 year old kids arent elegible for the treatmeant either
So the answer to your pearl clutching is that yes I do things that make you want to pound your tiny little hands on my great big chest
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yep. I don't agree with the movement but that's their sign, their yard. show some respect even if you disagree.

maybe especially then.
It’s not their yard . When they put a sign in a public right of way where it’s not authorized then they have abandoned what was once their property. I simply tidy up the mess. Dont need to call mommy for permission
Noble actually
Trump running is an ad. BLM is something we already know so no agitating reminders necessary
Yes I do want pleases me. I doubt you own property paying $6,500 annually in property taxes or you would be familiar with the right of way strips. I do not go into people yards; that’s their space to be obtusely dumb. The areas that belong to everyone who pays for it and has restrictions by municipalities about placing things there are not for Burn Loot Murder Buy Lotsa Mansions advertising boards. 6 year old kids arent elegible for the treatmeant either
So the answer to your pearl clutching is that yes I do things that make you want to pound your tiny little hands on my great big chest

You are correct. I don't own property paying $6,500 annually in property taxes. My taxes for my properties last year were a shade over $10k.

I am more familiar with the right of way strips than you know. In addition to owning property, I worked for 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I spent years digging up people's yards to put utilities in the various right-of-ways.
It’s not their yard . When they put a sign in a public right of way where it’s not authorized then they have abandoned what was once their property. I simply tidy up the mess. Dint need to call mommy for permission
Noble actually

Noble? No, it is just being an asshole. Vandalism is not a noble act.
You are correct. I don't own property paying $6,500 annually in property taxes. My taxes for my properties last year were a shade over $10k.

I am more familiar with the right of way strips than you know. In addition to owning property, I worked for 20+ years in the utility construction industry. I spent years digging up people's yards to put utilities in the various right-of-ways.
And therefore your experience confirms what I am saying or you would have disputed it.
Any deferred tap etc in that 10k?
Good work acquiring such.
And therefore your experience confirms what I am saying or you would have disputed it.
Any deferred tap etc in that 10k?
Good work acquiring such.

I did not argue with the fact that you can legally remove the signs from the right of way. Just that it is a dick move to do so.
Noble? No, it is just being an asshole. Vandalism is not a noble act.
You like the BLM bullshit and you don t want the “effort” thwarted.
Might not be noble but it’s at least one mans act that America’s not capitulating to this forced feeding nonsense. I am just as free to remove it from the restricted area as they were to place it there and In fact more so.
You like the BLM bullshit and you don t want the “effort” thwarted.
Might not be noble but it’s at least one mans act that America’s not capitulating to this forced feeding nonsense. I am just as free to remove it from the restricted area as they were to place it there and In fact more so.

No, I don't like the BLM bullshit. But I do like people having the freedom to post what signs they want in their yards.

And I would bet that most of those people with the "Black Live Matter" signs in their yard hate the destructive rioting too. But the idea that Black Lives Matter is important to them.
I did not argue with the fact that you can legally remove the signs from the right of way. Just that it is a dick move to do so.
I think it’s a dick move to escalate it as you have and make the dick move call you did. You are overly emotive about BLM. Feelings over intellect. Signs not supposed to be there and that’s the fact and your response is pearl clutching name calling.
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No, I don't like the BLM bullshit. But I do like people having the freedom to post what signs they want in their yards.

And I would bet that most of those people with the "Black Live Matter" signs in their yard hate the destructive rioting too. But the idea that Black Lives Matter is important to them.
See this is how libs lie I’ve said it before that’s it’s the right of way. They can freely put their dumb assert on public display in their yard. Not on the telephone pole nor in the restricted right of way area. See, the county makes me cut that grass and remove the snow. All of us who own have that obligation. There is no obligation to “honor” BLM signs. I perform free labor In that area, I can’t plant flowers nor trees . Your idea it’s their “ right” is incorrect and extreme emotional overreaction
See this is how libs lie I’ve said it before that’s it’s the right of way. They can freely put their dumb assert on public display in their yard. Not on the telephone pole nor in the restricted right of way area. See, the county makes me cut that grass and remove the snow. All of us who own have that obligation. There is no obligation to “honor” BLM signs. I perform free labor In that area, I can’t plant flowers nor trees . Your idea it’s their “ right” is incorrect and extreme emotional overreaction

"Your idea it’s their “ right” is incorrect and extreme emotional overreaction"

I did not say it was a right. I said I like people having the freedom to post what they want in their yard. And here the homeowner is responsible for maintaining that "beauty strip", not the city.
I think it’s a dick move to escalate it as you have and make the dick move call you did. You are overly emotive about BLM. Feelings over intellect. Signs not supposed to be there and that’s the fact and your response is pearl clutching name calling.
it sounds like he would also be against removing say, a Trump sign as well.

this isn't about what is on the sign. this is about your right to express your views.

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