Civil Rights Commission Against Religious Freedom

They hear code words and dog whistles.

A new report by the United States Commission on Civil Rights supports the majority on the federal commission, who say that efforts to protect religious liberty and freedom are really a way for individuals and entities to discriminate against people who don’t share their beliefs.

“The phrases ‘religious liberty’ and ‘religious freedom’ will stand for nothing except hypocrisy so long as they remain code words for discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance,” Martin Castro, chairman of the commission, said in a statement included in the 296-page report.

Civil Rights Commission: ‘Religious Liberty,’ ‘Religious Freedom’ Code Words for Intolerance, Homophobia, and ‘Christian Supremacy’

because it's true.

your point?

Funny, they defend Islam a religion that openly calls for killing homos.

And there are Christians who openly call for killing gays and doctors and who blow up abortion clinics. Most Muslims do not call for any such thing.

Btw, your calling anyone a homo doesn't exactly say you're much better than they are.
Soggy, per his language, is not better, no. Most Christians, like most Muslims, though, do not call for the death of LGBT and abortion clinic personnel and do support blowing up abortion clinics.

And that was my point. Thank you.
"Question: "If homosexuality is a sin, why didn’t Jesus ever mention it?" is a part of "Got Questions Ministries [that] seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence."

GQM, in other words, is an evangelical version of ancient Pharisaism that puts a man made barrier around the ministry of the historical Jesus.

Jesus never condemned homosexuality.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality?


The bible did not exist at all during the time of Jesus.

All I recall is him stating that his intent was not to tear down scripture. You should be more clear on how he reinforced scripture, considering that is what most likely meant to say.

Oh save it, the Bible condemns homosexuality and any stupid fuck that thinks Jesus would have condoned it is too fucking stupid to live
Yep, you are no Christian. Run along to your mosque.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.
The ministry of Jesus reinforces love. The Bible as crafted by man reinforces man's cruelty to man when Jesus is taken out of it. Listen to Jesus, not the Bible.
There seriously not much difference between European socialism and Trotskyism.

if you think that, you're stupid. No nice way to put it.

The question was whether or not the government should enforce equality measures.

No, that question was asked and answered 50 years ago during the Civil Rights movement.

In literalist terms, you are asking for the corrupt corporate state to verbally intimidate business owners into employing and serving people they have differences with, and if they fail to comply, they will be forced into court where the government will rob them of a great deal of money they cannot afford to lose.

Yup. I also wouldn't mind shipping their bigoted asses off to a place where we teach them to be decent human beings.

Just describing what you want without all the bullshit. Now do you want to consider a more tempered and non-authoritarian approach towards instigating cultural change?

Nope, what we are doing is working just fine. I don't expect to change bigots like the Wife-beater in Oregon who crashed his wife's bakery because he enjoys publicity so much. But the sensible person will think twice.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect.

Yes, like when he stormed through the Temple, driving out the moneychangers with a cat o'nine tails.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
1) protected by private association
2) depends
3) ok
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.

Gawd you're freaking stupid
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect.

Yes, like when he stormed through the Temple, driving out the moneychangers with a cat o'nine tails.
Yes, He respected God by driving out the likes of you from sacred ground.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect.

Yes, like when he stormed through the Temple, driving out the moneychangers with a cat o'nine tails.
Yes, He respected God by driving out the likes of you from sacred ground.

You have a sure talent for fifth-grade comebacks.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.

Gawd you're freaking stupid

You're capitulation is duly noted and appreciated.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.

Gawd you're freaking stupid

You're capitulation is duly noted and appreciated.

Nah, the one thing you worms can't get around, the Bible states numerous times homosexuality is a sin, an abomination. That my little moron is game, set and match :)
So liberals are now including Christians in that "basket of deplorables" Hillary preaches to her supporters?

Please point out to me in the Gospels where Jesus said anything about homosexuality at all? The problem with you "Christians" is that you use Jesus to rationalize a lot of deplorable things that Jesus never talked about.

And ignore the things he did talk about like "Taking care of the poor", "doing onto others" and "Turning the other cheek".

"If Jesus were alive today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian"- Mark Twain.
When I read the nonsense of these comments, I certainly turned the other cheek.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.

Gawd you're freaking stupid

You're capitulation is duly noted and appreciated.

Nah, the one thing you worms can't get around, the Bible states numerous times homosexuality is a sin, an abomination. That my little moron is game, set and match :)
and at the same time they endorse a religion that has far more radical beliefs than Christians do.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
obama said you're not to slander the prophet mohammed.
You just did.
Jesus reinforced the Bible as a whole, does the Bible condemn homosexuality? Why yes, yes it does...numerous times. Sit down, this is the result when you loons attempt to go Biblical, you cherry pick and get caught everytime

Jesus was really specific about what portions of the Bible he reinforced. He reinforced the sections about love, and respect. He distilled the 10 Commandments down to two: Love the Lord Thy God, and love one another as I have loved you. But He did not reinforce the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible. He emphasized love, compassion for others, poverty (something right wingers seem to have no memory of at all), and forgiveness.

So no, He didn't reinforce all of the other parts of the Bible. He chose his emphasis.

Gawd you're freaking stupid

You're capitulation is duly noted and appreciated.

Nah, the one thing you worms can't get around, the Bible states numerous times homosexuality is a sin, an abomination. That my little moron is game, set and match :)

Funny, we managed to "get around" the fact that the bible tells us to stone adulterers. We managed to :get" around the bible saying slavery is a-ok and that black people have the "mark of Cain" on them. We managed to "get around" mutilating people for stealing or prostitution. How did we manage to "get around" all of that in the bible, but the gay thing...nope, just can't "get around" that. :rolleyes:

You know what is condemned as an "abomination" in the bible? Usery. Lending money at high interest rates is an abomination according to the bible.

That's not much of a "game" you think you're winning at.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
obama said you're not to slander the prophet mohammed.
You just did.

That's not all he said. Do you know what the entire context of that one line was? Did you ever read it or hear it in context?

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
obama said you're not to slander the prophet mohammed.
You just did.

That's not all he said. Do you know what the entire context of that one line was? Did you ever read it or hear it in context?

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.
All you did is support what I said.

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