Clarence Thomas had a stepson in private school. Harlan Crow paid his tuition

Hey Stupid, it was a subsidiary. The case didn't have "Trammell Crow" in it. I gave you the case you blithering idiot.

You can continue to repeat your lefty hack's lie, but that won't change the facts, Simp.
A better way to refute the attacks on Clarance is to highlight all of the corruption on the part of Ketanji Jackson...

I am sure there are tons of examples that shows her to be blatantly corrupt, I am sure she probably has 3 or 4 homes that were paid for by her donors and stuff....

I heard reports that she literally sentenced a man to life in prison because her donors told her to do it....but nobody is talking about it.....why? Because isn't true? So what, make it up until it is....
I've stated over and over and over that what I want is for Roberts to enact strong enforceable ethic rules. Those rules would cover them all. He will not.

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.”​

Thomas Paine.
So no posts saying Kagan should have recused.

Got it.
pknopp any answers to the questions below?

The lefty hack writer claims the case was against "Trammel Crow Residential company" when in fact it was from a subsidiary that nobody would connect unless the attorneys for the plaintiff made the court aware of.

Here is the actual case:


Now explain to the class how the hell Thomas was supposed to know this company was one of the dozens of subs of one of the dozens of Trammel Crow companies?

So since your hack lied you really have nothing. Did the entire court vote to not hear the case? Would Thomas' recusing himself have changed that decision? Was the lower court decision in favor or against Metric Holdings?

Got any answers to those questions, Simp?
The way right-wingers desperately reach makes me wonder if they dislocate their shoulders a lot....
We have spent endless trillions of dollars to make things right. I see commercials for people suffering overseas where a pittance of that would make their lives near middle class. I do not get all of this.
A new revelation today in the Clarence Thomas corruption saga. When you read it, ask yourselves how conservatives would have reacted if George Soros had paid the tuition of Sonia Sotomayor's stepson

"In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia.

The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill.

A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martin’s tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

The payments extended beyond that month, according to Christopher Grimwood, a former administrator at the school. Crow paid Martin’s tuition the entire time he was a student there, which was about a year, Grimwood told ProPublica."

This just gets dirtier and dirtier.
If George Soros paid the tuition of a relative of Elana Kagen, you tards would be foaming at the mouth and you know it.

Thomas did not report these tuition gifts. Ever. That's illegal.

All caught up now, dumbass?
We have spent endless trillions of dollars to make things right. I see commercials for people suffering overseas where a pittance of that would make their lives near middle class. I do not get all of this.
Lol @ make things right

You mean yall have been spending trillions of dollars in your effort to make things right for the top 1% of people...and since you vicariously live thru those people, you somehow think what is best for them, is best for you.....

Trans people aren't the source of your insecurity and mediocrity...but I am sure hating trans people helps to ease all of it....
Lol @ make things right

You mean yall have been spending trillions of dollars in your effort to make things right for the top 1% of people...and since you vicariously live thru those people, you somehow think what is best for them, is best for you.....

Trans people aren't the source of your insecurity and mediocrity...but I am sure hating trans people helps to ease all of it....
I do not care of trans people. I care of elevating them to godhood and money spent on them for it. Anyway, this is just a globalist agenda to deflect from taking over many parts of the world. We all actually believe we have checks sent to us out of nothing.
I do not care of trans people. I care of elevating them to godhood and money spent on them for it. Anyway, this is just a globalist agenda to deflect from taking over many parts of the world. We all actually believe we have checks sent to us out of nothing.
Do you know that the same rhetoric right-wingers used in opposition to other minority groups being treated as human in the past is the same rhetoric you use now?

When black folks were finally having their constitutional rights and just the sheer right to be a human being; recognized by our country's institutions, folks like you were having hissy fits and claiming they were being treated better than you...

When gays were no longer forced to live in fear of being themselves, you folks said the same shit about them that you are now saying about trannies....

Do you ever get tired of whining about other people being treated equally under the law? Or does equal treatment only apply to those who look and think like you?
There's no conservative-liberal divide on the U.S. Supreme Court when it comes to calls for a new, enforceable ethics code.
All nine justices, in a rare step, on Tuesday released a joint statement reaffirming their voluntary adherence to a general code of conduct but rebutting proposals for independent oversight, mandatory compliance with ethics rules and greater transparency in cases of recusal.
The implication, though not expressly stated, is that the court unanimously rejects legislation proposed by Democrats seeking to impose on the justices the same ethics obligations applied to all other federal judges.
A new revelation today in the Clarence Thomas corruption saga. When you read it, ask yourselves how conservatives would have reacted if George Soros had paid the tuition of Sonia Sotomayor's stepson

"In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia.

The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill.

A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martin’s tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

The payments extended beyond that month, according to Christopher Grimwood, a former administrator at the school. Crow paid Martin’s tuition the entire time he was a student there, which was about a year, Grimwood told ProPublica."

Harlan Crow may not own, Justice Thomas and his wife, but he does appear to be making payments on them. The Supreme Court sees nothing wrong with it, inviting more, possibly as a sideline support, possibly open to all Supreme Court Justices in the future, as best judges money can buy.
A new revelation today in the Clarence Thomas corruption saga. When you read it, ask yourselves how conservatives would have reacted if George Soros had paid the tuition of Sonia Sotomayor's stepson

"In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia.

The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill.

A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martin’s tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

The payments extended beyond that month, according to Christopher Grimwood, a former administrator at the school. Crow paid Martin’s tuition the entire time he was a student there, which was about a year, Grimwood told ProPublica."

that’s nice of him. i had a family friend that that wealthy and he used to pay the college tutition of a kid he knew.

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