Clarence Thomas had a stepson in private school. Harlan Crow paid his tuition

A new revelation today in the Clarence Thomas corruption saga. When you read it, ask yourselves how conservatives would have reacted if George Soros had paid the tuition of Sonia Sotomayor's stepson

"In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia.

The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill.

A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martin’s tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

The payments extended beyond that month, according to Christopher Grimwood, a former administrator at the school. Crow paid Martin’s tuition the entire time he was a student there, which was about a year, Grimwood told ProPublica."

Soros doesn't pay for kids to go to schools. He pays for people to burn down cities.
A new revelation today in the Clarence Thomas corruption saga. When you read it, ask yourselves how conservatives would have reacted if George Soros had paid the tuition of Sonia Sotomayor's stepson

"In 2008, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decided to send his teenage grandnephew to Hidden Lake Academy, a private boarding school in the foothills of northern Georgia.

The boy, Mark Martin, was far from home. For the previous decade, he had lived with the justice and his wife in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. Thomas had taken legal custody of Martin when he was 6 years old and had recently told an interviewer he was “raising him as a son.” Tuition at the boarding school ran more than $6,000 a month. But Thomas did not cover the bill.

A bank statement for the school from July 2009, buried in unrelated court filings, shows the source of Martin’s tuition payment for that month: the company of billionaire real estate magnate Harlan Crow.

The payments extended beyond that month, according to Christopher Grimwood, a former administrator at the school. Crow paid Martin’s tuition the entire time he was a student there, which was about a year, Grimwood told ProPublica."

Joe Soros have never paid for a adopted son of the Supreme Count. He wouldn't do that, he know the SC , he know the person has his own wishes. He wouldn''t compromised the SC like this.

they should have the same standards of judges.
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Well that was really nice of Mr. Crow.

Instead of loser environmental causes I can't think of a better way for billionaires to spend their money. :)

Sort of like what Mr. Milton Hershey did.....Wouldn't the country be a better place for it?

A local kid just graduated for there. His younger brothers are there too.

Milton Hershey School - Be Your Greatest Self at MHS
The Milton Hershey School pays the tuition of children in low income families.
Was Clarence Thomas and Ginni a low income family at the time?
The lefty hack writer claims the case was against "Trammel Crow Residential company" when in fact it was from a subsidiary that nobody would connect unless the attorneys for the plaintiff made the court aware of.

Here is the actual case:


Now explain to the class how the hell Thomas was supposed to know this company was one of the dozens of subs of one of the dozens of Trammel Crow companies?

So since your hack lied you really have nothing. Did the entire court vote to not hear the case? Would Thomas' recusing himself have changed that decision? Was the lower court decision in favor or against Metric Holdings?

Got any answers to those questions, Simp?
The lefty hack writer claims the case was against "Trammel Crow Residential company" when in fact it was from a subsidiary that nobody would connect unless the attorneys for the plaintiff made the court aware of.

Here is the actual case:


Now explain to the class how the hell Thomas was supposed to know this company was one of the dozens of subs of one of the dozens of Trammel Crow companies?

So since your hack lied you really have nothing. Did the entire court vote to not hear the case? Would Thomas' recusing himself have changed that decision? Was the lower court decision in favor or against Metric Holdings?

Got any answers to those questions, Simp?

The architecture firm, Womack+Hampton Architects LLC, was seeking damages of $25 million from Trammell Crow Residential Co., a company named after Harlan Crow’s father that was part-owned by Crow Holdings at the time.

When the business is brought up, you recuse yourself. Period.
The architecture firm, Womack+Hampton Architects LLC, was seeking damages of $25 million from Trammell Crow Residential Co., a company named after Harlan Crow’s father that was part-owned by Crow Holdings at the time.

When the business is brought up, you recuse yourself. Period.
Why do you think quoting your lying lefty hack means anything when I gave you the actual case, Simp?

I take it you have no answers to the questions I posed.
The architecture firm, Womack+Hampton Architects LLC, was seeking damages of $25 million from Trammell Crow Residential Co., a company named after Harlan Crow’s father that was part-owned by Crow Holdings at the time.

When the business is brought up, you recuse yourself. Period.
Please provide your posts expressing outrage over Kagan refusing to recuse herself from ruling on the ACA after she was in charge of defending it from court challenges while serving as Solicitor General for Barry Hussein.

I'll wait.
Why do you think quoting your lying lefty hack means anything when I gave you the actual case, Simp?

I take it you have no answers to the questions I posed.

The architecture firm, Womack+Hampton Architects LLC, was seeking damages of $25 million from Trammell Crow]/b] Residential Co., a company named after Harlan Crow’s father that was part-owned by Crow Holdings at the time.

I guess I shouldn't assume Thomas actually read the case before acting on it.
The architecture firm, Womack+Hampton Architects LLC, was seeking damages of $25 million from Trammell Crow]/b] Residential Co., a company named after Harlan Crow’s father that was part-owned by Crow Holdings at the time.

I guess I shouldn't assume Thomas actually read the case before acting on it.
Hey Stupid, it was a subsidiary. The case didn't have "Trammell Crow" in it. I gave you the case you blithering idiot.

You can continue to repeat your lefty hack's lie, but that won't change the facts, Simp.
Please provide your posts expressing outrage over Kagan refusing to recuse herself from ruling on the ACA after she was in charge of defending it from court challenges while serving as Solicitor General for Barry Hussein.

I'll wait.

I've stated over and over and over that what I want is for Roberts to enact strong enforceable ethic rules. Those rules would cover them all. He will not.

“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.”​

Thomas Paine.

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