Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
The remedy I'm seeing in the pop-up ads here at USMB and elsewhere is for gay guys to be open and honest about their HIV status with each other.

If you are seeing gay pop up adds its because you or someone with access to your computer has frequented some gay sites.
Good lord, how can you keep from it? All sites are *gay sites* anymore. Hence the necessity of removing PORN FILTERS from school libraries. Kids can't access GAY PROPAGANDA with the filters on, so the brilliant progressives determined that we needed to allow the kids to access porn in order to learn how to be better (and more) homosexuals.
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS

Just one quibble on the numbers. The numbers are skewed due to the large number of gay men who died during the bad days of the AIDS epidemic who might have been alive today, to bolster both the "living with AIDS" number, and the total number of infected men. Of course you can discount those who would have reasonably died of natural causes from the calcs.

On the linked website it lists the number of deaths from HIV (total) as 636,000. If you add that to the 1.1 million current cases, the number becomes 1,736,000. The number of men who have sex with men who died with HIV is 302,148.

If you use the 60% figure for men who have sex with men and are currently positive, and add 302,148 to that number, you have 962,148 (men who have sex with men and are either HIV positive or were when they died). This boosts the percentage of men who have sex with men who contracted HIV to around 8%. So 92% of these men are not HIV positive.

Nice calculating. One thing I disagree with is the 4% number, ignoring the whole concept of 1 encounter with a man adding you two the "men having sex with men" category.

I think the number would be a good bit higher if all gay, bisexual and curious men were counted. But I went with the number on the CDC's website.
Good lord, how can you keep from it? All sites are *gay sites* anymore. Hence the necessity of removing PORN FILTERS from school libraries. Kids can't access GAY PROPAGANDA with the filters on, so the brilliant progressives determined that we needed to allow the kids to access porn in order to learn how to be better (and more) homosexuals.

They also couldn't access sites about breast cancer or breast self exams. The sites about high risk sexual behaviors were also blocked.
Good lord, how can you keep from it? All sites are *gay sites* anymore. Hence the necessity of removing PORN FILTERS from school libraries. Kids can't access GAY PROPAGANDA with the filters on, so the brilliant progressives determined that we needed to allow the kids to access porn in order to learn how to be better (and more) homosexuals.

You keep away by not going to gay sites if you are not gay. If you cant resist going to gay sites use an ad blocker.
I don't care what you believe. THIS topic is about the ridiculous expolosion of AIDS infection amongst underaged BOYS in this country.
I don't believe we have an explosion of aids infections amongst underaged girls going right now...after all, all the infected perverts that could give it to them are busy accosting little boys.
The remedy I'm seeing in the pop-up ads here at USMB and elsewhere is for gay guys to be open and honest about their HIV status with each other.

If you are seeing gay pop up adds its because you or someone with access to your computer has frequented some gay sites.
No, I only see the gay pop up ads here at USMB because of the threads I author. Don't see them in other browsing, generally, but as koshergirl said, it's smeared all over the web. If you even use the word "gay" in posting at political sites, google and the other spam bot engines snap it up and run with it.
I don't care what you believe. THIS topic is about the ridiculous expolosion of AIDS infection amongst underaged BOYS in this country.

I was responding to your comment about the adults having sex with minors in record numbers being diseased homosexual men. If the numbers of those are so high, multiply it by 5 and you'll really be disturbed.

And many of the new cases within the younger age group may well be younger ones having sex with each other.
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS

Just one quibble on the numbers. The numbers are skewed due to the large number of gay men who died during the bad days of the AIDS epidemic who might have been alive today, to bolster both the "living with AIDS" number, and the total number of infected men. Of course you can discount those who would have reasonably died of natural causes from the calcs.

On the linked website it lists the number of deaths from HIV (total) as 636,000. If you add that to the 1.1 million current cases, the number becomes 1,736,000. The number of men who have sex with men who died with HIV is 302,148.

If you use the 60% figure for men who have sex with men and are currently positive, and add 302,148 to that number, you have 962,148 (men who have sex with men and are either HIV positive or were when they died). This boosts the percentage of men who have sex with men who contracted HIV to around 8%. So 92% of these men are not HIV positive.

Nice calculating. One thing I disagree with is the 4% number, ignoring the whole concept of 1 encounter with a man adding you two the "men having sex with men" category.

I think the number would be a good bit higher if all gay, bisexual and curious men were counted. But I went with the number on the CDC's website.

I disagree. I think the 4% number is high, and includes those people. People who identify as gay, I can't see being more than 1-2% of the population.
In this instance, the adults who are having sex with minors in record numbers happen to be diseased homosexuals.

I believe the number of girls molested out numbers the boys by a factor of 5 to 1.
Typically, if you were in the know, boys underreport being molested because they do not want that type of stigma [homosexual assault on their person].

Also, accounting for only 2% of the entire US population, gay men account for up to a whopping 1/3 of ALL molestations. That's some per-capita bullshit right there. Why get your information from some LGBT schills on a political chat site? Go to the Mayo Clinic instead...

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).3,6,10,29 The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men
I don't care what you believe. THIS topic is about the ridiculous expolosion of AIDS infection amongst underaged BOYS in this country.

I was responding to your comment about the adults having sex with minors in record numbers being diseased homosexual men. If the numbers of those are so high, multiply it by 5 and you'll really be disturbed.

And many of the new cases within the younger age group may well be younger ones having sex with each other.

Riiight...because we all know that 13 year old boys are getting aids from other 13 year old boys.

Give me a fucking break. We are talking about the fact that despite all the "sex education" that's going on, the AIDS infection rate is continuing to escalate in the group of children that are victimized by predatory, diseased homosexual men.

So obviously, we have a problem with predatory, diseased homosexual men. If you want to see the infection rate decrease, you will tackle that problem. Instead of targeting the kids, who are already being victimized, and who definitely AREN'T choosing this lifestyle but having it forced upon them, why don't we target the men who are infecting them?
What you'll see here are homosexual men who will continue to prate that it's not the fault of the men who are infecting the children, but the children themselves. They first blame the children for infecting each other, then they use that to *justify* seeking those children out and telling them that whatever they're going through is perfectly *normal* sexual activity, and they should protect themselves from infection, since it's not the responsibility of the predatory homosexual males to take any precautions.

Instead of telling these poor kids "What is happening to you is ILLEGAL and disgusting, and you need to tell the authorities about it" they facilitate the diseased predatory homosexual men in their predation by running the kids to the clinics (without telling their parents) and continually carping at them that all sex is good sex, and they need to just accept that and move on.
Pretending for a moment that your friend wasn't a literary construct to rationalize your homophobia, it sounds like he had a lot of other problems besides just being gay.

Or he's just something you made up to rationalize your homophobia.

Again, Fuck You [emphasis added].

Read this asshole:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

"Intricately intertwined". In that paragraph, genius, when looking at all the problems gay men have mentally you look for the earliest types of trauma that might have led to that. And in so doing, Einstein, the world CHILDHOOD should jump off the page at you. CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE leads to all sorts of isms and issues. Unless the gay-owned APA political machine has now determined that all the old stuff they knew about adult maladjustment of child molestees isn't politically-correct anymore and therefore "doesn't exist"?

Just as you say my friend who died of AIDS didn't exist. After all, what are the chances that someone here at USMB actually knows someone who died of AIDS? It's got to be a billion to one at least.


Yeah, I'm really starting to think your imaginary friend got imaginary AIDS from an imaginary mosquito.

But anyway, yes, I'm totally convinced by your unsourced quote.
Pretending for a moment that your friend wasn't a literary construct to rationalize your homophobia, it sounds like he had a lot of other problems besides just being gay.

Or he's just something you made up to rationalize your homophobia.

Again, Fuck You [emphasis added].

Read this asshole:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

"Intricately intertwined". In that paragraph, genius, when looking at all the problems gay men have mentally you look for the earliest types of trauma that might have led to that. And in so doing, Einstein, the world CHILDHOOD should jump off the page at you. CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE leads to all sorts of isms and issues. Unless the gay-owned APA political machine has now determined that all the old stuff they knew about adult maladjustment of child molestees isn't politically-correct anymore and therefore "doesn't exist"?

Just as you say my friend who died of AIDS didn't exist. After all, what are the chances that someone here at USMB actually knows someone who died of AIDS? It's got to be a billion to one at least.


Yeah, I'm really starting to think your imaginary friend got imaginary AIDS from an imaginary mosquito.

But anyway, yes, I'm totally convinced by your unsourced quote.
"Unsourced quote"? The Clinical Psychiatry News isn't sourced? The link to the Mayo Clinic's report on pedophiles isn't there?

You're all heart when it comes to the suffering of men with gay compulsions. Now my friend's harrowing ordeal was just "imaginary". Cool. You are scum.
Good lord, how can you keep from it? All sites are *gay sites* anymore. Hence the necessity of removing PORN FILTERS from school libraries. Kids can't access GAY PROPAGANDA with the filters on, so the brilliant progressives determined that we needed to allow the kids to access porn in order to learn how to be better (and more) homosexuals.

Yeah, because it isn't like these kids are going to foil the filters.

Oh, wait, they probably totally will. Then they see it and go "ewwwww" whether it's straight or gay.
"Unsourced quote"? The Clinical Psychiatry News isn't sourced? The link to the Mayo Clinic's report on pedophiles isn't there?

You're all heart when it comes to the suffering of men with gay compulsions. Now my friend's harrowing ordeal was just "imaginary". Cool. You are scum.

YOu didn't post a link, and frankly, it's the kind of smack that they revoke your membership in the APA for.

The only reason gay men suffer is because homophobic fuckers like you won't let them be.
"Unsourced quote"? The Clinical Psychiatry News isn't sourced? The link to the Mayo Clinic's report on pedophiles isn't there?

You're all heart when it comes to the suffering of men with gay compulsions. Now my friend's harrowing ordeal was just "imaginary". Cool. You are scum.

YOu didn't post a link, and frankly, it's the kind of smack that they revoke your membership in the APA for.

The only reason gay men suffer is because homophobic fuckers like you won't let them be.
In my friend's case, as well as the case of the "pervasive" "epidemic" of gay men in the CDC survey, he suffered because he was sexually molested as a boy by a man. Are you trying to say that a boy being sexually molested isn't harmed? And his resulting compulsive behaviors are "healthy, natural and normal" and in no way shape or form should be healed? And that he should be taught instead to embrace what was done to him as his new identity?

You are one sick fuck bro.
Why do you think they push so hard to make people believe that children are sexual and it's *normal* for them to watch porn, be homosexual, and engage in sexual *experimentation* when they're underage?

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