Clinton: "Why weren't the women outraged BEFORE I lost?" she's blaming her own supporters

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HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.

i bring her up to poke fun at her hypocrisy. also because i'm disgusted by that hypocrisy.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.

i bring her up to poke fun at her hypocrisy. also because i'm disgusted by that hypocrisy.

it's like almost all of the players are intent on making fools of themselves. I BLAME THE TWITTER

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.

i bring her up to poke fun at her hypocrisy. also because i'm disgusted by that hypocrisy.

If that disgusts you, how do you feel about Trump?

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.

i bring her up to poke fun at her hypocrisy. also because i'm disgusted by that hypocrisy.

If that disgusts you, how do you feel about Trump?
Best president we've had since Reagan.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
Then hillary should keep her mouth shut.
the reason Crooked Hillary lost: the two parties are 1)Trump and the people and 2) the establishment.

Trump won. YOU won. WE the people won. it was US who won! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
Hillary: Crazy Bernie's ideas are pie in the sky, unicorn, far-left pipe dreams that won't happen!

Also Hillary: Crazy Bernie stole his ideas from me.
Mrs. Clinton's life has been one long Coat-Tail ride. Her Pussy-Lovin Southern White Boy husband, who happens to be a political genius, got her every job she ever had...all of which she fucked up.

She is depraved, and has been making an Ass out of herself for over three decades.

It is nice to see Democrats finally noticing.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
A paralyzed federal government is a good thing for the country
She's a typical liberal; EVERYTHING is always someone's else's fault. Because liberal beyond-train-wrecks are sooooo far up their own assholes, they believe they are too enlightened and perfect to make any mistake. What always amazes me about the crab-crawling Left is their toddler immaturity always achieves a psychotic sort of fever pitch.
She's a typical liberal; EVERYTHING is always someone's else's fault. Because liberal beyond-train-wrecks are sooooo far up their own assholes, they believe they are too enlightened and perfect to make any mistake. What always amazes me about the crab-crawling Left is their toddler immaturity always achieves a psychotic sort of fever pitch.

hellcat would be hellcat no matter to which party she registered
She's a typical liberal; EVERYTHING is always someone's else's fault. Because liberal beyond-train-wrecks are sooooo far up their own assholes, they believe they are too enlightened and perfect to make any mistake. What always amazes me about the crab-crawling Left is their toddler immaturity always achieves a psychotic sort of fever pitch.

hellcat would be hellcat no matter to which party she registered

Of course. But the fact is Hillaryuck pandered to the worst, anti-social dregs of the Dem. party in the same detestable manner leftist Obamisery did. I'm condemning that bitch for what she HAS done, not what she would hypothetically do if she were Repub. (who are thanking their lucky stars that Hillary doesn't represent them). That's the basis on which I judge that vaguely female humanoid.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
/----/ But but but Hildabeast won the popular vote.. The saga continues.
Maybe Hillary didn't understand that the couple of hundred female anti-Trump protesters was all she had left.

HRC isn't running for office, do you bring her up to try and change the conversation? Trump and the Congress have shown they cannot govern; our nation has myriad problems which Trump promised to solve and he and the Congress have done nothing but whine and point fingers at everyone but themselves.
/----/ But but but Hildabeast won the popular vote.. The saga continues.

Actually, it's proven at least a few million of the Hillarious' popular votes were illegals and gravestones. I've lived in fucked-up California all my life (I appreciate any condolences) and this state goes OUT OF ITS WAY to make it easy for illegals to vote in our DMV bullshit. Which makes liberals the most cold-blooded traitors in this country's history. So when it comes to the popular vote of living American citizens, Trump was probably ahead of Swamp Thing in total legal votes anyway.
Hillary is so ugly that if she wants to be an attention whore, she should have the courtesy to shave her head, tattoo a beautiful face on the back of her head, and learn to walk backwards.

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