CNN accidentally caught a lady stuffing a ballot box on live TV in 2020.

Stupid Forker you know the answer. 100s' of thousands of Blacks don't have 25 -100 family members or co-workers to dump ballots for on multiple trips. They made midnight routes in GA dumping off backpacks full into different drop boxes! Who needs to to do that.

One guy dropping off his and his wifes...........OK. not any issue.
Bull shit, show me where hundreds were stuffed. Now tell me who printed all these thousands of fake ballots, you must know it's your BS so tell me.
Chain of Custody. moron

So if I collect 200 votes from my work and hang onto them for a week, you're okay with that? I could, you know, maybe inspect them to make sure they're filled out right. No shenanigans, honest injun.

You're good with that? seriously

Exhibit A on why we need to outlaw absentee voting
You are an idiot and FOS.
What is wrong with posting several ballots of friends and family at the same time?
Ballot harvesting is legal in CA and CA is a one party state ever since.... so its a way to cheat... and once the phony names get recorded they are there for good and can be used over and over again....
Bull shit, show me where hundreds were stuffed. Now tell me who printed all these thousands of fake ballots, you must know it's your BS so tell me.
An example was already posted in this thread. 131 people dropped ballots into a box...1,200 ballots were then counted in that box. Nearly 10 ballots per person. Oddly...all of them voted for the Democrats. :eusa_think:
Bull shit, show me where hundreds were stuffed. Now tell me who printed all these thousands of fake ballots, you must know it's your BS so tell me.

Stuff it pantyliner. AZ sent out 32K Ballots with bogus addresses early in OCT 2020 (example 1). Those were undeliverable. No accounting what happened to them? Then they send corrected batch with all the other 2 million into Maricopa. Those 32K were "UNLIKELY Voters" or even Illegals registered "in some fashion". They used those 32K late in the vote for insurance as they monitored who had not yet voted. Yes, they got caught on many who voted late...........and miracuosly voted twice. That is just one example of Election Criminality. That is all you get bean brain.
Bull shit, show me where hundreds were stuffed. Now tell me who printed all these thousands of fake ballots, you must know it's your BS so tell me.

There were many videos / pictures of Mules holding out many ballots like playing cards and taking pictures. This so they could be the ballot you close minded buffoon. Get off the boards marshmellow head.
Looks like she actually had about 4 to 6 ballots???? The stack of mail underneath are not Ohio absentee ballots, you can tell by the color and size.... I googled a picture of the Ohio absentee ballot envelope to see what it looked like....

What was Ohio Law in 2020 on dropping off ballots for family, trusted friend or household? I'll do a search now to see....
An example was already posted in this thread. 131 people dropped ballots into a box...1,200 ballots were then counted in that box. Nearly 10 ballots per person. Oddly...all of them voted for the Democrats. :eusa_think:
How do you know that, you've no way of knowing. More MAGA tears you guy had has ass beaten by President Biden.
There were many videos / pictures of Mules holding out many ballots like playing cards and taking pictures. This so they could be the ballot you close minded buffoon. Get off the boards marshmellow head.
You Chumps still crying your Russian compromised treasonous lying sexual pervert got beaten by President Biden. 😂
Stuff it pantyliner. AZ sent out 32K Ballots with bogus addresses early in OCT 2020 (example 1). Those were undeliverable. No accounting what happened to them? Then they send corrected batch with all the other 2 million into Maricopa. Those 32K were "UNLIKELY Voters" or even Illegals registered "in some fashion". They used those 32K late in the vote for insurance as they monitored who had not yet voted. Yes, they got caught on many who voted late...........and miracuosly voted twice. That is just one example of Election Criminality. That is all you get bean brain. get or be mailed an official absentee ballot for the 2020 presidential election, the voter had to legally request a ballot and put down the address they wanted their absentee ballot mailed to by election officials for them to get it, in the State of Arizona. 32000 legal registered voters did not request their absentee ballot to be mailed to the wrong address....

You are misinformed or just outright lying.

The state might have mass mailed absentee ballot REQUEST FORMS, but NOT any absentee BALLOTS were mailed to any registered voter, without their individual request to get a ballot.
There were many videos / pictures of Mules holding out many ballots like playing cards and taking pictures. This so they could be the ballot you close minded buffoon. Get off the boards marshmellow head.
You sound triggered, the mules bull shit has been well debunked, only knuckledragger MAGAt cultist still believe what they've been told. 😂
Stuff it pantyliner. AZ sent out 32K Ballots with bogus addresses early in OCT 2020 (example 1). Those were undeliverable. No accounting what happened to them? Then they send corrected batch with all the other 2 million into Maricopa. Those 32K were "UNLIKELY Voters" or even Illegals registered "in some fashion". They used those 32K late in the vote for insurance as they monitored who had not yet voted. Yes, they got caught on many who voted late...........and miracuosly voted twice. That is just one example of Election Criminality. That is all you get bean brain.
Show me evidence for any of your claims, you won't because you're full of shit and you know it.
Trump is a stuffed for running as POTUS 😂 "The Constitution states that anyone who took an oath of office cannot hold office if they "have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof."
The only time CNN did it's job properly was when it was by accident.

SOME ONE EXPLAIN how a woman stuffs a ballot box
where was the box? what was CNN doing there. how come no one questioned her how come no one reported her? Why now not 2020 ?
BUT it just set in, Oh my God, The top of the tier of known busted & debunked.

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