CNN admits truth again

I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

Nope. They will do what they have been doing all along. They will go back years and find a thing. They will announce there was no collusion but that in 1992 Trump diddnt pay $500 bucks in taxes and Muller will charge him for rape and sodomy or something and it will be done. The only way it will go like you said is if every politician in Washington is unelected. Basically voters need to stop being lazy and pay attention to more then twitter.
Obama was spying on Americans before, during, and after he was president.
Obama is a criminal.
He assumes that everyone has at one point broken the he has.
The trick is finding which laws they broke and using it to blackmail people with or punishing his enemies with.
That's been his M.O. all along.

Yup. Bush Jr made it possible for him too! He even set up the ground work for all that info to be gathered, yet here we are talking about an imaginary Russian conspiracy.
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts. Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.
Nope. They will do what they have been doing all along. They will go back years and find a thing. They will announce there was no collusion but that in 1992 Trump diddnt pay $500 bucks in taxes and Muller will charge him for rape and sodomy and the or something's dint will be done. The only wai flit will go like you said is if every politician in Washington is unelected. Basically voters need to stop being lazy and pay attention to more then twitter.
Yeah, that's politics, for sure. The question will be whether that will have any effect. I'm not convinced that the electorate would care about anything that isn't big, and there has to be a point at which the screaming ultimately makes Trump (amazingly) the sympathetic character in this.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.
This stuff - and I mean the constant accusations and "investigations" from both parties for transparent political gain - has become noise to most of the public, and for good reason. So that makes me think that there is no reason for the accused, whoever it is, to be terribly forthcoming with information, helpful or not. And unless Mueller finds something pretty meaty, this won't damage Trump. Who knows what Mueller has or doesn't have.
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts. Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.
Nope. They will do what they have been doing all along. They will go back years and find a thing. They will announce there was no collusion but that in 1992 Trump diddnt pay $500 bucks in taxes and Muller will charge him for rape and sodomy and the or something's dint will be done. The only wai flit will go like you said is if every politician in Washington is unelected. Basically voters need to stop being lazy and pay attention to more then twitter.
Yeah, that's politics, for sure. The question will be whether that will have any effect. I'm not convinced that the electorate would care about anything that isn't big, and there has to be a point at which the screaming ultimately makes Trump (amazingly) the sympathetic character in this.

Pretty much. most folks I talk to say this IS a wich hunt MUCH LIKE WHAT HAPPENED to Bill Clinton. Had Bill been able to run, I bet he would have won handily in spite of his impeachment. This is what the democrats are doing with Trump. They actually make him look good with their hysterical opposition.
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.
both sides need to pull their heads out. the only thing CNN is doing is what any major outlet is doing - but seriously pushing the line as hard as they can. why?

cause people react. hate. love. doesn't matter. a click is a click. a website visit is a website visit. and they have fanned the living hell out of that flame.

the problem is people sooner or later walk away from there. the masses anyway. you'll always find fools going at it online as if it will change a thing. venting, really. but the average joe will just get sick of the sensationalism and want something else. we always want something else after awhile or we'd still be at speners in a mall buying pet rocks in our bell bottoms and beads.

come to think of it, those were fun times. :) malls are nowhere near the same anymore and i'm pretty sure a racy adult store doesn't stand a chance today.

we as a country really have lost our sense of humor.

anyway - can cnn recover when people are tired of being played around with? you can find video after video of CNN setting up shots, changing the narrative of the story, and so forth. people just don't care or think it's fake. everything is fake anymore.

but the hate is coming to an end but it does look like a grand finale is setting up on a grand stage. spain is about to come into the news now that globalization is falling apart.
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I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

Yes, they need to become Republican Lite. That'll do it.

Sorry, if you all think that an American candidate conspiring with the Russians to influence an election isn't a bad thing, you are delusional.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.
why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?

please don't say cause they don't have to as trump doesn't either, but when sides dig in and nothing but what they demand will do, someone is gonna be disappointed more often than not.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.
The point that everyone is ignoring is Mueller's position was created off of false testimony by James Comey before congress.
The whole investigation should be halted and completely audited by the I.G. and the Attorney General.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
it doesn't matter. if it's not required, in either matter, it's not required. being mad someone won't provide something NOT required is stupid to me. you want to say he's hiding something and maybe he is. but you think the IRS has not looked all through his records and if something were amiss, they'd nail him for it? sure they would. that's what they do. the main reason people want them is to simply load up another 6 shooter of bullets to fire off on him. i can think of nothing else other than just bullet hunting to feed their own views. same views that are not going to change anyway, so to quote a famous progressive liberal, "what difference does it make"?

now - i *do* think that tax records for people holding elected positions should be mandatory. but let's go get that on the books, shall we? work to see if enough people agree and as a country make a freaking decision vs. sit and bitch it's now how we want it.

all people do these says is sit around and bitch w/o much effort to effect change. having his tax records wouldn't change a thing. just, again, give you and others more to bitch about.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

Maybe they can get the information from Equifax
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
it doesn't matter. if it's not required, in either matter, it's not required. being mad someone won't provide something NOT required is stupid to me. you want to say he's hiding something and maybe he is.
No I don't want to say that, what I did say was that it was his choice and that I supported his choice not to turn it over, he has a right to his privacy and his tax records aren't anybody's business but His and the IRS.

All I want is the same amount of respect for privacy that I'm giving him to be reciprocated to me (and every other voter) and his demands for "voter information" demonstrates that he's either not willing to extend that respect to the citizenry OR he's too vapid to consider the privacy ramifications of what he's asking for, in either case fuck him and his "Commission".
why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
it doesn't matter. if it's not required, in either matter, it's not required. being mad someone won't provide something NOT required is stupid to me. you want to say he's hiding something and maybe he is.
No I don't want to say that, what I did say was that it was his choice and that I supported his choice not to turn it over, he has a right to his privacy and his tax records aren't anybody's business but His and the IRS.

All I want is the same amount of respect for privacy that I'm giving him to be reciprocated to me (and every other voter) and his demands for "voter information" demonstrates that he's either not willing to extend that respect to the citizenry OR he's too vapid to consider the privacy ramifications of what he's asking for, in either case fuck him and his "Commission".
ok - i see the direction you're coming from. i'd agree they're pretty close.
The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?

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