CNN admits truth again

Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior.

That's fucking perfect.

It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

More votes. Fewer seats. It's awesome.
why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?

That is impossible. They can tell if you voted but not for whom you voted.

In my state, my signature on the voter rolls tells if I voted or not. Actually, I could turn in a blank ballot, so they really couldn't know if I voted or not.

It does not tell them if I voted Democrat, Republican or a split ticket. Only the ballot does that and nothing ties me to that ballot.

The information they wanted is to determine if frauds occurred and the states are covering it up or are incapable of detecting it.

Years ago, I lived in Florida and voted there for two years locally. I then was transferred to Virginia and registered to vote there. After two years, I returned to Florida and went to register to vote. Guess what? I was still on the voting rolls! I could have voted absentee in Florida while living in Virginia and no one would have known! That's the kind of fraud the US government could detect with that information.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
Yeah now that I refreshed your memory but apparently between you posting it and making use of my services as a tape recorded the signal to noise ratio between your two surviving neurons dropped to zero.

The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?
No I assumed that you were intelligent enough to respond to the content of post that you actually quoted in your reply but apparently you were responding to something only you could hear, my bad.

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote?
That falls under the authority sovereign entity known as the State of California, just like it does for every other sovereign component of the Republic.

Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Yeah, it's called federalism, perhaps you've heard of it? The Federal Government's authority is limited by the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution doesn't give it the authority to invade the privacy of voters to facilitate Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commissions".

Any citizen(s) is free to question it and initiate legal action as they see fit, however that doesn't grant a license to the feds to demand the personal information and voting history of voters so it can snoop around as it likes.

In case you missed it the founders fought a war so that we didn't have to put up with a central government that could do whatever it wanted based on the tin-foil hat theories of a bunch of paranoid partisan monkeys looking to score political points.
Well since I never talked about demanding personal information your comments are moot.

According to you a census would be unconstitutional.

For that matter a federal tax is unconstitutional because of privacy issues.
Last edited:
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.
Uh-huh, I'm sure you'll tell me all the details what "lib disinformation" you're referring to in your next chapter.....

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I'm aware of that, however what they want to see is personally identifiable information, your party affiliation and your voting record going back to 2006, with that information it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the contents of your ballot to a significant degree of probability.

None of which is the Federal Governments business.


You would have just a good of a guess knowing I am a white, middle class male.

Beside, who cares if they are guessing? What are they going to do? Hang me up by my thumbs until I vote Democrat? I have done that before. Think my voting record will show that?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?

That is impossible. They can tell if you voted but not for whom you voted.
Voting habits ( e.g. when you voted and where you voted), voting preferences (e.g. who you vote for), given your voting habits and your party affiliation along with results , exit polling data and all the information that the Federal Government already knows about you it can deduce your voting preferences to a high degree of accuracy.

If you want to give the Federal Government that information about yourself, write 'em a letter just don't expect the States to give 'em mine because I don't trust the douche bags in Washington to protect it or use it in a way that serves my best interest. I don't trust the State Governments either but at least they aren't violating the U.S. Constitution by collecting it and its far easier to hold them accountable than it is to do the same to the unholy organism that inhabits D.C..
Obstruction of justice is illegal.
Loretta Lynch & James Comey disagree.
Lefties are blind to the corruption of the Obama administration.

Obama is the ONE! He is above all others. He is the Messiah!
Make no mistake, the swamp consists of everyone. Especially the senators that have been in office for decades. Nature of the beast.

All of them are scared beyond anything what Trump could do and find out about all of them.

30k emails? Who and what is in there? McCain has been a warhawk for a long time. Who knows what stuff will be found about him on behalf of the military industrial complex. Eisenhower warned us about that for a reason. Would something be in those emails about those SEALS lost a few weeks after that group got bin laden? Was there some deal made, skin for skin? So, SEAL team VI was put on a giant school bus in the sky where some guy with a shoulder propelled grenade just happened to be there? We still didn't get to the bottom of that. Hillary the witch was secretary of state at the time of that. Anything in those deleted emails about that? No? Emails on a private server so therefore NOT subject to the freedom of information act? Nothing eh?

What sorts of corruption do you think would be found? You think they are all scared shitless?
The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.
Uh-huh, I'm sure you'll tell me all the details what "lib disinformation" you're referring to in your next chapter.....

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I'm aware of that, however what they want to see is personally identifiable information, your party affiliation and your voting record going back to 2006, with that information it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the contents of your ballot to a significant degree of probability.

None of which is the Federal Governments business.


You would have just a good of a guess knowing I am a white, middle class male.
Do you think that's all the information that the federal government knows about you?

What are they going to do? Hang me up by my thumbs until I vote Democrat? I have done that before. Think my voting record will show that?
Er..Umm.. IRS, "Tea Party" Organizations, tax exempt status, audits... get the picture now?

Besides why would anyone want the Feds knowing more about them than they already do?
Obstruction of justice is illegal.
Loretta Lynch & James Comey disagree.
Lefties are blind to the corruption of the Obama administration.

Obama is the ONE! He is above all others. He is the Messiah!
Make no mistake, the swamp consists of everyone. Especially the senators that have been in office for decades. Nature of the beast.

All of them are scared beyond anything what Trump could do and find out about all of them.

30k emails? Who and what is in there? McCain has been a warhawk for a long time. Who knows what stuff will be found about him on behalf of the military industrial complex. Eisenhower warned us about that for a reason. Would something be in those emails about those SEALS lost a few weeks after that group got bin laden? Was there some deal made, skin for skin? So, SEAL team VI was put on a giant school bus in the sky where some guy with a shoulder propelled grenade just happened to be there? We still didn't get to the bottom of that. Hillary the witch was secretary of state at the time of that. Anything in those deleted emails about that? No? Emails on a private server so therefore NOT subject to the freedom of information act? Nothing eh?

What sorts of corruption do you think would be found? You think they are all scared shitless?

I am just curious, How do you shoulder propel a grenade?
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?

That is impossible. They can tell if you voted but not for whom you voted.
Voting habits ( e.g. when you voted and where you voted), voting preferences (e.g. who you vote for), given your voting habits and your party affiliation along with results , exit polling data and all the information that the Federal Government already knows about you it can deduce your voting preferences to a high degree of accuracy.

If you want to give the Federal Government that information about yourself, write 'em a letter just don't expect the States to give 'em mine because I don't trust the douche bags in Washington to protect it or use it in a way that serves my best interest. I don't trust the State Governments either but at least they aren't violating the U.S. Constitution by collecting it and its far easier to hold them accountable than it is to do the same to the unholy organism that inhabits D.C..
I am not talking about voting habits.
If your state registered more votes in the last election then it had registered voters that's a problem.
why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.
Uh-huh, I'm sure you'll tell me all the details what "lib disinformation" you're referring to in your next chapter.....

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I'm aware of that, however what they want to see is personally identifiable information, your party affiliation and your voting record going back to 2006, with that information it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the contents of your ballot to a significant degree of probability.

None of which is the Federal Governments business.


You would have just a good of a guess knowing I am a white, middle class male.
Do you think that's all the information that the federal government knows about you?

What are they going to do? Hang me up by my thumbs until I vote Democrat? I have done that before. Think my voting record will show that?
Er..Umm.. IRS, "Tea Party" Organizations, tax exempt status, audits... get the picture now?

Besides why would anyone want the Feds knowing more about them than they already do?

The state already knows that. Should I be fearful when the Democrats run our state?

You are not processing the information logically.
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
Yeah now that I refreshed your memory but apparently between you posting it and making use of my services as a tape recorded the signal to noise ratio between your two surviving neurons dropped to zero.

The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?
No I assumed that you were intelligent enough to respond to the content of post that you actually quoted in your reply but apparently you were responding to something only you could hear, my bad.

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote?
That falls under the authority sovereign entity known as the State of California, just like it does for every other sovereign component of the Republic.

Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Yeah, it's called federalism, perhaps you've heard of it? The Federal Government's authority is limited by the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution doesn't give it the authority to invade the privacy of voters to facilitate Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commissions".

Any citizen(s) is free to question it and initiate legal action as they see fit, however that doesn't grant a license to the feds to demand the personal information and voting history of voters so it can snoop around as it likes.

In case you missed it the founders fought a war so that we didn't have to put up with a central government that could do whatever it wanted based on the tin-foil hat theories of a bunch of paranoid partisan monkeys looking to score political points.
Well since I never talked about demanding personal information your comments are moot.
No genius I did, you just quoted my post and provided your usual non sequitur nonsense in response, In the future I suggest if you wish to respond to dog whistles only you can hear you refrain from quoting other posters while doing it, otherwise they're likely to do what I did and assume you're responding to what they wrote.

According to you a census would be unconstitutional.
I never mentioned the census but for your edification it happens to be explicitly authorized in the U.S. Constitution.

For that matter a federal tax is unconstitutional because of privacy issues.
Your ignorance of the contents and purpose of the U.S. Constitution continues to amaze.. federal taxing authority is granted by the U.S. Constitution and codified into law via regular order deriving from that authority.

Ciao Buckwheat
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.
Uh-huh, I'm sure you'll tell me all the details what "lib disinformation" you're referring to in your next chapter.....

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I'm aware of that, however what they want to see is personally identifiable information, your party affiliation and your voting record going back to 2006, with that information it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the contents of your ballot to a significant degree of probability.

None of which is the Federal Governments business.


You would have just a good of a guess knowing I am a white, middle class male.
Do you think that's all the information that the federal government knows about you?

What are they going to do? Hang me up by my thumbs until I vote Democrat? I have done that before. Think my voting record will show that?
Er..Umm.. IRS, "Tea Party" Organizations, tax exempt status, audits... get the picture now?

Besides why would anyone want the Feds knowing more about them than they already do?

The state already knows that. Should I be fearful when the Democrats run our state?
I dunno, have the Douche Bags-D in your State given you a reason to be fearful? Do they know as much about you as the Feds do?

You are not processing the information logically.
Yeah, my hyper-partisan information processing filters have been disabled for quite a few decades, on the bright side I've explicitly ordered them to be re-enabled upon the execution of my last will & testament.
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior.

That's fucking perfect.

It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

A Trump presidency can change all that

It actually would be great if real democrats were to come back and purge themselves from the radical progressive loons that have taken over the party.

In all probability, the American public will put up with the lunacy of the Trump administration
Republicans will abandon him in 2020 and it will all be forgotten

But Trump is capable of inflicting great damage on the Republican brand
Destroying our healthcare system and throwing millions to the wolves can be a disaster
Provoking a war with North Korea will not be popular
A prolonged recession could doom the Republicans
It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

The same thing could be said for Republicans the six years before that.

The pendulum swings, but demographics are not your friend.

Republicans have lost the Hispanic vote for generations

No matter how much they gerrymander and obstruct voting, that will eventually catch up with them
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
Yeah now that I refreshed your memory but apparently between you posting it and making use of my services as a tape recorded the signal to noise ratio between your two surviving neurons dropped to zero.

The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?
No I assumed that you were intelligent enough to respond to the content of post that you actually quoted in your reply but apparently you were responding to something only you could hear, my bad.

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote?
That falls under the authority sovereign entity known as the State of California, just like it does for every other sovereign component of the Republic.

Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Yeah, it's called federalism, perhaps you've heard of it? The Federal Government's authority is limited by the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution doesn't give it the authority to invade the privacy of voters to facilitate Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commissions".

Any citizen(s) is free to question it and initiate legal action as they see fit, however that doesn't grant a license to the feds to demand the personal information and voting history of voters so it can snoop around as it likes.

In case you missed it the founders fought a war so that we didn't have to put up with a central government that could do whatever it wanted based on the tin-foil hat theories of a bunch of paranoid partisan monkeys looking to score political points.
Well since I never talked about demanding personal information your comments are moot.
No genius I did, you just quoted my post and provided your usual non sequitur nonsense in response, In the future I suggest if you wish to respond to dog whistles only you can hear you refrain from quoting other posters while doing it, otherwise they're likely to do what I did and assume you're responding to what they wrote.

According to you a census would be unconstitutional.
I never mentioned the census but for your edification it happens to be explicitly authorized in the U.S. Constitution.

For that matter a federal tax is unconstitutional because of privacy issues.
Your ignorance of the contents and purpose of the U.S. Constitution continues to amaze.. federal taxing authority is granted by the U.S. Constitution and codified into law via regular order deriving from that authority.

Ciao Buckwheat
Buh-bye dick head.
It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

The same thing could be said for Republicans the six years before that.

The pendulum swings, but demographics are not your friend.

Republicans have lost the Hispanic vote for generations

No matter how much they gerrymander and obstruct voting, that will eventually catch up with them

Sure, get back to us when you figure out how to stay on topic.
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
Yeah now that I refreshed your memory but apparently between you posting it and making use of my services as a tape recorded the signal to noise ratio between your two surviving neurons dropped to zero.

The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?
No I assumed that you were intelligent enough to respond to the content of post that you actually quoted in your reply but apparently you were responding to something only you could hear, my bad.

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote?
That falls under the authority sovereign entity known as the State of California, just like it does for every other sovereign component of the Republic.

Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Yeah, it's called federalism, perhaps you've heard of it? The Federal Government's authority is limited by the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution doesn't give it the authority to invade the privacy of voters to facilitate Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commissions".

Any citizen(s) is free to question it and initiate legal action as they see fit, however that doesn't grant a license to the feds to demand the personal information and voting history of voters so it can snoop around as it likes.

In case you missed it the founders fought a war so that we didn't have to put up with a central government that could do whatever it wanted based on the tin-foil hat theories of a bunch of paranoid partisan monkeys looking to score political points.
Well since I never talked about demanding personal information your comments are moot.
No genius I did, you just quoted my post and provided your usual non sequitur nonsense in response, In the future I suggest if you wish to respond to dog whistles only you can hear you refrain from quoting other posters while doing it, otherwise they're likely to do what I did and assume you're responding to what they wrote.

According to you a census would be unconstitutional.
I never mentioned the census but for your edification it happens to be explicitly authorized in the U.S. Constitution.

For that matter a federal tax is unconstitutional because of privacy issues.
Your ignorance of the contents and purpose of the U.S. Constitution continues to amaze.. federal taxing authority is granted by the U.S. Constitution and codified into law via regular order deriving from that authority.

Ciao Buckwheat
However a federal income tax has never been ratified.

Now that you have firmly established what a fucking putz you are let me be clear.

The problem I see here is what I said wasn't a direct response to your quote, which you wrongly assumed. To make sure everyone saw what I had to say...I linked to your quote not directly expecting a response from you personally, Mr Snowflake.

My point is and always was that looking at voting habits and personal information isn't the only way to spot a problem. Simple counting of vote tallies and comparing them to the voter registration totals can throw up red flags. Now you can continue to fucking put words in my mouth all you want, dog whistles not withstanding, it's pretty obvious the only person imagining things here is you, motherfucker.
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It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

The same thing could be said for Republicans the six years before that.

The pendulum swings, but demographics are not your friend.
So you depress the white vote while bringing in hundreds of thousands of new illegal votes and not considering the consequences.
Obstruction of justice is illegal.
Loretta Lynch & James Comey disagree.
Lefties are blind to the corruption of the Obama administration.

Obama is the ONE! He is above all others. He is the Messiah!
Make no mistake, the swamp consists of everyone. Especially the senators that have been in office for decades. Nature of the beast.

All of them are scared beyond anything what Trump could do and find out about all of them.

30k emails? Who and what is in there? McCain has been a warhawk for a long time. Who knows what stuff will be found about him on behalf of the military industrial complex. Eisenhower warned us about that for a reason. Would something be in those emails about those SEALS lost a few weeks after that group got bin laden? Was there some deal made, skin for skin? So, SEAL team VI was put on a giant school bus in the sky where some guy with a shoulder propelled grenade just happened to be there? We still didn't get to the bottom of that. Hillary the witch was secretary of state at the time of that. Anything in those deleted emails about that? No? Emails on a private server so therefore NOT subject to the freedom of information act? Nothing eh?

What sorts of corruption do you think would be found? You think they are all scared shitless?
I would like to believe Trump will expose the numerous criminals in our government, but I tend to doubt it.

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