CNN admits truth again

I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

The investigation is into Russia influencing our election. Hacking the DNC server is a crime

As part of that investigation, the potential participation of Trump's campaign is being investigated. It may turn out to be a dead end, but that doesn't mean it should not be investigated

Mueller will investigate all leads and write a report of what happened. Doesn't mean Trump goes to jail but it can reveal some unscrupulous dealings in getting elected. May not be criminal....but the Stink of Russian involvement will linger over his presidency
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

The investigation is into Russia influencing our election. Hacking the DNC server is a crime

As part of that investigation, the potential participation of Trump's campaign is being investigated. It may turn out to be a dead end, but that doesn't mean it should not be investigated

Mueller will investigate all leads and write a report of what happened. Doesn't mean Trump goes to jail but it can reveal some unscrupulous dealings in getting elected. May not be criminal....but the Stink of Russian involvement will linger over his presidency
why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.

If there are more votes in a state or district than there are registered voters...that is a problem. Many states who have allowed the commission to look at their records have discovered this alarming anomaly. Obviously the states that haven't, if you're thinking logically, are trying to hide something similar. I'm not even getting into who is a citizen or who is dead. They need to assure that elections are conducted in an honest manner.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.
The point that everyone is ignoring is Mueller's position was created off of false testimony by James Comey before congress.
The whole investigation should be halted and completely audited by the I.G. and the Attorney General.

The whole investigation was created by Trump's impulsive firing of the man who was investigating him

Congress had no choice but to appoint a Special Prosecutor
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

The investigation is into Russia influencing our election. Hacking the DNC server is a crime

As part of that investigation, the potential participation of Trump's campaign is being investigated. It may turn out to be a dead end, but that doesn't mean it should not be investigated

Mueller will investigate all leads and write a report of what happened. Doesn't mean Trump goes to jail but it can reveal some unscrupulous dealings in getting elected. May not be criminal....but the Stink of Russian involvement will linger over his presidency
The question will be how much stink there is, and whether it will really matter amongst all the other stink.

Seems to me the electorate is more than willing to tune out quite a bit of noise at this point.
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

The investigation is into Russia influencing our election. Hacking the DNC server is a crime

As part of that investigation, the potential participation of Trump's campaign is being investigated. It may turn out to be a dead end, but that doesn't mean it should not be investigated

Mueller will investigate all leads and write a report of what happened. Doesn't mean Trump goes to jail but it can reveal some unscrupulous dealings in getting elected. May not be criminal....but the Stink of Russian involvement will linger over his presidency
The question will be how much stink there is, and whether it will really matter amongst all the other stink.

Seems to me the electorate is more than willing to tune out quite a bit of noise at this point.

Everyone is expecting all or nothing out of the Mueller investigation

Dems are expecting an indictment of Trump
Republicans are expecting full exoneration

Neither is likely to happen

The report will detail the extent of Russian interference in our election. It will also get into the political and financial dealings that the Trump camp had with the Russians. Manafort and Flynn will probably be indicted with Trump coming off as a clueless figurehead who had no idea what was going on.

In the end, Manafort, Flynn and a few minor players will take the fall. Trump will be labeled as benefitting from a corrupt campaign that relied on Russian assistance to win

Trumps presidency has already been demeaned by losing the popular vote, it will be further demeaned by the Stink of Russia helping him win
I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.

The investigation is into Russia influencing our election. Hacking the DNC server is a crime

As part of that investigation, the potential participation of Trump's campaign is being investigated. It may turn out to be a dead end, but that doesn't mean it should not be investigated

Mueller will investigate all leads and write a report of what happened. Doesn't mean Trump goes to jail but it can reveal some unscrupulous dealings in getting elected. May not be criminal....but the Stink of Russian involvement will linger over his presidency
The question will be how much stink there is, and whether it will really matter amongst all the other stink.

Seems to me the electorate is more than willing to tune out quite a bit of noise at this point.

Everyone is expecting all or nothing out of the Mueller investigation

Dems are expecting an indictment of Trump
Republicans are expecting full exoneration

Neither is likely to happen

The report will detail the extent of Russian interference in our election. It will also get into the political and financial dealings that the Trump camp had with the Russians. Manafort and Flynn will probably be indicted with Trump coming off as a clueless figurehead who had no idea what was going on.

In the end, Manafort, Flynn and a few minor players will take the fall. Trump will be labeled as benefitting from a corrupt campaign that relied on Russian assistance to win

Trumps presidency has already been demeaned by losing the popular vote, it will be further demeaned by the Stink of Russia helping him win
Yeah, we look at most things in binary terms nowadays, and both ends of this could easily be disappointed.

Which could provide some comedy.

more my way of saying neither *have* to be done. so whining about one while pushing for the other is kinda idiotic to me. if legally he doesn't have to do it (turn over tax info, but i do think any one in public office should make their taxes public, a different issue) get over it. if legally they don't have to turn that data over, stop asking for it and acting butthurt when they don't.

the entire voting issues is another thread. ;)

I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote? Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.
So let's assume that's a good idea.
Now let's assume a hypothetical that you have a governor like Jerry Brown, a coke snorting idiot, who allows millions of illegals (non-citizens) to have a say in our elections, even allows them to hold office. Knowing what we know about the millions of votes his state generated in the weeks after the election to help give Hillary a 3 million vote lead in the popular vote.

Question: Do you think it's a good idea to have no federal oversite over this state?
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior.

That's fucking perfect.

It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.
I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote? Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Threatening their puppet strings won't get you very far.

They will go right back to their old reliable every time.

Photo ID is racist. At that point you cannot budge them. The debate is over.

You will notice that virtually every debate with them will whittle down to that. Even their environmental arguments.

The democrats only plan is divide and conquer by race (which includes classes and genders and sexual orientation.)

That is all you are debating. Pointless really.
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior.

That's fucking perfect.

It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

A Trump presidency can change all that
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior.

That's fucking perfect.

It is the dems who have lost thousands of seats, the senate, congress, and the presidency over the last 6 years. If they continue on with their current philosophy they'll become obsolescent.

A Trump presidency can change all that

It actually would be great if real democrats were to come back and purge themselves from the radical progressive loons that have taken over the party.
The liberal media has set fire to their credibility as their GET TRUMP campaign is the highest priority.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I understand your point but IMHO it's apples and oranges, on the one hand you have the most powerful organization on the planet demanding the personal information of every voter based on an extremely flimsy and unsubstantiated thesis.

On the other hand you have a relatively small proportion of the population (the Douche Bag activists of the left) asking for an one elected officials tax records based on "tradition".

Trump has a choice not to turn over his tax records and I fully support his choice not to, since that's his personal business.
Voters don't have a real choice as to whether their State turns over their personal information to the Feds.

So the hypocrisy rests in the Trump Administration, he doesn't want to turn over HIS personal "none of your business" information to the public but he wants the States to turn over MY personal "none of your business" information to him and his "Commission".

To which I say, fuck you President Double Standards.
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption?
LOL, you think the personal information of every voter should be "open to the public"? What fucking century are you living in? obviously it's one before identity theft and credit fraud was invented.

Secondly we're not even talking about open to the public, we're talking about the States giving the Federal Government data that allows them to track the voting habits of individuals using personally identifiable information, you want the Federal Government tracking your activities even more than they already do? How would you feel about that if it were a President Dipshit-D running the executive instead of a President Dipshit-R?
Why don't you learn how to read, dumbass.

I said public records as opposed to private.
No what you said was this:
mudwhistle said:
That's stupid.
State records should always be open to the public. How else can we prevent corruption
Which was in response to my objection to the States turning over personal voter information to the Federal Government and Trumps "Voter Integrity Commission".

I apologize, next time I'll try to remember to include a monosyllabic close caption with my posts so you can understand what is actually being discussed instead of what the voices in your head *think* is being discussed and thus won't have to resort to getting all pissed off because you've once again made a complete ass of yourself, K?

I know what I said, smart-ass.
Yeah now that I refreshed your memory but apparently between you posting it and making use of my services as a tape recorded the signal to noise ratio between your two surviving neurons dropped to zero.

The problem is you assumed something I didn't say. Did you even read my last post?
No I assumed that you were intelligent enough to respond to the content of post that you actually quoted in your reply but apparently you were responding to something only you could hear, my bad.

Let me ask you something, how are we supposed to make sure states like California aren't manufacturing votes by allowing illegals to vote?
That falls under the authority sovereign entity known as the State of California, just like it does for every other sovereign component of the Republic.

Are we just supposed to take their word and not question anything?
Yeah, it's called federalism, perhaps you've heard of it? The Federal Government's authority is limited by the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Constitution doesn't give it the authority to invade the privacy of voters to facilitate Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commissions".

Any citizen(s) is free to question it and initiate legal action as they see fit, however that doesn't grant a license to the feds to demand the personal information and voting history of voters so it can snoop around as it likes.

In case you missed it the founders fought a war so that we didn't have to put up with a central government that could do whatever it wanted based on the tin-foil hat theories of a bunch of paranoid partisan monkeys looking to score political points.
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.

The thing is that, provided Trump has no connections that could have or did expose him to actual or potential coercion by Russia, as much would become patently clear from the detailed content one'd find in the supplemental schedules/forms that must necessarily accompany his 1040 and the information returns filed by the Trump Organization. Why that man refuses to simply authorized the IRS to provide those documents to Mueller and the Congressional panels looking into the matter is anyone's guess. What is not a guess and will eventually made very clear is how much taxpayer money we are spending to find out via other means information that Trump could have via documentary evidence provided form the get go. The whole matter could have been cleared up faster than greased lightening, and Trump is the only person who could have made that happen, yet he has done everything but that.

why does california and so many other states refuse to hand over voting data?
Really? You want the States to turn over VOTER information including names, addresses, DOB, party affiliation, last 4 and voting history to the FEDERAL government?

First; it's none of the Federal Behemoth's fucking business, the States run elections and are responsible for "voter integrity" not the Federal Government and thus it's none of the Federal Government's concern who voted when for what party and how many times they've voted in the past.

Second; personally I don't want the Federal Government knowing any more about me than is absolutely necessary, the bastards are already too intrusive.

I thank the 44 states and the DoC that told Trump and his Orwellian "Voter Integrity Commission" to stick it where the sun don't shine, the other ones that complied should be ashamed of themselves.

You have been listening to lib disinformation. That isn't what they wanted.
Uh-huh, I'm sure you'll tell me all the details what "lib disinformation" you're referring to in your next chapter.....

BTW, you cannot see who voted for what party anyway because there is no way to tie the ballot to you!
I'm aware of that, however what they want to see is personally identifiable information, your party affiliation and your voting record going back to 2006, with that information it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce the contents of your ballot to a significant degree of probability.

None of which is the Federal Governments business.

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