CNN caught selectively editing Trump'

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It's pretty clear to anyone paying attention Trump's comments were taken out of context, but the damage is done, fools will still believe it
He did kind of leave himself open when he said we should have lots of systems. It is a comment that is ambiguous since it doesn't say we should register all Muslims and it doesn't say we shouldn't. It just means there should be lots of systems which could mean many alternatives could exist that doesn't offend anyone...wait...I'm talking about liberals they are going to get offended no matter what he does.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

It's pretty clear to anyone paying attention Trump's comments were taken out of context, but the damage is done, fools will still believe it
Nah, they didn't hurt Trump at all. Every time they try he only goes up in the polls. People understand that the Praetorian media is out to get Trump.
the gotchalists are dying on the vine. heh.
this is remnant of treyvone case zimmerman's 911 call that nbc cooked. btw nbc is especially vicious lately, defending the dems attacking the reps.
if cnn altered the timeline in any way, it's just another forgery. there are some flash edits in there, it's not contiguous or smooth, nor is the visual part of the clips.. :(
it's cooked, sorry jake, it's not an honest portrayal.
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Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.
They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10
jake i sincerely believe that you believe you heard trump say "we should tag muslims like cattle".
no, we should brand them like cattle
jeezum what a dull show that is. i can't believe you guys are playing the hitler card so soon. i enjoy when you folk worry about damaging the republican party.
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Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10
jake i sincerely believe that you believe you heard trump say "we should tag muslims like cattle".
jeezum what a dull show.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10
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