CNN is just another despicable leftist media outpost.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Dishonorable low lifes. They interview Coach K. from Duke on the Final Four coming up in Indianapolis.

Then they ambush him with the question what do you have to say about the Indiana law being debated. How dare they put him on the spot. Far worse than that, they have that miscreant X-NFL punter Chris Kluwe leaving the coach no out by making it clear his choosing to remain silent is cowardly and wrong.

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CNN host Carol Costello and ex-NFL punter Chris Kluwe tag-teamed Duke head basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski in a recent segment, demanding to know why he was so silent about Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act when he a national platform to denounce it as discriminatory. Krzyzewski, who’s team is due for a crucial NCAA matchup this weekend, refused to opine on the new law.

Meanwhile, Kluwe, an outspoken advocate for same-sex marriage, said…“If you are a superstar athlete or a superstar head coach, it is your obligation to be aware of these issues because you will be asked about them and you do have a platform to talk about these things and you should be knowledgeable about it because that is the world you live in,” Kluew said. “That is your society.”

Radio host Rush Limbaugh blasted CNN for its treatment of Coach K, calling the network’s tactic “the new statism.” “Because he didn’t fall in line with other sports figures condemning the law, CNN does a whole segment attacking him for not saying anything,” Limbaugh said. “So this is the double way that they pressure you. If you say the unacceptable thing, then they destroy you. If you don’t say what they want you to say because you saying it would add ammo to their point of view… “He didn’t come down on any side and so he has to be taken out for that reason alone. The intimidation in stories like this and the veiled defamation, by the way, cuts both ways. If you don’t say anything – and to them, you matter – they’re gonna come after you. If you say what they don’t want to hear, they’ll come after you for that, too.”
So they're as bad on basketball as they are in geography?

CNN-Tripoli Map.jpg
CNN-HLN map.jpg
Lord knows World Net Daily is a bastion of journalistic integrity. This is the same news site that once claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. lol
Lord knows World Net Daily is a bastion of journalistic integrity. This is the same news site that once claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. lol
Lord knows no one expected any integrity out of you and your ilk.

You have too much pride ---- which is just one more deficiency on top of all the others.
Lord knows World Net Daily is a bastion of journalistic integrity. This is the same news site that once claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. lol
Lord knows no one expected any integrity out of you and your ilk.

You have too much pride ---- which is just one more deficiency on top of all the others.

Who exactly is my ilk? I don't watch CNN or visit their website b/c they stopped being a good source of news ages ago.

Be sure and throw away any soy sauce in your house. WND wouldn't want you to catch the gay. lol
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Lord knows World Net Daily is a bastion of journalistic integrity. This is the same news site that once claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. lol
Who brought up WND? Oh yeah, a liberal did. You know how stupid that sounds? Of course YOU would not.
Lord knows World Net Daily is a bastion of journalistic integrity. This is the same news site that once claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. lol
Who brought up WND? Oh yeah, a liberal did. You know how stupid that sounds? Of course YOU would not.

The OP's article is from WND. I think CNN is a cocktail party joke but whining about CNN while linking to WND is hilarious.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.
let's sing the rationalization song .. a one and a two....
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.
let's sing the rationalization song .. a one and a two....
Is there any point in me giving you one more chance to say something interesting or of value?
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.
let's sing the rationalization song .. a one and a two....
Is there any point in me giving you one more chance to say something interesting or of value?
as your value judgments have no real value and your permission is completely UNNECESSARY. it's not up to you to give or take anything.
I will answer or not answer when and how I choose...
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.
let's sing the rationalization song .. a one and a two....
Is there any point in me giving you one more chance to say something interesting or of value?
as your value judgments have no real value and your permission is completely UNNECESSARY. it's not up to you to give or take anything.
I will answer or not answer when and how I choose...

Fine with me. Just so you can take an insult as easily as you can distribute them. (no need to get too serious about the trash being strewn)
Its disgusting that these lunatics are spoiling the Final Four with this nonsense.

Coach K has more class and integrity than all of the left wing media combined. Hes a basketball coach. He recruits players. His school has Christians and Muslims and atheists and gays and everyone else on it.

He represents them ALL. You want his opinion in it? Ask him when hes not wearing Duke University attire. He owned them on his answer and im rooting for him to win it all now.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.

Can't read or what? Did I say that? On occasion there is something good that is common sense from the likes of Cato, The Atlantic, Brookings Institute, definitely Reuters, The Economist and, places like that. Primarily, I look for intellectual papers written in the context that is factual. In todays instant news cycle, Reuters is the best and strives to not put a spin on things.
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.
But institutionally left wing sources are OK if you consult them, eh?
Reality is all of mainstream media carries at the very least an unconscious left wing bias. Not only does it need to be vetted, it's necessary to consult right wing media if nothing more than to find out what was omitted.
Did any of your allegedly reliable sources run a story on the absurdly blatant bias of CNN in their rude treatment of the Duke coach?

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