CNN Sues.....

Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.

So the Intern should be be arrested for assault... She is the aggressor...

Simple, if I have something in my hand and someone comes to grab it (ownership aside), they are the aggressor.

She reached in and tried to pull the mic out of Jim's hand. Actually she was so forceful it slightly imbalanced Jim, he quickly corrected himself and said 'Pardon me mam...'. she knew she went too far and sat down...
So, any excuse to hit a woman is ok with you, huh tough guy?
I don't think they intend to bar Acosta permanently, just give him a timeout. They should let him ask a question and a follow-up but not let him hold the mic.

I disagree. What Acosta did should result in a permaban.
I don't disagree but now that he's done that, Trump could get a lot of mileage out of it. Treat him like a spoiled child who has to be limited in his actions (like holding the mic). Let him become a laughing stock. People would tune in just to see him humiliated.
It's as much fun for deplorable trumpanzees as watching their orange master denigrate women reporters.
When they make statements instead of asking questions they're not reporters.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
Good thing it didn't occur to her to grab his penis and not give it back until he hands over the microphone.
Well, that would certainly be a tiny trump style move....grab 'em by the pussy...or the penis
What penis?
Acosta should be charged with a misdemeanor Battery.
I'm sure the Authorities will appreciate the doctored video presented by the WH as "evidence". :71:

Doctored my ass. I saw it live. The second someone puts hands on someone against their will, that's a misdemeanor Battery. Includes spitting on someone too.
Battery is such a pussy excuse but if you want to get technical about it wouldn’t it be fair to say that she was the one reaching in and grabbing at him, invading his personal space and trying to grab the microphone that he was holding? Blocking somebody who is reaching into your body is not assault or battery. And you all call the lefties snowflakes. Unbelievable

The young lady should have baselessly accused Acosta of rape.
Good thing it didn't occur to her to grab his penis and not give it back until he hands over the microphone.
What penis?
I don't know what all the bitching is about.

CNN has no case and has once again overplayed its hand.

There is no 1st Amendment violation. Nobody has ever told
him or CNN what they can or cannot air.

There are rules in the WH for protocol. He violated them.
Once he blocked that girl from getting the mike from him,
he was finished.

Once he blocked that girl physically, he proved he could be
a danger. Thus no Hard Pass from the Secret Service.

Now, CNN will try to find a left leaning, asswipe to hear their
motion but when SCOTUS gets hold of this, they will uphold
the WH decision, based on the grounds of Acousta not following
WH rules. Then Trump will ban him for life.
"CNN has no case". We shall see, won't we?

There is no doubt that we'll see. If SCOTUS rules on this, the CNN
suit is going in the crapper
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?
the term "assault" got seriously watered down lately.

Oh sure it is an assault.
Just imagine Acosta as a Republican and it all becomes clear.
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?
the term "assault" got seriously watered down lately.

Oh sure it is an assault.
Just imagine Acosta as a Republican and it all becomes clear.
The “whatabout” argument doesn’t prove facts it just shows that you like to play partisan games and that you’re a hypocrite
Does that even compare to jackals and telling someone to gfy because they disagree with you? Or do you just have a potty mouth?

Listen up, "aldo" stop your incessant ankle snapping and get past anyone cares you're a butthurt bitch because someone called you a name. How's that,snowflake?

Man up dude

Triggered much poor lil Trumpanzee?

Oooh you whine about name calling then turn right around and do it again? You really are one stupid SOB "aldo" LOL

Read back through this exhange and think, then realize how utterly ridiculous you look LMAO what a fckn loon

You really are a triggered little potty mouth. Poor, poor thing.

Dude you're just flaming and failing miserably at it...but you're a left tard you've never succeeded at anything...and never will

Now run along "aldo"

Nice tantrum lol girl, I know you can do better.
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?
the term "assault" got seriously watered down lately.

Oh sure it is an assault.
Just imagine Acosta as a Republican and it all becomes clear.
just because a busload of ass-tarts will call something this stupid an assault because it suits their needs doesn't mean i'm going to redefine the term to go along with them.

i simply fail to see how one side can bitch at the other for watering down words to fit their extreme views then using their doing as a justification to do it back to them and think it's ok.
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?
the term "assault" got seriously watered down lately.

Oh sure it is an assault.
Just imagine Acosta as a Republican and it all becomes clear.
just because a busload of ass-tarts will call something this stupid an assault because it suits their needs doesn't mean i'm going to redefine the term to go along with them.

i simply fail to see how one side can bitch at the other for watering down words to fit their extreme views then using their doing as a justification to do it back to them and think it's ok.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Here's the premise for the suit:

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta - CNN
The code of federal regulations states that "in granting or denying a request for a security clearance made in response to an application for a White House press pass, officials of the Secret Service will be guided solely by the principle of whether the applicant presents a potential source of physical danger to the President and/or the family of the President so serious as to justify his or her exclusion from White House press privileges."

There are other guidelines as well. Abrams said the case law specifies that before a press pass is denied, "you have to have notice, you have to have a chance to respond, and you have to have a written opinion by the White House as to what it's doing and why, so the courts can examine it."

Verbally sparring with the POTUS doesn't exactly fall into these guidelines.

Trump is going to lose this.

This is just fucking pathetic. Trump has every right to chose who to give press passes to.

Sent from my iPhone using
Here's the premise for the suit:

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta - CNN
The code of federal regulations states that "in granting or denying a request for a security clearance made in response to an application for a White House press pass, officials of the Secret Service will be guided solely by the principle of whether the applicant presents a potential source of physical danger to the President and/or the family of the President so serious as to justify his or her exclusion from White House press privileges."

There are other guidelines as well. Abrams said the case law specifies that before a press pass is denied, "you have to have notice, you have to have a chance to respond, and you have to have a written opinion by the White House as to what it's doing and why, so the courts can examine it."

Verbally sparring with the POTUS doesn't exactly fall into these guidelines.

Trump is going to lose this.
I'll make a deal with you. If Trump loses, I'll leave this forum forever. If CNN loses or the suit is dismissed, you leave this forum forever. Deal?
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?

He shoved her
Keep dreaming dude. There is video... your assault narrative is a complete joke

Acosta pushing the intern's arm:

An assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.[1] It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law. Assault - Wikipedia
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?

What’s your point? The video shows her reaching into his body to grab a microphone that he was holding. Most people on earth would have the same reaction when somebody reaches in. You’re crazy to say it’s an assault. Try to be objective for a change.
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?
the term "assault" got seriously watered down lately.

Oh sure it is an assault.
Just imagine Acosta as a Republican and it all becomes clear.
just because a busload of ass-tarts will call something this stupid an assault because it suits their needs doesn't mean i'm going to redefine the term to go along with them.

i simply fail to see how one side can bitch at the other for watering down words to fit their extreme views then using their doing as a justification to do it back to them and think it's ok.

An assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.[1] It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law. Assault - Wikipedia
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?

He shoved her
Keep dreaming dude. There is video... your assault narrative is a complete joke

Acosta pushing the intern's arm:

An assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.[1] It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law. Assault - Wikipedia

That’s her arm reaching in across his body!! She was the aggressor, there is no way he can be accused of assault or battery. Y’all are nutz
Funny what you snowflakes call assault.

Acosta jumped the line of reporters.
Then Acosta pushed her.
He should have been a real man and just handed her the mic.

View attachment 228532
So a picture of her up in his face reaching into his body grabbing at a mic that he was holding proves that he assaulted her? Are you high?

What’s your point? The video shows her reaching into his body to grab a microphone that he was holding. Most people on earth would have the same reaction when somebody reaches in. You’re crazy to say it’s an assault. Try to be objective for a change.

My point is that I proved you to be a lying fool....but, it is somewhat like gilding the lily.

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