Co-Opting Christianity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A little biology, here....Did you know that a virus's path to triumph is not by bringing in lots of viruses to invade a host, but, rather....
..."They get inside the host's cells and take it over.Viruses use the host cells machinery to make lots of copies, so many that the cell bursts and infects other cells around it!"
How Viruses Work - Microbe Magic

Isn't that clever?

Disease particles....not truly organisms themselves.....take over the replicating mechanism of the host cell, and make the cell produce more viruses!

2. The political disease, Leftism, totalitarian governance, behaves in the same why as viruses do!
They....persuade....the most trusting and naive of individuals, the clergy, to accept the most anti-human-nature supposition.....this one:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

a. Imagine....clergy rush to accept a failed concept of governance which has been responsible for over 100 million men, women, and children slaughtered in the last century.
Hard to believe....but true.

3. In 1907, a group of Methodists formed the Methodist Federation for Social Service (MFSS). The aim was to influence other Protestant groups. The next day, the group is received by President Theodore Roosevelt in the White House. One of the leaders, Harry F. Ward drafts a Social Creed that will be adopted by the 1908 General Conference and by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.
MFSA History Timeline
And so it begins.

4. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ("one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union."...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churches called for: Ultimately,"a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....
APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

Communism is 'international socialism.'

5. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

“The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept the Marxist point of view…The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx.

The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system,which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”
Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings Volume pt. 5-6 pp. 1969-2143 by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free page 22 of 24 \

6. Statism "is a philosophy of government whereby the state is not only the final ruling authority but also the ultimate agency of redemption."
R.C. Sproul "Welfare Reformed: A Compassionate Approach."


All sorts of moral relativists, atheists, communists, and socialists embraced this idea, because it allows them to define justice, rights and morality. Civil magistrates can control the integrity of religion and even supplant its authority.

Welcome to the brave new world.
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Socialist Agenda is to Attack the culture and morality of Christianity...............

All done under the Dogma of Social Humanity.............

All done to make what most consider Immoral to be accepted..............for fear of being called a Bigot...............or Labelled as a Homophobe...........

Oh No...........Lion's, Tiger's and Bears.............

When a nation loses it's culture and Morality it is headed down the tubes..............
1. A little biology, here....Did you know that a virus's path to triumph is not by bringing in lots of viruses to invade a host, but, rather....
..."They get inside the host's cells and take it over.Viruses use the host cells machinery to make lots of copies, so many that the cell bursts and infects other cells around it!"
How Viruses Work - Microbe Magic

Isn't that clever?

Disease particles....not truly organisms themselves.....take over the replicating mechanism of the host cell, and make the cell produce more viruses!

2. The political disease, Leftism, totalitarian governance, behaves in the same why as viruses do!
They....persuade....the most trusting and naive of individuals, the clergy, to accept the most anti-human-nature supposition.....this one:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

a. Imagine....clergy rush to accept a failed concept of governance which has been responsible for over 100 million men, women, and children slaughtered in the last century.
Hard to believe....but true.

3. In 1907, a group of Methodists formed the Methodist Federation for Social Service (MFSS). The aim was to influence other Protestant groups. The next day, the group is received by President Theodore Roosevelt in the White House. One of the leaders, Harry F. Ward drafts a Social Creed that will be adopted by the 1908 General Conference and by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.
MFSA History Timeline
And so it begins.

4. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ("one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union."...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churches called for: Ultimately,"a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....
APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

Communism is 'international socialism.'

5. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

“The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept the Marxist point of view…The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx.

The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system,which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”
Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings Volume pt. 5-6 pp. 1969-2143 by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free page 22 of 24 \

6. Statism "is a philosophy of government whereby the state is not only the final ruling authority but also the ultimate agency of redemption."
R.C. Sproul "Welfare Reformed: A Compassionate Approach."


All sorts of moral relativists, atheists, communists, and socialists embraced this idea, because it allows them to define justice, rights and morality. Civil magistrates can control the integrity of religion and even supplant its authority.

Welcome to the brave new world.

Hillary recently came out and said that religious folk would have to change their opinions of abortion.

I guess this is an open admission that Hillary does not believe in the separation of church and state.
You can hear the lingo from Obama himself. He talks about "social justice" and our "collective salvation". For the liberal, heaven must come to earth in the form of government bringing it to the people.

Although they purport to believe in a God, all their actions seem to indicate that if there is a God, he is either uninvolved or demands that they take action in his name to save us all.

It all makes since really, if people don't believe in a God or think that he is powerless and depends upon us, then one must assume the roll. This is why statists continue to try and take more and more power from us. They think we drink too much, eat too much, are too greedy, pollute too much, make too much of a carbon footprint, reproduce too much, etc.

For the Prog, free will is the ultimate evil that must be tamed or destroyed altogether whether it is through regulation or outright illegal conduct. Our collective salvation depends upon society embracing their rule and dictates.

Conversely, God gave us free will, which is partly why they seem to secretly despise him, so much so that Obama does not even go to church.
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most 'clergy' or any religious professional has a vested interest in being supported by the producers. They produce nothing themselves, but are moochers on the workers. They have been this way for all of human history, & have not changed much, over the millinnea. It is no surprise that they would support a collective system, that is based on taking from those who have, & giving to those who have not. The Marxist summary fits in well with their basic worldview.

Most religious professionals are dependent on their supporters to fund their message, whatever it is. They are not free to speak their own minds, but always have to 'play' to their base. But this is also true of academia, govt, & much of the research community.. even scientific truth is by decree. To keep their funding, they have to support those who fund them. Conflicts of interest are always lurking in the shadows, influencing unspoken motivations.
most 'clergy' or any religious professional has a vested interest in being supported by the producers. They produce nothing themselves, but are moochers on the workers. They have been this way for all of human history, & have not changed much, over the millinnea. It is no surprise that they would support a collective system, that is based on taking from those who have, & giving to those who have not. The Marxist summary fits in well with their basic worldview.

Most religious professionals are dependent on their supporters to fund their message, whatever it is. They are not free to speak their own minds, but always have to 'play' to their base. But this is also true of academia, govt, & much of the research community.. even scientific truth is by decree. To keep their funding, they have to support those who fund them. Conflicts of interest are always lurking in the shadows, influencing unspoken motivations.

Are you of the belief that government pays clergy???

Actually, it more like
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
most 'clergy' or any religious professional has a vested interest in being supported by the producers. They produce nothing themselves, but are moochers on the workers. They have been this way for all of human history, & have not changed much, over the millinnea. It is no surprise that they would support a collective system, that is based on taking from those who have, & giving to those who have not. The Marxist summary fits in well with their basic worldview.

Most religious professionals are dependent on their supporters to fund their message, whatever it is. They are not free to speak their own minds, but always have to 'play' to their base. But this is also true of academia, govt, & much of the research community.. even scientific truth is by decree. To keep their funding, they have to support those who fund them. Conflicts of interest are always lurking in the shadows, influencing unspoken motivations.

Are you of the belief that government pays clergy???

Actually, it more like
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

If the clergy likes their tax exempt status they are.
You can hear the lingo from Obama himself. He talks about "social justice" and our "collective salvation". For the liberal, heaven must come to earth in the form of government bringing it to the people.

Although they purport to believe in a God, all their actions seem to indicate that if there is a God, he is either uninvolved or demands that they take action in his name to save us all.

It all makes since really, if people don't believe in a God or think that he is powerless and depends upon us, then one must assume the roll. This is why statists continue to try and take more and more power from us. They think we drink too much, eat too much, are too greedy, pollute too much, make too much of a carbon footprint, reproduce too much, etc.

For the Prog, free will is the ultimate evil that must be tamed or destroyed altogether whether it is through regulation or outright illegal conduct. Our collective salvation depends upon society embracing their rule and dictates.

Conversely, God gave us free will, which is partly why they seem to secretly despise him, so much so that Obama does not even go to church.

They believe in a god....themselves.

"Caesaropapism/ˌsiːzəroʊˈpaɪpɪzəm/ is the idea of combining the power of secular government with the religious power, or making it superior to the spiritual authority of the Church; especially concerning the connection of the Church with government..... later defined by Max Weber as "a secular, caesaropapist ruler...

...exercises supreme authority in ecclesiastic matters by virtue of his autonomous legitimacy". According to Weber's political sociology, caesaropapism entails "the complete subordination of priests to secular power."
Caesaropapism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Are you of the belief that government pays clergy???
Actually, it more like
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
No, but religious institutions are a collective entity, much like govt. They have often been blended in history, & still are, even though the popular religion of the day is not the same as it once was.
Islam is a clear mixer of 'church & state', as is leftist ideology. Their 'religion' is secular humanism, but it is every bit a philosophical worldview, or religion like any other.

People cannot hide from their philosophical basis. It always comes out. It is the spring from which their world view comes from. If you are dependent on the workers to support you, you find the justification, & pick the ideology that frames it best. If they buy it, you're covered. If not, you have to try something else.

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - Groucho Marx
most 'clergy' or any religious professional has a vested interest in being supported by the producers. They produce nothing themselves, but are moochers on the workers. They have been this way for all of human history, & have not changed much, over the millinnea. It is no surprise that they would support a collective system, that is based on taking from those who have, & giving to those who have not. The Marxist summary fits in well with their basic worldview.

Most religious professionals are dependent on their supporters to fund their message, whatever it is. They are not free to speak their own minds, but always have to 'play' to their base. But this is also true of academia, govt, & much of the research community.. even scientific truth is by decree. To keep their funding, they have to support those who fund them. Conflicts of interest are always lurking in the shadows, influencing unspoken motivations.

Are you of the belief that government pays clergy???

Actually, it more like
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

If the clergy likes their tax exempt status they are.

Well...not paid by secular government, but LBJ had a muzzle put on the pulpit by denying clergy the right to say what they wished.

Contrary to the Constitution:
“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

That was when the Constitution was actually considered the law of the land, and not merely a suggestion.
Are you of the belief that government pays clergy???
Actually, it more like
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain
No, but religious institutions are a collective entity, much like govt. They have often been blended in history, & still are, even though the popular religion of the day is not the same as it once was.
Islam is a clear mixer of 'church & state', as is leftist ideology. Their 'religion' is secular humanism, but it is every bit a philosophical worldview, or religion like any other.

People cannot hide from their philosophical basis. It always comes out. It is the spring from which their world view comes from. If you are dependent on the workers to support you, you find the justification, & pick the ideology that frames it best. If they buy it, you're covered. If not, you have to try something else.

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." - Groucho Marx

"No, but religious institutions are a collective entity, much like govt."

Not so.

That's why the OP specifically refers to mainline Protestant churches.

" If you are dependent on the workers to support you, you find the justification, & pick the ideology that frames it best. If they buy it, you're covered. If not, you have to try something else."

  1. The percentage of Americans who attend and belong to a church has remained constant for over 70 years. But predominantly liberal mainline Protestant denominations have lost members for over 50 years. “From 1960 to 1988, mainline church membership declined from 31 million to 25 million, then fell to 21 million in 2005.[6][7]Today, they are a minority among American Protestants, claiming approximately 15 percent of American adults among their adherents.[8]Mainline Protestant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
  2. Could it be that their elite’s rejection of traditional beliefs and embrace of the Gospel of “social justice” has something to do with it? Another coincidence: the shift to the left started right around the time the Progressive era was getting into full swing.
Gosh, how time flies. Hard to believe its already time for yet another of Political Chic's rambling, nonsensical rants just chocked full of "unwarranted assumption, false equivalence, false analogy, inductive fallacy, appeal to consequences, & appeal to emotion".
Gosh, how time flies. Hard to believe its already time for yet another of Political Chic's rambling, nonsensical rants just chocked full of "unwarranted assumption, false equivalence, false analogy, inductive fallacy, appeal to consequences, & appeal to emotion".

You still fail to realize that by not having any examples of "nonsensical rants just chocked full of "unwarranted assumption, false equivalence, false analogy, inductive fallacy, appeal to consequences, & appeal to emotion".... have actually supported everything I've posted.

Having served your purpose, you may now return to your warren.
Post #12 reminds me that I should broaden this indictment.....

7. Before one laughs at clergy for being simpletons....let's remember all the non-clergy simpletons who actually believe that "McCarthyism" ruined the lives of poor innocent artists in Hollywood....

It may be the most successful fabrication ever put over on the American public!

a. " When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes."

b. "Fifty years of liberal propaganda got people to thinking of Communist Party members as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11."

What communism is, and what communists want for America can be seen in the abattoir that was Stalin's Russia.

8. Let's remember how said simpletons are most correctly identified:

"...useful idiotis a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.... The term has been used in a similar sense as fellow travellers and other Communism or Soviet Union sympathizers in Western countries during the Cold War.

The implication was that, although the people in question naïvely thought of themselves as standing for a benign socialist ideological cause, and as valued allies of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used by the Communist Party of Soviet Union for subversive activities in their native Western countries."
Useful idiot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I have regularly challenged "useful idiots" to give a few examples of 'innocents whose lives were ruined by McCarthy"....and none have been able to give examples of the horrors in which they so fervently believe.

QED..."Useful Idiots."
The Liberal clergy is simply one variety.
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To add some thought to this OP discussion.
Rome was famous for this method of attack and used it to swallow up other cultures.
They would slay the people then tell them their god no longer favored them as seen by their defeat, so from inside pretending they were now the real loyalidts of that god they would erect a temple to this god in Rome to be the new authority of the subverted peoples god thus swallowing up the god and the followers.
They did this to the Veeins with godess Juno then to Israel whereby Christians say they are the new Israel and authority and Rome erected the imposter temple in Rome.
Swalliw up the revolts the prople and their God and many messiah figures now under their total control and destroying all through that tactic.
9.This is not to say that there aren't members of the clergy who are Leftists first....and know exactly what they are doing.

Jim Wallis, case in point.

"Christian writer and political activist. He is best known as the founder and editor of Sojourners magazine and as the founder of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian community of the same name. Wallis is well known for his advocacy on issues of peace and social justice."
Jim Wallis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That's Jim Wallis, communist first, Christian, a distant second.

a. "More than a mere religious leader, Wallis, a registered Democrat, is also an adroit political operative, publicly portraying himself as a politically neutral religious figure whose overriding allegiance is to God. Always with the disclaimer that neither major political party can claim to authoritatively represent the values of religious faith, Wallis passionately contends that Republican policies tend to be immoral and godless."

b. "Jim Wallis is a socialist and a fervent believer in the state redistribution of wealth. He is connected to some of the most radical people in America."
Protected Blog Log in

c. " In parallel with his magazine's stridently antiwar position during the Seventies, Wallis championed the cause of communism.... Demanding greater levels of "social justice" in the U.S., he was silent on the subject of the murderous rampages of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge. Very much to the contrary, several Sojourners editorials attempted to exculpate the Khmer Rouge of the charges of genocide...."

d. " Wallis may couch his Bolshevist views today. But in 1979, he was quoted in the journal "Mission Tracks" saying he hoped that "more Christians will come to view the world through Marxist eyes." Sojourning Socialists -

"Obama’s Spiritual Advisor Jim Wallis..."
Obama s Spiritual Advisor Jim Wallis Goes On Race Rant The Daily Caller

Jim Wallis....the personification of 'Co-Opting Christianity.'
To add some thought to this OP discussion.
Rome was famous for this method of attack and used it to swallow up other cultures.
They would slay the people then tell them their god no longer favored them as seen by their defeat, so from inside pretending they were now the real loyalidts of that god they would erect a temple to this god in Rome to be the new authority of the subverted peoples god thus swallowing up the god and the followers.
They did this to the Veeins with godess Juno then to Israel whereby Christians say they are the new Israel and authority and Rome erected the imposter temple in Rome.
Swalliw up the revolts the prople and their God and many messiah figures now under their total control and destroying all through that tactic.

"To add some thought to this OP discussion."

What ever made you believe that your post was needed to "add some thought to this OP discussion"?
To add some thought to this OP discussion.
Rome was famous for this method of attack and used it to swallow up other cultures.
They would slay the people then tell them their god no longer favored them as seen by their defeat, so from inside pretending they were now the real loyalidts of that god they would erect a temple to this god in Rome to be the new authority of the subverted peoples god thus swallowing up the god and the followers.
They did this to the Veeins with godess Juno then to Israel whereby Christians say they are the new Israel and authority and Rome erected the imposter temple in Rome.
Swalliw up the revolts the prople and their God and many messiah figures now under their total control and destroying all through that tactic.

"To add some thought to this OP discussion."

What ever made you believe that your post was needed to "add some thought to this OP discussion"?
When you start with nothing, almost anything is an improvement.
To add some thought to this OP discussion.
Rome was famous for this method of attack and used it to swallow up other cultures.
They would slay the people then tell them their god no longer favored them as seen by their defeat, so from inside pretending they were now the real loyalidts of that god they would erect a temple to this god in Rome to be the new authority of the subverted peoples god thus swallowing up the god and the followers.
They did this to the Veeins with godess Juno then to Israel whereby Christians say they are the new Israel and authority and Rome erected the imposter temple in Rome.
Swalliw up the revolts the prople and their God and many messiah figures now under their total control and destroying all through that tactic.

"To add some thought to this OP discussion."

What ever made you believe that your post was needed to "add some thought to this OP discussion"?
When you start with nothing, almost anything is an improvement.

Another 'I hate you' post from the moron bench.

Can't begin to tell you how crushed I am.
While it was Democrat fake Christian Jimmy 'I will never lie to you' Carter who first courted evangelicals in the political realm....'s the other side at it:

"Bush courts evangelicals, defends religion in public life
LYNCHBURG, VA. — Looking to win over skeptical evangelical voters, Jeb Bush pushed back Saturday against what he said are modern intrusions on religion as he lauded graduates and their families at Liberty University, a Christian college popular on the path to the Republican presidential nomination.

Some evangelicals view Bush warily,...."
LYNCHBURG VA. Bush courts evangelicals defends religion in public life Elections McClatchy DC

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