Code pink


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
They just don't seem to be so enthusiastic like they were with Bush...:eusa_shifty:


Medea Benjamin

Anti-war mood creates odd-ball alliances

DPA/San Francisco

Iconic anti-war agitator Medea Benjamin has seen a lot during her leadership of the radical women’s protest group Code Pink, but she admits that she is taken aback by the breadth of opposition to US plans for a military strike on Syria.

On Wednesday she found herself in the unlikely position of thanking the conservative Texas Republican Congressman Ted Poe for asking pointed questions about the unintended consequences of such a strike.

“I never thought I’d ever be thanked by Code Pink,” she quoted Poe as telling her. “This is a guy who never even wanted to be in the same room as me.”

The formation of such unlikely alliances has already cast a pall over US President Barack Obama’s plans.

While he attempts to build support in Congress and abroad for a military strike against Syria, he is running into a growing tide of anti-war sentiment on the home front.

Groups including the ANSWER coalition and Code Pink were planning mass demonstration in Washington, San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles today to reflect the strongest anti-war mood since the height of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It’s not even the anti-war movement that is driving this,” Benjamin said. “It’s people from the left. People from the right. Really from all streams of politics. The mainstream is overtaking us.”


Anti-war mood creates odd-ball alliances
Whatever else comes out of this ill-conceived and distinctly weird replay of the run up to the Iraq war, it will have established one fact beyond any doubt: House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, congressional doyenne of a corrupted corporate liberalism, is teetering on the brink of senility. What other conclusion can we draw from her latest colloquy with the media?:

"I’ll tell you this story and then I really do have to go. My five-year-old grandson, as I was leaving San Francisco yesterday, he said to me, Mimi, my name, Mimi, war with Syria, are you yes war with Syria, no, war with Syria. And he’s five years old. We’re not talking about war; we’re talking about action. Yes war with Syria, no with war in Syria. I said, ‘Well, what do you think?’ He said, ‘I think no war.’ I said, ‘Well, I generally agree with that but you know, they have killed hundreds of children, they’ve killed hundreds of children there. ‘ And he said, five years old, ‘Were these children in the United States?’ And I said, ‘No, but they’re children wherever they are.’

"So I don’t know what news he’s listening to …"

The littlest Pelosi knows he’s an American. Unlike his grandmother, he puts his own country and its interests first: unlike the Washington politicians, the ivory tower think-tankers, and the transnational elites who think they have a divine mandate to determine what happens in far-off Syria, his first impulse is to ask: what’s this got to do with us?

Empress Pelosi?s New Clothes by Justin Raimondo --

Pelosi: "We Have to Have The War So That You Can Find Out What It's All About

Whither the Anti-War Left?

September 6, 2013 By Matthew Vadum

As America’s leftist president demands war against Syria, the anti-war Left is nowhere to be found.

Democratic lawmakers who reflexively oppose any military action proposed by a Republican president are for the most part missing in action now that a Democrat occupies the Oval Office.

Earlier this week the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 10 to 7 to authorize the president to use U.S. forces to attack Syria. The resolution stipulates that military action is restricted to within Syria’s borders, forbids U.S. troops on Syrian soil, and limits hostilities to a maximum of 90 days. Newly elected Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) heroically emulated Obama in his earlier legislative career by voting “present.”

The White House lauded senators for “moving swiftly and for working across party lines on behalf of our national security.”

Democrat are coalescing behind Obama because they don’t want him to be a lame duck for the rest of his time in office after he foolishly threw down the gauntlet against Syria in his “red line” speech last year.

On MSNBC, former top congressional aide turned liberal logorrheic Chris Matthews put the situation bluntly:

I think the Democrats are going to be forced to sacrifice men and women who really, really don’t want to vote for this. They’re going to have to vote for it to save the president’s hide. That’s a bad position to put your party in.


YAL spokeswoman Bonnie Kristian said it is “astonishing to see some on the Left stumble to defend Obama’s indefensible position on intervention in Syria. The usual talking heads on MSNBC are scrambling to explain how Syria is different than Bush’s wars.”

That scrambling will intensify in coming weeks as Democrats try to save Obama’s hide.

Whither the Anti-War Left? | FrontPage Magazine
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I watched Gwen Iffil's Washington Week on NPR this evening.

According to her left leaning panel, the house is currently 245 against...

...Obama needs 214 in favor for Syrian War authorization.

The message they are getting from congressional staffers is that calls and emails are between 100 and 800 to 1 against authorization.

No staffer they spoke to reported a ratio lower than 100 to 1 against.
Code pink was harassed by the CIA because they embarrassed Obama about GITMO during the starvation strikes.

At least that's the word on street here in Long Island.

Our local Code Pink chapters on Long Island were also active against the GMO's, and came to our protest on Veteran's Highway against GMO's in Suffolk County.
I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.
I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.

I admit that during the Bush years Code Pink annoyed me, but they have been consistent, and earned my respect. Contrary to the narrative of this topic, Code Pink has protested against Democratic politicians. I'd lean towards Missourian's theory, that the media isn't covering them as much now that Bush is out of office.
I've met Madea Benjamin a few times at various functions in San Francisco. She's been touring the country speaking against drones for at least the last 3 or 4 years, never shying away from attacking Obama on war issues.

I have more respect for Code Pink than I do for most organizations of that sort.

Medea is for true, well in my humble opinion.

Jodie on the other hand had became a princess with the dem leaders after they threw Cindy under the bus.

I'll never knock Benjamin. She's the real deal. Few and far between these days.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

again the desperate race card....

No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

again the desperate race card....

No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama going after Syria for actually doing what they accused Saddam of doing.

They were all for it until the Black Guy did it.

Drone Strikes
RomneyCare (errr. Obamacare)
Wars of Choice.

there is so many things wrong with that partisan hack bull shit i hardly know where to begin.

I was against the Iraq war 100% when Bush, with the support of Congress, attacked Iraq.

And Bush did not lie that is also bull shit, I just didn't believe it was a war that need3ed to be fought. Bush, john Kerry, nancy Pelosi, and Harry reid disagreed.

Saddam Hussein used Chemical weapons on the Kurds. That, unlike the accusations in Syria, is an established and documented fact.

You have zero credibility.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.
No, what's desperate is all the guys who defended the Iraq war for YEARS after it was proven Bush lied are now against Obama

I was never for the Iraq war,but its been proven Bush didn't lie,not the other way around.Repeating a falsehood many time will never make it a truth.
Giving Code Pink credit, at least they are consistant.

Unlike the Neo-Cons who all sound like Dope-smoking hippies now that the Black Guy wants to blow up an Islamic Country.

Another liberal moron who doesn't know what "neocon" means. When you use it wrong out of context because you like the way it sounds it's amusing, but it's really funny when you use it actually contradictory to it's definition like this.

I'm pretty sure he means Mccain, Lindsay Graham and the rest of the ilk.

Yes, three are legitimate Libertarians, like myself, or true Conservatives, who oppose this war on their own terms and reasoning, but they are plenty of Neo-cons that are dumping Mccain because he supports Obama; yet, if it was John mccain who President (from 2008) they'd be supporting his invasion of Syria right now.
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