Coldest antarctic june ever recorded!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Coldest Antarctic June Ever Recorded | Watts Up With That?

Lets call a spade a spade.......bad month for the Climate obsessed!!!

1) Gallup says 80% of the people think the science is still undecided.

2) Polar vortex to bring temperatures in the central US to the mid-50's all next week!!!

3) US oil production up 50% over past 5 years.

4) Natural gas production hits all time high!!

5) New movie coming out "The Climate Hustle" to make Gore look like a horses ass.

6) The NOAA admitting it has been fucking with the temperature data!!!

Now this ( see link at top ):funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

But the climate crusading nuts on here say they are winning!!!:D:D:banana:
Im practically busting a nut every day on this forum its getting to be so absurd.......the level of ePiC loSinG the k00ks are experiencing.

And still we all wait for a single link to show where the science is mattering in the real world!!!

2 years of asking and still................ egg.
1) Gallup says 80% of the people think the science is still undecided.

Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

2) Polar vortex to bring temperatures in the central US to the mid-50's all next week!!!

The polar vortex is caused by high air temperatures in the Arctic.

3) US oil production up 50% over past 5 years.

Has zero to do with the climate

4) Natural gas production hits all time high!!

Has zero to do with the climate.

5) New movie coming out "The Climate Hustle" to make Gore look like a horses ass.

There are also movies out about The Avengers, Vikings on dragons and Godzilla

6) The NOAA admitting it has been fucking with the temperature data!!!

NOAA has not "admitted it has been fucking with temperature data"
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1) Gallup says 80% of the people think the science is still undecided.

Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

2) Polar vortex to bring temperatures in the central US to the mid-50's all next week!!!

The polar vortex is caused by high air temperatures in the Arctic.

Has zero to do with the climate

Has zero to do with the climate.

5) New movie coming out "The Climate Hustle" to make Gore look like a horses ass.

There are also movies out about The Avengers, Vikings on dragons and Godzilla

6) The NOAA admitting it has been fucking with the temperature data!!!

NOAA has not "admitted it has been fucking with temperature data"


My thanks to poster Skookerasbil for having the moral standing to admit my points.
1) Gallup says 80% of the people think the science is still undecided.

Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

2) Polar vortex to bring temperatures in the central US to the mid-50's all next week!!!

The polar vortex is caused by high air temperatures in the Arctic.

Has zero to do with the climate

Has zero to do with the climate.

5) New movie coming out "The Climate Hustle" to make Gore look like a horses ass.

There are also movies out about The Avengers, Vikings on dragons and Godzilla

6) The NOAA admitting it has been fucking with the temperature data!!!

NOAA has not "admitted it has been fucking with temperature data"

Consensus =/= science
Pity your memory, your intellect and your FUNDAMENTAL HONESTY are all in such abysmally short supply.
It is just amazing how a wildly uncontrollable thing like the magnetic field can show it has more influence over climate than the mythical CO2 scripture that the AGW cult wants to push on the rest of us.
Pity your memory, your intellect and your FUNDAMENTAL HONESTY are all in such abysmally short supply.

Still haven't seen a single lab experiment from your side testing the effects of a 120PPM increase in CO2

Not one.

Not Ever.

Coldest Antarctic June Ever Recorded | Watts Up With That?

Lets call a spade a spade.......bad month for the Climate obsessed!!!

1) Gallup says 80% of the people think the science is still undecided.

2) Polar vortex to bring temperatures in the central US to the mid-50's all next week!!!

3) US oil production up 50% over past 5 years.

4) Natural gas production hits all time high!!

5) New movie coming out "The Climate Hustle" to make Gore look like a horses ass.

6) The NOAA admitting it has been fucking with the temperature data!!!

Now this ( see link at top ):funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

But the climate crusading nuts on here say they are winning!!!:D:D:banana:

look like

how about is a horses ass

Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

A lie.

has not "admitted it has been fucking with temperature data"

The evidence is incontrovertible...unless you are completely without ethics and are willing to drag your intellect through a mile of liquified pig shit in an effort to defend the indefensible.

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