Coldest antarctic june ever recorded!!!!

Like I said, it SEEMS as if you can't tell the truth, but I can tell it's just your choice.
Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

A lie.

has not "admitted it has been fucking with temperature data"

The evidence is incontrovertible...unless you are completely without ethics and are willing to drag your intellect through a mile of liquified pig shit in an effort to defend the indefensible.


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the media, and Al Gore repeatedly say that the science of global warming is settled and that only a radical fringe group of corporate-sponsored scientists disagree with the scientific consensus that man is causing global warming. Over $50 billion has been spent to support that believe. However, even as far back as 2003 a survey was conducted among all climate scientists (those actually having climate PhDs and working specifically on climate issues) showed that there was barely a majority, let alone a consensus that man was causing global warming. When the question was asked, "was the scientific debate about climate change over," less than half of the respondents agreed with the question. An equal number disagreed. This is far from a consensus among scientists who can actually speak to the issue.

In 2001 a voluntary petition was sent to all scientists in the United States stating that, among other things, "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate." At that time, 17,000 scientists signed it. When the same petition was sent out in 2008, 31,000 scientists signed it, almost double the number in 2001. Nine thousand of these had PhD's in the physical sciences. This compares to only about 60 (not 2500) that support the IPCC's man-caused theory. More are signing every day. The IPCC's, media's, and Gore's instance that there is a consensus among scientists that the science is settled is completely false, designed to hide the fact that the entire effort is politically, not scientifically, motivated. Every effort is made to silence the dissenters, yet more and more scientists are speaking out because the actual science supporting man-caused warming is non-existent.
Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

Just once it would be nice to see you post some proof, evidence of anything you write. How many scientist out of how many scientist = 97%, let's see the document and questions that were asked. Did the questions say AGW or GW, but you ain't got it right? Like you ain't got anything accept lies and more lies.

Dude you're hilarious on here. Your garbage, is, well that explains it.............garbage...
Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

Just once it would be nice to see you post some proof, evidence of anything you write. How many scientist out of how many scientist = 97%, let's see the document and questions that were asked. Did the questions say AGW or GW, but you ain't got it right? Like you ain't got anything accept lies and more lies.

Dude you're hilarious on here. Your garbage, is, well that explains it.............garbage...
Greater than 97% of active climate scientists accept AGW as valid

Just once it would be nice to see you post some proof, evidence of anything you write. How many scientist out of how many scientist = 97%, let's see the document and questions that were asked. Did the questions say AGW or GW, but you ain't got it right? Like you ain't got anything accept lies and more lies.

Dude you're hilarious on here. Your garbage, is, well that explains it.............garbage...

Wikipedia.....You are being laughed at all over the world right now. If that is the best you have, then you have nothing...hell, less than nothing.
If you think there are any significant falsehoods in either of those articles, identify them. This "Wikipedia is no good" argument is pure shit.

But you won't, will you. You know there's nothing wrong with either of those articles. You know that multiple studies, surveys and polls have found overwhelming support for AGW among climate scientists.

Prove me wrong. And this time I DO mean PROVE.
If you think there are any significant falsehoods in either of those articles, identify them. This "Wikipedia is no good" argument is pure shit.

But you won't, will you. You know there's nothing wrong with either of those articles. You know that multiple studies, surveys and polls have found overwhelming support for AGW among climate scientists.

Prove me wrong. And this time I DO mean PROVE.

If you think there are any significant falsehoods in either of those articles, identify them. This "Wikipedia is no good" argument is pure shit.

But you won't, will you. You know there's nothing wrong with either of those articles. You know that multiple studies, surveys and polls have found overwhelming support for AGW among climate scientists.

Prove me wrong. And this time I DO mean PROVE.

Dude, I can't believe how naive you are. You know what the argument is, and yet you continue to be stoopid and obviously someone who can't grasp what the other side is saying. How many fnnnn times does someone on here have to tell you......

You have failed to prove that 120 PPM of CO2 drives climater or temperatures.

Prove it, anything, link, wikipedia won't provide that validation for you. So stop posting things you know won't satisfy the argument. Unless of course you're just an arse who likes to do what you've been doing, then you're just an arse.
If you think there are any significant falsehoods in either of those articles, identify them. This "Wikipedia is no good" argument is pure shit.

But you won't, will you. You know there's nothing wrong with either of those articles. You know that multiple studies, surveys and polls have found overwhelming support for AGW among climate scientists.

Prove me wrong. And this time I DO mean PROVE.

Dude, I can't believe how naive you are. You know what the argument is, and yet you continue to be stoopid and obviously someone who can't grasp what the other side is saying. How many fnnnn times does someone on here have to tell you......

You have failed to prove that 120 PPM of CO2 drives climater or temperatures.

Prove it, anything, link, wikipedia won't provide that validation for you. So stop posting things you know won't satisfy the argument. Unless of course you're just an arse who likes to do what you've been doing, then you're just an arse.

Beyond help jc........only thing to do is make fun of them.

Hey jc.....check this out. Coldest July 15 in KC EVAR!!!! 54 degrees!!!

A pleasant record: KC temperature sets a new low | The Kansas City Star

O o o o o o o o o p s!!!!!!
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Meanwhile, June 2014 was either the hottest June ever, or the 3rd hottest, depending on what algorithm you use to process data. The physical data says it's warming strongly across the globe.

In response, Skook ignores the worldwide data and frantically looks for a momentary cold spot to cherrypick. Skook, even you have to understand how dishonest that is. Everyone else does.
Meanwhile, June 2014 was either the hottest June ever, or the 3rd hottest, depending on what algorithm you use to process data. The physical data says it's warming strongly across the globe.

In response, Skook ignores the worldwide data and frantically looks for a momentary cold spot to cherrypick. Skook, even you have to understand how dishonest that is. Everyone else does.

Even your pupeteers don't argue 'global warming' anymore. Try to keep up.
Pretty cold on the other end of the globe too. A Canadian 36 ft sailboat had to be rescued by the US Coast Guard July 14th when they became trapped by ice near Barrow, Ak.
Meanwhile, June 2014 was either the hottest June ever, or the 3rd hottest, depending on what algorithm you use to process data. The physical data says it's warming strongly across the globe.

In response, Skook ignores the worldwide data and frantically looks for a momentary cold spot to cherrypick. Skook, even you have to understand how dishonest that is. Everyone else does.

Even your pupeteers don't argue 'global warming' anymore. Try to keep up.

Who exactly in your denier cult keeps telling you to say that cooling means warming? You really should take them to task, since it sounds so crazy.

All the sensible people are pointing to the warming as evidence of the warming. If you want to keep saying cooling means warming, I can't stop you, but you deniers certainly look absurd for doing so.
Even your pupeteers don't argue 'global warming' anymore. Try to keep up.

Who exactly in your denier cult keeps telling you to say that cooling means warming? You really should take them to task, since it sounds so crazy.

All the sensible people are pointing to the warming as evidence of the warming. If you want to keep saying cooling means warming, I can't stop you, but you deniers certainly look absurd for doing so.

So I'm clear, you're agreeing with us that global warming had nothing to do with the colder temperatures in the Antarctic?

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