College says 9/11 memorial posters offensive to Muslim students

A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Fascism is NEVER better.

Um, okay. I don't know what any of this has to do with fascism but I still say no one gets to decide for others what is or is not an appropriate memorial.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Yeah. More's the pity, though.

Only for you, apparently.
This is like removing the holocaust museum because it offends neo-nazis.
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.
You’re so backwards on this that it’s sickening. The Jews were victims, not the Nazis. Americans were the victims, not the islamonazis. Sick.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Fascism is NEVER better.

Um, okay. I don't know what any of this has to do with fascism but I still say no one gets to decide for others what is or is not an appropriate memorial.

You said "even if it is better" (her fascistic approach) etc etc.

I was pointing out that fascism is never better.

The poster simply said "never forget" and showed various atrocities committed by Islamists. No sane and sensible person would support ANY of those actions shown, and so the smug satisfaction she shows in her desiring the censorship of such objections represents tacit approval.

There is no reason to attack those who produced the poster otherwise.

I'm reminded of a famous interaction between Emerson and Thoreau when the latter was in Jail. When Emerson asked him why he was here (in jail) Thoreau responded "why aren't YOU here", the implication being that they shared the same cause that landed Thoreau in Jail. In this case, the question shouldn't be "why do the people who produced the poster object to the despicable acts they show, but why DON'T these hive mind leftists object?
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You`ll never forget? Like the 4,500 who were killed looking for mythical wmds? Why are they forgotten?

They're not and won't be...except by the left who never supported them anyway.

By the way there were WMDs...made the news, even the NYSlimes
This is like removing the holocaust museum because it offends neo-nazis.
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.
You’re so backwards on this that it’s sickening. The Jews were victims, not the Nazis. Americans were the victims, not the islamonazis. Sick.

It's all intentional with this vile creature. Anybody who has seen her plying her craft in the Israel section knows she is extremely hostile towards Jewish people. She only uses their history when she wants to try to portray the objection to the Islamist assault on Western civilization in a negative light.
You`ll never forget? Like the 4,500 who were killed looking for mythical wmds? Why are they forgotten?

They're not and won't be...except by the left who never supported them anyway.

By the way there were WMDs...made the news, even the NYSlimes
If there were wmds Gomer would`ve been shouting it from the rooftop of the Whitehouse. Some old degrading crap was found but no active programs that we were assured were there. Crazy Condi Rice said they were building nukes and Colin Powell told the whole world at the UN that Iraq had mobile weapons labs. We`ve been looking for those for 15 years now. I don`t know what the NYSlimes is. Can you pretend to be an adult for a minute?
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Yeah. More's the pity, though.
Nope. It’s absolutely great that you don’t get a say in how others memorialise the dead.
LOL hate to reminded what their "peaceful religion" cohorts did? Murdered over 3,000 Americans?

The Sheetheads can Bite My Ass if they have that problem with 911, It offends me that over 4000 were murdered and many are still dying from the effects of the incident. If they are offended then their family must have had something to do with it.
I was going to defend the posters until I saw the posters, they are in no way a memorial to 9/11. just more hate, something OUR country is swimming in.

Makes one wonder, how it goes right over their heads.

Truth is too scary , facts are even scarier than truth oh well .

American Couple Who Spent Life Savings to Bike Around the World Killed in ISIS-Claimed Attack

and the rest of you dumbasses who missed this one



NEED SOME MORE REALITY or is it to SCARY for you FRONT HOLE ( Trump haters)

Feminist Takes In Muslim Refugee To Prove They're Peaceful, Instantly Regrets It
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Fascism is NEVER better.

Um, okay. I don't know what any of this has to do with fascism but I still say no one gets to decide for others what is or is not an appropriate memorial.

You said "even if it is better" (her fascistic approach) etc etc.

I was pointing out that fascism is never better.

The poster simply said "never forget" and showed various atrocities committed by Islamists. No sane and sensible person would support ANY of those actions shown, and so the smug satisfaction she shows in her desiring the censorship of such objections represents tacit approval.

There is no reason to attack those who produced the poster otherwise.

I'm reminded of a famous interaction between Emerson and Thoreau when the latter was in Jail. When Emerson asked him why he was here (in jail) Thoreau responded "why aren't YOU here", the implication being that they shared the same cause that landed Thoreau in Jail. In this case, the question shouldn't be "why do the people who produced the poster object to the despicable acts they show, but why DON'T these hive mind leftists object?

I think I understand the confusion. You were referencing Oldlady's approach, not the poster. My mistake.
You can hate a whole religion or a group of country's, that's your choice. in what way do the posters support the thousand of people who lost there life's? people of every faith & every nationality.

Reality Check
I do have one simple question for those who hate American values with such ferocity that you wish to place severe limits on the expression of ideas. Now, I do understand your concerns about this poster, and I agree with you that it could contribute towards ill will against ISIS, Al Shabab and Al Qaeda. You certainly do have a valid point, there, and being people of principle, you just cannot allow anything that would foment anything but kindness and tolerance towards these most august and respectable organizations. Perhaps we should just set aside our differences when it comes to free speech long enough for all of you to answer me this:

When it comes time to separate the poster creator's heads from their bodies, will any scimitar do, or do you folks set aside special ceremonial scimitars for this specific purpose?

Thanks in advance for your answers. Enquiring minds want to know.
LOL hate to reminded what their "peaceful religion" cohorts did? Murdered over 3,000 Americans?

The Sheetheads can Bite My Ass if they have that problem with 911, It offends me that over 4000 were murdered and many are still dying from the effects of the incident. If they are offended then their family must have had something to do with it.
Or their family died in it because they were working in the Towers.
This is like removing the holocaust museum because it offends neo-nazis.
Or refusing to allow pro.Nazi propaganda to be posted on campus because it is offensive to Jewish students. This stuff should be offensive to any decent person. It is using 911 for its own propaganda purposes and that is offensive.
You’re so backwards on this that it’s sickening. The Jews were victims, not the Nazis. Americans were the victims, not the islamonazis. Sick.

It's all intentional with this vile creature. Anybody who has seen her plying her craft in the Israel section knows she is extremely hostile towards Jewish people. She only uses their history when she wants to try to portray the objection to the Islamist assault on Western civilization in a negative light.
Can you address the topic or, as usual, are you going to make this personal?
College Says 9/11 Memorial Posters ‘Offensive’ to Muslim Students

A college has ruled that 9/11 memorial posters put up by a conservative group are offensive to Muslim students.

If you are offended get the fk out, Don't like it don't look at it. You skanks are not going to turn our Country into the shit hold you left or your parents left, you will not make our rights and freedoms come forth GTF.......

Get over 9/11 its history.

You going for the Ironic Post of the Year award bro ?
College Says 9/11 Memorial Posters ‘Offensive’ to Muslim Students

A college has ruled that 9/11 memorial posters put up by a conservative group are offensive to Muslim students.

If you are offended get the fk out, Don't like it don't look at it. You skanks are not going to turn our Country into the shit hold you left or your parents left, you will not make our rights and freedoms come forth GTF.......


I think you're confusing folks that didn't hit the InfoWars link. The poster you placed in the OP is NOT the poster that the YAF group used in their campus campaign. It is quite a bit "more graphic" and specific..

BUT --- would have gotten the same 20 pages of combat either way I 'spose...

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