College says 9/11 memorial posters offensive to Muslim students

Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
Well, I guess in the case of the OP's poster, "I" did. And I'm glad "I" won.
What did you win?
The college took down the poster.
The article in the OP says the poster is offensive to Muslims, it doesn’t say it was taken down.
You're right. Just bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.

I don't know what the "potential consequences" might be, though. Do you?
I’m still waiting to find out what YOU ‘won’’.
What I see.

They don't understand, it's a perpetual war

Against who?

Radical Islam...and before you start in on they are not all extremists when I see the rest stand against the radicals then I might change my mind, to date I'm not seeing that.

Long long ago, I was probably 10 or 11 my father told me someday what is happening would happen and he told me it would be perpetual. He spent a lot of time in the ME, he knew the mindset. My step father did three tours, he says the exact same thing.

The flip side of it is you rely on leftist publications/media to learn what happened and is happening. I choose to believe the men who were there and experienced it

You can be anybody you want on the net.
One day these right wing loons may actually produce something that is worthy of looking at.
That poster is a shocker and the only reason for producing it is to perpetuate hatred.
The people behind it are total wankers so I can understand why some on here would like it.

Another Islam apologist chimes in
Another adult you mean.
This poster is not some kind of memorial , its just a propaganda piece. If I was a student or staff member at that college I would want to take it down.Its not acceptable to civilised people.

Save it, apologist. Your track record on Islam speaks volumes
One day these right wing loons may actually produce something that is worthy of looking at.
That poster is a shocker and the only reason for producing it is to perpetuate hatred.
The people behind it are total wankers so I can understand why some on here would like it.

Another Islam apologist chimes in
Another adult you mean.
This poster is not some kind of memorial , its just a propaganda piece. If I was a student or staff member at that college I would want to take it down.Its not acceptable to civilised people.

Save it, apologist. Your track record on Islam speaks volumes

Furthermore 9/11 doesn't concern you, worry about what radical Islam is doing in your country
One day these right wing loons may actually produce something that is worthy of looking at.
That poster is a shocker and the only reason for producing it is to perpetuate hatred.
The people behind it are total wankers so I can understand why some on here would like it.

Another Islam apologist chimes in
Another adult you mean.
This poster is not some kind of memorial , its just a propaganda piece. If I was a student or staff member at that college I would want to take it down.Its not acceptable to civilised people.
You really don’t have to tell us YOU’d take it down.
You’ve illustrated over and over again how intolerant you are of other peoples views and rights :rolleyes:
One day these right wing loons may actually produce something that is worthy of looking at.
That poster is a shocker and the only reason for producing it is to perpetuate hatred.
The people behind it are total wankers so I can understand why some on here would like it.

Another Islam apologist chimes in
Another adult you mean.
This poster is not some kind of memorial , its just a propaganda piece. If I was a student or staff member at that college I would want to take it down.Its not acceptable to civilised people.

Save it, apologist. Your track record on Islam speaks volumes
So does yours. You throw out accusations and cant back them up.You are full of shit. I have already shamed you on a different thread today.
What I see.

They don't understand, it's a perpetual war

Against who?

Radical Islam...and before you start in on they are not all extremists when I see the rest stand against the radicals then I might change my mind, to date I'm not seeing that.

Long long ago, I was probably 10 or 11 my father told me someday what is happening would happen and he told me it would be perpetual. He spent a lot of time in the ME, he knew the mindset. My step father did three tours, he says the exact same thing.

The flip side of it is you rely on leftist publications/media to learn what happened and is happening. I choose to believe the men who were there and experienced it

You can be anybody you want on the net.

And you chose to be you??? :eek:
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One day these right wing loons may actually produce something that is worthy of looking at.
That poster is a shocker and the only reason for producing it is to perpetuate hatred.
The people behind it are total wankers so I can understand why some on here would like it.

Another Islam apologist chimes in
Another adult you mean.
This poster is not some kind of memorial , its just a propaganda piece. If I was a student or staff member at that college I would want to take it down.Its not acceptable to civilised people.

Save it, apologist. Your track record on Islam speaks volumes
So does yours. You throw out accusations and cant back them up.You are full of shit. I have already shamed you on a different thread today.

You're not capable of doing that you fat little fck, simply because you're a goddamn idiot.

I have no interest in your blabbering about Islam, 9/11 or any other topic. You're an apologist and don't realize they'd slit your throat in a NY min just like they would me...probably more so given your obvious sexual preferences
What I see.

They don't understand, it's a perpetual war

Against who?

Radical Islam...and before you start in on they are not all extremists when I see the rest stand against the radicals then I might change my mind, to date I'm not seeing that.

Long long ago, I was probably 10 or 11 my father told me someday what is happening would happen and he told me it would be perpetual. He spent a lot of time in the ME, he knew the mindset. My step father did three tours, he says the exact same thing.

The flip side of it is you rely on leftist publications/media to learn what happened and is happening. I choose to believe the men who were there and experienced it

You can be anybody you want on the net.

And you can stop your inane trolling you waddling fck. My father served 27 years in the US Navy protecting this nation. What have you ever done, chubby? I mean besides sitting on your overused ass slinging shit on a forum? I know damn well you never served, you don't have what it takes.
Then you do it your way. You still don’t get to tell others how they will remember the dead.
Well, I guess in the case of the OP's poster, "I" did. And I'm glad "I" won.
What did you win?
The college took down the poster.
The article in the OP says the poster is offensive to Muslims, it doesn’t say it was taken down.
You're right. Just bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.

I don't know what the "potential consequences" might be, though. Do you?
What would you like them to be?
Well, I guess in the case of the OP's poster, "I" did. And I'm glad "I" won.
What did you win?
The college took down the poster.
The article in the OP says the poster is offensive to Muslims, it doesn’t say it was taken down.
You're right. Just bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.

I don't know what the "potential consequences" might be, though. Do you?
I’m still waiting to find out what YOU ‘won’’.
I thought, "I" as the one in this thread carrying all the weight of authoritarians everywhere who want to quell your virulent "free" speech, that the poster had been removed. It apparently was not.
Seems the "right" to spread your hatred some more was NOT actually proscribed by the college, was it? Just someone exercising their free speech to say they found it offensive. So we've been arguing for 15 pages over a college committee's right to express it's opinion about what goes on at their campus?
I was going to defend the posters until I saw the posters, they are in no way a memorial to 9/11. just more hate, something OUR country is swimming in.
What did you win?
The college took down the poster.
The article in the OP says the poster is offensive to Muslims, it doesn’t say it was taken down.
You're right. Just bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.

I don't know what the "potential consequences" might be, though. Do you?
I’m still waiting to find out what YOU ‘won’’.
I thought, "I" as the one in this thread carrying all the weight of authoritarians everywhere who want to quell your virulent "free" speech, that the poster had been removed. It apparently was not.
Seems the "right" to spread your hatred some more was NOT actually proscribed by the college, was it? Just someone exercising their free speech to say they found it offensive. So we've been arguing for 15 pages over a college committee's right to express it's opinion about what goes on at their campus?
You’re the one who was labouring under the misapprehension that the poster was taken down.
And once again, that you view remembering the dead and the fact they were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists as ‘hate’ illustrates just how warped your thinking is.
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The college took down the poster.
The article in the OP says the poster is offensive to Muslims, it doesn’t say it was taken down.
You're right. Just bias protocol board to step in and highly discourage the poster with potential consequences.

I don't know what the "potential consequences" might be, though. Do you?
I’m still waiting to find out what YOU ‘won’’.
I thought, "I" as the one in this thread carrying all the weight of authoritarians everywhere who want to quell your virulent "free" speech, that the poster had been removed. It apparently was not.
Seems the "right" to spread your hatred some more was NOT actually proscribed by the college, was it? Just someone exercising their free speech to say they found it offensive. So we've been arguing for 15 pages over a college committee's right to express it's opinion about what goes on at their campus?
You’re the one who was labouring under the misapprehension that the poster was taken down.
And once again, that you view remembering the dead and the fact they were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists as hate illustrates just how warped your thinking is.

In the article they speak of "sanitizing"....that suits the left to a letter. They don't want the brutal truth out there
Clearly this is all about burying the facts as they don’t want any mention of the Islamic terrorist perps, even turning down the offer that terrorism conducted by non Muslims be added to the posters.

Every year, YAF chapters across the country take part in the 9/11 memorial program. They’re sent the posters, as well as nearly 3,000 flags students can plant in the ground to commemorate the anniversary of Sept. 11, and other items like buttons stating “Never Forget.” Some students just install the flags, others hang the posters as well.

The original need for us to create this project dates back to 2003, when we saw schools trying to sanitize 9/11 and not talk about who committed these terrorist acts,” said YAF spokesman Spencer Brown in an interview with The College Fix, adding the poster images have been updated over the years...

The posters went before the student judiciary board and they found them to be in compliance with the poster posting policy. It is only this bias protocol team that finds them to be inappropriate and racist.”...

We offered to add images to the poster to make it showcase even more terrorist attacks, those executed by non-Muslims. This was said to try and assuage their complaints about it being biased. They said it would only appear as an afterthought

College deems students' 9/11 'Never Forget' posters bias incident for highlighting Islamic terrorism - The College Fix
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After 91, Dubya made his famous "you're either with us or against us" comment.

Apparently, several leftists in this thread took the bait, as they are quite clearly on the side of the perps.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life, that's what. Good grief, all you prattling fools are little more than trained organ grinder's monkeys the way you respond as conditioned to respond.

If a group produced a poster objecting to Westboro Baptist, would you all run around pulling out your hair while bleating in unison",,,,but the Christians. What about all the Christians? We can't allow that! We have to stamp that out because of the Christians! We need to eliminate such opinions, we need to force people to never express these opinions!! We need to be sensitive to Christians by never allowing such thoughts to see the light of day!!" No, of course not.

Damn, I never thought I'd live to see the day when objecting to terrorism and the Islamist ideology driving it would be assailed instead of the conduct and ideology.

What the fuck is WRONG with you idiots, anyway?
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
You can hate a whole religion or a group of country's, that's your choice. in what way do the posters support the thousand of people who lost there life's? people of every faith & every nationality.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Fascism is NEVER better.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
Your combination of ignorance, lack or reason, ultra-conformity, thoughtlessness and complete authoritarianism in deference to an ideology inimical to our way of life,
I see more name calling, but no explanations of how my attitude to co-exist with the billion or so Muslims in the world is going to be the death of us all.

We have an FBI, intelligence services and military to protect us from terrorists. There is no reason I can think of why average citizens like you and I need to be stirring up suspicion and hate for our neighbors in places like colleges campuses or anywhere else.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

Do you believe there should be no Holocaust memorials in case they stir up hate?

Do you think people should forget those murdered by terrorists?

Do you suggest blacks should forget about slavery because it might make white people feel uncomfortable and stir up hate against them? Nope.

And as for having the ‘FBI, intelligence and military to protect us from terrorists’, have you been living under a rock???

As has been proved countless times on both sides of the pond, the security forces cannot protect people from such attacks all of the time, and everyone has a responsibility to remain vigilant.

I do hope no one depends on you in that regard though, because you don’t have the sense you were born with.
A memorial poster isn’t stirring up suspicion or hate. It’s remembering those murdered by filthy terrorists. It’s saying ‘never forget’.

No one is forgetting 9/11.

View attachment 214002

Or the holocaust:


Or the enslavement and the achievements of African Americans.


THAT is how these things are remembered. The poster is meant to inflame, not to honor victims.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.

YOU don’t get to say because there’s an official memorial somewhere no one else can do anything else to memorialise the dead.

So you’ve really made no point other than to show your authoritarian streak again and to illustrate your craven obsession with preventing the possibility of offending a Muslim somewhere.

Muslims who aren’t terrorists have no reason to be offended by people remembering those murdered by Islamists - unless you believe all Muslims are of the same ilk.
YOU don’t get to decide how people memorialise the dead.
My way is better.

Even if it is better, you still don't get to make that decision for others.
Yeah. More's the pity, though.

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