
Several politicians were interviewed yesterday and asked at their recent town hall meetings how many times were they asked about Russia. THEY ALL ANSWERED 'ZERO'!

The American people do not care about this BS any more because they recognize it as snowflake inability to accept they lost, and it has no impact on them getting jobs, putting food on their table etc....

The longer this goes on the more pissed the American people will get, and the more they will take it out on the Democrats in 2018. This kind of shit is why they took the house, the Senate, and WH away from the Democrats, why they have lost 1,000+ elections, 5 special elections, and 2 historic elections. Wanna try for more? Keep it up!
There's no need to get all flustered, Twinkle Toes.

You're Winning!!!
You're Winning!!!
Are we getting tired yet of all the winning in the trump administration?
Damn Trolls are too lazy to even create a damn avatar to make them even look the least bit legit.
Another Ahole on IGNORE.
Bottom line - it's all political bullshit. While some are no doubt guilty, no one on either side will be charged let alone convicted of any collusion; what we have here is the latest example of dirty politics, mudslinging and finger pointing with no actual basis in fact that we know of. Meanwhile the country has major problems that neither side seems to have an interest in resolving. IOW, business as usual in Washington.

It is not dirty politics
The investigation is being led by the Republicans themselves

It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump. That crime needs to be investigated and Trump needs to be exonerated of any involvement to remove the dark cloud over his Presidency
Are we getting tired yet of all the winning in the trump administration?
No, but Americans are getting tired of the lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, subversion, sedition, treason, and obstruction from the Democrats.

If you listen really close you can almost hear the elections the Democrats will be losing in 2018, adding to their 1,000+ total. Can you say '2,000+'?
It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump.
BULLSHIT! It is an irrefutable fact that the Russians hacked the DNC server after failing to hack into the GOP server.

The reason why they did so is purely your opinion.
I think you could call James Comey giving classified memos to a law professor and the media for the admitted purpose of soliciting the appointment of his friend "Mueller" as "independent counsel" as evidence of Collusion, and Solicitation, as well as Espionage.

"For example, if Donald Trump Jr. sought “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he might be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign."

Would ANYTHING OF VALUE be considered Comey paying $30,000 dollars to an Ex British Spy for a FAKE DOSSIER that Comey then leaked to The Press?

Did Clinton, and The DNC violate Election Laws when they flew to The Ukraine to meet with Ukrainian Agents in The Ukrainian Embassy to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign?

You do not know that about Comey.
The investigation of James Comey is exactly what the country needs

Gingrich says Comey may be under investigation
Damn Trolls are too lazy to even create a damn avatar to make them even look the least bit legit.
Another Ahole on IGNORE.
Why are you a lying piece of m
Are we getting tired yet of all the winning in the trump administration?
No, but Americans are getting tired of the lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, subversion, sedition, treason, and obstruction from the Democrats.

If you listen really close you can almost hear the elections the Democrats will be losing in 2018, adding to their 1,000+ total. Can you say '2,000+'?
Once again, I ask you what lies have either Democrats or the media told in regards to Jr.'s meeting with Kremlin officials. You know very well, that there aren't any.
Trump meets with officials of a foreign government to illegally influence the American election, yet its the democrats who are guilty of treason? You really need a mental professionals help.
It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump.
BULLSHIT! It is an irrefutable fact that the Russians hacked the DNC server after failing to hack into the GOP server.

The reason why they did so is purely your opinion.
Is that why Trump met with representatives of the Russian government, and lied about the entire affair?
Trump meets with officials of a foreign government to illegally influence the American election, yet its the democrats who are guilty of treason? You really need a mental professionals help.
Damn you are ignorant.

1. Trump never met with anyone from the Russian govt.

2. IF he had done so, which he did not, to get 'dirt' on Hillary and had used it, it would not have been 'treason'. It would have been a violation of ELECTION law.

Please educate yourself so you don't sound so stupid when trying to discuss things at the grown up table.
It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump.
BULLSHIT! It is an irrefutable fact that the Russians hacked the DNC server after failing to hack into the GOP server.

The reason why they did so is purely your opinion.
Is that why Trump met with representatives of the Russian government, and lied about the entire affair?
One has nothing to do with the other...and besides, again, Trump never met with Russian officials - No collusion.
It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump.
BULLSHIT! It is an irrefutable fact that the Russians hacked the DNC server after failing to hack into the GOP server.

The reason why they did so is purely your opinion.
Is that why Trump met with representatives of the Russian government, and lied about the entire affair?

lied twice .. two different stories ...
It is an irrefutable fact that Russia hacked the DNC server in an attempt to assist Trump.
BULLSHIT! It is an irrefutable fact that the Russians hacked the DNC server after failing to hack into the GOP server.

The reason why they did so is purely your opinion.
Is that why Trump met with representatives of the Russian government, and lied about the entire affair?
One has nothing to do with the other...and besides, again, Trump never met with Russian officials - No collusion.

he said he did ..
The Trump campaign specifically met with an agent they believed to be an agent of the Russian government to obtain damaging information on Hillary

Now, Trump has claimed his campaign had no involvement with the Russian release of emails

Evidently, he did= Collusion
"Evidently" doesn't cut it.

Afraid it does

Lil' Donnie's meeting amounts to a smoking gun and shows the willingness of the Trump campaign to meet with a foreign enemy
Um, no it doesn't. Your opinion is not a factor.
Trump meets with officials of a foreign government to illegally influence the American election, yet its the democrats who are guilty of treason? You really need a mental professionals help.
Damn you are ignorant.

1. Trump never met with anyone from the Russian govt.

2. IF he had done so, which he did not, to get 'dirt' on Hillary and had used it, it would not have been 'treason'. It would have been a violation of ELECTION law.

Please educate yourself so you don't sound so stupid when trying to discuss things at the grown up table.
The attorney was not representing the Russian government? Are you nuts?
The attempt in an of itself was Treason. Its all about intent.
I think you could call James Comey giving classified memos to a law professor and the media for the admitted purpose of soliciting the appointment of his friend "Mueller" as "independent counsel" as evidence of Collusion, and Solicitation, as well as Espionage.

"For example, if Donald Trump Jr. sought “dirt” on Hillary Clinton from the Russians, he might be charged with conspiring to violate the election laws of the United States, which prohibit foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign."

Would ANYTHING OF VALUE be considered Comey paying $30,000 dollars to an Ex British Spy for a FAKE DOSSIER that Comey then leaked to The Press?

Did Clinton, and The DNC violate Election Laws when they flew to The Ukraine to meet with Ukrainian Agents in The Ukrainian Embassy to get Fake Dirt on The Trump Campaign?

You do not know that about Comey.
The investigation of James Comey is exactly what the country needs

Gingrich says Comey may be under investigation

Gingrich is a has been. He is in confession at the Vatican, or did they let him out, he is probably doing penance.
The attorney was not representing the Russian government? Are you nuts?
The attempt in an of itself was Treason. Its all about intent.
The lawyer said she has no connection with the Russian Govt. None can be found.
Russia says they don't know her.
But YOU say they are all lying and this was treason.... sure, I'm going to believe you, snowflake. Why would I not after Democrats have produced so much evidence to support their claims?!


And again dumbass, it's not 'treason' - it would be a violation of Election Law if any information passed hands....which never happened.
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Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.
Conspiracy...to win an election...


...which would explain the Democrats rigging elections, election fraud, cheating in debates, threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided election, Obama administration crimes of illegally sharing classified info for political reasons, illegally Un-masking Americans, Felony Espionage through illegal leaks, obstruction of justice to prevent Hillary from going to jail for crimes she committed so she could continue to run for President....
Damn Trolls are too lazy to even create a damn avatar to make them even look the least bit legit.
Another Ahole on IGNORE.
Why are you a lying piece of m
Are we getting tired yet of all the winning in the trump administration?
No, but Americans are getting tired of the lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, subversion, sedition, treason, and obstruction from the Democrats.

If you listen really close you can almost hear the elections the Democrats will be losing in 2018, adding to their 1,000+ total. Can you say '2,000+'?
Once again, I ask you what lies have either Democrats or the media told in regards to Jr.'s meeting with Kremlin officials. You know very well, that there aren't any.
Trump meets with officials of a foreign government to illegally influence the American election, yet its the democrats who are guilty of treason? You really need a mental professionals help.
Jr.'s meeting with Kremlin officials.

Kremlin official?
Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.

if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

these dopes dont know debt from deficit, legal issues are so far above them its incredible

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