
Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.

if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

these dopes dont know debt from deficit, legal issues are so far above them its incredible

So far, none of the key players have been interviewed
Not Flynn, Manafort, Kushner or either Trump
We still need time for Trump to perjure himself

This thing will probably take years to play out
Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.

if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

these dopes dont know debt from deficit, legal issues are so far above them its incredible

So far, none of the key players have been interviewed
Not Flynn, Manafort, Kushner or either Trump
We still need time for Trump to perjure himself

This thing will probably take years to play out

I wonder if they will insist Trump and the rest give their tax returns? Mueller is so quiet. I'd put Trump under oath now!!
Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.

if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

these dopes dont know debt from deficit, legal issues are so far above them its incredible

So far, none of the key players have been interviewed
Not Flynn, Manafort, Kushner or either Trump
We still need time for Trump to perjure himself

This thing will probably take years to play out

time for Jr to have a seat in front of a Grand Jury, and be sworn in if we want REAL answers rather than horseshit.
Last week the cult was saying there was no evidence of collusion. That was their talking point for months. Now that collusion has been proven, they have taken up a new talking point. Today's talking point is that collusion is not a crime.
Conspiracy no matter how one looks at it.
Conspiracy...to win an election...


...which would explain the Democrats rigging elections, election fraud, cheating in debates, threatening the lives of Electoral College voters in an attempt to alter the already-decided election, Obama administration crimes of illegally sharing classified info for political reasons, illegally Un-masking Americans, Felony Espionage through illegal leaks, obstruction of justice to prevent Hillary from going to jail for crimes she committed so she could continue to run for President....

Conspiracy to collude.
Last week the cult was saying there was no evidence of collusion. That was their talking point for months. Now that collusion has been proven, they have taken up a new talking point. Today's talking point is that collusion is not a crime.

anything and everything The Trump Cartel says has no credibility with anyone but dipshit Trumpdrones ...
Conspiracy to collude.
Again, the definition of collusion has been posted. Collusion is NOT a crime in itself. Meeting someone to gather dirt on an opposing politician is not illegal. Receiving information from foreigners to use in an election is illegal, but it is a violation of Election laws.

Jr never met with any foreign govt agent.
He never received any information.
He never used any foreign information.
Attempts to prove the e-mail is real might be hard, since it has already been proven the DNC and Hillary campaigns were passing around bogus Russian news.

Good luck trying to prove such accusations. I hope you have more evidence than democrats have had so far, which is nothing.

Let me know when Jr has been indicted.
At the very best scenario for the left, this still isn't going to take you where you want to go.


birth certificate/Benghazi/Emails just got rolled into one for Shitforhair and his Cartel ...political karma at its best
Conspiracy to commit murder, and even if the murder didn't happen , one gets sentenced like it did. He said he would love it , meaning dirt on Clinton from Russia and probably promised the sanctions would be lifted, and no one knows what went on at the meeting, his word is worthless, along with the others in the Admin and T's.

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