Columbus statue to be removed in California

WTF California.

"The continued presence of this statue in California's Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today."

Columbus statue to be removed from California state Capitol

California is Anti-Italian, what FILTHY Xenophobes those bigoted nuts in California are.

Stay Tuned for Next Week's Episode of Clown World California:

When California is to be renamed Mexifornia and there will be a public presentation of the new flag:


Gavin Newsom to resign saying "I am a White male, this means I am racist and I am guilty of supporting The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago. I am guilty of DENYING that California was ALWAYS Mexifornia and I welcome and get down on my KNEES in support of the new Governor of Mexifornia who I PERSONALLY gave a Driver's Licence to, the Illegal Immigrant and MS-13 member Jose Gomez Jr, he CAN'T WRITE and so marks his name with a X but you ALL will support him as Governor if you do NOT then you are a filthy White Supremacist and MS-13 will kidnap your ENTIRE family rape them then chop their arms, legs and heads off and feed them to you"

United Freaks of America strike again.

Perhaps North Korea could be assisted to do a missile attack to take out California, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, after that perhaps a missile attack to take out New York. The way I see it if you take out California, Portland, Oregon, Seattle and New York you are HALF way to re-establishing a NORMAL SANE America.
WTF California.

"The continued presence of this statue in California's Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today."

Columbus statue to be removed from California state Capitol

Flat earth is more equal.

Plus he discovered America, their nemesis #1.
The Vikings discovered America! Though to be fair the indigenous Mohicans, Sioux, Apache etc must have got there first as we know we all originated in Africa!
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

WTF California.

"The continued presence of this statue in California's Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today."

Columbus statue to be removed from California state Capitol

Flat earth is more equal.

Plus he discovered America, their nemesis #1.
The Vikings discovered America! Though to be fair the indigenous Mohicans, Sioux, Apache etc must have got there first as we know we all originated in Africa!
Actually the first to step foot on this continent were people like the Melanesians.

Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.
Perhaps North Korea could be assisted to do a missile attack to take out California, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, after that perhaps a missile attack to take out New York. The way I see it if you take out California, Portland, Oregon, Seattle and New York you are HALF way to re-establishing a NORMAL SANE America.
I would rather not have American soil defaced or property destroyed, but we could outsource some of our prison industry to a country like North Korea. Send them $5, a pig and 100 pounds of rice along with a bed wetter and in return we get a promise that bed wetter never comes back.

I think it would be a great opportunity to unload some parasites, and get better relations with the NK government in order to reunify the peninsula and bring our troops home.

Plus fertilize some North Korean rice paddies.

Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
And to think he spoke Spanish and not English. It's just too ironic.

He was actually Italian from Genoa, Cristoforo Colombo, he might have died in Spain but he was Italian. Hopefully this INSANITY does not get exported to Colombia by PAID for SJW American students* because if it does they will DEMAND the ENTIRE nation of Colombia is renamed because it's named for Christopher Columbus.

*Outside of America and Britain ALL this INSANITY and BLM shit is being PAID to be done by SJW American students MAINLY BLACK Marxist ones SQUATTING in OTHER peoples' nations. The latest example is fucking Japan, the BLM shit started by 6 PAID for SJW American students in Japan. Memo to Government of Japan - DEPORT the FILTHY American SHIT BACK to America, throw them OUT of Japan, feral Black Americans have NO right to even be IN Japan, Japan for the Japanese:


^^^^ There are not 3.500 Blacks even IN Japan, most of that crowd who were marching are being PAID to do so by FILTHY Black American Marxists who themselves are being PAID to cause TROUBLE in Japan by The USUAL Suspects and who need to be thrown OUT of Japan, either Deport them back to America OR just throw them in the ocean, who cares, just get them OUT ASAP. HOPEFULLY some Japanese will just take Samurai swords to them to send the message and make an example of the Black American Marxist POS. I would ALSO advocate Deporting ANY American PROFESSOR who is squatting in Japan, I advocate this for EVERY Western nation, GET RID of ALL American Students and ALL American Professors, Deport them BACK to America, they are ONLY in OUR nations to cause TROUBLE.

The below filthy bitch, HEY you are BLACK so why not go to some University in some African nation the LAND of your Ancestors, you have ZERO connection to Japan you filthy bitch....good that the Authorities and OTHERS have this below bitches NAME though and where she is squatting, hopefully she will be dealt with....







^^^^ BLM Tokyo founded by SIX filthy American SJW students in Japan just 16 DAYS ago, you THINK just SIX students can ORGANISE something like THIS? No, so WHO is PAYING THEM to do this DISTRUPTION in a nation that has ZERO to do with them and has hardly ANY Blacks in it? Well, we all have an idea WHO is PAYING them of course....

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And to think he spoke Spanish and not English. It's just too ironic.

He was actually Italian from Genoa, Cristoforo Colombo, he might have died in Spain but he was Italian. Hopefully this INSANITY does not get exported to Colombia by PAID for SJW American students* because if it does they will DEMAND the ENTIRE nation of Colombia is renamed because it's named for Christopher Columbus.

*Outside of America and Britain ALL this INSANITY and BLM shit is being PAID to be dine by SJW American students SQUATTING in OTHER peoples' nations. The latest example is fucking Japan, the BLM shit started by 6 PAID for SJW American students in Japan. Memo to Government of Japan - DEPORT the FILTHY American SHIT BACK to America, throw them OUT of Japan, feral Black Americans have NO right to even be IN Japan, Japan for the Japanese:

View attachment 351531

^^^^ There are not 3.500 Blacks even IN Japan, most of that crowd who were marching are being PAID to do so by FILTHY Black American Marxists who need to be thrown OUT of Japan, either Deport them back to America OR just throw them in the ocean, who cares, just get them OUT ASAP. HOPEFULLY some Japanese will just take Samurai swords to them to send the message and make an example of the Black American Marxist POS.

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^^^^ BLM Tokyo founded by SIX filthy American SJW students in Japan just 16 DAYS ago, you THINK just SIX students can ORGANISE something like THIS? No, so WHO us PAYING THEM to do this DISTRUPTION in a nation that has ZERO to do with them and has hardly ANY Blacks in it? Well, we all have an idea WHO is PAYING them of course....

Soros trying to take over Japan with his diversity bullshit... so dumb.

Thankfully they are usually smarter when it comes to advancing their own interests.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

Why not stay there?
And to think he spoke Spanish and not English. It's just too ironic.

He was actually Italian from Genoa, Cristoforo Colombo, he might have died in Spain but he was Italian. Hopefully this INSANITY does not get exported to Colombia by PAID for SJW American students* because if it does they will DEMAND the ENTIRE nation of Colombia is renamed because it's named for Christopher Columbus.

*Outside of America and Britain ALL this INSANITY and BLM shit is being PAID to be done by SJW American students MAINLY BLACK Marxist ones SQUATTING in OTHER peoples' nations. The latest example is fucking Japan, the BLM shit started by 6 PAID for SJW American students in Japan. Memo to Government of Japan - DEPORT the FILTHY American SHIT BACK to America, throw them OUT of Japan, feral Black Americans have NO right to even be IN Japan, Japan for the Japanese:

View attachment 351531

^^^^ There are not 3.500 Blacks even IN Japan, most of that crowd who were marching are being PAID to do so by FILTHY Black American Marxists who need to be thrown OUT of Japan, either Deport them back to America OR just throw them in the ocean, who cares, just get them OUT ASAP. HOPEFULLY some Japanese will just take Samurai swords to them to send the message and make an example of the Black American Marxist POS.

The below filthy bitch, HEY you are BLACK so why not go to some University in some African nation the LAND of your Ancestors, you have ZERO connection to Japan you filthy bitch....good that the Authorities and OTHERS have this below bitches NAME though and where she is squatting, hopefully she will be dealt with....

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^^^^ BLM Tokyo founded by SIX filthy American SJW students in Japan just 16 DAYS ago, you THINK just SIX students can ORGANISE something like THIS? No, so WHO us PAYING THEM to do this DISTRUPTION in a nation that has ZERO to do with them and has hardly ANY Blacks in it? Well, we all have an idea WHO is PAYING them of course....

Yep that sounds like something Black people can do. Have you seen how Japanese women love Black men?
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

Why not stay there?
All of my immediate family is here. Why do you ask? Why dont you stay in europe?
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

Why not stay there?
All of my immediate family is here. Why do you ask? Why dont you stay in europe?

Because American freedom is the greatest thing on this earth.

Since you don't support it, you don't belong.

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