Columbus statue to be removed in California

Statues are for conferring honor. Thats why.
Well here's one for you then.

View attachment 351563

I like this one better

Reminds me of Kunta Kinte showing his son the stars.
First time I saw it I thought the same thing.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

I agree a lot of Africa is beautiful, they are MANY Shit Holes of course but for eg. Rwanda and Namibia are VERY beautiful, amazing landscapes. So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa, the Continent of their Ancestors and STOP INSISTING on staying in Western nations to whine, bitch and cause EVERYONE TROUBLE.

Hint: Western nations are OUR HOME. They are our ONLY HOME. Western nations are Historically White and Christian.

Hint: ALL Blacks GO BACK HOME to YOUR HOME, your ANCESTRAL HOME Africa. Africa is Historically Black and mainly Christian but with some Islamic parts also.

"So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa"

Why dont all whites just return home to europe?"

I am White and I have never left Europa, this is my HOME, my Ancestral HOME since the 10th Century so I do not know why you ask me the question. With regard to America, it was a British Colony they were ALL White European Christians who developed America so....I mean theoretically ALL Blacks should GTFO out of America and ALL Hispanics should GTFO out of America and ALL Whites should GTFO of America and that leaves the Native Americans. HOWEVER considering America was essentially wasteland when JUST the Native Americans were there and considering White European Christians DEVELOPED America and MADE it into an actual NATION then we would have to say EVERYONE OUT of America and just LEAVE Americans of White European Christian Heritage to live in the nation THEIR Ancestors developed AND sustained.
Youre just one white. I asked why dont all whites just return to europe.

Blacks built this country after you stole it from the NA's so go somewhere else with that white boy fable bullshit.

Should The Statue of Liberty be pulled down? Should the US Constitution be ripped up? That was written by Evil Whitey who owned Slaves.

So pull down The Statue of Liberty, yes or no?

Rip up the US Constitution, yes or no?
No to both. However, change the SOL to its original design. BTW the SOL was a gift from France to the US for freeing the enslaved.
What do you know about the French Armada sent to take over the US, dipshit? Nothing? Hah! :laughing0301:
Not many people know about that, but I do. The president and Congress fasted and had a day of prayer for that.
Finding it on the internet is quite difficult. Does not mean it didn't happen. French built up biggest Navy ever to come get theirs from us..
President and Congress held day of fasting and prayer.
French Armada sank in a hurricane. All of them.
True story.
Not ary a French ship made it to US shores.
I thank God, that president, and Congress at that time.
That's some of the real history of America, boy.
You need to get your priorities right.
Must be your Alzheimers kicking in again. :)
Yeah, no. Just your ignorance.
No one mentioned the French armada. Your Alzheimers was acting up.
I'm telling you about a time in America, and you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
Fucking tard is what you are. Planet of The Apes n shit, That's how much of a retard I consider you at this point.
You Planet of The Apes pieces of shit are not going to win, dipshit.
Most Americans are smarter than that, derp! Black and white. It won't be a race war. It's going to be Americans against non-Americans. Which side are you going to fall on? I predict the losing side. Prove me wrong and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" with feeling, commie! You can't. You're just a commie black, sad.
Best not to pop up into my neighborhood barber shop, you might get a closer shave/shank than what you wanted.
I didnt ask you to tell me abut a time in america dummy. When I want a history lesson youre going to be the last person I ask.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

I agree a lot of Africa is beautiful, they are MANY Shit Holes of course but for eg. Rwanda and Namibia are VERY beautiful, amazing landscapes. So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa, the Continent of their Ancestors and STOP INSISTING on staying in Western nations to whine, bitch and cause EVERYONE TROUBLE.

Hint: Western nations are OUR HOME. They are our ONLY HOME. Western nations are Historically White and Christian.

Hint: ALL Blacks GO BACK HOME to YOUR HOME, your ANCESTRAL HOME Africa. Africa is Historically Black and mainly Christian but with some Islamic parts also.

"So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa"

Why dont all whites just return home to europe?"

I am White and I have never left Europa, this is my HOME, my Ancestral HOME since the 10th Century so I do not know why you ask me the question. With regard to America, it was a British Colony they were ALL White European Christians who developed America so....I mean theoretically ALL Blacks should GTFO out of America and ALL Hispanics should GTFO out of America and ALL Whites should GTFO of America and that leaves the Native Americans. HOWEVER considering America was essentially wasteland when JUST the Native Americans were there and considering White European Christians DEVELOPED America and MADE it into an actual NATION then we would have to say EVERYONE OUT of America and just LEAVE Americans of White European Christian Heritage to live in the nation THEIR Ancestors developed AND sustained.
Youre just one white. I asked why dont all whites just return to europe.

Blacks built this country after you stole it from the NA's so go somewhere else with that white boy fable bullshit.

Should The Statue of Liberty be pulled down? Should the US Constitution be ripped up? That was written by Evil Whitey who owned Slaves.

So pull down The Statue of Liberty, yes or no?

Rip up the US Constitution, yes or no?
No to both. However, change the SOL to its original design. BTW the SOL was a gift from France to the US for freeing the enslaved.
What do you know about the French Armada sent to take over the US, dipshit? Nothing? Hah! :laughing0301:
Not many people know about that, but I do. The president and Congress fasted and had a day of prayer for that.
Finding it on the internet is quite difficult. Does not mean it didn't happen. French built up biggest Navy ever to come get theirs from us..
President and Congress held day of fasting and prayer.
French Armada sank in a hurricane. All of them.
True story.
Not ary a French ship made it to US shores.
I thank God, that president, and Congress at that time.
That's some of the real history of America, boy.
You need to get your priorities right.
Must be your Alzheimers kicking in again. :)
Yeah, no. Just your ignorance.
No one mentioned the French armada. Your Alzheimers was acting up.
I'm telling you about a time in America, and you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
Fucking tard is what you are. Planet of The Apes n shit, That's how much of a retard I consider you at this point.
You Planet of The Apes pieces of shit are not going to win, dipshit.
Most Americans are smarter than that, derp! Black and white. It won't be a race war. It's going to be Americans against non-Americans. Which side are you going to fall on? I predict the losing side. Prove me wrong and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" with feeling, commie! You can't. You're just a commie black, sad.
Best not to pop up into my neighborhood barber shop, you might get a closer shave/shank than what you wanted.
I didnt ask you to tell me abut a time in america dummy. When I want a history lesson youre going to be the last person I ask.
Fuck off, commie puke. You're no American. you have no clue what it is to be, bitch. My black brethren here do. You? You ain't shit. Fucking Oakland California? Pwahhahaha! Blacks have been here up to 200 years before that place even came to be. Dumbass.
Come on down heanh and ask some black people how much they give a fuck about Oakland California. LMAO!
All our ancestors were right from here, dude. Idk what you're on about, but LOL!
Last edited:
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

I agree a lot of Africa is beautiful, they are MANY Shit Holes of course but for eg. Rwanda and Namibia are VERY beautiful, amazing landscapes. So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa, the Continent of their Ancestors and STOP INSISTING on staying in Western nations to whine, bitch and cause EVERYONE TROUBLE.

Hint: Western nations are OUR HOME. They are our ONLY HOME. Western nations are Historically White and Christian.

Hint: ALL Blacks GO BACK HOME to YOUR HOME, your ANCESTRAL HOME Africa. Africa is Historically Black and mainly Christian but with some Islamic parts also.

"So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa"

Why dont all whites just return home to europe?"

I am White and I have never left Europa, this is my HOME, my Ancestral HOME since the 10th Century so I do not know why you ask me the question. With regard to America, it was a British Colony they were ALL White European Christians who developed America so....I mean theoretically ALL Blacks should GTFO out of America and ALL Hispanics should GTFO out of America and ALL Whites should GTFO of America and that leaves the Native Americans. HOWEVER considering America was essentially wasteland when JUST the Native Americans were there and considering White European Christians DEVELOPED America and MADE it into an actual NATION then we would have to say EVERYONE OUT of America and just LEAVE Americans of White European Christian Heritage to live in the nation THEIR Ancestors developed AND sustained.
Youre just one white. I asked why dont all whites just return to europe.

Blacks built this country after you stole it from the NA's so go somewhere else with that white boy fable bullshit.

Should The Statue of Liberty be pulled down? Should the US Constitution be ripped up? That was written by Evil Whitey who owned Slaves.

So pull down The Statue of Liberty, yes or no?

Rip up the US Constitution, yes or no?
No to both. However, change the SOL to its original design. BTW the SOL was a gift from France to the US for freeing the enslaved.
What do you know about the French Armada sent to take over the US, dipshit? Nothing? Hah! :laughing0301:
Not many people know about that, but I do. The president and Congress fasted and had a day of prayer for that.
Finding it on the internet is quite difficult. Does not mean it didn't happen. French built up biggest Navy ever to come get theirs from us..
President and Congress held day of fasting and prayer.
French Armada sank in a hurricane. All of them.
True story.
Not ary a French ship made it to US shores.
I thank God, that president, and Congress at that time.
That's some of the real history of America, boy.
You need to get your priorities right.
Must be your Alzheimers kicking in again. :)
Yeah, no. Just your ignorance.
No one mentioned the French armada. Your Alzheimers was acting up.
I'm telling you about a time in America, and you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
Fucking tard is what you are. Planet of The Apes n shit, That's how much of a retard I consider you at this point.
You Planet of The Apes pieces of shit are not going to win, dipshit.
Most Americans are smarter than that, derp! Black and white. It won't be a race war. It's going to be Americans against non-Americans. Which side are you going to fall on? I predict the losing side. Prove me wrong and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" with feeling, commie! You can't. You're just a commie black, sad.
Best not to pop up into my neighborhood barber shop, you might get a closer shave/shank than what you wanted.
I didnt ask you to tell me abut a time in america dummy. When I want a history lesson youre going to be the last person I ask.
Fuck off, commie puke. You're no American.
Take your meds dog.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

I agree a lot of Africa is beautiful, they are MANY Shit Holes of course but for eg. Rwanda and Namibia are VERY beautiful, amazing landscapes. So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa, the Continent of their Ancestors and STOP INSISTING on staying in Western nations to whine, bitch and cause EVERYONE TROUBLE.

Hint: Western nations are OUR HOME. They are our ONLY HOME. Western nations are Historically White and Christian.

Hint: ALL Blacks GO BACK HOME to YOUR HOME, your ANCESTRAL HOME Africa. Africa is Historically Black and mainly Christian but with some Islamic parts also.

"So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa"

Why dont all whites just return home to europe?"

I am White and I have never left Europa, this is my HOME, my Ancestral HOME since the 10th Century so I do not know why you ask me the question. With regard to America, it was a British Colony they were ALL White European Christians who developed America so....I mean theoretically ALL Blacks should GTFO out of America and ALL Hispanics should GTFO out of America and ALL Whites should GTFO of America and that leaves the Native Americans. HOWEVER considering America was essentially wasteland when JUST the Native Americans were there and considering White European Christians DEVELOPED America and MADE it into an actual NATION then we would have to say EVERYONE OUT of America and just LEAVE Americans of White European Christian Heritage to live in the nation THEIR Ancestors developed AND sustained.
Youre just one white. I asked why dont all whites just return to europe.

Blacks built this country after you stole it from the NA's so go somewhere else with that white boy fable bullshit.

Should The Statue of Liberty be pulled down? Should the US Constitution be ripped up? That was written by Evil Whitey who owned Slaves.

So pull down The Statue of Liberty, yes or no?

Rip up the US Constitution, yes or no?
No to both. However, change the SOL to its original design. BTW the SOL was a gift from France to the US for freeing the enslaved.
What do you know about the French Armada sent to take over the US, dipshit? Nothing? Hah! :laughing0301:
Not many people know about that, but I do. The president and Congress fasted and had a day of prayer for that.
Finding it on the internet is quite difficult. Does not mean it didn't happen. French built up biggest Navy ever to come get theirs from us..
President and Congress held day of fasting and prayer.
French Armada sank in a hurricane. All of them.
True story.
Not ary a French ship made it to US shores.
I thank God, that president, and Congress at that time.
That's some of the real history of America, boy.
You need to get your priorities right.
Must be your Alzheimers kicking in again. :)
Yeah, no. Just your ignorance.
No one mentioned the French armada. Your Alzheimers was acting up.
I'm telling you about a time in America, and you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
Fucking tard is what you are. Planet of The Apes n shit, That's how much of a retard I consider you at this point.
You Planet of The Apes pieces of shit are not going to win, dipshit.
Most Americans are smarter than that, derp! Black and white. It won't be a race war. It's going to be Americans against non-Americans. Which side are you going to fall on? I predict the losing side. Prove me wrong and sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" with feeling, commie! You can't. You're just a commie black, sad.
Best not to pop up into my neighborhood barber shop, you might get a closer shave/shank than what you wanted.
I didnt ask you to tell me abut a time in america dummy. When I want a history lesson youre going to be the last person I ask.
Fuck off, commie puke. You're no American.
Take your meds dog.
Nice try, but no, commie darkey. Fuck you, you commie sympathizer. Tell me more about how you don't sympathize with communists, you unamerican fuck!~
Black people around here are for America, you are not, 'sup with you?
Do elaborate, boy.
America was essentially wasteland

It wasn't wasteland just because it wasn't covered with cities full of stinkin sewage running in the streets with the rats and the ragged poor.
View attachment 351602

View attachment 351603

View attachment 351604

There is ZERO in those pictures that suggest ANY type of Civilisation had been established ie. hospitals, roads, schools etc it took Evil Whitey to establish that.

OL you are a White woman you should stop PRAISING Primitive Cultures who would NEVER have amounted to ANYTHING if Evil Whitey had NOT built things for them. Stop being Anti-White, you are White and there is NOTHING you can do to CHANGE the situation that you are WHITE. Sucking up to Blacks or whatever for example means ZERO to them because they are ALWAYS going to hate you as well, does not matter you are on the Left, at the end of the day you are also Evil Whitey.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.

Your ignorance is overwhelming.
Your ignorance is profoundly willful and intentional.

Weak come back, A. You betray your ignorance and then want to pretend I'm just as ignorant as you. Hint: I'm not.
I disagree. Your ignorance is self taught and willful.

You're just as wrong about that as you are about the First Americans. Frankly, your posts portray you as a fool.

Have a nice day.
So now youre claiming science is wrong? and then you complain about people saying you are willfully ignorant.
I'm not complaining about your post. I'm feeling sorry for you.
You should feel sorry about yourself. Your disbelief in science is disturbing.

Your stupidity and racism is appalling
Statues are for conferring honor. Thats why.
Well here's one for you then.

View attachment 351563

I like this one better

I don't have a problem with it.
Thats good because I wouldnt care if you did.
I just don't get why you chimps want to tear down everything you don't like.

It could be that there are some who are totalitarians who are determined to control thought.
The perfect DemonRat statue! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

View attachment 351964

I fear that we are seeing the Left employing the same strategies that were used in Weimer Germany that led to the rise of the Nazis. If this violence is not put down, we'll long for a new system to bring order and that will be the next step to tyranny.
The perfect DemonRat statue! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

View attachment 351964

I fear that we are seeing the Left employing the same strategies that were used in Weimer Germany that led to the rise of the Nazis. If this violence is not put down, we'll long for a new system to bring order and that will be the next step to tyranny.
You're also seeing the left behaving exactly like the Taliban. Exactly the same.
The perfect DemonRat statue! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

View attachment 351964

I fear that we are seeing the Left employing the same strategies that were used in Weimer Germany that led to the rise of the Nazis. If this violence is not put down, we'll long for a new system to bring order and that will be the next step to tyranny.
You're also seeing the left behaving exactly like the Taliban. Exactly the same.

That is not wrong.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
I've always noticed that actual Africans HATE American blacks.

Seriously, even Jamaican immigrants tend to avoid them.

I know a lady at work who is from Angola and she literally calls them ni99gers. She has been ranting to anyone that will listen about what she sees as entitled self proclaimed victims destroying other people's shit because cops killed some black scumbags. She can do that though, she is a REAL AFRICAN, how can you call her a racist? I laughed my ass off when she said "That's why we sold their asses and got rid of them 400 years ago, because they were useless mother fuckers".

Asslips is a perfect example....

Sure you know an African. I have a lot of friends that are African immigrants or 1rst generation. I will never forget the day my buddy from Eritrea told me something that really got me thinking. He said the problem with Black americans is that they believe the bullshit that white people have said about history.

Oh so Africa is craphole, because white people lied about history?

(Meanwhile leftists attempt to erase history and you see no problems)
You've been listening to Drumpf too much. Africa is fucking beautiful. i love going there.

I agree a lot of Africa is beautiful, they are MANY Shit Holes of course but for eg. Rwanda and Namibia are VERY beautiful, amazing landscapes. So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa, the Continent of their Ancestors and STOP INSISTING on staying in Western nations to whine, bitch and cause EVERYONE TROUBLE.

Hint: Western nations are OUR HOME. They are our ONLY HOME. Western nations are Historically White and Christian.

Hint: ALL Blacks GO BACK HOME to YOUR HOME, your ANCESTRAL HOME Africa. Africa is Historically Black and mainly Christian but with some Islamic parts also.

"So WHY don't ALL Blacks just return HOME to Africa"

Why dont all whites just return home to europe?"

I am White and I have never left Europa, this is my HOME, my Ancestral HOME since the 10th Century so I do not know why you ask me the question. With regard to America, it was a British Colony they were ALL White European Christians who developed America so....I mean theoretically ALL Blacks should GTFO out of America and ALL Hispanics should GTFO out of America and ALL Whites should GTFO of America and that leaves the Native Americans. HOWEVER considering America was essentially wasteland when JUST the Native Americans were there and considering White European Christians DEVELOPED America and MADE it into an actual NATION then we would have to say EVERYONE OUT of America and just LEAVE Americans of White European Christian Heritage to live in the nation THEIR Ancestors developed AND sustained.
Youre just one white. I asked why dont all whites just return to europe.

Blacks built this country after you stole it from the NA's so go somewhere else with that white boy fable bullshit.

Should The Statue of Liberty be pulled down? Should the US Constitution be ripped up? That was written by Evil Whitey who owned Slaves.

So pull down The Statue of Liberty, yes or no?

Rip up the US Constitution, yes or no?
No to both. However, change the SOL to its original design. BTW the SOL was a gift from France to the US for freeing the enslaved.
What do you know about the French Armada sent to take over the US, dipshit? Nothing? Hah! :laughing0301:
Not many people know about that, but I do. The president and Congress fasted and had a day of prayer for that.
Finding it on the internet is quite difficult. Does not mean it didn't happen. French built up biggest Navy ever to come get theirs from us..
President and Congress held day of fasting and prayer.
French Armada sank in a hurricane. All of them.
True story.
Not ary a French ship made it to US shores.
I thank God, that president, and Congress at that time.
That's some of the real history of America, boy.
You need to get your priorities right.

The Neo-Communist POS in America are not essentially copying Stalin, they are going for something WORSE than Stalin, they are adopting Maoism which is the most EVIL form of Communism.

As they are NOT yet in control of ALL America though they are having to do Maoism in reverse, because they are NOT yet in full control of America they cannot do The Great Leap Forward FIRST, in Mao's China it was this that resulted in approx 20-30 MILLIONS being murdered, many via DELIBERATE STARVATION, Mao then in the 1960s brought in the final nightmare The Cultural Revolution this resulted in another 25-30 MILLIONS being murdered and culminated with the murders of The Useful Idiots that included Mao's own sister and other family members as they were not NEEDED anymore.

And so in America you have Maoism in reverse, they are attempting the beginning of The Cultural Revolution FIRST and IF they get away with it The Great Leap Forward will follow.

This is where you are in America now in The Cultural Revolution, you are at the beginning....with The Four Olds, notice EVERYTHING below the Neo-Communists in America are ALREADY doing INCLUDING the thing about the POLICE not being allowed to INTERVENE because they will certainly be called Counter-Revolutionaries as happened below:

View attachment 351587

View attachment 351588
View attachment 351589

During The Four Olds the Red Guard also exhumed the long dead corpses of ANYONE they wanted to Cancel From History and they were FIRST posthumously denounced and then burned, see below for an example and do NOT think the Neo-Communists in America will NOT resort to digging up the DEAD of those they wish to Cancel From History to denounce and burn them because they WILL, just like The Red Guard did:

View attachment 351590

So WHO were The Red Guards who carried out ALL the destruction and murders during The Four Olds campaign? They were fanatically BRAINWASHED STUDENTS taught to HATE and DESTROY ALL Chinese Culture that pre-dated the Maoist Revolution....sound familiar to today's SJW Students? The SJW Students are America's version of Mao's Red Guards:

View attachment 351593

Blm is our red guard. They will start their desecration of the dead by exhuming the dead of civil war cemeteries. No one is stopping the cancellation of our culture. They will march on the dead with the same security they marched on George Washington.
WTF California. "The continued presence of this statue in California's Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today." Columbus statue to be removed from California state Capitol
Your tax dollars at work... from the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia... the Land of Fruits and Nuts... :cool:

One of these days, a sane Governor is going to tell the LibProg sissy-wankers in that State to go screw themselves...

Perhaps our great-grandchildren will live to see it...
WTF California. "The continued presence of this statue in California's Capitol, where it has been since 1883, is completely out of place today." Columbus statue to be removed from California state Capitol
Your tax dollars at work... from the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia... the Land of Fruits and Nuts... :cool:

One of these days, a sane Governor is going to tell the LibProg sissy-wankers in that State to go screw themselves...

Perhaps our great-grandchildren will live to see it...

Our great-grandchildren may be seeing it from a different state.

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