Comey confirms

That may have been the only thing going on in your mind at the time, but the President and FBI director have many other things to discuss than the phony investigation.

Like Trump asking Comey to pledge allegiance to Trump?
We don't know exactly what was said, but Trump certainly had good reason to question whether Comey was able to do his job properly after Comey had leaped in to cover up Clinton's email problems.
No, this is about Comey, and now that he has been fired by the President he's your guy. Didn't you get the memo?

He is nobody's guy. He is his own guy. As Clinton found out. As The Orange Buffoon is about to find out.
Comey is a disgraced former government figure who got so involved in politics he was incapable of doing his job properly. Comey was anybody's guy who was putting pressure on him at the moment.
When did Democrats become interested in competence in government?

Compared to Trumplethinskin the Dems are run with the precision of a passing out parade at West Point.
Trump has shown himself to be more than competent for decades, but neither Clinton nor Obama has ever handled anything competently. Both have blood on their hands as a result of either stupidity or ruthless ambition. Take off your partisan blinders for a moment and you will realize how lucky we all are that Trump won the election.
Trump in deep doo doo
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: report

May 31st 2017 2:20PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey plans to confirm reports that President Donald Trump pressured him to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn's ties to Russia in congressional testimony, CNN said on Wednesday, citing an unidentified source close to the issue.

SEE ALSO: Sources: Possible White House shakeup could reach Priebus

The Senate Intelligence Committee said on May 19 that Comey, who was fired by Trump 10 days earlier, would testify before the panel publicly at some point after Monday's Memorial Day holiday. CNN said the testimony could come as early as next week.

Representatives of the committee would not comment on the report..

Click through reaction to when Trump fired James Comey:
lol And yet the FBI is refusing to release the alleged Comey memo on this issue until after Comey testifies. When Comey arrives to testify will he be wearing his rubber boots and carry a shovel again.

Poor trump troll
Trump has shown himself to be more than competent for decades, but neither Clinton nor Obama has ever handled anything competently. Both have blood on their hands as a result of either stupidity or ruthless ambition. Take off your partisan blinders for a moment and you will realize how lucky we all are that Trump won the election.

Total utter poppycock. He has filed for Chapter 11 of no less than six occasions. He stiffs his sub contractors and is not worth anywhere near what he says he is. He is rude, obnoxious, incurious and ill informed. He is the harbinger of the term 'fake news'. He is a tool...

Blood on their hands? The starting point for that is Dumbya and his TWO wars of choice. Lucky he won the election? I can hardly think of anything worse that could have happened to the US. At a state level Huey Long and Wallace come to mind....Just when you though the US couldn't get any dumber under Dumbya, along comes The Orange Buffoon...
Trump has shown himself to be more than competent for decades, but neither Clinton nor Obama has ever handled anything competently. Both have blood on their hands as a result of either stupidity or ruthless ambition. Take off your partisan blinders for a moment and you will realize how lucky we all are that Trump won the election.

Total utter poppycock. He has filed for Chapter 11 of no less than six occasions. He stiffs his sub contractors and is not worth anywhere near what he says he is. He is rude, obnoxious, incurious and ill informed. He is the harbinger of the term 'fake news'. He is a tool...

Blood on their hands? The starting point for that is Dumbya and his TWO wars of choice. Lucky he won the election? I can hardly think of anything worse that could have happened to the US. At a state level Huey Long and Wallace come to mind....Just when you though the US couldn't get any dumber under Dumbya, along comes The Orange Buffoon...
I understand you don't like him, but he is a successful businessman, whereas Clinton and Obama have never had any success in any undertaking since leaving school, and in the campaign he clearly showed he had a better understanding of US politics even as a novice than Clinton and all her advisers had. After eight years of nothing but lame political gestures from a deeply cynical, ruthlessly ambitious professional politician who had failed at everything he had ever tried to do, America is lucky to finally have a president who is focused of the issues important to the nation and to the American people.
I understand you don't like him, but he is a successful businessman, whereas Clinton and Obama have never had any success in any undertaking since leaving school, and in the campaign he clearly showed he had a better understanding of US politics even as a novice than Clinton and all her advisers had. After eight years of nothing but lame political gestures from a deeply cynical, ruthlessly ambitious professional politician who had failed at everything he had ever tried to do, America is lucky to finally have a president who is focused of the issues important to the nation and to the American people.

Someone who files for Chapter 11 six times is far from a successful businessman. Obama was relatively successful. There is nothing good about Trump. Nothing...
Do y'all remember Comey already testified under oath that Trump didn't try influence the investigation, but after he gets fired he tries to peddle a different story. So either he lied under oath or he's making this up. Sorry this isn't what MSM is feeding you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump in deep doo doo
Comey to confirm Trump pressured him on Flynn investigation: report

May 31st 2017 2:20PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director James Comey plans to confirm reports that President Donald Trump pressured him to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn's ties to Russia in congressional testimony, CNN said on Wednesday, citing an unidentified source close to the issue.

SEE ALSO: Sources: Possible White House shakeup could reach Priebus

The Senate Intelligence Committee said on May 19 that Comey, who was fired by Trump 10 days earlier, would testify before the panel publicly at some point after Monday's Memorial Day holiday. CNN said the testimony could come as early as next week.

Representatives of the committee would not comment on the report..

Click through reaction to when Trump fired James Comey:

Trump has shown himself to be more than competent for decades, but neither Clinton nor Obama has ever handled anything competently. Both have blood on their hands as a result of either stupidity or ruthless ambition. Take off your partisan blinders for a moment and you will realize how lucky we all are that Trump won the election.

Total utter poppycock. He has filed for Chapter 11 of no less than six occasions. He stiffs his sub contractors and is not worth anywhere near what he says he is. He is rude, obnoxious, incurious and ill informed. He is the harbinger of the term 'fake news'. He is a tool...

Blood on their hands? The starting point for that is Dumbya and his TWO wars of choice. Lucky he won the election? I can hardly think of anything worse that could have happened to the US. At a state level Huey Long and Wallace come to mind....Just when you though the US couldn't get any dumber under Dumbya, along comes The Orange Buffoon...
Huey Louie and Dewey could do a better job

after all others have abandoned him

comey is left holding the bag

and trump is in that bag A first class liar and repubs kiss his ass


you have really got him this time

Jon the only thing I can say at this time is if you can't see what an ah trump is ,how he fks up everything he touches ,that he's a champion liar that he's a stupid stupid man , then you're known by those you support Sorry to say
That may have been the only thing going on in your mind at the time, but the President and FBI director have many other things to discuss than the phony investigation.

Like Trump asking Comey to pledge allegiance to Trump?

would it be preferable for the FBI director to pledge allegiance to the losing candidate? Because that's what he did.

after all others have abandoned him

comey is left holding the bag

and trump is in that bag A first class liar and repubs kiss his ass


you have really got him this time

Jon the only thing I can say at this time is if you can't see what an ah trump is ,how he fks up everything he touches ,that he's a champion liar that he's a stupid stupid man , then you're known by those you support Sorry to say

right, he became a multi billionaire by being stupid and lying. you are a partisan biased idiot.

the American voters rejected Hillary, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general last year. Get over it, YOU lost. Your ideology LOST. Your candidates LOST.

Trump is doing what he promised to do in spite of the lying media and the corrupt democrats.

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