Commiefornia votes to ban schools from starting before 8:30am

This is to rid the schools of advanced classes. The classrooms are pathetic. They are geared toward the lowest level of achievement. Some are simply too violent and chaotic to maintain a learning environment. The schools created their own advanced classes that usually start at 6am. These classes are merit and grade based only. They are voluntary. No one has to go.

These classes have long been under attack. Parent associations have complained about the inequality as long as I can remember. My stepdaughter was in such a program in her high school. This ends it.
a later start time could have to do with something logical - say like, oooo I dont know, giving kids parents or a school bus MORE TIME to get them to school in one of the most traffic congested states in the country ...

of course what RW'r ever applied logic to a scenario ??
What school bus? Our district has none.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
yes, I've always made made kids go to sleep at a decent time--not 930 or 10 PM
...some of my coworkers say they go to sleep at 11 or midnight!! not good for the body at all
...this is the stupid crap I've been saying for a long time----they pass too many laws/stupid laws....
they need to take some off the book
..a lot of them look good on paper/''feel'' so nice and lovable--but in reality are just plain dumbshit

This is nanny state with a capital N. To think that people waste time on nonsense like this is ridiculous. Voters there must be really Fn stupid or something.
Then count in another 44 fucking stupid voter states, besides a lot of school districts have pushed back the times because some kids were waiting for the bus in the dark.
Cali is in huge dbt they will have to tax the people more because of $$$$$ wasted on crap like this = won't matter what time the kids go to school
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Out of all the crazy shit they do, this one I could be for. What’s more logical is that students go to school for the duration of a standard work day, 9-5. They do their “homework” at school, so there is no homework, and make gym/recess longer. That way, most parents don’t have to pay for after school caretakers. Plus, sleep is extremely important for overall health, as well as mental and cognitive preformance. We wonder what’s up with the rise of ADD and ADHD, when all those symptoms are pretty much identical to lack of sleep. Sure they can go to bed earlier, but for pre-teens and adolescents, their natural circadian rhythm is to stay up later, like 11-12 pm.

The current school day hours are extremely incovienient for parents these days. They’re outdated and are more align for back parents wanted the kids home in time to finish their chores on the farm.

Well, I never worked a 9 to 5 job in my life, and I've had over a half-dozen of them. Most places I work started at least by 8:00 am. My current job starts at 7:00 am.

The last thing I need when trying to go to sleep are kids watching television, screaming as they chase each other, playing music on the computer.........

When I grew up, we were all in bed by 10:00. Mom, Dad, kids, everybody.
I'm worried that the right wingers are spreading themselves a lttle thin worrying about California's schools. They spend so much time posting about California's evils the way it is, do they really have time to get involved in what our schools do also? I mean, some of them must have jobs and families of their own no?
No. They pretend they do, but no.
Maybe if the cities got rid of the Midnight Basketball that President Clinton started, the kids could get up at a reasonable time in the morning?
....fine ---fine with the stats---"" kids that get more sleep do better''' fine fine
but this doesn't mean they WILL get more sleep
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
yes, I've always made made kids go to sleep at a decent time--not 930 or 10 PM
...some of my coworkers say they go to sleep at 11 or midnight!! not good for the body at all
...this is the stupid crap I've been saying for a long time----they pass too many laws/stupid laws....
they need to take some off the book
..a lot of them look good on paper/''feel'' so nice and lovable--but in reality are just plain dumbshit

This is nanny state with a capital N. To think that people waste time on nonsense like this is ridiculous. Voters there must be really Fn stupid or something.
Then count in another 44 fucking stupid voter states, besides a lot of school districts have pushed back the times because some kids were waiting for the bus in the dark.

I guess you don't know the difference between the locals deciding school time and the state?
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

Why does this trigger you, loser?

Because these are the people cut from the same cloth that want to run our entire country. Cradle-to-Gravers could end this free nation as we know it.

Moving the school start time back an hour will destroy this "free nation"?

Untwist your panties there, shirley.

Freedom allows the state to make that choice.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

Why does this trigger you, loser?

Because these are the people cut from the same cloth that want to run our entire country. Cradle-to-Gravers could end this free nation as we know it.

Moving the school start time back an hour will destroy this "free nation"?

Untwist your panties there, shirley.

Freedom allows the state to make that choice.

Sure they do, but does anybody want to see this idiocy in the entire country if Democrats ever get in charge? How about a 8:30 bar for schools nationally?

This is why we don't want you people in charge. You're nothing but a bunch of control freaks.
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

Why does this trigger you, loser?

Because these are the people cut from the same cloth that want to run our entire country. Cradle-to-Gravers could end this free nation as we know it.

Moving the school start time back an hour will destroy this "free nation"?

Untwist your panties there, shirley.

Freedom allows the state to make that choice.

Sure they do, but does anybody want to see this idiocy in the entire country if Democrats ever get in charge? How about a 8:30 bar for schools nationally?

This is why we don't want you people in charge. You're nothing but a bunch of control freaks.

No one has proposed that but you, dope.

Control freak?
Like you telling the states what they can't do in their own state?
They are looking for better outcomes by following scientific advice.
The kids should get better results.
Where is the problem ?

The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?
see previous posts

Your previous post had an error... they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Seems they are doing just the opposite, they have admitted that kids do not go to sleep on time so they are trying to give them more sleep time. Probably will not work, but seems such a minor thing.

Why is before 8 some magical number?

Gee for someone who claims n
They cite a study that says kids starting school later produces better results. But I guess all those illegals they take in that are holding up classes because they can't speak English is not the problem.

Sorta hard to learn when you can't understand the lesson being taught

That’s why they learn English.

Lot of them can't utter a syllable of it

Not true.
The problem is government making law in exchange for personal decisions.

The government sets the time that schools start, they always have. What makes 7:30 any more magical than 8:30?
see previous posts

Your previous post had an error... they are trying to force the kids to go to sleep on time!!!! hahahahahhahaha

Seems they are doing just the opposite, they have admitted that kids do not go to sleep on time so they are trying to give them more sleep time. Probably will not work, but seems such a minor thing.

Why is before 8 some magical number?

Gee for someone who claims n
They cite a study that says kids starting school later produces better results. But I guess all those illegals they take in that are holding up classes because they can't speak English is not the problem.

Sorta hard to learn when you can't understand the lesson being taught

That’s why they learn English.

Lot of them can't utter a syllable of it

Not true.

Sure it's true and I'm not going to get into one of your thread long BS things. It's annoying and unproductive
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Actually...instead of calling it commie, which it isn’t...consider the merits because there are are some. It has nothing to do with preparing kids for the adult world because Kids are not adults. Not physiologically, not mentally, and not developmentally and not with what their bodies and brains need. The problem with early start times now is their day doesn’t start then. It starts much much earlier with hours simply spent on a bus. Start times are now staggered to accommodate bussing and that is a big driver behind these increasingly early start times.

You and I are probably the same age or close I think. Every school I went to I either walked, biked or had a bus ride that was maybe half an hour. I don’t think that is the case any. School consolidation means kids have to be up much earlier, get back much later and when you add in all the extra curricular stuff kids do these days along with homework, early to bed isn’t early enough. If you want to insist on comparing it to adults...the average work schedule is between 8 and 5, but school starts even earlier?

Some interesting info....

Later School Start Times: Lazy or Legit?
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep
Out of all the crazy shit they do, this one I could be for. What’s more logical is that students go to school for the duration of a standard work day, 9-5. They do their “homework” at school, so there is no homework, and make gym/recess longer. That way, most parents don’t have to pay for after school caretakers. Plus, sleep is extremely important for overall health, as well as mental and cognitive preformance. We wonder what’s up with the rise of ADD and ADHD, when all those symptoms are pretty much identical to lack of sleep. Sure they can go to bed earlier, but for pre-teens and adolescents, their natural circadian rhythm is to stay up later, like 11-12 pm.

The current school day hours are extremely incovienient for parents these days. They’re outdated and are more align for back parents wanted the kids home in time to finish their chores on the farm.
98% of Jobs start at 8 or earlier, ignoramus.
Do those jobs end at 330?
Just when you think the state could't get more comical, here they come again.

They passed a bill to ban schools from starting before 8:30 am because they believe it would help if students got more sleep. Well duh! It's always been like that, but if a student needs more sleep, wouldn't it be more logical to go to sleep earlier?

Before liberalism, schools were designed to prepare kids for the adult world such as getting a job and going to work. So what's next when these kids get out of school, a law that states businesses can't open until 8:30?

A state has the right to do stupid things like this, but this is one of many reminders of what we don't want for the rest of the country.

California votes to bar schools from starting before 8:30am to help give students more sleep

The red state kids are either home schooled to believe in Jesus riding on dinosaurs or they drop out to work the farm.

WTF do you care what CA does. It's not your concern.
Oddly enough it looks like a commie republican was behind it. Who says that the left have all the best ideas ?

"This is the single most cost-effective thing we can do to improve high school graduation rates," Assemblyman Jay Obernolte, R-Hesperia, said.

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