Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
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Well... "common sense gun regulations' would include the 'reciprocity carry' bill'... Should pass...U'all are likely getting in a celebratory mood for that...
There hasn't been 18 school shootings this year this false number is including suicides and accidental firearm discharges.
You obviously do not understand the functioning of a semi-automatic weapon, Functionally a .223 hunting rifle is no different than a AR-15. With a little practice there is no significant firing time difference between using a 30 round clip and a 10 round clip.

So you want to tell people what they can and cannot do in there own homes ? I have been around fire arms my entire life at no time have mine been locked away in anything more substantial than a glass cased gun cabinet neither me or my children have gone on a shooting spree nor have there been any accident discharges. Why ? Because as I was taught responsible gun ownership the same as my children and when it is time my grandchildren will get the same.

Telling people what they can and can not do with their private property.

If someone buys a weapon for someone else and they commit a crime they can be charged, so ?

What is the criteria for being in the no fly list ? If you are on the list for no fault of your own how do you get off?

Everything you have mentioned will not stop people from shooting others all you and other Liberals are calling for is more government intrusion into individual lives.
If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
Who do we vote for if we want to protect the constitution and instead hold the shooters responsible?

He thinks Democrats will do anything different then the last time they had a super majority in 2009.
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
they have been passed.

how are you so dumb that you don't know this and can still remember to breath?
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
I love my semi auto carbine and my 30 round mags.

(Only a dumb azz would call these "clips".)

You can take them from my cold dead hands.
Common sense gun control means train and arm the teachers.
Honestly, the best thing is make schools into fortresses with iron doors, metal detectors, and on-scene armed security.

Arming the teachers is as foolish as arming the kids would be.
OP's suggestions are idiotic. Most are unconstitutional, proven ineffective and inconvenience law-abiding citizens including law-abiding children and teenagers.
When are gun grabbers going to take responsibility for the deaths of those their laws denied the means to defend themselves and others? Theirs is a truly nasty same whether they will admit it or not.

Well... "common sense gun regulations' would include the 'reciprocity carry' bill'... Should pass...U'all are likely getting in a celebratory mood for that...
My own CFP is valid in at least half of all the states.

So I am pretty happy already with it as it now stands.

Valid in all 50 states plus P.R would be nice.

But in the meantime I don't take my business or travel to states that don't give reciprocity to my state.

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