Confederate Flag Has Lots of Support

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Is this ^^^^ a homophobic STATEMENT by you?
There is no such thing as homophobia. Phobias are irrational fears. There is nothing to be afraid of from homosexuals, and they shouldnt invoke the term "phobia" as a means of trying to offset criticism of themselves. They deserve the criticism. Homosexuality is abnormal - contrary to nature.
Wow you are really into it. I am a guitar player. Played in a rock band for 9 years - Classic rock - Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Clapton/Cream, Neil Young etc

I really don't buy albums from bands except for the ones I mentioned. Someone stole my CD collection last year, so I have a few CDs that I've bought back, and whatever I've burned onto disks. I'll listen to anything, but metal appeals to me more. Black Sabbath, Epica, Code Orange, VARG, etc.
I really thought this OP would get more flak than it has. Maybe people are starting to come around and realize that generally, southerners just fought to DEFEND themselves.

And yes, the Confederate flag DOES have lots of support - from ALL southerners.

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That ignorance of what the Confederate Flag means, is mainly the reason for the stupid hostility against it, as you display here. Read the OP & post # 35.

Actually, it is ILLEGAL to fly that abomination on flagpoles especially on state and Federal flagpoles they belong in museums.

My hostility against it is because it stood for stomping black people into slavery and treated them horribly for decades after the vile confederacy failed after 600,000 people died.

The Confederacy existed for the purpose of keeping Slavery as law in their states for the future as a separate nation.
Actually, it is ILLEGAL to fly that abomination on flagpoles especially on state and Federal flagpoles they belong in museums.

My hostility against it is because it stood for stomping black people into slavery and treated them horribly for decades after the vile confederacy failed after 600,000 people died.

The Confederacy existed for the purpose of keeping Slavery as law in their states for the future as a separate nation.
It DID NOT stand for that, and it DOES NOT stand for that today either. It has already been explained in this thread what it stands for, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with slavery. 90% of southerners who fought in the civil war (especially in the mountain states) never heard of the Confederacy, never heard of Jefferson Davis, never heard of slavery, and with no TV, radio, computers, many did not even know that black people existed. Few of the people then could read, and newspapers then (if there even were any), did not have photographs

I know of no illegality of the flying of Confederate flags,and here in the Tampa Bay are, they are seen everywhere - on cars, trucks, boats, clothing, etc

You think the people in the photos in Post # 67, support slavery? You need to calm down, and realize you haven't thought this one out.
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And many large sections of the South started to rebell from the draft and fighting. West Virginia broke off....some of the state governors refused to send money and men to the Con-federate central government. Divisions in the mountains led to family feuds that lasted for generations. It most definitely was NOT a united con-federacy.
It DID NOT stand for that, and it DOES NOT stand for that today either. It has already been explained in this thread what it stands for, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with slavery. 90% of southerners who fought in the civil war (especially in the mountain states) never heard of the Confederacy, never heard of Jefferson Davis, never heard of slavery, and with, TV, radio, computers, many did not even know that black people existed.

You think the people in the photos in Post # 67, support slavery? You need to calm down, and realize you haven't thought this one out.

I am talking about the CONFEDERACY where those flags came from.

They were created at that time thus their representation since then never changes.
Six pictures of the same old guy, young gal, and I am guessing son. Congratulations...?
NOT the same, and if I wanted to, I could post hundreds of pictures of all different blacks with Confederate flags. That you think this is somehow unusual, is a show of ignorance on your part.

No shame. Most people outside the South, are the same way, except they don't post in forums displaying their unawareness. 😐
I am talking about the CONFEDERACY where those flags came from.

They were created at that time thus their representation since then never changes.
Then you are OFF TOPIC. The thread is NOT about the CONFEDERACY where those flags came from. In fact, for your edification, this flag had its origin, toward the latter part of the Civil War, and then after the war, representing southerners in general, rather than the Confederacy.

It stood for the hundreds of thousands of southerners who fought in the civil war, most having never even heard of the Confederacy, but just fought defensively against armies attacking them. You haven't thought this out.
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NOT the same, and if I wanted to, I could post hundreds of pictures of all different blacks with Confederate flags. That you think this is somehow unusual, is a show of ignorance on your part.

No shame. Most people outside the South, are the same way, except they don't post in forums displaying their unawareness. 😐

Yes, lets see those pictures.
Then you are OFF TOPIC. The thread is NOT about the CONFEDERACY where those flags came from. In fact, for your edification, this flag had its origin, toward th latter part of the Civil War,and then representing southrnersin generl.

It stood for the hundreds of thousands of southerners who fought in the civil war, most having never even heard of the Confederacy, but just fought defensively against armies attacking them. You haven't thought this out.

Those flags YOU defend are part of the Confederacy thus I am on topic.

They fought because they were fighting for their states which did tell their people why they formed the rogue Confederate nation in the first place.

There are plenty of evidence that the Southern Soldier KNEW what they were fighting for here is one example:

Civil War Saga

"Why Did Confederate Soldiers Fight in the Civil War?​

According to Civil War historian James M. McPherson, in his book For Cause and Comrades, most Confederate volunteers stated they were fighting for liberty as well as slavery while many of the Union soldiers stated they fought to end slavery and preserve the union.

Although only 20% of a sample of 429 Southern soldiers named slavery as the main reason they were fighting in the war, there was a reason for that, according to McPherson:

“Slavery was less salient for most Confederate soldiers because it was not controversial. They took slavery for granted as one of the Southern ‘rights’ and institutions for which they fought, and did not feel compelled to discuss it. Although only 20 percent of the soldiers avowed explicit proslavery purposes in their letters and diaries, none at all dissented from that view.”



ALL the Southern State legislatures explained WHY they were voting to secede from the union and the primary reason is to preserve slavery.

You haven't addressed anything I posted......
Then you are OFF TOPIC. The thread is NOT about the CONFEDERACY where those flags came from. In fact, for your edification, this flag had its origin, toward the latter part of the Civil War, and then after the war, representing southerners in general, rather than the Confederacy.

It stood for the hundreds of thousands of southerners who fought in the civil war, most having never even heard of the Confederacy, but just fought defensively against armies attacking them. You haven't thought this out.

They know that. THey are just lying to have an excuse to denounce people.
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