Confederate Flag Should Stay Up

Suck punda wangu.

Say, didn't you star in an episode of "Bait Car"? :lol:

That was your boyfriend. Say didnt you star in Chimp Island?

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

what are you fucking kidding me
...the moron murderer Zimmerman has amply demonstrated he was a loose violent cannon.after the killing and before ..he gunned down an unarmed kid and walked away not even being drug tested that night...the cadaver of his victim was drug tested

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime" there are pages and pages of brutal white thug bastards killing Blacks.
1. You are as dumb as a box of rocks, even compared to Dylann Roof, who got it completely right, but you botched it totally. The only reason there even was a trial at all is because Obama's attack dogs, Sharpton & Jackson bullied the Sanford Police into arresting Zimmerman, whom they already concluded there was insufficient evidence to place a charge against. Roof got it right. Then the trial (that never had to be) showed there was a legal self-defense. You are an idiot.

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime" and you think you can rewrite it all just by turning the words around, huh ?
You are an idiot.

Conclusion : You are an idiot.
Charleston shooting
Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated to top Republicans
  • Council of Conservative Citizens cited on site linked to Charleston suspect
  • Ted Cruz campaign tells Guardian it will ‘be making a full refund’
  • FEC shows Earl Holt gave to 2016 hopefuls Santorum, Paul and others
Leader of group cited in Dylann Roof manifesto donated to top Republicans US news The Guardian
I started reading this dopey link, and found myself saying "So What ?" over and over. What a dumb meaningless link.
1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

what are you fucking kidding me
...the moron murderer Zimmerman has amply demonstrated he was a loose violent cannon.after the killing and before ..he gunned down an unarmed kid and walked away not even being drug tested that night...the cadaver of his victim was drug tested

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime" there are pages and pages of brutal white thug bastards killing Blacks.
1. You are as dumb as a box of rocks, even compared to Dylann Roof, who got it completely right, but you botched it totally. The only reason there even was a trial at all is because Obama's attack dogs, Sharpton & Jackson bullied the Sanford Police into arresting Zimmerman, whom they already concluded there was insufficient evidence to place a charge against. Roof got it right. Then the trial (that never had to be) showed there was a legal self-defense. You are an idiot.

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime" and you think you can rewrite it all just by turning the words around, huh ?
You are an idiot.

Conclusion : You are an idiot.
You always make me laugh when you start your conspiracy theories and derail your own thread. :laugh:
Just another example of liberals not letting a tragedy go to waste. There is no connection to the shootings and the Flag. A bunch of southerners are going to be pissed off.
By removing the flag the dummy liberals are actually doing the very thing that contributed to this awful shooting in the first place. Accomodating pushy, rude blacks, who care about nothing and nobody but themselves, and what THEY want. THEIR way or the highway. They might as well wear T-shirts that say "SCREW YOU!"
You racist asshole.

You would have fit right in with the rest of the Confederate soldiers fighting for slavery.
Youre contributing to MORE white people being killed. This generation of Black people will put some lead in your ass quickly boy.
You're contributing to MORE black people being killed. This generation of White people will put some lead in your ass quickly, boy. (notice how mine had correct punctuation :badgrin:)
You racist asshole.

You would have fit right in with the rest of the Confederate soldiers fighting for slavery.
YOU are the racist asshole >> By accomodating pushy, rude blacks, who care about nothing and nobody but themselves, and what THEY want. THEIR way or the highway. YOU might as well wear T-shirts that say "SCREW YOU, WHITEY!!"
Youre contributing to MORE white people being killed. This generation of Black people will put some lead in your ass quickly boy.
You're contributing to MORE black people being killed. This generation of White people will put some lead in your ass quickly, boy. (notice how mine had correct punctuation :badgrin:)
I only notice how scared white boys are when I look at them. Lets not kid ourselves here ok? :laugh:
You racist asshole.

You would have fit right in with the rest of the Confederate soldiers fighting for slavery.
YOU are the racist asshole >> By accomodating pushy, rude blacks, who care about nothing and nobody but themselves, and what THEY want. THEIR way or the highway. YOU might as well wear T-shirts that say "SCREW YOU, WHITEY!!"
Protectionless be like about to bust a gasket and have an aneurysm.
Charleston shooting
Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated to top Republicans
  • Council of Conservative Citizens cited on site linked to Charleston suspect
  • Ted Cruz campaign tells Guardian it will ‘be making a full refund’
  • FEC shows Earl Holt gave to 2016 hopefuls Santorum, Paul and others
Leader of group cited in Dylann Roof manifesto donated to top Republicans US news The Guardian
I started reading this dopey link, and found myself saying "So What ?" over and over. What a dumb meaningless link.
right. you would have no problem with racists and bigots. that's why you support the battle flag.

but that does make me wonder why you want to rewrite history and pretend that the confederate soldiers weren't fighting for the right of one human being to own another.
No.....................I can't think of a single good reason it should remain flying over the capitol. Just pull it down and put it in a museum already as a statement of a failed rebellion by the South.

You don't have to think of a reason. The reasons are in the first paragraph of the OP. READ!
I only notice how scared white boys are when I look at them. Lets not kid ourselves here ok? :laugh:
Do I have to post those UFC champion Whites guys' picture again ?
Or the ones of Rocky Marciano knocking out 40 Black guys. Try to be smarter.

You don't "notice". YOU dayDREAM.
right. you would have no problem with racists and bigots. that's why you support the battle flag.

but that does make me wonder why you want to rewrite history and pretend that the confederate soldiers weren't fighting for the right of one human being to own another.
YOU have no problem with racists and bigots. That's why you support removing the battle flag.

But that does make me wonder why you want to rewrite history, and pretend that the Confederate soldiers were fighting for the right of one human being to own another.
Say, didn't you star in an episode of "Bait Car"? :lol:


Yup. That's him. Here's another picture of him on a New York City subway train >>

4 of the most hilarous minutes you'll ever see. And pitiful too.

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