Confederate Flag Should Stay Up

Like I said..............the battle flag was never officially adopted by the Confederacy, so in reality it doesn't represent the south.

The only place it was used was as a battle flag for Robert E. Lee, who incidentally ended up surrendering. Why is it so important for southerners to remember a failed general?

And...............the only reason it went up over various southern capitols is because those southern capitols didn't like the Civil Rights movement (which gave a voice and freedom to black people), so they passed legislation to permit flying the battle flag over the capitol buildings.

No. This flag represents a failed general who lost a war and racist governors who don't like Civil rights.

It would really help if you people would actually research the symbol you say represents you and everything you stand for, rather than just blindly following others who you think are "true southerners".
right. you would have no problem with racists and bigots. that's why you support the battle flag.

but that does make me wonder why you want to rewrite history and pretend that the confederate soldiers weren't fighting for the right of one human being to own another.
YOU have no problem with racists and bigots. That's why you support removing the battle flag.

But that does make me wonder why you want to rewrite history, and pretend that the Confederate soldiers were fighting for the right of one human being to own another.
Two things:
1. In no way, shape, or form does the removal of the flag represent racism. None. Pretending it does because some black people are "pushy" enough to have the gall to have a strong opinion on it is retarded.

2. Perhaps more retarded than pretending that the removal of the confederate flag is racist is pretending that the confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. South carolina, for instance, labeled slavery as a driving reason for secession. Without secession there is no war, and thus no confederate soldiers. Therefore, the confederate soldiers -no matter how ignorant and poor, like yourself - were fighting for slavery. every. fucking. one.
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Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
So, how many times did you suck Dylann's cock? Sounds like you were very close to him; maybe helped him write his manifesto.
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I have never given much attention to this flag business until the left lost their minds over it after the shooting. Maybe I'll purchase a Confederate battle flag and fly it under the Gadsden we now have. Just to irk the shit out of the loons on the left
We do appreciate it when you assholes do advertise your being assholes. Thanks for letting us know where you live.
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Sure you did buddy. :laugh:
Probably did shit himself, though.
Two things:
1. In no way, shape, or form does the removal of the flag represent racism. None. Pretending it does because some black people are "pushy" enough to have the gall to have a strong opinion on it is retarded.

2. Perhaps more retarded than pretending that the removal of the confederate flag is racist is pretending that the confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. South carolina, for instance, labeled slavery as a driving reason for secession. Without secession there is no war, and thus no confederate soldiers. Therefore, the confederate soldiers -no matter how ignorant and poor, like yourself - were fighting for slavery.
1. Just as I said in the OP >> "As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go".On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way." Pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, unrestrained RACISM.

2. I didn't say the Confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. I said most Confederate soldiers weren't fighting to protect slavery. Having reading comprehension problems, I see, That's too bad... Keep reading. You'll improve over time.

3. Your logic FAILS. The soldiers didn't give a rat's ass what the politicians were doing. They just fought against people intruding violently into their homeplaces. Got it now ? Or do you need pictures too ?
I have never given much attention to this flag business until the left lost their minds over it after the shooting. Maybe I'll purchase a Confederate battle flag and fly it under the Gadsden we now have. Just to irk the shit out of the loons on the left
We do appreciate it when you assholes do advertise your being assholes. Thanks for letting us know where you live.

Fuck off, twit does make life easier when the stupid and ignorant display signs of their stupidity and ignorance.

Yanno......................most of the racists I've ever met have had a strong attachment to that flag.

Most of them think it's an official Confederate flag. It's not, it's Lee's battle flag.

Most of them think it represents the South, and that it's always been over various southern capitols. It hasn't. It didn't start to be legislated to be displayed over those capitols until the politicians running those various states decided in the 50's and 60's to use it as a protest against the Civil Rights Movement.

Yeah..............sure...............a failed general that surrendered and a bunch of racist governors is a really good symbol to represent you./sarcasm.
I have never given much attention to this flag business until the left lost their minds over it after the shooting. Maybe I'll purchase a Confederate battle flag and fly it under the Gadsden we now have. Just to irk the shit out of the loons on the left
We do appreciate it when you assholes do advertise your being assholes. Thanks for letting us know where you live.

Fuck off, twit
Stay classy, lassy.
Two things:
1. In no way, shape, or form does the removal of the flag represent racism. None. Pretending it does because some black people are "pushy" enough to have the gall to have a strong opinion on it is retarded.

2. Perhaps more retarded than pretending that the removal of the confederate flag is racist is pretending that the confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. South carolina, for instance, labeled slavery as a driving reason for secession. Without secession there is no war, and thus no confederate soldiers. Therefore, the confederate soldiers -no matter how ignorant and poor, like yourself - were fighting for slavery.
1. Just as I said in the OP >> "As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go".On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way." Pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, unrestrained RACISM.

2. I didn't say the Confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. I said most Confederate soldiers weren't fighting to protect slavery. Having reading comprehension problems, I see, That's too bad... Keep reading. You'll improve over time.

3. Your logic FAILS. The soldiers didn't give a rat's ass what the politicians were doing. They just fought against people intruding violently into their homeplaces. Got it now ? Or do you need pictures too ?
because someone has a strong opinion that you disagree with you want to call them racists. i understand what you said, but that doesn't make it any less retarded. yes, dr. alveda king might demand that the flag be removed. she feels strongly about it. how is the removal of a symbol of racism and oppression equate to racism against anyone? no. you're just wrong, there's no debate here. you're an idiot.

if the war was fought to protect slavery the soldiers fighting that war were fighting to protect slavery. doesn't matter if they even knew it (they did), that's what they were doing.
on this there is no legitimate other side. the flag is a symbol for racism and bigotry. any other meaning a charlatan might try to attach to it at this point is merely cover for racism and bigotry.

You don't get it. The RACISM is the anti-white racism of demanding things be done to suit blacks no matter how adverse it is to whites. It is the bullying that they engage in, and expecting everyone to do what they want. This is just another example. That's why insisting on taking the flag away is harming race relations mor ethan leaving it alone.
because someone has a strong opinion that you disagree with you want to call them racists. i understand what you said, but that doesn't make it any less retarded. yes, dr. alveda king might demand that the flag be removed. she feels strongly about it. how is the removal of a symbol of racism and oppression equate to racism against anyone? no. you're just wrong, there's no debate here. you're an idiot.

if the war was fought to protect slavery the soldiers fighting that war were fighting to protect slavery. doesn't matter if they even knew it (they did), that's what they were doing.
Read your own post that you just posted, and look at YOUR RACISM in it, right there. No mention of the flag's tribute to hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died fighting under that flag. Or millions who were maimed, shot, captured, abused, etc

No mention of the heritage of southern culture (food, music, dancing, language, customs, etc) No, you only talk about how you want to construe the debate. You're just wrong, there's no debate here. You're an idiot.

And no, it doesn't matter if they knew or didn't know about slavery. Regardless of slavery they fought to defend their turf, and I believe YOU KNOW IT. Why would a poor mountaineer guy from east Tennessee or western South Carolina (hundreds of miles from any slavery) care about slavery ? Here's what they cared about >>

Rivers Bridge - Sherman's March Across the Carolinas
In the Battle of Rivers Bridge at what is now the Rivers Bridge State Historic Site, Confederate troops made a desperate attempt to stop General William T. Sherman’s march across the Carolinas. After this bloody South Carolina Civil War battle on the banks of the Salkehatchie River, Union forces moved northward and captured the state capital.
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on this there is no legitimate other side. the flag is a symbol for racism and bigotry. any other meaning a charlatan might try to attach to it at this point is merely cover for racism and bigotry.

You don't get it. The RACISM is the anti-white racism of demanding things be done to suit blacks no matter how adverse it is to whites. It is the bullying that they engage in, and expecting everyone to do what they want. This is just another example. That's why insisting on taking the flag away is harming race relations mor ethan leaving it alone.
i understand that you want to be a white victim, but there's nothing racist about calling for the removal of the battle flag, and the removal is not 'adverse' to whites.
and again, having an opinion and voicing that opinion is not engaging in bullying. sorry. i know you hate it when those negroes get uppity and think they can play a role in the political process but you're just going to have to learn to live with reality, and the reality is that's not racist.
Two things:
1. In no way, shape, or form does the removal of the flag represent racism. None. Pretending it does because some black people are "pushy" enough to have the gall to have a strong opinion on it is retarded.

2. Perhaps more retarded than pretending that the removal of the confederate flag is racist is pretending that the confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. South carolina, for instance, labeled slavery as a driving reason for secession. Without secession there is no war, and thus no confederate soldiers. Therefore, the confederate soldiers -no matter how ignorant and poor, like yourself - were fighting for slavery.
1. Just as I said in the OP >> "As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go".On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way." Pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, unrestrained RACISM.

2. I didn't say the Confederacy wasn't fighting to protect slavery. I said most Confederate soldiers weren't fighting to protect slavery. Having reading comprehension problems, I see, That's too bad... Keep reading. You'll improve over time.

3. Your logic FAILS. The soldiers didn't give a rat's ass what the politicians were doing. They just fought against people intruding violently into their homeplaces. Got it now ? Or do you need pictures too ?
because someone has a strong opinion that you disagree with you want to call them racists. i understand what you said, but that doesn't make it any less retarded. yes, dr. alveda king might demand that the flag be removed. she feels strongly about it. how is the removal of a symbol of racism and oppression equate to racism against anyone? no. you're just wrong, there's no debate here. you're an idiot.

if the war was fought to protect slavery the soldiers fighting that war were fighting to protect slavery. doesn't matter if they even knew it (they did), that's what they were doing.
Read your own post that you just posted, and look at YOUR RACISM in it, right there. No mention of the flag's tribute to hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died fighting under that flag. Or millions who were maimed, shot, captured, abused, etc

No mention of the heritage of southern culture (food, music, dancing, language, customs, etc) No, you only talk about how you want to construe the debate. You're just wrong, there's no debate here. You're an idiot.
you honestly think that the raising of that flag on capital grounds during the 60's was meant to be a symbol for southern culture? unless you consider racism and jim crow to be southern culture i don't think you have a leg to stand on.

and you can pretend that the flag is more than a symbol for racism and oppression. that doesn't make my post racist. it just makes you look like an apologist for racists.
Looks like the tide is going the Blacks way once again. Talking heads on all the cable channels are promoting taking down the flag. Thousands of words being tossed about the offensiveness, and hurt the flag creates.

And the other side of the debate ? The perspective of the flag as a tribute to southerners' ancestors who died by the hundreds of thousands, fighting under that flag ? Not one word. And the mention of the heritage the flag represents to many people for their culture ? (food, music, dancing, customs, language dialect, folklore, etc) Zero. Not a word. And the mention of this cultural heritage factor by SC gov Nikki Haley and SC Senator Lindsey Graham ? Nothing.

So what do all these people think about the millions of South Carolinians (mostly White) who cherish that flag, and who to them, it is a meaningful symbol of pride and identity ? Looks like they're chopped liver. Looks like yet another example of pandering to the black constituency, while the white constituency can eat cake. In fact, it doesn't even come up THAT high. These people act like the heritage group doesn't even exist. And whenever they (rarely) are mentioned, they're talked about as if they were escaped convicts.

We'll see what the SC legislature votes. We'll see.
i understand that you want to be a white victim, but there's nothing racist about calling for the removal of the battle flag, and the removal is not 'adverse' to whites.
and again, having an opinion and voicing that opinion is not engaging in bullying. sorry. i know you hate it when those negroes get uppity and think they can play a role in the political process but you're just going to have to learn to live with reality, and the reality is that's not racist.
It's pretty hard to say that the flag removal o=is not anti-White racist against the heritage group, when you watch 4 straight hours of cable news shows (on Fox and CNN) and ALL YOU HEAR is the remove the flag side of the debate.

NO ONE is invited on to talk for the heritage group. There are millions of people who cherish that flag for pride and identity of their cultural heritage, yet they are being completely ignored. This is despicable.

As far as me being a "white victim", I'm biracial, and I don't have to "want" to be a race victim. I HAVE BEEN for 50 years.


you honestly think that the raising of that flag on capital grounds during the 60's was meant to be a symbol for southern culture? unless you consider racism and jim crow to be southern culture i don't think you have a leg to stand on. and you can pretend that the flag is more than a symbol for racism and oppression. that doesn't make my post racist. it just makes you look like an apologist for racists.
Do you know what you're talking about ? What do you know about southern cultural heritage ? Let's take music just for an example. can you cite (without Googling them up) a single song or tune by Jimmy Martin, Ted Lundy, Charlie Waller, Jesse McReynolds, Ralph Stanley, Doyle Lawson, Don Reno, J.D.Crowe, Bobby Osborne, or Lester Flatt ??

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