Confederate Flag Should Stay Up

You are contributing to MORE black people getting killed. Plenty more unhinged, young, drugged-up guys with guns out there. But then maybe you are only PRETENDING to care. Could that be it ?

you belong to the CCC big boy
No. I might join it though. They have smart things to say. You wouldn't understand.
You know................this particular flag was never officially adopted by the Confederates, it's actually Lee's battle flag, the one he carried into battle to show his regiment where they were supposed to be.

It has never been an official flag of the Confederacy.

Additionally, the reason that some states decided to start displaying it in the 50's and the 60's was because they were pissed off that the black people were starting to get a voice due to the Civil Rights movement, and so they decided to display it on their state capitols as a way to thumb their noses at the Civil Rights movement.

No.....................I can't think of a single good reason it should remain flying over the capitol. Just pull it down and put it in a museum already as a statement of a failed rebellion by the South.
A white nationalist group that may have influenced the suspected gunman in last week's massacre at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina said Sunday in a statement that it believes he had "legitimate grievances" against black people.

Well, I guess that settles it. Dylann Roof should be released and all charges should be dropped
Feeling guilty ?
So does this mean the next time police kill innocent citizens they should lower the US flag?

You are contributing to MORE black people getting killed. Plenty more unhinged, young, drugged-up guys with guns out there. But then maybe you are only PRETENDING to care. Could that be it ?
Youre contributing to MORE white people being killed. This generation of Black people will put some lead in your ass quickly boy.
Like I said...................the battle flag of Lee was never officially adopted by the confederacy, and the only reason it went up over southern state capitols in the 50's and 60's was because those governors were pissed that the Civil Rights movement had taken hold, and that was simply their way of thumbing their noses at it.

Again................with a background like that, how can anyone other than a racist hick support it?
Just another example of liberals not letting a tragedy go to waste. There is no connection to the shootings and the Flag. A bunch of southerners are going to be pissed off.
Then the governor loses her job next election. That is how this system works. Tenth amendment. I happen to agree with her. Why the fuck would she proudly fly a democrat flag that represents traitors to the republic?
because its a GOP supported flag ....

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