Confirmed. Consumer and US businesses paying nearly all tariff costs.


Trump is literally a genius....sure he doesn't sound or look like one....but then again neither did Richard Feynman.

Of course like most Americans I have known of Trump for decades but didn't pay him much attention. I never even watched his TV show.

Then he started his weekly call in Fox News. I head him say a lot of things that he is saying now but didn't pay him much attention because I considered him to be a New York blowhard. We Cracker Floridians have learned to not pay much attention to New York blowhards. The state is inundated with them.

When he announced for President I though it was a joke and like most Americans didn't think he had much of a chance to beat a really good Republican slate of candidates.

When he won the Republican nomination I believed the fake news and thought Crooked Hillary was going to win. I am glad I was wrong.

He had a good message and made some really good promises but I have never had much faith in any politician keeping their promises.

I thought he was going to be just another obnoxious New York RINO that was going to be better than a Democrat but not much better.

However he has pleasantly surprised me. He is a strong leader that has the right agenda and he is not letting the DC Swamp waylay his agenda to make this country better. He is doing great things in the right areas.

Another thing I like. He has an ego the size of the State of Texas but he always shows respect to real Americans and the military and the police. You would have never expected that from a big mouth New York billionaire.

He is a great President that is doing the right things for this country. The best President in my life time and I was born when Truman was in office. He is brilliant and a damn fine negotiator that looks after the interest of our country.

The filthy Moon Bats hate him because they are fucked up in the mind. They wanted Crooked Hillary to win to continue with Obama's agenda to make this country a socialist shithole and she would have done that, big time. When Trump waylaid that agenda these commie assholes got all bent out of shape and became afflicted with this terrible TDS mental health illness.
If true why is it not reflected in higher prices? You know, inflation?

Perhaps you just have a bitter ax to grind.

View attachment 299671

I didn't grind the axe. The experts in the article did.

Correction...the bought and paid for experts in the article did...
That article is a complete pile of bullshit that carefully avoids a few pertinent facts.
Wholesale prices are rising but not being transmitted to the retail level. They carefully avoided mentioning that.
The middle man is taking up the slack...and well they should be. Trump's tariff efforts might as well be called
The Robin Hood factor...the money going into the Federal Government as a result of the Tariff effort is being redistributed by the Government to those who are hurt by the Tariffs. Many of the middle man bulk goods conveyors are complex multinationals that are largely or even wholly owned by China through a series of shell layers. So of course they are going to scream unfair at being exposed.


Wal Mart says prices are rising. Ask anyone that grocery shops whether prices are rising or not. Ask anyone paying rent if prices are rising or not.

Keep in mind the link you posted about Walmart earlier was from May of last year. Things have been changing from May until today.

They have. Ask anyone shopping if prices are going up or not.
On Mar 1, 2018 - the day tariffs were announced - oil/bbl was $61.25. On Dec 31, 2019 the price/bbl was $61.06. As always your hatred of this POTUS greatly exceeds your knowledge.

The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

hahaha...not even close. Markets don't just pop up dude.

What really happened is that we now import more from Europe, Japan and other places while the goods made for us in China are rotting on the shelves....guess again spunky.

Last edited:
The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Because China insists that everyone do as they say and not as they do. The Biggest joke on earth is the Chinese contingent to the Paris Accord....they are not there to cooperate...they are there to make sure everyone else follows rules they have no intention of following.



We complain when China manipulates their currency but we have always done that.

We complain when China subsidizes a business but we have long done that.

Not me.... I totally understand government subsidies and why they are necessary.
Central Banks? Oh well...who can control them? So far no government I have seen has that power.


That's fine but the point I replied to said that China wants do as I say, not as I do.

I simply pointed out that only makes them just like us.
If true why is it not reflected in higher prices? You know, inflation?

Perhaps you just have a bitter ax to grind.

View attachment 299671

I didn't grind the axe. The experts in the article did.

Correction...the bought and paid for experts in the article did...
That article is a complete pile of bullshit that carefully avoids a few pertinent facts.
Wholesale prices are rising but not being transmitted to the retail level. They carefully avoided mentioning that.
The middle man is taking up the slack...and well they should be. Trump's tariff efforts might as well be called
The Robin Hood factor...the money going into the Federal Government as a result of the Tariff effort is being redistributed by the Government to those who are hurt by the Tariffs. Many of the middle man bulk goods conveyors are complex multinationals that are largely or even wholly owned by China through a series of shell layers. So of course they are going to scream unfair at being exposed.


Wal Mart says prices are rising. Ask anyone that grocery shops whether prices are rising or not. Ask anyone paying rent if prices are rising or not.

Keep in mind the link you posted about Walmart earlier was from May of last year. Things have been changing from May until today.

They have. Ask anyone shopping if prices are going up or not.

So ask me.....I shop there all the time.
I have noticed absolutely NOTHING significant about their pricing structure. If I feel an item is overpriced I choose to do without it,,,, that simple. Walmart is still packed to the Gills from 6 am to midnight with no slow down in sight. Don't know what you are talking about....

Show me a photo of a tariffed item that you now pay more for because of the tariff.

I cannot find any.

The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.
Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?
The tariffs are aimed at curing what "officials from both major parties call Chinese trade abuses." Of course, the ignorant among us just don't understand why we should punish that behavior.

Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet
The New York senator, who has largely cheered the president’s efforts to crack down on what officials from both major parties call Chinese trade abuses, backed Trump again on Sunday. In a tweet, he urged the president to “hang tough on China.”

“Strength is the only way to win with China,” said Schumer, who is otherwise at odds with Trump on a wide variety of policy issues.

First quoting Schumer impresses me none. I'm not a Democrat and I'd like to see him gone.

Second, like I already noted, if it's the right thing to do it's the right thing to do without lying about it.
Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?
Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.
Which, of course, infuriates and offends the delicate sensibilities of every leftard.

Making American lives better at the expense of China is to them an unforgivable crime against humanity.

Democrats are traitors … every stinkin' one of 'em.
On Mar 1, 2018 - the day tariffs were announced - oil/bbl was $61.25. On Dec 31, 2019 the price/bbl was $61.06. As always your hatred of this POTUS greatly exceeds your knowledge.

The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

If that were the case, their economy would be doing great and companies would not be leaving China for higher grounds.
The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

hahaha...not even close. Markets don't just pop up dude.

What really happened is that we now import more from Europe, Japan and other places while the goods made for use in China are rotting on the shelves....guess again spunky.


It doesn't happen overnight. China is far better than us planning long term because they care about more than the next statement and how it affects shareholder value.

China aims to boost ties with Germany amid Trump trade war
Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?
Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.
Which, of course, infuriates and offends the delicate sensibilities of every leftard.

Making American lives better at the expense of China is to them an unforgivable crime against humanity.

Democrats are traitors … every stinkin' one of 'em.

Their hatred of President Trump and their fear of this being a success is what bothers them. We are kind of in a win-win situation. If China doesn't want to deal with us, we'll start buying our own products which helps the economy. If China is under pressure and forced to make a good deal with the US, then we are back to where we were before, only with more exportations.
I didn't grind the axe. The experts in the article did.

Correction...the bought and paid for experts in the article did...
That article is a complete pile of bullshit that carefully avoids a few pertinent facts.
Wholesale prices are rising but not being transmitted to the retail level. They carefully avoided mentioning that.
The middle man is taking up the slack...and well they should be. Trump's tariff efforts might as well be called
The Robin Hood factor...the money going into the Federal Government as a result of the Tariff effort is being redistributed by the Government to those who are hurt by the Tariffs. Many of the middle man bulk goods conveyors are complex multinationals that are largely or even wholly owned by China through a series of shell layers. So of course they are going to scream unfair at being exposed.


Wal Mart says prices are rising. Ask anyone that grocery shops whether prices are rising or not. Ask anyone paying rent if prices are rising or not.

Keep in mind the link you posted about Walmart earlier was from May of last year. Things have been changing from May until today.

They have. Ask anyone shopping if prices are going up or not.

So ask me.....I shop there all the time.
I have noticed absolutely NOTHING significant about their pricing structure. If I feel an item is overpriced I choose to do without it,,,, that simple. Walmart is still packed to the Gills from 6 am to midnight with no slow down in sight. Don't know what you are talking about....

Show me a photo of a tariffed item that you now pay more for because of the tariff.

I cannot find any.


This chart from Goldman Sachs shows tariffs are raising prices for consumers and it could get worse
If true why is it not reflected in higher prices? You know, inflation?

Perhaps you just have a bitter ax to grind.

View attachment 299671

lower energy cost offsetting other cost increases.
On Mar 1, 2018 - the day tariffs were announced - oil/bbl was $61.25. On Dec 31, 2019 the price/bbl was $61.06. As always your hatred of this POTUS greatly exceeds your knowledge.

The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Yeah...even the normally co-opted central banks are having a hard time denying that Trump is a genius on this issue.

The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

hahaha...not even close. Markets don't just pop up dude.

What really happened is that we now import more from Europe, Japan and other places while the goods made for use in China are rotting on the shelves....guess again spunky.


It doesn't happen overnight. China is far better than us planning long term because they care about more than the next statement and how it affects shareholder value.

China aims to boost ties with Germany amid Trump trade war

So what? Think Germany is going to allow China to walk all over them like they walk over us? Do you think China is the only place that produces cheap products?
The first tariffs were announced on 22 Jan 2018, not in May.

There is more to energy than just oil, are you really that stupid?

View attachment 299673
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

If that were the case, their economy would be doing great and companies would not be leaving China for higher grounds.

Anything that China can do other Asian countries can also do and with a good trade agreement with the US.

China knows this.

The only thing they are holding out on now is hoping the Democrat filth will pull off their coupe and Trump won't be reelected.
Correction...the bought and paid for experts in the article did...
That article is a complete pile of bullshit that carefully avoids a few pertinent facts.
Wholesale prices are rising but not being transmitted to the retail level. They carefully avoided mentioning that.
The middle man is taking up the slack...and well they should be. Trump's tariff efforts might as well be called
The Robin Hood factor...the money going into the Federal Government as a result of the Tariff effort is being redistributed by the Government to those who are hurt by the Tariffs. Many of the middle man bulk goods conveyors are complex multinationals that are largely or even wholly owned by China through a series of shell layers. So of course they are going to scream unfair at being exposed.


Wal Mart says prices are rising. Ask anyone that grocery shops whether prices are rising or not. Ask anyone paying rent if prices are rising or not.

Keep in mind the link you posted about Walmart earlier was from May of last year. Things have been changing from May until today.

They have. Ask anyone shopping if prices are going up or not.

So ask me.....I shop there all the time.
I have noticed absolutely NOTHING significant about their pricing structure. If I feel an item is overpriced I choose to do without it,,,, that simple. Walmart is still packed to the Gills from 6 am to midnight with no slow down in sight. Don't know what you are talking about....

Show me a photo of a tariffed item that you now pay more for because of the tariff.

I cannot find any.


This chart from Goldman Sachs shows tariffs are raising prices for consumers and it could get worse

That chart only shows what prices are being published by wholesale block conveyors....not what the retail prices are on the shelf....that chart is totally uninteresting and pretty close to being irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit if Ali Baba has higher base costs to operate...or Walmart for that matter either. I am not forced to buy what I don't want. That're just wrong here trust me.


Trump is literally a genius....sure he doesn't sound or look like one....but then again neither did Richard Feynman.

Of course like most Americans I have known of Trump for decades but didn't pay him much attention. I never even watched his TV show.

Then he started his weekly call in Fox News. I head him say a lot of things that he is saying now but didn't pay him much attention because I considered him to be a New York blowhard. We Cracker Floridians have learned to not pay much attention to New York blowhards. The state is inundated with them.

When he announced for President I though it was a joke and like most Americans didn't think he had much of a chance to beat a really good Republican slate of candidates.

When he won the Republican nomination I believed the fake news and thought Crooked Hillary was going to win. I am glad I was wrong.

He had a good message and made some really good promises but I have never had much faith in any politician keeping their promises.

I thought he was going to be just another obnoxious New York RINO that was going to be better than a Democrat but not much better.

However he has pleasantly surprised me. He is a strong leader that has the right agenda and he is not letting the DC Swamp waylay his agenda to make this country better. He is doing great things in the right areas.

Another thing I like. He has an ego the size of the State of Texas but he always shows respect to real Americans and the military and the police. You would have never expected that from a big mouth New York billionaire.

He is a great President that is doing the right things for this country. The best President in my life time and I was born when Truman was in office. He is brilliant and a damn fine negotiator that looks after the interest of our country.

The filthy Moon Bats hate him because they are fucked up in the mind. They wanted Crooked Hillary to win to continue with Obama's agenda to make this country a socialist shithole and she would have done that, big time. When Trump waylaid that agenda these commie assholes got all bent out of shape and became afflicted with this terrible TDS mental health illness.
The fact that Trump has delivered on many of his promises and Americans have benefitted has made the Moon-bats that much battier.

They so hate him and this country they would much prefer it burn to the ground than succeed and prosper.

Fifteen months ago (and just 19 months into Trump's first term) CNBC - MSNBC's sister station - published an article that not only admitted our economy was hot but that Trump's policies had much to do with it. I'll not bore anyone with the factors that have been a drag on it - much higher Fed rates and global economic weakness for instance - but I will note that despite them and those Americans who would much prefer our prosperity end today, the historic 126 month long expansion rages on.

Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it
During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible.

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

If that were the case, their economy would be doing great and companies would not be leaving China for higher grounds.

Anything that China can do other Asian countries can also do and with a good trade agreement with the US.

China knows this.

The only thing they are holding out on now is hoping the Democrat filth will pull off their coupe and Trump won't be reelected.

The reason for the imbalance is because we do not make things China needs. They can't afford $75,000 trucks.
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.

Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?

Hurting China pressures them to make better deals with the US, which of course would ultimately help all Americans who purchase their products.

China simply took their business elsewhere hurting us.

If that were the case, their economy would be doing great and companies would not be leaving China for higher grounds.

Anything that China can do other Asian countries can also do and with a good trade agreement with the US.

China knows this.

The only thing they are holding out on now is hoping the Democrat filth will pull off their coupe and Trump won't be reelected.

Their doing more than hoping....they are pouring billions in slush fund money into the democrat side of our politics....they freaking own the DNC.

Wal Mart says prices are rising. Ask anyone that grocery shops whether prices are rising or not. Ask anyone paying rent if prices are rising or not.

Keep in mind the link you posted about Walmart earlier was from May of last year. Things have been changing from May until today.

They have. Ask anyone shopping if prices are going up or not.

So ask me.....I shop there all the time.
I have noticed absolutely NOTHING significant about their pricing structure. If I feel an item is overpriced I choose to do without it,,,, that simple. Walmart is still packed to the Gills from 6 am to midnight with no slow down in sight. Don't know what you are talking about....

Show me a photo of a tariffed item that you now pay more for because of the tariff.

I cannot find any.


This chart from Goldman Sachs shows tariffs are raising prices for consumers and it could get worse

That chart only shows what prices are being published by wholesale block conveyors....not what the retail prices are on the shelf....that chart is totally uninteresting and pretty close to being irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit if Ali Baba has higher base costs to operate...or Walmart for that matter either. I am not forced to buy what I don't want. That're just wrong here trust me.


Forcing you to buy what you don't want is totally separate from whether or not the prices of those things are going up or not.

Great, you don't want to pay the higher price, that doesn't mean the price isn't higher.

Maybe some people prefer Shells and Cheese over generic Mac and cheese. If you are good with generic, great, but the price still went up.
The NY Fed determined why the trade war with China - one that even Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports - has had little effect on prices in the US.

China is hurting and that was the point:

U.S. tariffs on China have oddly little effect on import prices. What’s going on?
...Whatever the case, there’s no doubt that demand for Chinese goods has abated. In fact, the U.S. has raised just two-thirds of the revenue through tariffs that should have been expected largely because of a decline in Chinese imports.

The Fed said imports of Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business that’s gone to Europe, Japan and other Asian countries.

These are the kinds of losses that have pushed China to resume negotiations with the U.S.
Why is hurting China the point? China forced no one to move there. Is not offering lower wages to attract business a cornerstone of free market capitalism?
The tariffs are aimed at curing what "officials from both major parties call Chinese trade abuses." Of course, the ignorant among us just don't understand why we should punish that behavior.

Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet
The New York senator, who has largely cheered the president’s efforts to crack down on what officials from both major parties call Chinese trade abuses, backed Trump again on Sunday. In a tweet, he urged the president to “hang tough on China.”

“Strength is the only way to win with China,” said Schumer, who is otherwise at odds with Trump on a wide variety of policy issues.

First quoting Schumer impresses me none. I'm not a Democrat and I'd like to see him gone.

Second, like I already noted, if it's the right thing to do it's the right thing to do without lying about it.

Trump has always said that the US had terrible trade deals and that he was going to fix that. His only tool with trade is restricting or taxing imports and he is using that very effectively.

These tarffis taxes have minimal impact on the booming American economy, while putting pressure on other countries to stop fucking the US. They are only bitched about by TDS afflicted shitheads that hate Trump because he is not furthering the agenda to make this country a socialist shithole.

Go take your TDS meds and shut the fuck up about Trump lying because he has never lied about his agenda to correct the imbalance of trade problem.

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