Confirmed. Consumer and US businesses paying nearly all tariff costs.

Who did you think would pay, Einstein?

Its passed on like a Corporate Tax, except Corporate taxes make American companies hire fewer people and Tarrifs make Foregn companies hire fewer people.

Don't ask me. Ask Trump. He said China was paying.
They are paying, Derp.

Just like corporation pay corporate tax and 1/2 of employees' Social Security, just before they pass it on for someone else to pay them.

You're attempts to get cute with childish word games is falling.
Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

What the article carefully avoids mentioning which I find hilarious is the catatrophic slow down of China's manufacturing sector and the massive drop off of purchase volume here on the other end. Additionally there is no evidence whatsoever that the cost has reached the end consumer; that's just plain bullshit. Walmart's prices are dropping not climbing. To make matters even more precarious for the anti-tariff crowd the revenue stream associated with the tariffs is in billions and quietly supported by Schumer.
China is on its knees at this point


Wal Mart says otherwise.

Walmart says China tariffs will increase prices for US shoppers

Any day now....
They simply don't have the balls..
Not with Amazon breathing down their necks.

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And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics
If you have then they should be made here. That's right. We have a form of socialism where we can't compete. We have paid for people to be irresponsible for decades. Paid people massive salaries and benefits and incarcerated tens of millions and turned a percentage into felons. We lowered the standard of employment and changed the work rules to accommodate people through quotas. And it has come home to roost. You can argue corporate and wealthy people paying less taxes but you never offered the working class a dime back since Kennedy. And he would not be a fit in your party today. We have been cheating and living off others for decades with massive government paying people off here. And if the stock market ever tanks, the checks will be cut in half and medicalcare will be rationed.

His perceived price increase has to do with metals commodities not tariffs....metals have been on the rise for ten years.

Who did you think would pay, Einstein?

Its passed on like a Corporate Tax, except Corporate taxes make American companies hire fewer people and Tarrifs make Foregn companies hire fewer people.

Despite all the dire warnings the consumer Price index has been flat for the past 24 months. The middlemen who are really not American companies or Chinese companies for that matter are the ones eating the tariffs. They can do that because the bottom line is still nice and fat.

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.

The economy is not booming. The Federal Reserve is booming.

Money-Losing Companies Mushroom Even as Stocks Hit New Highs

And yet industry keeps hiring. When have we had a better economy? They revised November job claims up by almost double.

During the tech bubble which was also inflated by the Fed all kinds of places were hirering. They weren't making any money but they sure hired. Until it popped.
Can't hire people if you don't make money, liar.
Who did you think would pay, Einstein?

Its passed on like a Corporate Tax, except Corporate taxes make American companies hire fewer people and Tarrifs make Foregn companies hire fewer people.

Despite all the dire warnings the consumer Price index has been flat for the past 24 months. The middlemen who are really not American companies or Chinese companies for that matter are the ones eating the tariffs. They can do that because the bottom line is still nice and fat.

If I pay an extra 40 cents for my toaster, I'm not even going to know about it, nor care.
Wonder how much screaming there will be after Trump puts tariffs on imported cars, what he refers to as "the mother lode" of tariff income?

Not near enough as there should be.

When did you people that claim to be conservatives start to hate the free market so damn much?
Wonder how much screaming there will be after Trump puts tariffs on imported cars, what he refers to as "the mother lode" of tariff income?

That would be tough to do since a portion of those cars are actually made in the US. They would simply quit importing them and start more manufacturing here in the states.

I drove into NYC the other week and saw these gigantic ships unloading thousands of cars. Tariffs look like a good idea to me.

why do you hate the free market?

Why do you want the government to have that much influence on what we the people buy?

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics
If you have then they should be made here. That's right. We have a form of socialism where we can't compete. We have paid for people to be irresponsible for decades. Paid people massive salaries and benefits and incarcerated tens of millions and turned a percentage into felons. We lowered the standard of employment and changed the work rules to accommodate people through quotas. And it has come home to roost. You can argue corporate and wealthy people paying less taxes but you never offered the working class a dime back since Kennedy. And he would not be a fit in your party today. We have been cheating and living off others for decades with massive government paying people off here. And if the stock market ever tanks, the checks will be cut in half and medicalcare will be rationed.

His perceived price increase has to do with metals commodities not tariffs....metals have been on the rise for ten years.

There has been speculation for many years about metals being manipulated in price.

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics
If you have then they should be made here. That's right. We have a form of socialism where we can't compete. We have paid for people to be irresponsible for decades. Paid people massive salaries and benefits and incarcerated tens of millions and turned a percentage into felons. We lowered the standard of employment and changed the work rules to accommodate people through quotas. And it has come home to roost. You can argue corporate and wealthy people paying less taxes but you never offered the working class a dime back since Kennedy. And he would not be a fit in your party today. We have been cheating and living off others for decades with massive government paying people off here. And if the stock market ever tanks, the checks will be cut in half and medicalcare will be rationed.

His perceived price increase has to do with metals commodities not tariffs....metals have been on the rise for ten years.

There has been speculation for many years about metals being manipulated in price.

I'm pretty sure all commodities are heavily manipulated.

The tragedy is we live in an era of people destroying other people. Krugman though is not innocent in that game. And many people who have been by anyone or any group of people have not forgotten.
Who did you think would pay, Einstein?

Its passed on like a Corporate Tax, except Corporate taxes make American companies hire fewer people and Tarrifs make Foregn companies hire fewer people.

Don't ask me. Ask Trump. He said China was paying.
They are paying, Derp.

Just like corporation pay corporate tax and 1/2 of employees' Social Security, just before they pass it on for someone else to pay them.

You're attempts to get cute with childish word games is falling.

And yet the facts say otherwise.

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics
Give me just one. Links please.

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.

The economy is not booming. The Federal Reserve is booming.

Money-Losing Companies Mushroom Even as Stocks Hit New Highs

And yet industry keeps hiring. When have we had a better economy? They revised November job claims up by almost double.

During the tech bubble which was also inflated by the Fed all kinds of places were hirering. They weren't making any money but they sure hired. Until it popped.
Can't hire people if you don't make money, liar.

Odd then, how are they doing it? How did the tech companies do it? How does Netflix do it?
And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.

The economy is not booming. The Federal Reserve is booming.

Money-Losing Companies Mushroom Even as Stocks Hit New Highs

And yet industry keeps hiring. When have we had a better economy? They revised November job claims up by almost double.

During the tech bubble which was also inflated by the Fed all kinds of places were hirering. They weren't making any money but they sure hired. Until it popped.
Can't hire people if you don't make money, liar.

Odd then, how are they doing it? How did the tech companies do it? How does Netflix do it?
They use a practice unknown to lying progs called making money.
The economy is not booming. The Federal Reserve is booming.

Money-Losing Companies Mushroom Even as Stocks Hit New Highs

And yet industry keeps hiring. When have we had a better economy? They revised November job claims up by almost double.

During the tech bubble which was also inflated by the Fed all kinds of places were hirering. They weren't making any money but they sure hired. Until it popped.
Can't hire people if you don't make money, liar.

Odd then, how are they doing it? How did the tech companies do it? How does Netflix do it?
They use a practice unknown to lying progs called making money.

Link was posted. Reading isn't your friend I suppose.

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