Confirmed. Consumer and US businesses paying nearly all tariff costs.

The economy is not booming. The Federal Reserve is booming.

Money-Losing Companies Mushroom Even as Stocks Hit New Highs

And yet industry keeps hiring. When have we had a better economy? They revised November job claims up by almost double.

During the tech bubble which was also inflated by the Fed all kinds of places were hirering. They weren't making any money but they sure hired. Until it popped.

Bubbles are different. All bubbles pop. Bubbles are misleading and phony. The tech bubble was phony, and so was the housing bubble. There is no bubble today. We just have a strong steady economy.

During the tech bubble, people were waking up in the morning as millionaires. People were turning over houses making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. It was clear then, just as it's clear today, that such a party can't last forever. It's making as much money while you can, and getting out before you get slaughtered.

If that was true the Fed wouldn't be pumping billions of dollars.

They've been doing it for ten years now.

Yes, that is the economy.
Wonder how much screaming there will be after Trump puts tariffs on imported cars, what he refers to as "the mother lode" of tariff income?

That would be tough to do since a portion of those cars are actually made in the US. They would simply quit importing them and start more manufacturing here in the states.

I drove into NYC the other week and saw these gigantic ships unloading thousands of cars. Tariffs look like a good idea to me.
Wonder how much screaming there will be after Trump puts tariffs on imported cars, what he refers to as "the mother lode" of tariff income?

That would be tough to do since a portion of those cars are actually made in the US. They would simply quit importing them and start more manufacturing here in the states.

I drove into NYC the other week and saw these gigantic ships unloading thousands of cars. Tariffs look like a good idea to me.

So it seems, it's having no impact on the economy at all. Outside of China, other countries are making deals with Trump. If China doesn't want to deal, fine. We can get our cheaper goods from Vietnam, Taiwan, just a number of places that would be glad to make a fair trade with the US and leave China as a thing of the past.

The Unites States is the largest consumer of goods. We don't need to be begging anybody to sell us those goods.
January 7, 2020 The Mercury News
U.S. consumers, not China, bearing brunt of trade War
Economists say levies have resulted in increased prices for some
- By Jeanna Smlalek and Ana Swanson. The New York Times

WASHINGTON » American businesses and consumers, not China, are bearing the financial brunt of President Donald Trump’s trade war, new data shows, undermining the president’s assertion that the United States is “taxing the hell out of China.” “U.S. tariffs continue to be entirely borne by U.S. firms and consumers,” Mary Amiti, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, wrote in a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper. The other authors of the paper were David E. Weinstein of Columbia University and Stephen J. Redding of Princeton University. Examining the fallout of tariffs in data through October, the authors found that Americans had continued paying for the levies which increased substantially over the course of the year. Their paper, which is an update on previous research, found that “approximately 100 percent” of import taxes fell on American buyers. The findings are the latest evidence that voters and American businesses are paying the cost of Trump’s penchant for using tariffs to try to rewrite the terms of trade in favor of the United States. Manufacturing is slumping, a fact economists attribute at least partly to uncertainty stemming from the trade spats, and business investment has suffered as corporate executives wait to see how or if the tensions will end. The United States and China have reached a trade truce and are expected to sign an initial deal this month, but tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods will remain in place. The levies, which are as high as 25%, have forced some multinational businesses to move operations out of China, sending operations to countries like Vietnam and Mexico. Trump and his supporters say that the United States had no choice but to resort to tough tactics to try to force China to abandon unfair economic behaviors, like infringing on U.S. intellectual property and providing state subsidies to Chinese firms. And Trump has continued to incorrectly assert that China not American companies and consumers is paying the cost of the tariffs. Tariffs may have worked as a negotiating chip to get China to the table, but re- cent academic research shows that leverage has come at a Steep price for some American businesses and consumers. The authors of the latest study used customs data to trace the fallout, examining import values before and after the tariffs. The research showed that the tariffs had little impact on China. Were just not seeing foreigners bearing the cost, which to me is very surprising,” Weinstein said in an interview. They also find a delayed effect from the tariffs, with the decline in some imports roughly doubling on average in the second year of the levies. That is because “it takes some time for firms to reorganize their supply chains so that they can avoid the tariffs,” the authors write. Reaction to the tariffs has varied across business sectors, however. In the steel industry, for example, companies that export to the United States have dropped their prices suggesting that other countries are in fact paying “close to half” of the cost of tariffs, according to the paper. Because China is only the 10th-largest steel supplier to the United States, though, exporters in the European Union, Japan and South Korea are likely bearing much of that cost. And as foreign prices drop, domestic steel production has barely budged, which bodes poorly for hiring in the U.S. steel industry, the authors note. In previous research, the authors found that by December 2018, import tariffs were costing American consumers and importing businesses $3.2 billion per month in added taxes and another $1.4 billion per month in
efficiency losses. They did not update those numbers in the latest study. Amiti’s colleagues at the New York Fed have traced the costs of tariffs in other research. Their study similarly found that import prices on goods coming from China had remained largely unchanged as tariffs rolled out and argued that already narrowed profit margins, ones that leave no room for cutting and a dearth of competitors could be among the factors insulating Chinese exporters.
Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.

Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.
Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Trump ties?

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics

But you are not credible.
Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

What the article carefully avoids mentioning which I find hilarious is the catatrophic slow down of China's manufacturing sector and the massive drop off of purchase volume here on the other end. Additionally there is no evidence whatsoever that the cost has reached the end consumer; that's just plain bullshit. Walmart's prices are dropping not climbing. To make matters even more precarious for the anti-tariff crowd the revenue stream associated with the tariffs is in billions and quietly supported by Schumer.
China is on its knees at this point

Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

What the article carefully avoids mentioning which I find hilarious is the catatrophic slow down of China's manufacturing sector and the massive drop off of purchase volume here on the other end. Additionally there is no evidence whatsoever that the cost has reached the end consumer; that's just plain bullshit. Walmart's prices are dropping not climbing. To make matters even more precarious for the anti-tariff crowd the revenue stream associated with the tariffs is in billions and quietly supported by Schumer.
China is on its knees at this point


Of course. International trade is similar to the private market. You don't want to lose your biggest customer. China is challenging us in that regards, and in the process, businesses are moving out leaving their citizens with less jobs, and less money for the government.

I would be more critical of Trump's strategy if the economy were so-so or even doing badly. But because of our economy, Trump holds all the cards in this game.

And yet the economy is still booming. Is it just me, or does anybody else not notice a price increase on anything?

Tariffs help American competition, and that helps with job creation. Yet the left never seems to complain when increased minimum wages increase prices, and the left also thinks that when you raise taxes on industry, the consumer doesn't actually pay those taxes.

But no complaints about who pays for that minimum wage or corporate taxes.
I’ve noticed a major price increase in major appliances, bicycles and consumer electronics
If you have then they should be made here. That's right. We have a form of socialism where we can't compete. We have paid for people to be irresponsible for decades. Paid people massive salaries and benefits and incarcerated tens of millions and turned a percentage into felons. We lowered the standard of employment and changed the work rules to accommodate people through quotas. And it has come home to roost. You can argue corporate and wealthy people paying less taxes but you never offered the working class a dime back since Kennedy. And he would not be a fit in your party today. We have been cheating and living off others for decades with massive government paying people off here. And if the stock market ever tanks, the checks will be cut in half and medicalcare will be rationed.
Its an optional tax. If you BUY AMERICAN there is no tax.

That's great outside of the majority of cases where there is no option.

But really not the point now is it?

What the fuck are you leaking from the chamberpot called your head? There's always an option. Show me one major category of saleable goods where the only choice is a tariffed item.


Exactly. At one time that may have been true. Today with the internet, you can shop anywhere you desire. And if you are in a store and see an item you might buy, you can scan the barcode with your smart phone and it will bring up the same item, or comparable items listed from the cheapest price to the most expensive.

What the article carefully avoids mentioning which I find hilarious is the catatrophic slow down of China's manufacturing sector and the massive drop off of purchase volume here on the other end. Additionally there is no evidence whatsoever that the cost has reached the end consumer; that's just plain bullshit. Walmart's prices are dropping not climbing. To make matters even more precarious for the anti-tariff crowd the revenue stream associated with the tariffs is in billions and quietly supported by Schumer.
China is on its knees at this point


Wal Mart says otherwise.

Walmart says China tariffs will increase prices for US shoppers

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