Conflicting theories of fire-induced collapse 20 years after 9/11...

You're the one denying the truth about why
Nah. I'm the one supplying YOU the truth. That's why you won't reply to anything I post. It's because you have no rebuttal. Anything you try and respond with makes you look like a complete idiot.

Tell us what "accelerated freefall" in relation to the towers! How about them massive box columns you say ran from top to bottom! 70 mph ejected steel members? Where?! Posting manipulated media to support your claims!!!

You're a loser Mikey! Take your traitorous idiocy elsewhere!

Nah. I'm the one supplying YOU the truth. That's why you won't reply to anything I post. It's because you have no rebuttal. Anything you try and respond with makes you look like a complete idiot.

Tell us what "accelerated freefall" in relation to the towers! How about them massive box columns you say ran from top to bottom! 70 mph ejected steel members? Where?! Posting manipulated media to support your claims!!!

You're a loser Mikey! Take your traitorous idiocy elsewhere!
None of the towers should have collapsed to begin with, but we know they were rigged to go down before any planes hit them.

Don't we Gamolon ?
Like your baited questions about box columns ?
As if they do anything but increase everyone's curiosity level.
Baited questions!?


You thought the columns were massive box columns all the way from top to bottom you imbecile! They weren’t!!!! You expect people to believe what you say when you can’t even get the tower structure correct!?

Then you push around AE9/11 “Truth”’s lies. Both you and they have been caught using manipulated/fake media to try and further the bullshit which is why you don’t have the balls to debate me on any of it.

Stick to music. You’re out of your league here.
Kiddies? The towers fell because the airplanes impact knocked the fire repellant materials off of the steel support structure and then the burning jet fuel weakened the steel to the point where it buckled. After that it's just the weight of the upper floors pancaking the floors below them. There was no explosion. Get a grip...
Thousands of engineers, architects and demolition experts agree with me, not you.
Dude, we've been through this before.

The structural supports of the WTC 1 and 2 were split between the 47 core columns and 59 perimeter columns on each side plus 1 for each corner for a total of 240 perimeter columns.


Which means that the overwhelming majority of your imaginary bombs would have been on the outside of the building and visible to open air. With 240 perimeter columns connecting at each floor, 93 floors to the ground on one tower and 79 floors to the ground on the other.....that's 41,280 separate charges on the perimeter columns alone that would hve been necessary to bring down both towers........

Yet not a single charge was ever found, before/during/after the collapse. Not apparatus of explosives was ever found before/during/after. Not a single inch of blasting wire, not a single detonator, not a single blasting cap. Nothing. Despite your theory requiring 10s of thousands of them.

Nor was there a single girder cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition. There were twisted girders. There were warped girders. But none cut by explosive demolition.

The building was on fire. So the bombs and all their apparatus would have to be flame proof.

Worse still, the collapse began at the point of impact. So the bombs would have to be fire proof and plane proof.

The WTC wasn't a museum. It was occupied, inspected, maintained. It would have taken many, MANY months to wire that building for explosive demolition. And it would been completely obvious with tens of thousands of chargers and dozens of miles of blasting wire.

Yet, nothing. So invisible, plane proof, fire proof explosives.

And somehow it still gets worse. Days before WTC 1 and 2 collapsed, the Port Authority bomb squad was at WTC plaza responding to bomb threats. They even brough bomb sniffing dogs. ANd they found nothing.

So invisible, plane proof, impact proof, fire proof explosives that can evade trained bomb sniffing dogs?

Um, no.
Thousands of engineers, architects and demolition experts agree with me, not you.
You mean like Hulsey who used models like the ones below in his report to try and prove it was something other than fire that collapsed WTC7!?

What a joke!!!!



Thousands of engineers, architects and demolition experts agree with me, not you.
Maybe we should use this thread to compile all of your bullshit lies that been proven wrong? Like the one about the columns showing cuts BEFORE steel was removed. The post linked below shows pictures of a before and after it was cut. The one column you say was cut by thermite.


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