Congress is Lazy.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
When is the last time Congress actually passed an actual budget?

Why is McConnel against simple majorities in The Senate when this is how the Senate Operated for

Why can’t Congress pass Immigration Reform?

Why is The Senate allowing The Democrats to Obstruct over 75 Nominations that have already been agreed to but have not been put to a vote?

Why has Congress refused to approve 40% of vetted Nominees to diplomatic posts and other positions?

Why is President Trump more popular than Congress or President Obama?

Why are some saying that Lazy Congress is done passing any major legislation for the year when there are still 9 months left in the year?
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Congress has been lazy for a very long time, since there is no real oversight, they do what they want.

Even the elections do not scare them as they only care about holding onto their power and free ride..
I heard the other day at the rate the Dems are obstructing it would take 11 1/2 years to get them all confirmed. It’s simply outrageous.
No other president has had to deal with this degree of it from either side.
Geez that’s disgusting, which begs the question why McConnel is not taking The Senate back to A Simple Majority like it has always been?

I heard the other day at the rate they are obstructing it would take 11 1/2 years to get them all confirmed. It’s simply outrageous.
Time to use the liberal playbook.........GO NUCLEAR
That’s a complete misnomer. It should be called go back to basics. Go back to tradition. Go back to Democracy.

Since when have Nominations agreed upon or Legislation passed ever needed in our history in The Senate require a 60-40 Majority?
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Time to use the liberal playbook.........GO NUCLEAR
That’s a complete misnomer. It should be called go back to basics. Go back to tradition. Go back to Democracy.

Since when have Nominations agreed upon or legislation passed ever needed in our history in The Senate require a 60-40 Majority?
They can filabuster the bill into oblivion.

I was talking about nominations primarily. There is no reason to hold that up to the degree it’s being held up.
Time to use the liberal playbook.........GO NUCLEAR
That’s a complete misnomer. It should be called go back to basics. Go back to tradition. Go back to Democracy.

Since when have Nominations agreed upon or legislation passed ever needed in our history in The Senate require a 60-40 Majority?
They can filabuster the bill into oblivion.

I was talking about nominations primarily. There is no reason to hold that up to the degree it’s being held up.
The GOP did it to them...........until they went Nuclear............and they are doing it to us............time to give them a taste of KARMA.......
Geez that’s disgusting, which begs the question why McConnel is not taking The Senate back to A Simple Majority like it has always been?

I heard the other day at the rate they are obstructing it would take 11 1/2 years to get them all confirmed. It’s simply outrageous.
You know, the way they held them up, who knows if they have gotten the 30 hours of debate done for each of them, to be able to proceed to a simple up or down vote, after procedural changes. This from fas shows how they can delay the simple up and down as well-

Nominations reported by a committee are placed on the Senate’s Executive Calendar,16 and must lay over one day before the full Senate may act on them. A simple majority vote, a quorum being present, is required to confirm a nomination, but, if there is significant opposition, supporters of a nomination may first need to win a super-majority vote to end debate (60 votes) before the simple majority confirmation vote can take place.
And sadly, the Congress over the years have given themselves more power over the process than was originally intended says various law experts, from the same link-

Others have said that the Senate should allow the President greater leeway in his choices for office than is currently the case. For example, law professor John C. Eastman told the Senate Rules Committee on June 5, 2003, that
... the appointment power is located in Article II of the Constitution, which defines the powers of the President, not in Article I, which defines the powers of the legislature. As the Supreme Court itself has noted, by vesting appointment power in Article II, the framers of our Constitution intended to place primary responsibility for appointments in the President. The “advice and consent” role for the Senate, then, was to be narrowly construed.3
The practice of the Senate, however, has not systematically reflected either of these perspectives. Historically, the nomination and confirmation of presidential appointments has been regulated not by strict, formal rules, but rather by informal customs that can change (and have changed) over the years, as the relative balance of power between the President and the Senate ebbs and flows. It is these customs which form the process, according to appointments expert Michael J. Gerhardt.
These informal arrangements—those not clearly required or clearly prohibited by the Constitution—have come to define the dynamic in the federal appointments process. The informal arrangements through which the system operates—including senatorial courtesy; logrolling; individual holds, “blue slips;” consultation between presidents, members of Congress, and other interested parties, including judges; interest group lobbying; strategic leaking by administrations, senators and interest groups; manipulation of the press; the media’s effort to influence the news; and nominees’ campaigning—are the sum and substance of the federal appointments process. Studying these arrangements provides even
greater illumination than studying Supreme Court decisions or the Constitution itself of how the different branches of the federal government interact on matters of mutual concern.4
Under these informal customs, individual Senators have, historically, been deeply involved in the nomination and confirmation process. The procedures and traditions that have developed have tended to protect the autonomy of individual Senators to choose how to fulfill the advice and consent role, rather than to dictate the process for all Senators.
It is this combination—unwritten Senate traditions and the protection of each Senator’s rights— that has led critics to call for changes in the legislative branch’s process. “[T]he Senate’s confirmation process is entirely consistent with all of its other norms, traditions and rules. Concern for the rights and prerogatives of individual senators gives rise to numerous opportunities for obstruction and delay,” argued political scientists Nolan McCarty and Rose Razaghian.5
When is the last time Congress actually passed an actual budget?

Why is McConnel against simple majorities in The Senate when this is how the Senate Operated for

Why can’t Congress pass Immigration Reform?

Why is The Senate allowing The Democrats to Obstruct over 75 Nominations that have already been agreed to but have not been put to a vote?

Why has Congress refused to approve 40% of vetted Nominees to diplomatic posts and other positions?

Why is President Trump more popular than Congress or President Obama?

Why are some saying that Lazy Congress is done passing any major legislation for the year when there are still 9 months left in the year?

I suppose calling Congress lazy is about the best thing you can say about them.
When is the last time Congress actually passed an actual budget?

Why is McConnel against simple majorities in The Senate when this is how the Senate Operated for

Why can’t Congress pass Immigration Reform?

Why is The Senate allowing The Democrats to Obstruct over 75 Nominations that have already been agreed to but have not been put to a vote?

Why has Congress refused to approve 40% of vetted Nominees to diplomatic posts and other positions?

Why is President Trump more popular than Congress or President Obama?

Why are some saying that Lazy Congress is done passing any major legislation for the year when there are still 9 months left in the year?
Deep State.
Ask yourselves... just why does Trump have so many vacancies to fill?
Ask yourself. The Dems are even holding up people they have approved of themselves before. They do it simply to obstruct. Nothing else. They know it, you know it, we all know it. Saying otherwise fools no one.
Ask yourselves... just why does Trump have so many vacancies to fill?
Because we managed to stop Obama from filling all of them..................LOL
And now your side does the same..........Just another day in politics......
Yep. I’ll laugh my ass off if the Dems use the nuclear option in 2020 to pass whatever they want for at least 2 years.
Time to use the liberal playbook.........GO NUCLEAR
That’s a complete misnomer. It should be called go back to basics. Go back to tradition. Go back to Democracy.

Since when have Nominations agreed upon or Legislation passed ever needed in our history in The Senate require a 60-40 Majority?

Pardon me, but you should have studied more in your civics classes.

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