Congresswoman Complains of Harassment

More-----disclaimer. I googled because I wondered
how she got her mouth to DROOP downwards so
dramatically. She is 80 years old. We must make
Well, you know how it is when you have a wig, tons of makeup, facial surgery, tooth implants it's hard to look eighty.
More-----disclaimer. I googled because I wondered
how she got her mouth to DROOP downwards so
dramatically. She is 80 years old. We must make


her mother must have had a PREMONITION---whilst in her state of delicacy. One should never
ignore the premonitions of a lady "with child"
They can dish it out but they can’t take it. There is no standing on principle which is why Dems always lose the argument. There is only hatred of trump. Enemies of trump can advocate for his demise without a word fromleftists who now say that death threats are unacceptable. There is no accountability, no backbone, no integrity, no courage and no shame among these protesters.
More-----disclaimer. I googled because I wondered
how she got her mouth to DROOP downwards so
dramatically. She is 80 years old. We must make
Well, you know how it is when you have a wig, tons of makeup, facial surgery, tooth implants it's hard to look eighty.

she looks 80. My mom is 98 and her mouth is
in normal position. There have been times in the
past 70 years that I wished she kept it shut---BUT
IT LOOKS NORMAL. In the past 20 years her
hair has become white. As to Maxine's hair-----it is
so full and glossy I felt JEALOUS------it ain't real?
Speaking of shut mouths-----mom's problem has never come close to Maxine's
It couldn't happen to a more deserving person

Dems Bewail ‘Lack of Proper Gay Pride Celebration’ at Pentagon

Earlier this week, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif) praised mobs that drove a couple of Trump Administration officials from a restaurant and movie theater. She urged more of this “mob justice,” saying “if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. You push back on them. Tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere!” Now she is claiming to fear for her life after her statement urging crowds to harass Trump and his supporters inspired some Trump supporters to harass her—including a crowd outside her palatial estate chanting “no peace, no sleep.”

“I called for the people to exercise their constitutional right to drive Trump supporters from public places,” Waters said. “Public places belong to the people. Trump supporters—members of his cabinet and voters—have no right to enter these places if the people forbid it. Trump and his minions are the fascists that are tyrannizing this country. The people have a right to resist this by any means necessary. The fascists harassing me are usurping a power that is not their prerogative.”

Over at CNN, commentator Angela Rye bristled at contentions by fellow Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer that Waters’ efforts to incite mobs to harass Trump Administration officials were “uncivil” and “un-American.” “Democrats don’t have the votes to stop Trump in Congress,” Rye pointed out. “Taking it to the streets, as Maxine urged, is the only viable strategy. Opposition to this strategy conceived and articulated by a Black woman is racist.” The Congressional Black Caucus expressed similar sentiments.

if you missed any of this week's other semi-news/semi-satire posts you can find them at...
So...I'm guessing President Trump's supporters, and employees, appointees, don't qualify as people?
I am so getting myself a MAGA hat and I will be wearing it everywhere I go. I just double dog dare some retarded a-hole to challenge me. They want war?...
isn't harassment a crime? Is Maxine a lawyer?
Shouldn't she be disbarred

I tried Taco Bell----something like 40 years ago---maybe 35. Has it improved? Back then the
best I could say about it was---The price was right.
I notice that Maxine uses EYE MAKE-UP-----SHEEESH---she is brave. You have to go CLOSE-UP to the mirror to draw those lines



I tried Taco Bell----something like 40 years ago---maybe 35. Has it improved? Back then the
best I could say about it was---The price was right.
I notice that Maxine uses EYE MAKE-UP-----SHEEESH---she is brave. You have to go CLOSE-UP to the mirror to draw those lines


Yes----VERY BRAVE-----she even decorates that head with earrings. Is she invoking aid from heaven?

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